Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

227 Jealousy Almost Perverts Bai Lu, Qin Nuo Returns To China, The Curtain Opens!

While Deng Wendi was reading the script, Qin Nuo tasted the woman's treasured coffee.

But I just took a sip.

In an instant, the whole person felt bad.

The facial features are almost distorted!

Maybe it’s because Qin Nuo’s life has been too sweet recently.

This thing feels so painful!

I'm afraid his grandfather never suffered like this during those difficult times.

"Director Qin, do you need some milk and sugar cubes?"

Bella held two small cups in her hands. Tiantian said.

“Many people are not used to it when they drink it for the first time!”

"Thank you Bella!"

"It should!"

Bella squatted down to help Qin Nuo add milk and sugar cubes.

Viewed from Qin Nuo's perspective.

This ocean horse is really good.

The face is not as tough as that of ordinary Ocean horses.

She is a bit softer and looks a bit like the American sweetheart of the previous generation.

Jennifer Aniston.

You may not be familiar with this name.

She is also better known by her other name.


She is the most beautiful woman in Friends.

And Qin Nuo feels that Bella has a better figure than Jennifer.

Perhaps he felt Qin Nuo’s gaze.

Bella turned to look at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Qin, it's not polite to look at a young lady like this."

"Bella, you misunderstood. I just wanted to ask if anyone has ever said that you look similar to Jennifer?"

"And it's even better looking than her!"

Hear this.

Isabella raised the corners of her mouth and glanced at Qin Nuo with her beautiful eyes.

"You were the first to say it!"

"Then these Americans really should wear a pair of glasses!"

"What a look!"

Bai Lu on the side watched her boss flirting with the coquettish Yangma.

I also rolled my eyes mentally.

My boss is good at everything, but he is too troublesome.

When he sees a beautiful woman, he will go up and tease her.

Xiao Nizi looked at Bella, then held her mouth.


"What's so great, isn't it just a little bigger? Are the legs a little longer? 090"

"American horses age very quickly, and even after a few years, they can't even be covered with makeup!"

"Qin, you are so funny, no wonder so many women like you!"

Bella was very happy to be teased by Qin Nuo.


"Of course, there are several groups of your fans just in Hollywood!"

"And the team leader and team leader must have your exclusive signature!"

"They all like you"

"What about you?" Qin Nuo smiled ambiguously!

Bella next to her was infected by Qin Nuo's smile and whispered.

"I'm not so lucky to get your exclusive autograph!"

Qin Nuo quietly leaned into Bella's ear.

Something whispered.

Dayangma's face instantly turned red.

He glanced at Qin Nuo and nodded.

Deng Wendi glanced at Qin Nuo and Bella.


Bella reluctantly left after hearing this.

"This boy is really good at picking up girls. He even picked up girls on my head!"

"Boss, you are so talkative!"

Bai Lu looked at Qin Nuo with a still unfinished expression.

He complained softly.

"I didn't, I just chatted with people.

"Boss, be careful"

"American horses are very playful, so be careful of getting infected."

Seeing Qin Nuo nodding, Bai Lu had a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo's next sentence left Bai Lu speechless.

"Yes, Bai Lu, you reminded me, I must always have a small umbrella ready!"

white dew

On the other side, Deng Wendi looked deeper and deeper, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Wait until Qin Nuo is almost asleep.

Only then did Deng Wendi close the script with force.

Looking at Qin Nuo, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"Qin Nuo, you are such a genius!"

Qin (chch) Nuo still didn't react.

But seeing Deng Wendi's look in his eyes, he understood.

The woman was happy with the script.

"Ma'am, you are not the first to speak!"

"Then I believe I won't be the last one!"

"I am very sure of that!"

Deng Wendi was infected by Qin Nuo's confidence.

But he didn't retort verbally.

She was very satisfied with Inception.

The play is a dream within a dream, and the setting of Lost Realm is simply addictive to watch.

She even doubted the reality of the world.

You can feel the charm through words.

If it is made into a movie, it will definitely make the audience doubt their life.

It fits the boring character of Americans very well.

"You can invest 100 million in the 21st century without Qin Nuo paying a penny!"

"At the same time, you can also get 15% of the global box office share!"

"Including China!"

Qin Nuo heard this and refused without thinking.

What a joke.

Although 15% of the box office share is already allocated by the Hollywood director.

But Qin Nuo is not stupid.

I'm here to steal your wool.

It’s not like you came to pick me up.

"Then we can invest together and start a separate account!"

Qin Nuo also shook his head.

"No, the distribution rights in the three East Asian countries will not be handed over to you, but other places will be handed over to you."

"There is no need for you to invest, I will just ask for 35% of the box office share when the time comes!"

"Everything else is yours, no matter how much money you make, it's all yours!"

"Director Qin doesn't believe Fox!" Deng Wendi looked at Qin Nuo with some dissatisfaction.

But Qin Nuo ignored this woman.

Believe, believe you hammer!

