Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

252 Big Sister Is Promoting Her Own Seafood Again! Follow Taizu And Follow The Path Of Surrounding T

Even her small breasts, which were not rich, started to tremble.

"Qin Nuo, no wonder you are so popular with women."

"It's so fun to talk!"

"Sister, thank you!"

Not to mention anything else, Qin Nuo quite likes chatting with Li~Binbin.

My sister doesn't stick to trivial matters and behaves according to people and anger.

He was joking and easy to get along with.

"Since you came here, Nizi, you have been looking for trouble for me like a proud peacock."

"Director Qin, aren't you afraid that I'll spoil her?"

Qin Nuo naturally knows who Li Binbin is talking about.

Before Qin Nuo was away, the fairy sister had no one to rely on.

Faced with Li Binbin's aggressiveness.

There is no way at all.

I simulated it hundreds of times in my mind while sleeping.

But if I really meet him, I will become scared again...

Dare not say anything.

But now that Qin Nuo is here, it's different. Liu Yifei has confidence.

I got into an argument with Li Binbin on the set.

Makeup, cameras, scene-stealing, and a lot more.

Xiao Nizi, whether she has jujubes or not, let’s hit her twice first...

Li Binbin also cares about Liu because of Qin Nuo's face.

"Child, don't be familiar with her, Sissi is very simple!"

"Humph, you men are so abominable!"

"They say that women should be independent, have their own thoughts, do this and do that..."

"In the end, I still like these silly girls. They are all so stupid!"

"I really don't know what to think!"

"I'm not." Qin Nuo glanced at Li Binbin.

"I like all of them!"

"screw you!"

Actually, Qin Nuo thinks Li Binbin is right.

Compared to some smart women, Qin Nuo really likes a simple girl.

Like Liu Yifei and Reba.

Although they are silly sometimes.

When I feel a little wronged, I can't help but complain.

He also looks good and fun-loving.

But Qin Nuo feels that such a girl is easy to get along with.

No need to calculate anything.

It’s also fun to be together.

On the contrary, Qin Nuo is a little wary of those very smart women.

Just like Zhang Ziyi.

Although the two of them had done everything, he had a general feeling for Zhang Ziyi.

It's okay to be a friend.

It really wouldn't work if we were together.

too tired!

"Sister Binbin, give me some face and just play with her.

"Don't take it too seriously!"

Li Binbin gave Qin Nuo a beautiful look.

"You really have a lot of demands, okay!"

"But, I helped you, how can you repay me?"

Qin Nuo looked at her eldest sister's eyes and understood.

This is another way to promote our own seafood...

"Let's talk again!"

"Huh, if you can't run away, I will definitely find a chance!"

"Li Binbin, why are you making a fuss here when you have nothing to do? Sister Wen is calling you!

Liu Yifei is wearing an anime costume.


Below is a short skirt, revealing her snow-white calves.

A pair of small leather shoes.

Also wearing a purple wig.

I got a straight bangs.

The whole person looks like he stepped out of an anime.

She is more than one level better looking than Sang Yuxian who played KIKO in her previous life.

A little pure and a little charming.

It makes people want to hold it in their arms and bully it.

Li Binbin took a look and raised his eyebrows.

Then looked at Liu Yifei.

"Xiao Nizi, I'll tolerate you again!"

As he spoke, he pinched Liu Yifei's face, and then walked away with cat steps.


Liu Yifei quickly covered her face, like a kitten about to explode.

"Qin Nuo, have you seen it?"

"This woman still took action, she pinched my face!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Seeing Li Binbin pinching, Qin Nuo couldn't help it.

Xiao Nizi’s outfit is so cute, she really looks like an anime heroine.

He stretched out his hand and pinched Liu Yifei's face several times.

"I'll help you take care of her later!"

After feeling happy, Qin Nuo also left.

Liu Yifei was quite happy at first, but then she realized something was wrong.

Qin Nuo doesn’t just want to pinch me...

So perfunctory!

"Attention all units, start on March 21st!"

The camera moves slowly.

Facing Noda Hao in the play.

"Chinese people, Chinese temples, the first thing that comes to my mind is not religion!"

"It's Feng Shui!"

"This case must be related to Feng Shui!"

Noda Hao looked at everyone and asked.

"Does anyone here understand Feng Shui?"

Qin Nuo, who played Qin Feng, immediately pointed to Wang Baoqiang, who played Tang Ren, next to him.

"Hey, why are you pointing at me?"

Qin Nuo whispered.

"Don't you want to be in the limelight?"

"it's your turn!"

When Wang Baoqiang heard this, he smiled so happily.

Looking at the excitement of everyone in the field.

"Is it my turn?"

Many famous detectives present were wondering who this guy was.

The camera turns to Liu Yifei, who plays KIKO, sitting on the sofa.

She was even given a close-up.

Liu Yifei was chewing a lollipop with a teasing smile on her face.

