Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

247 Nazar Gave Yang Mi A Really Big Blow, And Yang Mi Has Become Abnormal. Qin Nuo Was So Frightened

"Hey, what are you doing? Qin Nuo only has the last shot left!" Yang Mi rushed over.

Hug Qin Nuo from behind.

He tilted his head and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong Qin Nuo, you seem a little unhappy!"


"Hey, let's go, Director Sun has already set up the scene, everyone is waiting for you!"


Qin Nuo was pulled away by Yang Mi and turned to look at the top on the table.


It doesn't seem to matter whether this is a dream or not.

Maybe the previous life was just a dream, not necessarily.

Or maybe we - we are all in a dream!

"Come on Qin Nuo, I'm waiting for you!"

"Yes, Qin Nuo"

"I'm even ready for the salute."

Shen Teng quickly distributed the salute to everyone to celebrate the completion.

Everyone had smiles on their faces.

It took nearly four months of filming and everyone was extremely busy.

Now it's finally over.

very happy.

"Okay, wait until I put on my costume and try to do it again!"


"Hurry up, the closing banquet is ready!"

"Yes! Quick Qin Nuo!"

Under the urging of everyone, Qin Nuo changed his clothes.

Got a head on my back.

Wearing a suit and walking out of the dressing room with a smile on his face.


"Qin Nuo, you are such a walking clothes hanger!"

"That's right, exposing your forehead makes you look even more handsome!"

Everyone praised.

"Okay, even if you praise me like this, I won't get much red envelope."

"It was wrapped yesterday!"


Everyone looked contemptuous.

"Stop making trouble, filming will start in one minute!" Lao Sun waved his hand.

After Qin Nuo adjusted his mood, he made an OK gesture towards Sun Wen.

"Attention all units, three two one, action!"

The camera follows Qin Nuo.

Under the leadership of Phantom's father, Qin Nuo finally returned to China and returned home.

There was excitement, excitement, and a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

Slowly walked into the room, came to the living room, and looked at everything familiar around him.

It's like being in a dream.

Everything is so familiar yet strange.

I saw my two children playing and playing on the lawn outside the house.

Qin Nuo quickly picked up the top from his pocket.

Twist lightly.

The top spun rapidly.

Qin Nuo stared at the top.

But the voices of his daughter and son could be heard outside the house.


"Dad, come back!"

Seeing the child's face, Qin Nuo finally smiled.

There were even tears in the corners of his eyes. He rushed over and hugged the two children.

"It's me, it's me who's back!"

The camera captured this heartwarming scene.

Then the camera slowly moved back to the table.

Started shooting at the top.

One second, two seconds!

"Card! Perfect!"

Qin Nuo kissed the two children on the head and returned them to the staff.

Looking at the undisguised excitement in the eyes of hundreds of people on the set.

Qin Nuo came to the computer, looked at it once and said.

"I declare that Inception is officially finished!"


More than a hundred people cheered.

Everyone in Shen Teng fired salutes at Qin Nuo.

Over the past three months.

All the actors were tortured by Qin Nuo.

Climbing snowy mountains and playing gun games.

I was so tired that I had to get up to shoot the next day.

Every time everyone fails, Qin Nuo will ridicule them.

The most commonly used sentence is.

"You guys are not even as good as Naza!"

Now they are seeking revenge and repaying injustice!

"Hey, Shen Teng, wait for me!"

"And your brother Chao, you too!"

"Yan Kuan, you dare!"

"Yang Mi, damn it!"

Watching Qin Nuo being sprayed with foam all over his head.

The staff behind the scenes were smiling happily.

"Stop playing and let's go, the hotel manager is calling!"

"Go, go, go!"

Deng threw away the salute and ran outside.

Qin Nuo didn't tolerate them.

"You guys stop!"

Soon everyone was running away.

Only the people from the props team were left to clean up the set.

"Hey, who is playing this thing again!"

The young man put away the top and put it in the box.

"Hey, Xiao Li, stop cleaning up, Boss Yuan asked us to go eat first!"

"We'll clean it up tomorrow!"

"Otherwise, all the good stuff will be snatched up by those guys!"

"I am coming!"

Xiao Li put down the prop box and rushed out of the room.

At the finals banquet

Qin Nuo really didn’t run away this time.

Deng Chao, Shen Teng and Yan Yikuan were determined to get Qin Nuo drunk.

Miura wanted to help.

But his drinking capacity was very average, so he was let go by three people in less than ten minutes.

In the end, with the combined efforts of the three of them, I don’t know how Qin Nuo finally returned to the room!

