Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

276 The Fund Has Reached One Million, And The Popularity Is Exploding! Disney And Sony Are Pissed Of

"If you don't believe it, see for yourself!"

Mike opens eBay!

"Oh, there are already three hundred thousand now, Qin think about it"

"I'm considering a hammer!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, these Americans are so boring.

Aren't you afraid of others cheating you of your money?

It’s so easy to pay for it.

If I had known it was so easy to make money, I would still be filming shitty movies...

"By the way, this money is for me? At worst, Meghan and I will split it 50/50!"

There are more than 300,000 yuan and more than 2 million yuan, which is quite a lot.

"Qin, you have too many wives!"

"The laws in the United States are very strict. This money cannot be used for anything other than your wedding expenses!"

"And if you don't get married within two years, you have to give it back!"

Qin Nuo curled his lips, what's so difficult about this.

If only this donation could reach 10 million.

Qin Nuo doesn’t mind having a fake wedding with Meghan.

One person earns five million US dollars!

"Qin, even if you don't get married, you and Megan can have more contact, which will also be good for the movie!"

"Since yesterday, the ticket sales for the premiere of Inception have begun to explode. Now the tickets for the first three days are basically sold out!"

"no problem!"

Qin Nuo nodded.

If he guessed correctly, Fox should have done this.

It not only allows him to have more contact with Meghan, but also creates a scandal to increase the popularity of the movie.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Americans are so smart.

But Qin Nuo doesn’t mind either.

This is obviously good for him, so why would he refuse?

And Megan is indeed beautiful, Qin Nuo wants to try this newly launched seafood.

"Then it's decided!"

Mike's face was full of joy.

"Just make arrangements!"

"OK, leave it to us!"

Qin Nuo went shopping with Meghan in the afternoon, and the two behaved quite intimately.

Fox reporters were filming secretly not far away.

In the evening, I uploaded the pictures directly to the Internet.

[Qin and Megan behaved intimately, they met for shopping, and suspicions were approaching!] 997 Fox reporters are also very treacherous.

Put the picture of Qin Nuo and Meghan passing by the bridal shop at the front.

In an instant, this group of bored netizens in the United States directly raised their eyebrows.

"Sorry, I thought the previous news was fake. I'm sorry, but it turns out it's true!"

"Look, Qin and Meghan are already choosing a red wedding dress!"

"I heard that the two of them have known each other for a long time,"

“During the last interstellar celebration party, someone photographed Qin Nuo and Meghan having a great time chatting!”

"Wow, so that's the case, then it makes sense. Qin and Megan did it very secretly, and it took them so long to reveal it~"

"If the two get married, will Qin stay in the United States?"

"That's for sure, Hollywood is the center of world cinema."

"That's right, why do you want to return to China? Qin can definitely stay!"

"I hope so too!"

"Brothers, let's donate a little more to help Qin and Megan get married as soon as possible."

"Add me one"

"Add me one!"

Disney and Sony were furious when they saw that the hot searches were full of Qin and Meghan's scandal.

Their movie opens tomorrow along with Inception.

I was actually a little worried about Qin Nuo. This guy is indeed quite popular in the hearts of Americans.

But they are also capable of fighting.

At worst, just invest a little more money in publicity.

But I didn't expect that this guy was so wild that he actually caused a big scandal.

The Prince of China and the Princess of America!!

Crazy, can't these idiots see that this is hype?


"Mr. Robert, please calm down!"

"How can I calm down!"

“Look at the popularity of our Journey to the Center of the Earth has been suppressed by that bullshit Prince of China.

"Mr. Cheb Allen, do you think I should laugh?"

Robert was unhappy.

This is the first film he decided on after taking over as CEO of Disney.

Although the investment is not too big.

But if he fails, it will also affect his reputation.

"Alan, I know you don't welcome my arrival, but I ask you to be more objective!"

Allen shook his head and said.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant was that only when you calm down can you think of a solution."

"You should know that ordinary people in the United States are indeed relatively simple-minded and easily deceived!"

"Yes!" Robert thought of a good idea.

"Now that Fox can hype him up, we can also expose him, if I remember correctly."

"This guy Qin is a playboy in China. He is more playful than us Americans!"

After Qin Nuo became famous in Hollywood, Fox was not the only company to investigate him.

The eight major Hollywood companies have already checked Qin Nuo several times!

Allen didn't object this time.

"Immediately go spread some such remarks and call Sony together."

Robert was unhappy.

"We can't let them watch from behind!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Robert, is this the only way?"

"There's no need to get too tense with Qin!" Robert touched his chin.

"Our investment in the film this time is not too big and we cannot lose money. I think Qin can be used by Disney!"

Allen was stunned for a moment when he heard this!

Suddenly I had a new perspective on Robert.

