Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

275 Qin Nuo, Who Is Highly Sought After By American Netizens, Has A Love Affair Exposed, A Prince Fr

"Don't you know??"

"I really do not know!"

Qin Nuo wasn't kidding. Such a big thing happened on the first day he came to the United States.

There is no time to pay attention to these.

But I really made the right choice when I chose Inception!

Gringos, these idle guys, like these silly things.

"Then you are not very qualified as a director, look!" Megan took out her phone and clicked on the forum.

"Look, there are so many people leaving messages!"

Qin Nuo turned sideways, smelling Meghan's perfume, and looked at the comments from American netizens.

"Inception, the biggest surprise of Christmas, the trailer is so exciting!"

"I agree, Qin is simply a genius, a dream thief, a dream maker, an outpost... What a wonderful setting!!"

"I think some companies in Hollywood need to learn from this. We watch too many mindless blockbusters."

"Look at Qin, one movie is actually more rigorous than a series of your movies~!"

"I agree, Hollywood has become degenerate and too intellectual. I can guess the ending of some movies just by watching the beginning!"

"OK, let me summarize. The protagonist is an American soldier who retires and returns home."

"As a result, the daughter was kidnapped, and the protagonist went to rescue her. After a struggle, the rescue was successful!"

"In the second part, the wife is kidnapped again. The protagonist goes to rescue her. After another struggle, the rescue is successful!"

"In the third part, the daughter and wife were kidnapped together, and the protagonist went to rescue again..., success!"

"This screenwriter who works part-time is insane. A three-year-old child can write this plot!"

"The one upstairs is brilliant!"

“Totally realistic!”

"I hope Qin can bring some changes to Hollywood. I don't want to watch any more brainless blockbusters!"



Qin Nuo looked at the comments and gradually smiled.

It turns out that netizens all over the world are the same way, and they are not polite at all when they complain about their own family members.

Qin Nuo previously thought that American netizens would like Hollywood very much.

Now it seems like I was overthinking it.

Each of these guys speaks better than the other, and each one is more sinister than the other.

Megan saw Qin Nuo smiling and couldn't help but ask.

"Qin, you must be very happy when you see others praising you!"

"Of course, who doesn't like flowers and applause!"

"That's right! Let's go, there is a bar over there that I often go to, let's go have fun together!"


Megan held Qin Nuo's hand, and Qin Nuo was naturally not polite and put his arm around Megan's waist.

Dayang Ma only glanced at Qin Nuo.

The two of them walked in talking and laughing.

Not far away, the guy in the blue coat.

"Hey, Minister Kevin, I saw Qin Nuo and Megan entering the bar together.

"Should I still follow?"

"It was very intimate, Qin even put his arm around Megan's waist, and the two of them laughed very happily!"

"Did you get a photo?"


"Then come back, there's no need to follow!"

"Ma'am, the plan is moving in the direction we planned!" Kevin said to his wife.

"The two get along very well, and they have already arranged some intimate photos of Qin and Meghan!"

"Leave it to those entertainment magazines!"


At 12 o'clock in the morning, Qin Nuo and Megan returned to the hotel together.

Both of them had a bit of drunkenness on their faces.

"Qin, I'm in the room!"

"Won't you invite me in for a cup of coffee?"

Qin Nuo asked with a smile while looking at the sexy Yangma in front of him.

Megan rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo angrily.

Before, she thought that Qin, as an Oriental, would be more reserved.

Unexpectedly, when the two were dancing together in the bar, this guy hugged her.

After that, it became more and more excessive, and he almost fucked her in the bar toilet.

If Meghan hadn't still had some sense, I'm afraid she would still be paralyzed in the toilet of the bar...

If Qin Nuo were allowed to go in to drink coffee, she would never be able to escape.

"I don't have any coffee, but Xiangjin can give it to you!"

After saying that, he put his arms around Qin Nuo's neck and the two kissed in front of the door.

It took more than two minutes before they separated.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Seventy percent, I can be more satisfied!"

Megan smiled.

"Tell you next time!" Meghan was about to close the door when she suddenly looked at Qin Nuo and said with a smile.

"Qin, you have changed my view of Easterners, you are so bad!"

"You look more American than me!"

"So do you like it?"

Megan tilted her head, thought for a while and said.

"No, good night!"

"Good night!"

Qin Nuo looked at the closed door and touched his chin.


"It seems that this charm is not enough!"

Qin Nuo thought he could hit a home run today.

Unexpectedly, this woman could hold back at the bar.

Pushed her away.

Qin Nuo could see clearly that the woman was already excited.

"Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!"

Turning around, Qin Nuo whistled and left.

Noon the next day.

