Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

251 The Fairy Sister Was Bullied Miserably By Li Binbin, Sissi Complained, And Life Coach Qin Nuo Is

Qin Nuo and Li Binbin actually have a good relationship.

To be honest, during the audition for Inception, Li Binbin acted the best.

But Qin Nuo wanted to take care of his own people.

The role of Phantom was given to Yang Mi.

Li Binbin called Qin Nuo to scold him.

Big sister is very open.

Ask Qin Nuo directly if Yang Mi has served him well.

Find me, I can do that too!

Zhou Nuo was stupid at that time.

Sure enough, none of the big flowers in the circle are vegetarians.

In the end, Qin Nuo resisted the temptation.

Rejected Li Binbin’s seafood invitation.

But it suddenly occurred to me that Tang Tan No. 2 Middle School needed a Chinese female police officer.

To be honest, the actor in the previous life, Qin Nuo, thought it was just average.

Even a little ugly....

It's far worse than Li Binbin.

Simply let Li Binbin audition for the female police officer.

Sure enough, the fat man fell in love with it.

Dahua's acting skills are basically nothing to say.

Xiao Yang, Wang Baoqiang and others next to them looked at Qin Nuo and Li Binbin hugging each other, with ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Director Qin can do it!

Li Binbin looks good.

Very cool!

Except of course Liu Yifei.

This woman almost went berserk.

I don’t know how many times I scolded this woman.

Li Binbin, you shameless woman!

Liu Yifei is not as popular as Li Binbin on the crew.

Dahua talks nicely and knows how to be a good person.

Getting along well with the entire crew.

As for Liu Yifei, although she is kind-hearted, she is very arrogant on the surface.

Except for a few leading actors, everyone else gets along very well.

But everyone also knows that Liu Yifei and Qin Nuo have an unusual relationship.

I also keep a respectful distance from her!

Don't dare to offend!

Over time, under the leadership of Li Binbin.

Many people in the crew isolated the fairy sister.

"Okay, sister Binbin, if you hug me again, you'll have to pay extra!"


Qin Nuo took off the woman's hand.

Too lazy to talk to her.

"Fat man, wait for me to change clothes, we will start filming soon!" 360 "So anxious, let's do it tomorrow." Fatty Zhou was also a little worried about Qin Nuo's health.

"No, I slept on the plane"

"Sister Wen, help me put on makeup!"


The other people didn't say anything. They finished the filming and went home early.

Everyone went to prepare.

"Li Binbin, you are so shameless!"

After everyone left, Liu Yifei finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He scolded Li Binbin whenever he got close to him.

Li Binbin looked at Liu Yifei as if she wanted to hit someone.


"Liu Yifei, can you be polite?"

"Qin Nuo and I are friends, why don't we give you a hug?"

He looked at his nails with a look of disdain.

"Or are you someone else?"


Liu Yifei wanted to say that she was Qin Nuo's girlfriend, but then she thought about it.

Qin Nuo seems to have never said this.

The two of them were together, but Qin Nuo never admitted it.

"What am I? Liu Yifei, you are too lenient!"

"No wonder Director Qin didn't ask you to be the heroine. He's so petty!"


"What are you talking about? No matter what, I am still your senior. I have praised you specially before!"

"Why, ungrateful!"

Li Binbin really wasn't joking when he said this.

When I was filming King of Kung Fu a few years ago.

Li Binbin specially matched her.

It's not wrong to say that he praises her.


In the end, Liu Yifei choked out these two words, then stomped away.

A confrontation ended with the fairy sister being completely defeated.

However, Li Binbin looked at Liu Yifei's back and felt a little uncomfortable.

Although in the language competition, Li Binbin won completely.

But in fact she failed.

This woman Liu Yifei is silly and very simple.

But the more this happens, the more men like it.

It's not surprising that Qin Nuo likes her.

On the contrary, smart women like them are not favored by Qin Nuo.

"Damn, it's amazing how young you are, and how amazing you are for being stupid!"

"Hmph, next time you come to see me, I won't be surprised if I don't make you vomit blood!"

The day's shooting ended quickly.

"Ka, everyone go back and rest.

"finished get off work"

"Come on, let's go have a drink!"

"Qin Nuo, do you want to come and take a look?"

Fatty Zhou was afraid of messing up the sequel to Detective Tang.

I plan to let Qin Nuo watch all the previous photos.

"No, I don't believe you yet." Qin Nuo took off his windbreaker and threw it to Sun Wen.

"Just follow the script and shoot! I'm going back first!"

Fatty Zhou looked at Qin Nuo's back and muttered.

"You're really not afraid that I'll mess up these billions of things!"

To be honest, Qin Nuo is really not worried.

The last shot of Xiuchundao by Fatty Zhou was particularly good.

It's even better than what the director in the previous life made.

Tang Tan Er is much less difficult to shoot than Xiu Chun Dao.

If this is not photographed well.

Unless this fat guy was sucked dry by a big ocean horse in the United States!

Otherwise it is simply impossible!


The night was hazy.

The maid fairy sister is online and her magical costume is ready.

Qin Nuo's attack speed is doubled and CD is reduced by 90%.

"Qin Nuo, enough!"

