Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

250 Two-Pronged Cooperation Was Reached And We Set Off For The United States. Qin Nuo: Sister, Are Y

The two of them chatted for a while, and then observed each other.

Qin Nuo was talking and observing.

Although Wang Wei concealed it very well.

But Qin Nuo could also detect the fatigue in his eyes.

Not just because of investment banking reasons, it seems like this guy just got divorced.

He was stabbed in the back by his wife.

So the whole person looked very haggard.

And Wang Wei really couldn't see anything.

Qin Nuo's acting skills are very good, and his face is nothing but sincere.

Wang Wei's only feeling was that the man in front of him was very young, a bit too young.

Even put on a school uniform.

Wang Wei, a college student, believed it.

"Director Qin is so young!" Wang Wei couldn't help but sigh.

"The same goes for Brother Wang!"

"No better than no better!"

Although Wang Wei himself is not much older than Qin Nuo.

But he really doesn’t look like he’s from the same era.

"Brother Wang's request for you this time is very simple. I'll help you get rid of the investment banks, but I want to control Tudou Video!"

Qin Nuo gets straight to the point.

There's no drag at all.

Because he knew that since Wang Wei promised Sister Hong yesterday.

There must be preparation in mind.

In this case, there is no need to talk nonsense.

Qin Nuo always does things cleanly and neatly!

Wang Wei didn't expect Qin Nuo to be so direct and said with narrowed eyes.

"Director Qin, I can handle the investment banking matters myself, I don't need your help!"

"And I know you have made a lot of money, but Tudou Video has exceeded 2 billion!"

"There has been a lot of development this year. I think three billion is no problem!"

When Qin Nuo heard this, he rolled his eyes in his heart.

This Wang Wei seems to be quite honest, but I didn't expect him to be so capable.

I really think Qin Nuo is an amateur!!

Sister Hong sent him the data yesterday.

Compared with last year, Tudou Video has at least 20% less views today.

There are also a lot more complaints from users.

It was 2 billion last year and 3 billion this year.

Why don’t you shout five billion!!

And if you can handle investment banking by yourself, you are about to be kicked out of the board of directors.

You, the chairman, really don’t know how long you can stay here.

"Brother, see for yourself!"

Qin Nuo placed a data report in front of Wang Wei, and the guy took a glance at it.

My face turned green......

I cursed inwardly.

Where did this kid get it?

"Ahem, this is just a pain in the development of the website. We are already preparing to upgrade the website!"


"Okay, Brother Wang, I don't have that much time to talk to you. Do you know how wonderful the work of heaven is?"

"Of course I know. I heard that some experts have estimated that it is worth at least 2 billion. It is the leading special effects company in our country!"

Wang Wei also envied those who did special effects.

In the first two years, I could hardly even eat.

Domestic movies are hot now.

In particular, Qin Nuo ushered in the era of blockbusters.

The special effects company instantly became popular.

Everyone is shaking again, and the barriers to this industry are very high.

Most people can't play it at all.

Market expectations are good.

You will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

"Then does Brother Wang know that I actually own more than 50% of the shares of Tiangong Yicai?"?


Wang Wei couldn't believe it when he heard this.

Qin Nuo actually controls a leading domestic special effects company!

"I am a director myself and generally do not participate in specific company arrangements!

Qin Nuo ignored Wang Wei's surprised gaze.

"But I have a good eye and know what can make a lot of money!"

"By controlling Tudou, I have many ways to make it the leading video website in China for more than ten years!"

"Do you have one?" Qin Nuo looked at Wang Wei.

Although Qin Nuo spoke softly, Wang Wei was not intimidated by his aura.

Wang Wei is also very strange.

This guy is so young, how could he have such a strong momentum?

"Director Qin, what are your plans?"

Qin Nuo shook his head, how could he tell Wang Wei if he was not stupid.

"Let's do this, if you agree to my controlling stake, I guarantee that Tiandou Video will still be the number one video website in China in five years.

"If you don't do it, I'll give you half of the shares!"

"This can be written into the contract!"

Wang Wei frowned. Doesn't he know that others don't know?

This year is only half over.

But when industry data is released next year, Tahara Video’s views will definitely be surpassed.

As for who it is, Sohu and iQiyi are both possible.

There was nothing Wang Wei could do about this situation.

The company is fighting among itself, its competitors are growing, and they are still extremely rich.

One increase and one decrease.

Don't make the gap too big.

Wang Wei is also very strange.

How confident is Qin Nuo that Tudou Video can still maintain its No. 1 spot five years later?

Even investors support him.

Wang Wei didn't dare to say this.

"Director Qin, are you serious?"

"What do you think?"

Wang Wei took a deep breath and thought about a lot in his mind. Finally open your eyes.

"What should we do with the investment bank? Besides, you don't seem to be able to get that much cash!"

"I'll take care of it from the investment banks! They have to give it even if they don't give it."

"Otherwise, you can just start a new one, and we'll vacate the company together!"

Qin Nuo plans to pursue a two-pronged approach.

On the one hand, he went to Third Master and Jing Yu for help, and on the other hand, he joined forces with Wang Wei.

As long as investment banks are not stupid.

Taking the money and leaving is the best option.

And after all, they also made a profit.

When I invested a few years ago, I spent more than 300 million yuan.

