Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

248 The Cautious Yang Mi And Qin Nuo Set Their Sights On Tudou Video, And The Layout Of Their Entert

"Hey, Brother Nuo, you're awake!"

Nazha held the phone with a smile on his face.

"How does Yang Mi look? Is she angry?"

"I'm not afraid of her, Norey protects me!"

in the room.

Qin Nuo also rolled his eyes when he heard the gloating laughter.

protect you.

Protect you hammer.

Fortunately, you girl knows how to run away if you do something bad.

Otherwise, Yang Mi will really kill you.

Qin Nuo didn't know how Naza came up with such a top-notch damaging move.

Even used turmeric powder!!


"I have been careful lately, my intestines have turned blue!"

"I'm afraid she'll find an opportunity to stab you later!"

"I know, I'm not stupid, I will never go where Yang Mi has been in the past few months.

“By the time it’s publicized, I’ll have almost forgotten about it!”

When Qin Nuo heard this, he thought to himself.

That's not necessarily the case, Yang Mi is famous for being petty.

Qin Nuo plotted against Yang Mi while blasting the drummer.

This woman still remembers it now.

Every time Qin Nuo is approaching, Yang Mi always stops.

Let Qin Nuo neither rise nor fall...

"Anyway, be careful!"

"Two Five Zero"

"Slap your ass and get out!"

Qin Nuo hung up the phone and rolled his eyes.

Nazha Nizi also wanted Qin Nuo to take a photo of Yang Mi now to show her.

What are you thinking about?

Isn't it just looking for death to go now?

"Boss, everything has been sent to Tiangong Yicai." Lao Sun came to Qin Nuo's room.

"They said that according to the boss's request, it will take at least three months!"

Qin Nuo nodded.

It's July now, three months is almost November.

The release date of Inception Qin Nuo is scheduled around Christmas.

I can't catch it.

"I told you, Dahai, that you must do as I ask, and don't be afraid of spending money!"

"If it's not enough, come to me anytime."

Qin Nuo is certainly not taken advantage of.

After all, Inception is a science fiction movie, and many viewers go to the theater just to see the special effects.

This thing has to be the best.

Not to mention that Qin Nuo also wants to advertise for Tiangong Yicai.

Earn gringo money in the future.

"Yes, boss!"

"Go ahead!"

After Sun Wen left, Qin Nuo went downstairs to bid farewell to the leading actors.

"Yikuan, your acting skills are good, I believe you will be able to break out in the second round in the future!

"Thank you, Director Qin." Yan Kuan was very excited.

"When Director Qin is promoting, just look for me, even if my leg is broken!"

"Come with a wheelchair too!"

"It's serious, go home and rest."

"Shen Teng, we still have a chance to meet later!" Qin Nuo looked at him and said meaningfully.

"Of course, isn't it necessary to promote the movie when it is released?"

Seeing that Shen Teng didn't realize it, Qin Nuo didn't bother to remind him.

When I see him again in two years, this guy's face will definitely look good.

"Miura, you are an excellent actor. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future!"

Miura Yuka bowed respectfully to Qin Nuo, his face full of gratitude.

"Qin Jun, thank you for giving me such an opportunity! Thank you"

“It’s serious”

Qin Nuo patted this guy's shoulder hard.

Although he doesn't have much impression of his childhood.

But Miura is an exception.

He was also considered a good friend from his childhood.


Not counting Yamei, that is foaming hair...

"Brother Chao, stop hiding, I've seen you!"

Qin Nuo smiled happily. This guy drank a lot of wine from him yesterday.

Now I know I'm afraid.

Deng Chao had a flattering smile on his face.

"What happened to Qin Nuo yesterday was planned by Shen Teng, don't blame me!"

Hearing this, Shen Teng and Yan Yikuan quickly got in the car.

Deng Chao watched the two people running faster than rabbits.

He actually urged the driver to drive quickly.

Everyone is feeling bad.

Didn’t we agree to face it together?

You two bad friends!

Qin Nuo slowly approached, and Deng Chao retreated step by step.

"Okay, I did it!"

"You can hit me if you want, but please don't hit me in the face!"

Qin Nuo shook his head and hugged Deng Chao forcefully.

"What are you thinking about? Thank you very much for this filming. I will give you a big red envelope when the movie is released!"

Qin Nuo was quite grateful to Deng Chao.

He's a nice guy and doesn't have any bad habits.

During the filming, he had many scenes, some of which were even dangerous.

Deng Chao didn't say a word.

Very cooperative with the crew.

The most important thing is that they really didn’t ask for a penny.

So Qin Nuo plans to wait for Inception to be released and if the response is good,

Get him a big red envelope too.

"The relationship is great, starting with seven figures!"

"It's really out of order." Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at this guy.

"The global box office is 700 million, starting in eight figures!"