This guy airborne before.

As a senior executive who has worked in the Disney industry for decades, Allen looked down on him.

Think this guy is a good-for-nothing idiot.

But he didn’t expect Robert to impress him today!

"Huh, Allen, I don't like the look in your eyes!"

"Don't think I don't know what you are doing behind your back! Put it away, I don't have time to play with you!"


"Okay, sir!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo and Megan were drinking coffee.

"Qin, look, our wedding fund on eBay has exceeded 800,000!"

Megan looked at Qin Nuo with a smile on her face.

"How about we find an opportunity to divide it!"

Qin Nuo wanted to laugh a little when he heard this, but this woman coincided with him.

He pinched Meghan's chin and asked.

"Don't you want to marry me! This money can be used as the cost of our honeymoon!"

"Are you serious?" Megan didn't believe it.

"If your movie is successful, I don't know how many Hollywood actresses will jump on you.

"I don't believe you want to marry me!"

Although Megan is not too smart.

But I have been in the industry for so long.

Naturally, Qin Nuo will not be easily deceived.

"You're doubting your own charm!"

"I'm doubting your sincerity! My dear!"

Qin Nuo…………

"Forget it, we'll talk about this later. Remember to come to the premiere of my movie tomorrow!"


The two stood up.

After Qin Nuo sent Megan back to the room, the scene came to an end.

"Let's go, Fatty Zhou, he's back."

"You don't want to go in."

"Why go in there? There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Qin Nuo doesn't care about Megan, there will be many opportunities in the future.

He has business to attend to.

Tomorrow is the premiere, and many domestic guests have already arrived.

Gotta pick it up.

Arrive at the hotel door.

It didn't take long for the first group of people to arrive.

Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun brought several Huayi artists with them.

"Both Mr. Wang, thank you for the honor!"

"Haha, Qin Nuo, I saw your love affair as soon as I got off the plane." Wang Zhonglei smiled happily.

"Did you take the ones you had at home and bring them abroad?"

Wang Zhonglei was very happy.

Although their overseas box office revenue is only 40%.

This was agreed upon when investing before.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh.

And besides, that’s not a lot.

Ten percent should be regarded as Qin Nuo’s hard work fee.

"No, I didn't expect the Americans to be so good at it!"

"If I had known earlier, I would have been here~!"

"Ha ha!"

A few people smiled and said nothing.

Easy to deceive, easy to deceive.

In other words, Qin Nuo is popular among Americans and the public is interested.

Otherwise, someone else would be as hot as a fart.

These guys, the Yankees, have their eyes on their heads all day long.


"Brother Xiao Ming!"

Huang Xiaoming looked at Qin Nuo with a look of resentment.

"Director Qin, you are not interesting enough. You are asking me for zero pay!"

"I can do that too!"

Huang Xiaoming believes that his acting skills are no worse than Deng Chao.

Even better.

Originally he thought Qin Nuo would choose him in the end.

Unexpectedly, it was given to Deng Chao!!

"Brother Xiao Ming, it's too late for you to tell me. You have to tell me at least eight months in advance."

"This Deng Dynasty is really insidious, forget it!"

Huang Xiaoming just complained, but he was not as shameless as Deng Chao.

I heard that harassing phone calls were made to Qin Nuo in the middle of the night...

"Consider me if you have a chance in the future. It's cheap, easy to use and obedient!"

"no problem"

"Director Qin, so am I." Fan Pang walked over with a swaying delicate figure.

"Be sure to consider me next time, it's very useful!"


Although he said so, Qin Nuo was probably afraid that he would not choose her.

"Slutty woman!" Li Binbin said disdainfully when he saw Fan Pang leaving.

"Sister Binbin, you and her seem to be pretty much the same!"

"Whatever you say, I'm much better than her."

Li Binbin doesn’t think she is a good woman!

"Hey, Qin Nuo, what you said last time is true. Can I really get here?"

After she went back, she thought about it for a long time.

It feels like Qin Nuo is lying to himself.

This time I found an opportunity to ask Qin Nuo to give him an answer.

Qin Nuo touched his chin and thought for a while.

It seems that the fourth installment of Resident Evil was released last year.

Constantine Productions is gearing up for the fifth installment.

It seems that Director Anderson is also on the list of invitations to this premiere.

Thinking of this time Qin Nuo smiled.

Looking at Li Binbin, this woman is very lucky.

"Well, remember tomorrow if you see a bald man with a scar on the left side of his face, he looks like he is in his forties."

"When you see this foreigner, if you hang out in front of him more, you might get a chance!"


Li Binbin was confused after hearing this.

"Just remember my words! Go in!"

ps: The fourth update has arrived.

The new keyboard will arrive in the afternoon, brothers.

Try to make up for what was missing yesterday and make an explosive update!!!

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