Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

253 Unparalleled Negotiation Skills... Qin Nuo Plays The Two Of Them At The Palm Of Their Hands

"Hey, Qin Nuo, where are you going?"

Liu Yifei looked at Qin Nuo's anxious look and said strangely.

"There's only a little show left in the afternoon!"

"I have something urgent to do. Let's talk about the filming in the afternoon. If it doesn't work, we'll shoot it tomorrow!"

"Wait for me, then I'll go too!"

Qin Nuo looked at Liu Yifei and rolled her eyes.

You girl are just a follower, you have to follow me wherever you go.

Did I say that shit smells good?

You also need to take a few bites...

"Business down to business!"

Qin Nuo reminded Liu Yifei, who was holding her arm and refusing to let go.

Xiao Nizi is still wearing a costume, so cute.

He said with a pout.

"Just let me follow you, I'm very good!"

Qin Nuo"

He pinched this girl's face hard.

"You are not allowed to take off this costume tonight, even if you go back to the hotel!"

"Let's go!"


Soon the two came to the restaurant.

After chatting with the waiter for a while, the young lady took the two of them to a private room.

"Sir, Madam, please!"


Close the door.

Qin Nuo looked at the two people inside and smiled.

One male and one female.

Both were dressed in formal attire and were meticulous.

They all look thirty years old.

The man is handsome, and the woman is average-looking but has a good figure.

The "one-three-seven" look on her body reveals the temperament of an elite woman.

If you like strong women, you should like this one.

The two stood up.

Qin Nuo also extended his hand.

“Qin Nuo”

"Xue Yi!"

"Liang Yifei!"

Qin Nuo thought that the man was his opponent this time.

This woman is a secretary or assistant or something.

Don't think that the boss is a fool.

Many times, when you are a boss, you need a right-hand man.

Therefore, many secretaries are not only good-looking, but also have real talents.

An absolute strong woman.

Or you would rather choose a secretary who looks average and is good at work.

If you really want to eat seafood, there are plenty of them outside.

You have money but can’t eat fresh food?

Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei took their seats.

The waiter soon brought the exquisite food, but none of the four people paid attention.

Liu Yifei looked at the two people opposite her a little timidly.

The aura of these two people is very strong, and they look like real business elites at first glance.

He had no choice but to hold Qin Nuo's hand underneath.

I feel very strange, why are these two people looking for Qin Nuo?

Xueyi on the opposite side was also observing Qin Nuo, and they investigated for a long time.

Only then did he realize that he was being plotted by Qin Nuo.

This guy is a bit ruthless.

Using a two-pronged approach, they were surrounded in a very embarrassed manner!

Then he looked at Liu Yifei next to him and rolled his eyes in his heart.

This guy Qin Nuo is such a lucky bastard.

Liu Yifei looks so pretty like this.

"Miss Xueyi, don't look at her!"

"This little girl is just here to join in the fun!

Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"Humph, Director Qin is really charming!"

Xueyi didn't give any face.

Qin Nuo plotted against them first, and it took him a long time to find him.

She was scolded by the head office for a long time.

Very restrained now!

Otherwise, she really wants to jump up and scratch Qin Nuo’s face!

"Isn't it wrong to be a romantic and talented person?"


Xueyi didn't answer, Qin Nuo was right.

Having stayed in China for such a long time, she naturally had a taste of Qin Nuo's talent.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for Qin Nuo plotting against them.

Xueyi feels quite good about Qin Nuo.

He is handsome, talented, and his movies have been sold all over the world.

Although she is not Chinese, she is still confused.

Naturally, I like Qin Nuo, which brings face to Chinese people all over the world.

But if it involves your own interests.

That's different.

Xueyi just knew that Qin Nuo was causing trouble behind her back.

I have the intention to kill him.

Damn bastard!

"Miss Xueyi, why don't we stop gossiping?"

Qin Nuo didn't take this woman's ridicule to heart.

"Since you are here, it means that you have already made a decision. Tell me how much you want to sell it for!"

Investment banks hold almost 40% of the shares.

Qin Nuo must win.

Later, I obtained some from other shareholders through Wang Wei.

This matter is basically over.

After that, you can start buying copyrights and make plans for the future.

"Director Qin may have misunderstood, who said we wanted to sell it."

Hearing this, Qin Nuo put down his knife and fork and took Liu Yifei's hand.

Get up and get ready to leave.

Xiao Nizi on the side was stunned.

He had a small piece of steak in his mouth and a fork in his left hand.

He was pulled up by Qin Nuo.

Xueyi, who was sitting on the chair, was both stunned!

What the hell is this?

Just leave after a disagreement?

There is no business negotiation like you.

Seeing that Qin Nuo really had no intention of looking back, his hand had already touched the door handle.

Xueyi didn't speak.

The man next to him spoke.

"Director Qin, please wait a moment, you have misunderstood what Miss Xueyi meant!"

"Misunderstanding, don't you want to sell it?"

Qin Nuo turned to look at the two of them.