Vertical sun.

Qin Nuo was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly I was woken up by a scream.


Qin Nuo jumped up from the bed.


Looking around, this seems to be Yang Mi's room.

"Hey, what's wrong with Yang Mi?"

Qin Nuo rubbed his head, it still hurt a little.

I drank too much yesterday.

"Nazar!!!! I'm going to kill Nanizi!"

Yang Mi looked at herself in the mirror, the anger on her face rising to the sky.

The veins on his hands were exposed.

If only Naza were in front of her now.

Yang Mi would definitely tear this girl apart if she couldn't help it.

Qin Nuo was also surprised and wandered to the living room.

Looking at Yang Mi in the mirror, she was completely awake.

"What the hell?"

Yang Mi's face in the mirror is very yellow, very yellow.

It's almost like waxing.

"Yang Mi, what's wrong with you!"

"Nazana bitch put turmeric powder in my moisturizer!!"

Qin Nuo…………

The corners of his mouth twitched.

This little girl is so cruel, I heard that this thing won't go away for a few days.

It was indeed Qin Nuo who gave Nazha a suggestion.

The general meaning is very simple, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.


Qin Nuo had forgotten about it in the next two or three months, because after Naza and Yang Mi admitted their mistake.

The relationship between the two women has become very good.

We even went shopping together,

Qin Nuo thought Nazha had let go.

…Please give me flowers…

Moreover, he took refuge in Yang Mi and gave up on Liu Shishi.

I didn't expect this girl to hide so deeply.

Waited until the last day to explode.

I really got a big one for Yang Mi.

It's okay now, Yang Mi may not be able to leave the hotel for a few days.

If this is photographed.

No matter how thick-skinned Yang Mi is, she can't hold it back.

After all, she is a woman.

"This Yang Mi, it's okay, Xiao Nizi was just joking!"

“Turmeric powder won’t hurt your skin!”

Yang Mi looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, smiling happily.

Even more and more perverted.

Qin Nuo couldn't help but take two steps back.

Just this look of honor, matched with this smile.

Qin Nuo would believe it if he wanted to kill someone.

"Nazha, you are really powerful, I underestimated you!" Yang Mi said to herself.

"Very good, this is the first time that Yang Mi has been tricked so badly!"

"Wait for me or I'll kill you, Yang Mi, and write my name backwards!"

After hearing this, Qin Nuo stopped caring.

Leave quickly.

If a fire breaks out at the city gate, don't bring disaster to Chiyu.

Every wrongdoer has his head, and every debt has his own owner.

Don't look for me.

"Old Sun has something to do with me, I'll leave first!"

After saying that, open the door and run away!

On the other side, Nazar ran away long ago after doing bad things.

Now we are at the airport, with a look of pride on our little face.

She was looking forward to Yang Mi's expression after applying turmeric powder.

"You'll definitely be pissed off!"

We are all women, and we naturally know that face can be said to be a woman’s second life.

This is even more true for celebrities.

"Now Yang Mi is really turning into a yellow-faced woman, haha!"

I couldn't help but feel happy when I thought about this.

The assistant on the side was also drunk when he saw his master smiling so happily.

In fact, she was the one who bought the turmeric powder.

The assistant originally thought it was used to make soup or to ward off the cold.

Unexpectedly, Nazha was used to harm Yang Mi.

"My little master, you can still laugh."

The assistant looked worried.

"That's Yang Mi. Aren't you afraid that she will turn against you?"

The assistant was very worried. Yang Mi was famous for being cunning in the industry.

Many little flowers have suffered from her, including Liu Shishi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei...

These little flowers born in 1985.

Everyone has their own characteristics, and Yang Mi's characteristic is cunning.

I like to scheme against people.

"Humph, what are you afraid of!" Nazha crossed his arms.

"Yang Mi is the enemy of our Tang people. This woman is disgusting."

"Sister Cai might reward me if she finds out, and so will Sister Shishi!"

"But you can't do this. You have just debuted. It will be very difficult for you to go down the road after messing with Yang Ning.

The assistant was very scared, seeing Naza filming Qin Nuo's blockbuster and she was still the heroine.

This is the time to take off.

He held the big tie in his arms.

You can also live comfortably.

Unexpectedly, Naza turned around and gave him a surprise.

He went so far as to provoke Yang Mi.

"I'm not afraid of him, Qin Nuo is obsessed with me.

"He will help me!"


ps: The filming of Inception is over, the guaranteed four updates have arrived, no tickets, brothers.

We are all ready for more updates, it’s up to you!.

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