Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

228 One Person's Power Stirs Up The Entertainment Industry, And Damimi Grabs Reba's Pie! C

"The name of the movie is Inception, the genre is modern science fiction, it's a science fiction film!"

Two people saw this type.

I am very excited!!

It’s not just Deng Wendi.

Everyone in the industry admires Qin Nuo's accomplishments in science fiction films.

If it were any other type, they would still have the slightest doubt.

But if it's a science fiction movie.

Pearl first!

Then there’s no need to rush!

"There are seven main characters in total, the Dream Stealer, the Outpost, and the Dream Builder..."

The two looked confused.

How could this thing come from Yunli Mengli?

"Don't worry about so many, how many female characters are there!"

"There are only two heroines, one is the Dream Builder and the other is the Phantom!"

Li Binbin said after reading it.

"My main focus is on Phantoms and Dreams. My age seems so old!

"This is a wise decision!"

Li Xue gave a thumbs up.

A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand.

The same goes for character selection. Focusing on one character is much more correct than randomly grabbing other characters.

Same as Li Binbin.

Many people in the industry have obtained the main personality traits of the characters.

There are also age requirements.

Start looking for a role that suits you.

This time Qin Nuo still released a lot of cakes.

There are two female protagonists and four male supporting actors who have plenty of roles.

It can be said that there is no more generous person than Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo is simply a noble person in the entertainment industry...

Three days seems like a long time.

Actually very short

Start by defining your role.

Everyone began to hone their acting skills in front of the mirror.

Try to put their best foot forward during the audition.

Even the old friends who wear scarves feel that the entertainment industry seems to be a lot cleaner these days.

No one comes out for a walk!

After all the hard work, the reporters finally got some inside information.

Posted online.

"Let me tell you, why do these celebrities seem to have disappeared in the past two days.

"It turns out that Qin Nuo is going to cast actors the day after tomorrow, and everyone is practicing their acting skills at home.

"I have to say that Qin Nuo is really awesome. One person has stirred up the entire Chinese entertainment industry."

"If you want it to rise, rise; if you want it to be flat, keep it flat!"


"To be honest, if there are directors like Qin Nuo in the Chinese entertainment industry, those stars can just have fun secretly.

"Qin Nuo can bring you to the whole world, not just China!"

"I agree. This generation of celebrities is indeed very lucky. Look at people like Liu Yifei, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Kun, and Zhao Jinma."

"Even in the West, many people know him."

"In the past, it would have been a dream!"

"I agree, and Qin Nuo is quite generous. He gave me so many cakes!"

"Qin Nuo, the kid who makes money in the entertainment industry!!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo has no time to pay attention to the scarf brother.

He is busy.

"Qin Nuo, give it to me? I want the Phantom!"

Damimi sat on it with begging eyes.

"What are you referring to!" Qin Nuo glanced down.

"I want both, I want them both!"

"Yang Mi, you are a bit greedy!"

Yang Mi then sat down.


Yang Mi also got mad when she heard this.

Half an hour later, Indada was lying in Qin Nuo's arms.

"Are you satisfied?"

Yang Mi looked at Qin Nuo.

"Very satisfied!" Qin Nuo didn't say anything.

Yang Mi paid a lot for this role and spent a lot of effort.

"That character~!"

"Let me think about it~"

Qin Nuo lights a cigarette.

Think slowly.

To be honest, Yang Mi is actually somewhat similar to the Phantom of the Crew, the deceased wife of the protagonist Dream Stealer.

As for why it is called Phantom, the reason is very simple.

She wants to stay in the protagonist's dream space, so she keeps disrupting the protagonist's plans.

She just wanted to stay with her husband in the dream space.

Because the protagonist feels deep guilt for his wife's death. .

Therefore, the phantom in his subconscious will occasionally appear in joint dreams.

Interference with actions.

And every time she shows up.

She is dressed very sexy, with long hair and a red dress.

This is the protagonist's beautiful memory of his wife in his mind.

Among the actresses Qin Nuo knows, Yang Mi has a very good figure.

Just that pair of big babies instantly kills 90% of the female stars.

And now it has been developed a lot by Qin Nuo.

Gradually, I have a strong sense of charm on my body!

Very suitable

It's just that Qin Nuo is worried about whether Yang Mi can perform that feeling.

This is an important point.

Another thing is that Qin Nuo actually wants to give the Dream Builder to this girl Reba.

If only the two heroines were from Jiahang.

Qin Nuo always feels a bit shortchanged.

Looking back, the group of scarf-wearing men had to take over the threesome from before.

The matter of one dragon playing with two phoenixes was picked out.

"Are you ready?" Yang Mi couldn't help but said coquettishly.

"Come see your gift!"

Qin Nuo reached out and played with it.

"You can indeed play this role, it's very suitable, but your acting skills are a problem!"

When Yang Mi heard this, she didn't care about Qin Nuo's big tail.

Sister Mi is happy to play casually today.

"Don't worry, I can definitely do it, really!"

Qin Nuo pressed a little harder and interrupted the woman.

"I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you anxious!"