"Then what else is there to talk about? I'm sorry you two."

"Look at this lady's clothes and you will know that I am very busy."

"I came specifically to ask for leave from the crew, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, he opened the door and prepared to leave.

"Director Qin, I didn't speak just now."

"If Director Qin really wants to buy it, I can consider it!"

Xueyi really couldn't bear it anymore.

With Qin Nuo gone, their money will really be wasted.

That guy Wang Wei wants to split the potatoes.


Hearing this, Qin Nuo smiled and returned to his seat.

"Miss Xue told you earlier, sorry, I don't like procrastination in doing things!"

"Director Qin deserves to be an internationally famous director!"

Xueyi originally wanted to fool Qin Nuo.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't want to do this at all, and would leave if things didn't work out.

It’s the first time that you can still play like this in a business negotiation...

"Let's do this, I'll pay 800 million for the shares!"

"I checked, and you've only invested less than 300 million."

"I have more than doubled my income in three years, and you will have an explanation when you return to the head office!"

"No, because! Ten is the most visited video website in China."

“It took us a lot of effort to get to this point!”

Hearing this, Qin Nuo took Liu Yifei's hand again.

Just about to get up.

"Director Qin, are you serious!"

The woman opposite was about to collapse, it was this move again.

Are you done yet?

In fact, she was also very depressed.

The price Qin Nuo gave was right on her expected bottom line.

The bottom line of the head office is also about 800 million.

The price of Qin Nuo was like a precise scalpel cutting into her seven inches.

But in negotiations, we must strive for more benefits.

I hesitated for a while!

"Okay, I agree!"

"Miss Xue, you are so quick to talk!"

Xueyi “………….……

"Let's do this. I'll give you 300 million later, and I'll give you the remaining 500 million next year!"

After Qin Nuo said this, Liu Yifei next to her was shocked.

How can you be so shameless......

This can still lead to debt.

Liu Yifei is not really stupid.

She could see that Qin Nuo had already taken advantage of him.

But I still need credit

Are you really not afraid of them falling out?

Xueyi and Liang Yifei also looked ugly,

You don’t have any money yet for co-writing?

If you don’t have money, just give me a hammer!!!

"Director Qin, are you kidding me?"

"Five hundred million? This is not a small amount. Why should I believe you!"

"Does Qin Tian Company know?" Qin Nuo looked at the woman.

"I know, isn't it the company of your Director Qin Da?"

"What's your estimate?"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and Liang Yifei next to him said.

"Director Qin, although Qintian Entertainment was founded less than two years ago, it has not made many movies."

“But both experts and our investment banks are very optimistic about it.”

"The estimate is around seven billion!"

Qin Nuo nodded, this estimate is quite reasonable.

He even takes Qin Nuo very seriously.

You must know that Qintian Entertainment only has a few hundred people in total and has no fixed assets.

I just have some copyrights.

Not too valuable.

The only thing worth money is Qin Nuo!

He alone accounts for most of it.

"Ten percent of the shares, if I can't pay back the money next year!"

"This share of Qintian Entertainment belongs to you."

Qin Nuo asked, looking at the two of them.

"Is this sincere?"

"Hiss!" Hearing this, the two of them took a deep breath.

This guy is so brave.

If you really didn't return it, they really wanted to take it.

Whether inside or outside the industry, there are countless people who are eager for Qintian Entertainment's shares.

Xueyi rolled her eyes and felt that this was a good opportunity to make money.

"Director Qin, you don't actually need money. Otherwise, you don't need 10%."

"We can exchange Tudou's shares for 8% of Qintian Entertainment's shares! We can exchange them right away!"

"You can sign it this afternoon!"

Liang Yifei next to him heard this and gave his boss a thumbs up.


If this deal is done, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Too many people are optimistic about Qin Nuo!

"Ms. Xue, if you were an investment bank manager at Sequoia or Citigroup, I might agree to 5.1!"

"But unfortunately, you are not! All is lost!"

"Director Qin, what do you mean? Temasek is also one of the best companies in the world."

“We have a lot of connections all over the world!”

Xueyi frowned and looked ugly!

Qin Nuo shook his head, looked at her and said.

“Miss, I know all this, but it’s a pity that Temasek is born in Singapore!”

"Your country is too weak!"

Hearing this, the two of them were stunned.

I instantly understood what Qin Nuo meant.

He is not looking down on Temasek, nor is he looking down on them.

But I feel that the country is too weak.

A city-state, no matter how good its economic development is.

How high is GDP per capita?

But as long as the comprehensive national strength is not strong enough

Basically, it has no say in the international arena.

Only by having both sides can we survive.

"I understand, Director Qin." Xueyi was very disappointed.

"We agreed to this!"

Qin Nuo patted her shoulder and comforted her.

"It's not your fault"

"I'm leaving first, leaving the contract to my subordinates!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo left with Liu Yifei.

ps: The fourth update has arrived!! Come on, brothers.

There are still five tickets left.

One ticket per person is enough.

Thank you la la la!!!.

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