"It's okay, don't worry about me!"


"I'm stuffed!"

"Okay, let's go take a shower!"

"No, go yourself!"


An hour later, Liu Yifei really couldn't even move her little finger.

Too full to eat

Lying in Qin Nuo's arms.

The whole person was still confused.

It took a while before I slowly regained my energy.

I made a decision in my mind.

I will never wear it again.

This thing has buffs and is really poisonous.

Even Liu Yifei has an impulse.

After that, the two got married and stayed together every day.

You won’t die young!

Qin Nuo next to him was full of thoughts.

Under the Time of the Sage, Qin Nuo seems to have become a wise man.

Thinking about the ultimate problem of mankind.

who I am?

Where do I come from!

Where should we go!

Which came first in this world, the chicken or the egg?

What was a cobra called before glasses were invented?

What did the first man to drink milk do to the cow!

"Qin Nuo, you bastard!"

The fairy sister regained her energy and started scolding immediately.

"I'm a bastard"

Qin Nuo holds the fairy sister.

"Still the same bastard you like (chcf)!"

Liu Yifei......"

"Help me, that woman Li Binbin is so hateful!"

The fairy sister puffed her lips.

"She bullied me!"

After regaining consciousness, Liu Yifei began to make a small report.

She was scolded by Li Binbin quite badly today.

She also noticed that she seemed to be isolated on the set before.

And the initiator was none other than that woman~

Qin Nuo played with Liu Yifei's body.

I chuckled inwardly.

In fact, it goes without saying that Qin Nuo also knew about it and filmed it.

He had already seen it.

This girl Liu Yifei should be isolated by many people in the crew.

As for who took the lead.

Is it even necessary to think about it?

As long as there are two women on the crew.

If something happens to a woman, it is definitely the fault of another woman.

Basically no surprises.

Big flower Li Binbin has a lot of experience in filming, and she can be regarded as climbing up from the bottom.

I don’t know how much more social experience I have than Liu Yifei.

It's easy to bully Liu Yifei with some small tricks.

In addition, Liu Yifei's temperament is also easy to find out.


Seizing this weakness, it is not easy for Li Binbin to join forces with Yifei.

It only takes a few days to cut the flesh with a soft knife.

Liu Yifei will be unknowingly isolated by the crew.

In addition, this girl is a very shameless person.

Nor will I try to please others.

Over time, Xiao Nizi was left alone.

"You really want my help?"

Qin Nuo looked at her.

"Li Binbin is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If I went to her room, I would be worried that I would be sucked dry!"

Liu Yifei......"


Liu Yifei suddenly thought that Li Binbin was much more shameless than her.

If only Qin Nuo could discuss it with that bitch in private.

I'm afraid my head will be green by then.

This woman wants a hat for her.

No, no, absolutely not.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

Liu Yifei was full of fighting spirit.

"I can defeat her just as well on my own!"

"Okay, come on!"

"You are a fairy sister! You are the best!"

Qin Nuo encouraged from the side.

But I sighed secretly in my heart.

Xiao Nizi, please learn from it, Dahua is not a vegetarian.

Let this be a lesson.

Don't worry, your husband is here,

Li Binbin won't go too far.

At most, I just want to play with you!

Time passed very quickly, in a blink of an eye.

Qin Nuo has already stayed with the Tang Tan crew for twenty days, and the filming will be almost completed in more than ten days.

Everyone also recognized Qin Nuo’s performance.

Originally, Qin Nuo was going to shoot Inception, which made their shooting plan very complicated.

So tired.

But I didn’t expect that Qin Nuo would take pictures very quickly after he arrived.

Most of the time it's a one-way street.

Even if something goes wrong, it's not Qin Nuo's fault.

As a result, Qin Nuo, the protagonist, is in great condition, and the filming progress is also expedited.

It won't be long before I get off work.

Some of the previous grievances are gone.

He even gave Qin Nuo a thumbs up in his heart.

The boy's acting skills are really good.


Qin Nuo leaned against the pillar, eating a hamburger in his mouth.

The morning scene has been filmed, and the crew is setting up the location for the afternoon shooting.

In this scene, the grandson of Uncle Qi, a Chinese-American boss, was murdered.

The way of death is very strange

The world's top detectives gather.

Scenes of discussing and quarreling together.

It's a very funny part of the plot.

"Hey, let's get some water!"

Qin Nuo glanced at Li Binbin, smiled and took the bottle from her hand.


Li Binbin smiled.

"You're so careless, kid? You're not afraid that I'll poison you in there!"

Generally speaking, on the crew, actors will not drink water given by others.

As for the reason, everyone knows.

There are many dirty places in the world that the sun cannot reach.

People's hearts are complex.

However, Qin Nuo was not afraid at all and opened the bottle.

Tons tons tons!

I drank less than half of it, as if I didn't pay attention to this rule at all.

"I'm not afraid."

"Even if Sister Binbin wants to poison me, she will just give me Hehuansan!"

"That stuff is a good thing!"

"Ha ha!"

When Li Binbin heard this, he smiled brightly.

ps: Second update, brothers, are you really out of votes?

The author was eager to see through it, but found nothing.

You can add more!

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