"Dream Builder and Nazar are more compatible. I can only get one of you two. You can see for yourself!"

Qin Nuo actually had a choice when he read the script.

The dream builder is young, about twenty years old.

He planned to leave this cake to Reba or Nazar.

Both girls are young and beautiful and are suitable for the role, as long as the audition is fine.

This role should be chosen from two people.

There is another reason. Compared with other female stars in the industry, the two women have an advantage.


In terms of faces, the two women are relatively recognizable.

When Yang Mi heard this, she hesitated a little.

But only for a little while.

"I want to grab this role, and Reba Nanizi will know how to show off in front of me in one day!"

"Teach her a profound lesson this time!"

Yang Mi is increasingly dissatisfied with Reba's recent performance.

Since last time, this girl knew that Qin Nuo would become the boss of Jiahang.

This little girl's tail is almost raised to the sky.

One time he even dared to talk back to her.

Yang Mi was so angry that she almost had her butt broken.

"Let's talk again"

"Everything depends on the audition. If you can't do it in the audition, let alone just one audition, even Tianji can't do it!"

Yang Mi raised her head and said proudly.

"Just take a look. When I debuted, everyone with a big beard praised my acting skills!"

Shuri Qin Nuo came to the company.

Under the leadership of Sister Hong, Qintian Entertainment is like a sophisticated machine running at high speed.

Auditions start tomorrow.

Everyone is busy.

But there were smiles on their faces.

Because they know their boss is generous.

You will never treat your own people badly.

"Boss, why are you here!" Sister Hong followed Qin Nuo holding the documents.

There was some dissatisfaction on his face.

It's almost eleven o'clock. The boss must have been in style again yesterday.

"What's the matter!"


"First, there is news from Sakura Country. They know that the boss in the show is from Sakura Country."


"I am willing to provide some help with the shooting. I hope you can leave the role of the boss to the artists of Sakura Country!"

Qin Nuo's eyes lit up when he heard this.

In the play, there is a scene where the protagonist and the dream builder travel through the city.

Qin Nuo was originally planned to be set in Sakura Country, but it was too difficult to actually shoot it.

At least an entire busy street needs to be cleared.

So Qin Nuo’s plan is to use special effects.

If Xiaoli could provide help, it would save a lot of money!

You can come directly to it.

"I want the two busiest streets around Tokyo Tower to be closed for at least half a day. Go and ask them if they are willing?"

Sister Hong…………

Even she felt that Qin Nuo's request was too much.

Qin Nuo's request is equivalent to sealing the mouth of Lujia, the capital city, for half a day~

This doesn't affect me at all.

"I'll convey this to them right away, I guess!"

"Try it!"

"Also, Huayi, Chengtian and Bona, Wanda want to invest in Inception!"

Sister Hong said softly.

"They are very generous, do you want to accept it?"

"Of course..."

Qin Nuo refused without even thinking.

If I make some money, you guys are going to come and grab a bite.


You really think I, Qin Nuo, are easy to bully!

I'm not short of money.

I just got a few hundred million yesterday!

But suddenly I thought about the entertainment empire.

Within this year, the entertainment companies created by a few Internet upstarts will go bankrupt.

Not long after that.

The upstarts who are smart will choose to cooperate with local forces.

Qin Nuo will either go to another party when the time comes.

Otherwise, they can only hold on.

He wants to join forces with entertainment industry tycoons to push out the Internet's upstarts.

It’s okay if you don’t have chips in your hand.

Inception is an opportunity.

Share some meat and ask these people to agree to your request.

It can be postponed for at least a year.

That's almost three years.

If Qin Nuo can complete the layout during this time.

That would be really profitable.

No one can do anything to him in the future.

"Do you want to refuse?"

"No, tell them we can talk to Huayi, Guangguang, Wanda, Bona, and Yi!"

"Just let them come to these five families!"

Sister Hong is a little strange.

Qin Nuo, who always likes to eat alone, actually wants to share the meat.

What's going on?

She felt that she should remind her.

"Boss, don't worry about money, the company's money is definitely enough!"

"If it's not enough, we can still get a loan. Shanghai Bank is very generous to us!"

"You can get a loan of at least 300 million, and you can easily get a loan of 500 million!"

Qin Nuo does have this face.

He even went so far as to show off his face.

You can easily withdraw hundreds of millions from the bank.

Of course, banks are not fools either.

Will not make a loss-making transaction.

Who is Qin Nuo?

An internationally famous director who can earn 600 million per movie.

What is five hundred million?

It can definitely be paid off in two or three years.

This is their best customer.

"No, I have concerns, let them do it!"


In the afternoon, Qin Nuo had just woken up, and Sister Hong hurriedly came to his office again.


Chen Duling's face turned slightly red and she quickly put Qin Nuo's head down from her lap.

By the way, Qin Nuo also removed his big hand.

It's a bit embarrassing.

"Cousin, why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?"

Xiao Nizi complained.

ps: Guaranteed second update, continue. Guaranteed fourth update in the morning is no problem! More updates will depend on what the brothers say!

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