"Director Qin is awesome!"

Send everyone away.

Qin Nuo also returned to the Magic City, and he didn't care about Yang Mi.

This woman was badly hurt by Nazha.

You should be staying at the hotel for a few days!


Just entered the office,

Before Chen Duling and Bai Lu could react, they suddenly screamed after a while.


"Boss, you are back!"

"Boss, I miss you so much!"

The two of them rushed into Qin Nuo's arms like swallows returning to their nest.

His face was full of surprise and excitement.

Qin Nuo held a little girl in his arms.

Two breaths of youth hit his nostrils.

Soft body, so comfortable.

Sitting on the chair, Qin Nuo put a little girl on one leg.

The two girls looked at Qin Nuo, her little face turned red, but they were still very excited.

"Boss, do you miss us?"

Chen Duling was a little bolder than Bai Lu, and directly kissed Qin Nuo on the face and said coquettishly.

"of course"

"I haven't seen Xiao Nizi for a few months, she seems to have grown up!"

Qin Nuo glanced down.

"Hey, boss, do you want to give it a try!"

“Let’s talk about it tonight!”

Turning to look at Bai Lu, this girl was much shy and felt a little uncomfortable sitting on Qin Nuo's lap.

"Here it is!"


Bai Lu hesitated and kissed Qin Nuo's left side.

"Not bad, it smells good."

"Hey, the boss is so greedy, he wants both!"

"Yes, you two are mine!"

Qin Nuo rubbed the two little girls together.

"It hurts, boss!"

"Hate the boss!"

The three of them played around for a while, and Qin Nuo let go of the two assistants.

Both of their faces were red, and Qin Nuo had eaten a lot of tofu.

"Du Ling, go and call Sister Hong. I have something to do with her!"

"Okay, board!"

"Bai Lu, help me press my shoulders!"


Qin Nuo was enjoying Bai Lu's little hands while thinking about the video website..

There are still many video websites in China, and Aiyouteng is only part of them.

Not even a giant.

Tengxun only started a video website last year, although it is very powerful.

But in an era of flooded copyrights, money really cannot overwhelm other video websites.

Last year, Tudou Video ranked last in market share.

Then there are Sohu, Youku, and iQiyi.

Six Rooms, LeTV, and then Tengxun.

Of course there's more to it than that.

In fact, there are many video websites, including Kuwo Video, 56 Video, Movie Network...

It can be said that all heroes are coming together.

It’s not the time when Aiyuto will be divided into three parts of the world.

In this era, Tudou and Sohu are the bosses.

What Qin Nuo likes is potatoes.

Shan, the founder behind this had a conflict with the investment bank.

A fight broke out between the two sides.

In the previous life, the investment company won, but they also lost.

The two sides have been fighting for so long and missed the best development time for Tudou Video.

In the end, the market was divided among three companies.

Although more than ten years later, Tudou Video is still there.

But it has been acquired by Youku!

The market share is almost negligible!

"Boss, you're looking for me!" Sister Hong was very surprised.

Qin Nuo actually took the initiative to look for her. You should know that it is usually Sister Hong who looks for Qin Nuo.

Even Qin Nuo gets annoyed every time he sees her.

I can't wait to walk around.

Does the sun rise in the west today?

"It's a big deal. Do you know how much Shidou Video is worth now?"

"About two billion," Sister Hong blurted out.

"Last time I read an industry report, it was evaluated by a professional organization!"

"Two billion!"

Qin Nuo frowned.

Although he has money now.

But only a few hundred million.

Even if you don’t understand some money, you still need money to develop your company.

Special effects companies are still injecting capital.

It would be too 4.7 dangerous if all the money was used to buy shares of Tudou.

"I heard that Wang Wei, the chairman of Tudou, had a falling out with the investment bank."

"Is this happening?"

"Indeed!" Sister Hong was surprised.

When did Qin Nuo pay attention to video websites?

This matter has little to do with the entertainment industry.

Could it be!

Suddenly, Sister Hong had a bold guess in her mind.

The boss wants to......

No, where does that much money come from?

"So now that the two sides are quarreling, will it affect the value of the website?"

"Boss, it will definitely affect it. Now Aiyouteng is developing very fast and has already grabbed a lot of dry bean users!"

“Speaking of which, Tudou is really not as good as those three companies in terms of user experience!”

Qin Nuo nodded.

This is not surprising to him, after all, he is rich.

The common practice of those Internet tycoons is to throw money!

First spend hundreds of millions to rob the market and users.

Not hundreds of millions, just billions!

Anyway, it’s to kill the competition!

Then slowly cut the leeks!

Make back the money you lost before.

ps: Added the first chapter, thanks to the boss for the reward, thank you.

Brothers, it’s been a long time, only five tickets, come on.

Five more pictures will be added!!

You won’t really be squeezed dry!

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