Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

Big News Broke Out In 337. Qin Nuo Lost One Billion In One Night! ! Filming To Pay Off Debt!

He even gave Sister Hong many gifts.

In the morning, Sister Hong received a courier from the same city. When she opened it, she saw that it was a bag.

very common.

At first, Sister Hong thought it was a gift from a newcomer. After all, the bag was not worth much.

Thousands of dollars are worth it.

Unexpectedly, when I opened it, I saw that it was full of stacks of red RMB.

In total, there are at least more than 200,000...


I quickly contacted the person to return the items.

It doesn't matter if you accept some gifts, but it doesn't matter if you give money. If Qin Nuo knows this.

Although I won’t say anything, I still have a bad impression.

And she is not short of money. Let’s find out about the 1% original stock.

Anyway, Sister Hong was very tired that day.

"Audition, no need"

Qin Nuo was actually the same, but he turned off the phone directly.

Several of his confidantes also told them not to come, this time it was a low-budget movie.

After hearing this, Liu Yifei and Naza suddenly lost interest.

The two of them were used to eating big meals, so it was hard for them to change their tastes for a while.

No matter this, Qin Nuo can also save a lot of things.

"This movie is different. I can just choose the actors directly!"

"Oh, okay!"

"By the way, boss, I forgot to ask." The two got out of the elevator, and Sister Hong looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"How much investment will we make in this movie?"27

"Not much, two hundred thousand dollars!"

After saying that, Nuo left directly.

Sister Hong was left alone and messy in the wind.

The whole figure is like a sculpture, worth two hundred thousand dollars!!!

Boss, are you kidding me?

Two hundred thousand US dollars is only 1.4 million yuan.

For such a small amount of money, it’s worth a hammer!

If I want to accept it, the gift will be more than 1.4 million...

Qin Nuo came to the office, and the gentle secretary brought him a cup of coffee.

After holding Xiao Nizi up and down, Qin Nuo opened her scarf.

The headline right now is Qin Nuo’s new film.

Now netizens also know that this news is true.

Although Qintian Entertainment has not released an official statement.

But there are also many netizens. Many celebrities and artists are abnormal, and many artists who went home for the New Year have returned to the company.

There are also some gossips coming from entertainment companies.

All prove that Qin Nuo is indeed going to shoot a new movie, and it will be in these few days.

Netizens are speculating about the type of Qin Nuo's new film, as well as investment and so on.

"You guys are stupid, this time is definitely not a science fiction film. We have already made two science fiction films."

"Qin Nuo is a guy who likes the new and hates the old. He will definitely try other types!"

"I don't necessarily think so. Science fiction movies are great, but classics like Interstellar and Inception are not good. I just like to watch science fiction movies!"

"Yeah, me too. Although Inception and Interstellar are both science fiction films, the stories can be said to be completely different."

"With Director Qin's imagination, I think it is most suitable to make a science fiction film."

"That's not necessarily the case. In fact, I would rather watch Qin Nuo film Xianxia and spread the traditional Chinese culture!"

"Xianxia blockbusters are difficult, and foreigners may not be able to accept them. I don't think Qin Nuo would choose this genre."

"It's all the same, Qin Nuo can shoot anything, it just needs no brain support."

"By the way, how much do you think this investment will be?"

"Needless to say, Interstellar has 300 million, Inception has 400 million, and the next movie will cost 500 million no matter what!"

"Yes, is Qin Nuo short of money? No, even if it is, the big guys in the entertainment industry have plenty of money, and everyone is lining up to give money to Qin Nuo!"

“That’s right, Qin Nuo can even go to Hollywood!”

"Fox, Warner, Disney, I believe Qin Nuo will have no problem at all if they come to you and ask for an investment of tens of millions of dollars!"

Qin Nuo couldn't help but laugh in his heart while watching the discussion among netizens.

Some people say invest 500 million, some say invest 600 million, and some directly say invest one US dollar.

That's getting more and more outrageous.

“Why don’t you give these troll netizens a surprise!”

Just as he said, Qin Nuo opened his scarf.

After thinking about it, I wrote.

[Today is the 23rd, wish all the sand sculpture netizens a good year in advance]

[The movie thing is true. The movie, This Man from Earth, which I wrote, directed and starred in, has been approved! It will be filmed in the near future. 】

[The genre is science fiction, the investment is US$200,000, so stay tuned!]

Qin Nuo has the largest number of fans among scarf celebrities, with more than 80 million.

And there is basically no moisture.

It's not like some sun goddess. It looks like there are more than 100 million people, but in fact, no one can say how many tons of water was poured into it.

Anyway, he has the most active fans.