Don't look at it. Qin Nuo and Deng Wendi have a good relationship.

He also won't show any mercy when trying to trick people.

Companies like Hollywood would even dare to trick those vampires on Wall Street.

Those who are cheated can only go to court.

What's even worse is that the lawsuit has not been won yet...

Qin Nuo felt that he was far inferior to those evil wolves.

If we do profit sharing with Fox.

He is not worried about whether he can get the money or not.

He is worried that he will have to pay back money

This group of accountants who have been falsifying accounts for hundreds of years would be confused even if the FBI came.

Let me play with you with a hammer.

Seeing that Qin Nuo was unmoved, Deng Wendi had no choice.

To be honest, she really didn't want to trick Qin Nuo too much.

The worst case scenario is to pay some publicity fees.

Just tens of millions......

Unexpectedly, this guy Qin Nuo is so incompetent.

No matter what she says, Qin Nuo just doesn’t want to take the profit share

"Okay, you win, but thirty-five percent is too much. We can't make much money."

"Twenty percent at most!"


"twenty four"


"twenty five!"


Deng Wendi was just about to speak, but it was just a point.

If it does well at the box office, this one point will be worth millions of dollars.

"Madam, this is my minimum request. If you don't agree, I will choose to go home!"

Deng Wendi thought for a while.

There is no need to pay any money, and the issuance will definitely make a profit, although the money will be a little less.

The best thing is to be safe.

In addition, her first goal was not to make money.

"Okay, I agree!"

After saying that, the two stood up and shook hands to indicate that the deal was concluded.

"Qin, you are a master negotiator!"

"No, it's just that your needs are stronger than mine, madam!"


"But let me add one more thing!" Deng Wendi looked at Qin Nuo.

"Except for the three East Asian countries, if the global box office does not reach 200 million, all our previous agreements will be void!"

"You can only get a guaranteed share of 8%!"

Qin Nuo thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

This is not difficult.

At night, Bai Lu sat alone in the living room of the presidential suite.

The little face is full of displeasure, the door.

He muttered a few words about "slutty woman".

Originally, she was a little excited to come to the United States alone this time with Qin Nuo.

I thought about finding an opportunity to cook the raw rice with the boss first.

But who would have thought that the two of them had just eaten.

Here comes Isabella.

Just as Bai Lu went to take a bath, she heard a faint sound coming from the room.


"Qin, I'm here!"

"Shameless! Slutty woman!"

Bai Lu heard the sound and finally couldn't help it.

Close the door and go back to your room!

On the same day, Qin Nuo returned to the company.

"Sister Hong, there is news right away that a trial of Inception will be held in the Magic City in three days!"

"Anyone who is good at acting should come to me!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Sun Wen, don't worry about your TV series now, help me get the crew ready!"

“It’s not too late to shoot again in the second half of the year!”

"no problem!"

"Fat Zhou, go adjust the schedule and try to put my role in Detective Tang at the end!"

"Okay, I will try my best!"

"Yu Dahai, this time Inception still requires huge special effects shots, even no less than Interstellar!"

"I'll give you the script, and you can edit it for me!"

"The estimated special effects cost is 200 million yuan! It can be added later.

As soon as Yu Dahai heard this, he felt so happy from head to toe.

Another big deal!

Sure enough, I made the right decision last year. I can eat with Qin Nuo and my mouth will be full of oil.

"Don't worry, Director Qin, I will go back to Hangzhou to find Lao Zhou right away!"

“There is absolutely no problem with the special effects produced by our company!”

"Du Ling Bai Lu, you two should sort out all the actors who are auditioning!"

"Leave it to Director Sun!"

"Yes, boss!"

The entire entertainment industry in China is paying attention.

In the afternoon, the news of Qin Nuo’s return to China had long been revealed by interested parties.

No, it should be the moment when Qin Nuo got on the plane from Hollywood.

They were already prepared.

Everyone is waiting anxiously.

"Has the news not spread yet?" Fan Pang asked the agent next to him.

"not yet!"

"Qin Nuo is having a meeting after returning to the company! You should wait a little longer!"

Fan Pang nodded and looked in the direction of the Magic City.

She made up her mind that she must not miss this opportunity this time!

"Sister, you must seize this opportunity!"

Li Xue looked at Li Binbin, her eyes full of wisdom.

"Qin Nuo's movie this time is his truly global movie!"

"With his character, he will definitely come up with the best script!"

"I know." Li Binbin naturally knew it.

"But I can't just take off my clothes and go to Qin Nuo's bed!"

Li Binbin didn't mind.

Qin Nuo looks handsome and talented, even if he can't have any development.

She felt that she was not at a loss for a one-night stand.

But the problem is that Qin Nuo doesn't mean that at all.

The two had met so many times, and Qin Nuo only talked about it.

Never acted.

Obviously not much interested in her

"Let's talk about this, it's out!" Li Xue looked at the message on her phone.

"Show me! Show me!"

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