It would be great to be able to make more than double the income in a few years, okay~

Wang Wei glanced at Qin Nuo, this guy is really ruthless.

If we really do this, investment banks really can’t hold on.

Investing in a company is for making money, not for grudges.

Moreover, Qin Nuo has much better connections than others in China and is a real local snake.

"As for the money, if it's less, they will definitely not want it! They would rather die than die."

"Why don't you lend me some first? I'm really bad!"

Wang Wei: "

I have a lot of money, and I got divorced and went into it.

"You're just kidding, my new movie will be released at the end of the year!"

"Mr. Wang, didn't you see the revelations made by that boy Zhuo Wei last time?"

"Is it true? Six hundred million!"

Wang Wei also swallowed, although the shares in his hands were worth several hundred million.

But I have never seen so much cash.



"It's 650 million!"

Wang Wei looked up instantly!


After the two reached an agreement, Wang Wei left.

Supported by Qin Nuo.

He can call on the company's veterans and other shareholders to fight against the investment banks.

I never dared to do this before.

First, he had no confidence and no money, so he did not dare to break up with the stock market.

Second, some shareholders do not trust Wang Wei and lack prestige.

Things are different now.

You can take a good breath!

"Du Ling, I'll book a ticket to the capital!"

"Okay, boss!"

"By the way, Du Ling, where is Jingtian's girl?"

"She seems to be pestering Sister Hong, asking her to help snatch the role!"

"That's it, I understand!"

Qin Nuo secretly thought that he would make an appointment with this girl later and let her family have a career.

You and Gao Yuanyuan are the only two people in the company.

You don’t have to use Da Meiyuan’s strength on the bed, just put some strength under the bed!

Three days later.

During this period, Qin Nuo visited San Ye and Jing Yu successively.

Got a lot of support.

Wang Wei is also making efforts. United shareholders and veterans are putting pressure on investment banks.

However, the investment company is still holding on.

Nor will they surrender so easily.

Qin Nuo didn’t care anymore.

They won't be able to hold on for long, and they will give in within a month at most.

People who invest in companies are a bunch of smart people who can't make money when they see it.

It doesn't matter if you lower your head, but taking the money and leaving is the business.

"Qin Nuo, you are finally here!"

As soon as Qin Nuo got off the plane, Liu Yifei couldn't wait to throw herself into Qin Nuo's arms.

His little face kept rubbing against Qin Nuo.

It has been postponed for two days, and Qin Nuo also had to come to the United States to film Tang Detective II.

The whole crew is waiting for him.

"..."Okay, Sissi Qin Nuo is pulling this girl.

"You smell like perfume!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There is a stewardess on the plane!"

Liu Yifei wrinkled her little nose, but soon smiled.

"I lied to you. The crew performed well this time. I will reward you well when I return to the hotel!"


Qin Nuo asked looking at Liu Yifei in her arms.


"the last time!"

Qin Nuo pinched this girl's face.

I thought to myself.

That's what women are like.

After the first time, there will be a second time, and then there will be countless times.

So don’t believe anything that I cheated on you once...

Once the bottom line is breached, it is like a flood bursting its banks.

Can't stop it...

Come to the crew.


"Director Qin!"

Wang Baoqiang was so excited when he saw Qin Nuo that he hurried to Qin Nuo's side.

The joy on his face is visible to the naked eye.

He is really grateful to Qin Nuo.

Not only did he transform from an art film into a popular comedian.

Income has more than doubled.

Last time, I helped him solve the movie problem.

Now the filming of People on the Journey has been completed.

Those who are capable will go to this year’s Spring Festival stalls.

Originally Lost on the Road is a Spring Festival road comedy.

It’s simply not appropriate to place it during the Spring Festival.

"Baoqiang, how about it? Can Jongtu be on the Spring Festival show?"

"Of course I can come (hao Zhao), thank you Qin Shi!"

Qin Nuo nodded.

The "囧" series of movies that has become popular in China is about to be released.

He was also very happy.

This thing is really a cash cow.

Don't make money too fast.

"Okay, if I have time during the Spring Festival, I will go to the premiere!"

"Thank you, Director Qin"

Wang Baoqiang felt that Qin Nuo gave him too much face.

As a world-class director.

He actually took the initiative to participate in their movie, which invested and promoted less than 50 million yuan.

After chatting with Wang Baoqiang, Qin Nuo looked at Xiao Yang again.

"Hey, Xiao Yang, you're fat again!"

"Director Qin, don't talk about this. Director Zhou wants me to gain weight."

Xiao Yang looked sad.

“I just lost weight two months ago, and this guy wants me to gain weight again!

"Damn it, these days are so sad!"

"Ha ha!"

Qin Nuo smiled happily.

I don’t know why, but I always feel happy when I see Xiao Yang Qin Nuo.

This guy said he was a born actor.

That’s not an exaggeration.

At least he's a natural comedian!

"Director Qin, you kept me waiting for a long time. You really want me to die."

Li Binbin came over and hugged Qin Nuoguan.

Qin Nuo was also confused.

Good guy!

Sister, are you... so horny?

ps: There are four guaranteed updates, monthly tickets, reminders, and rewards can all add updates, so let’s break out, brothers.

Throw those bullshit writers to death!

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