Qin Nuo and a group of people were eating.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that!" Qin Nuo asked as he stuffed the last bite of his sandwich.

"Director Qin, how is Dayangma?" Deng Chao asked.

Shen Teng was also very interested.

"Director Qin, is Megan really that sexy?"

"What the hell?"

"Brother Nuo, are you still pretending?" Naza handed Qin Nuo a magazine.

"You and the Ocean Horse are on the news!"

Qin Nuo picked up the newspaper and read it.

[Breaking news! The director genius Qin from the East and the sexiest actress in Hollywood fell in love!]

"And this!" Yang Mi also threw out a newspaper.

[Hollywood actress conquers Odysseus Qin, a talented man and a beautiful woman, a match made in heaven!]

【It is reported that.....…】

Qin Nuo was also drunk while reading the magazine.

The writing skills of journalists here in the United States are no worse than those in China.

Each one is written vividly.

And the United States is much more open.

What he writes is not like news, but like Liu Beiwen.

There is an ambiguity highlighted between the lines.

"Fake!" Qin Nuo threw the newspaper again.

He curled his lips and said.

"I just went to have some drinks with Meghan yesterday, and I came back before twelve o'clock!"

"I can help you figure this out, Qin Nuo." Deng Chao put down the bread.

Stretch out your finger.

"We came back at seven o'clock yesterday and arrived at the hotel at about half past seven!"

"Even if you and Meghan leave at eight o'clock, the time you return to the hotel is 12 o'clock!"

Deng Chao looked at Qin Nuo.

"Okay, even if you walk slowly and it takes you an hour on the road, let me ask Director Qin."

"There are still three hours in between, what are you and Meghan doing?"

Hearing this, the biting eyes turned to Qin Nuo.

Eyes full of distrust!

Qin Nuo glared at Deng Chao, this guy went too far.

"I'm drinking, what else can I do?"

"You really think too much, am I Qin Nuo that kind of person?"

When several people heard this, they nodded hurriedly!

"Go aside!" Just as he was about to teach these people a lesson, Qin Nuo saw Mike coming.

"Stop talking, someone is coming!"

"My friend Mike, good afternoon!" Qin Nuo stood up and laughed.

"Qin, my friend!"

The two hugged each other fiercely.

""Qin, if you don't mind, can we have a chat alone?"

"Of course I don't mind!"

Mike showed an apologetic expression to several people, and then pulled Qin Nuo away.

"How much do you believe what Qin Nuo said just now?" Deng Chao asked.

Shen Teng stretched out a finger.

"One point?" Yan Kuan asked doubtfully.

"No, I don't believe it at all!"

"You still don't know who our Director Qin is!"

"That makes sense!"

"You're absolutely right!"

"Me too!"

If Qin Nuo knew that these guys were talking about him behind his back.

The designated ones will jump up and scold you, you must be so sick.

I really didn’t have sex with that woman yesterday, at most I just took advantage of her!

The two came to the room, and Mike first talked about some arrangements for tomorrow's premiere.

Then he asked pretending to be surprised.

"Qin, is what happened between you and Megan true?"

"What's wrong, Mike?" Qin Nuo's acting skills are also very good,

"If I remember correctly, the United States is a free country!"

“It’s not illegal to fall in love!”

"Qin, you misunderstood" Mike explained.

"If it's true, if you don't mind, we can hype it up. American netizens are very happy about your relationship with Meghan."


This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise, and Fox had not expected it before.

Americans would be so interested in this scandal.

It even became a hot search here in the United States.

Everyone is talking below. (Good King’s)

All maintain a positive attitude.

Many people even support the marriage of the two.

"Wow, Meghan is amazing. She actually fascinated a talented director from the East!"

"The prince of China and the princess of the United States, this relationship is so romantic!"

"Young man and beautiful woman, I agree to this marriage. I suggest you get married where you are!"

"Megan, it's up to you to charm Qin and let him stay in the United States. The United States welcomes such film talents!"

"Agree, I can contribute ten dollars to cover your wedding expenses!"

"Then I'll pay fifty! I hope Qin can stay in the United States forever in the future!"

Qin Nuo was also drunk looking at these American guys.

Get married where you are?

Get married with a hammer.

It hurts to be so idle.

"Mike, these guys are kidding me, I don't believe they will donate money!"

Qin Nuo feels that these are a group of gangsters who are talking loudly.

Similar to the group of scarf guys in China.

"Qin, you really misunderstood" Mike looked serious.

Someone already registered your and Meghan's wedding fund yesterday, right on eBay!

Now the donations have reached 200,000!


Qin Nuo's eyes widened, seriously!!!

p.s. Three updates, there will be another update later.

Just three monthly passes, brothers, get excited!!!

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