"Two years ago, Qin Feng and Tang Ren worked together to solve the gold theft and murder case in Bangkok's Chinatown~"

"They claim to be Chinatown Detectives!"

Liu Yifei looked at Qin Nuo with curiosity on her face.

"Qin Feng is currently a freshman at the Huaguo Criminal Police Academy and is currently ranked second in the world's detective rankings."

"But he is often surpassed by Noda Hao who is third!"

"As for this Mr. Tang Ren"

Liu Yifei's eyes fell on Wang Baoqiang, with a hint of disgust in her eyes

"According to the facts, he is more like a magic stick."

"So the combination of the two of them is like an angel and a devil!"

"Genius...and idiot!"

Hearing this, everyone present laughed.

The same goes for Wang Baoqiang. He can't understand English in the play.

I thought Liu Yifei was praising him.

asked Qin Nuo next to him.

"I heard my name, what did that little girl say?"

"I compliment you on how handsome you are!"

"Ha ha!!!!"

Hearing this, Wang Baoqiang smiled even more happily.

Everyone around seemed to be looking at a fool,

Suddenly there was laughter again!

"Stuck, passed."

"Mu Cong, Qian Qian, Qin Nuo, Wang Baoqiang, you all performed very well!"

“Next shot in ten minutes!”

Fatty Zhou looked at everyone, his face full of joy.

Qin Nuo's good condition has led to the performance of the entire crew to improve.

This is the role of the leader.

If you keep shooting like this, you should be able to finish it in ten days!

The indoor scenes will be filmed soon.

The next day, the Tang Tan crew turned to the outdoors again.

The chase scene was shot on the streets of New York.

This scene was a big one, and Qin Nuo came forward to stuff a lot of money.

The city government agreed.

But this is also the most profitable scene in Detective Tang.

During post-production.

Advertisements will be hung on screens on both sides of New York's busiest streets.

Some advertisers in China are very satisfied with such advertising spaces.

This is on the streets of New York.

Those who don’t know may think that our products have been sold to the United States.

Very cool, isn't it...

Although it costs a lot, you also earn a lot.

After coming and going, Qin Nuo still made money.

After several days of shooting, it finally came to an end.

"There is only one scene left in the afternoon and it is about to be completed!" Fatty was very excited.

His second film is finally being completed.

Moreover, Qin Nuo was not involved in the entire process.

Except for the script, he did everything else himself.

This time it will only be a good response at the box office.

People in that circle will no longer say that he is Qin Nuo's substitute.

Will truly recognize his directorial skills.

"Well, I know, congratulations to you, fat man!"


Fatty Zhou scratched his head.

There are many words of gratitude in my heart, but I don’t know how to say them.

At this time.

Another actor from the crew ran over.

"Director Qin, your cell phone, Sister Hong is looking for you, saying there is something urgent!"

"Is it an emergency?" Qin Nuo suddenly thought of something.

"Give it to me, thank you!"


"Need not!"

Hearing that it was an emergency, Fatty was a little worried.


"Qin Nuo, did something happen at home?"

"Don't worry, it should be a good thing"

Qin Nuo has done the math, from the last time he joined forces with Wang Wei until now.

It's been almost a month.

The people in the investment bank can no longer hold on.

"Hey, Sister Hong!"

"Haha, that's true. What did they say?"

"We need to talk face to face, I'm not in China!"

"Have you already come to the United States? Well, I'll talk to them!"

“Boss, be careful, those people are all scammers.

"I think they want to meet face to face, maybe they just want to fool you!"

Qin Nuo laughed when he heard this.

"Then I just happened to have a fight with them!"

Qin Nuo hung up the phone, unable to hide the joy on his face.

His entertainment empire is about to take its first steps.

With the output window, the next step is to lay out the offline theater.

You can buy a small theater chain and develop it slowly.

Nowadays, most theater chains in China are concentrated in big cities.

They haven't had time to lay out the layout in third- and fourth-tier small cities and some small counties.

This is not surprising either.

These big guys didn’t expect that the country would develop so fast.

Damn it!

Same thing every year!

So Qin Nuo planned to use Taizu's method.

The countryside surrounds the city.

Avoid competing with those theater chains in big cities.

Instead, they are developing in third- and fourth-tier cities and small counties.

In this way, there is less competition pressure and the money paid is not too much.

You may not make any money in the first year or two.

We can wait a little longer, wait until people’s consumption changes, and spring will come to small counties.

Then it will be his harvest season!

Thinking of this, Qin Nuo was really excited.

"Fat man, I have to take a leave at noon. I'll start shooting when I get back!"

"No problem." Although Fatty didn't know what it was,

But seeing Qin Nuo so anxious, he was still excited.

Just know that things are not simple.

"Go ahead. If you can't shoot today, it will be the same tomorrow. You won't lose much money!"

ps: Three updates, more than 10,000 words, and a guaranteed update after one hour.

Next, let’s watch the brothers’!!!mouth!.

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