Moreover, many netizens have set up special care settings. As soon as Qin Nuo issued a scarf, many netizens received the message.

Netizens were very happy to see the first half, and it was indeed true.

And it will be filmed soon. Qin Nuo, you are really a good director from China.

But when I saw the netizen behind me, I felt bad for a moment.


Two hundred thousand dollars investment.

It’s a science fiction movie!!

Are you kidding us?

Two hundred thousand U.S. dollars is less than 1.4 million RMB, and you can make a sci-fi movie that’s not worth it!!

A shot of a wave in Interstellar cost more than 30 million.

How do you take this photo?

Netizens were dumbfounded.

One after another, many netizens saw the scarf, just like the first batch of fans.

The mood can be described as ups and downs.

I was happy at first, but then I felt numb.

Everyone wonders if Qin Nuo is crazy!!!

However, this does not affect the heat of the scarf at all. It can even be said that the heat is even crazier.

A science fiction movie worth two hundred thousand dollars!!

Qin Nuo is either joking or really crazy...

In less than half an hour, Qin Nuo’s scarf made headlines.

[Qin Nuo admits to filming a new film, this man is from the earth]

[Invest 200,000 US dollars???? Qin Nuo’s science fiction film sets a record for the lowest investment in history! 】

[Is this the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? The investment in Qin Nuo’s new movie is only US$200,000!]



The scarf exploded in an instant, really exploded.

Netizens couldn't believe it.

Thinking Qin Nuo was joking, Qin Tian Entertainment also issued a statement.

The investment in Qin Nuo's new movie is indeed US$200,000.

Now everyone believes that if Qin Nuo wears a personal scarf, maybe Qin Nuo will give it a try.

But if it is the company's official scarf.

That certainly won't be aimless.

This is real!!!

A two-hundred-thousand-dollar sci-fi movie!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's wrong with you, Qin Nuo? Two hundred thousand dollars, that's a lot of money!"

"That's right. Qin Nuo is short of money. Tell us!"

"That's right, this guy won't spend all the money he makes by having too many prostitutes, right? Damn, I know you're not a reliable guy!"

"Forget it, I'll give you five thousand words to support you!"

"Qin Nuo, you are a guy who has made hundreds of millions and hundreds of millions. If you are still short of money, why don't you go gambling? I'll convince you!"

"Forget it, if I forgive you once, I'll pay you a hundred!"

"Director Qin, please be more careful. You will regret your life by gambling. I will pay you two hundred. I hope Director Qin will turn around and be safe."

"Then I'll give you five hundred, Qin Nuo, just this time, but not next time!"

"I have been a fan of Qin Nuo for several years. Qin Nuo must have encountered some difficulties. Please forgive him once!"

"Student Party, don't have much money to support twenty, Qin Nuo, don't go astray!"

"Wow, Nono is so pitiful, I'll give you 10,000!",

"Sisters are right, I will donate one month's salary!"


On the other side, the big guys in the industry were also confused.

They didn’t believe what was said online. Qin Nuo was short of money?

He needs a hammer!

Interstellar made 600 million yuan, and this time Inception will start at least 1 billion yuan.

More than one billion, all spent so quickly.

Just kidding.

But netizens say it has a nose and eyes.

Qin Nuo said that when he was having a rest a few days ago, he was bored and went to Aomen to play.

I was tricked by a group of people.

Lost hundreds of millions in cash.

I also owe a lot of loan sharks, and now I can only make movies to pay off the debt.

But he didn’t have much money at hand, so he could only come up with two hundred thousand dollars.

Don't tell this story. If it were told at any other time, everyone would definitely laugh at it.

But it's different now. This time Qin Nuo is very abnormal.

The new movie comes so fast, and it’s during the Spring Festival.

Another point is this investment!

Just two hundred thousand!!

What a joke, Qin Nuo is an international director who enjoys a high reputation all over the world.

Two hundred thousand is simply an insult to him!!!

So soon, Qin Nuo’s scarf for repaying debts while filming a movie became a hot topic and even made headlines.

Spread throughout China!

But Qin Nuo himself didn’t know about this.

After filming Ode to Joy, Da Meiyuan was free at home and sent Qin Nuo a photo of an American girl.

Two smooth long legs under the apron.

White and tender, it looks delicious.

Act like a spoiled child and let Qin Nuo taste her craftsmanship.

Can Qin Nuo refuse this?

After arranging the company's affairs, he whistled and went to have a big meal.

"Sister Yuanyuan, raise your eyebrows a little bit!"

"Disgusting!" Da Meiyuan turned around and rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo.

ps: The fourth update has arrived, eh yo yo, everyone is excited.

Gao Chao is coming!

Come here with all your votes!!!

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