Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

338 Gentle Dameiyuan, Qin Nuo Knows, Friends Who Support From All Directions, The Black Hand Behind

"If you tilt it any further, your waist will almost break!"

"Then let me help you!"

"Asshole it hurts!"

Two hours later, the food on the table was already cold.

No one has touched it yet.

But Da Meiyuan must have eaten enough, and she couldn't even open her eyes when she was lying on the bed.

I rested for a while and regained a little strength.

Then he pulled Qin Nuo's arm to his mouth.

Just mouth off.

Qin Nuo doesn't mind either, because she knows that Da Meiyuan is reluctant to part with her.

Sure enough, Gao Yuanyuan had already bitten it, but when she thought of what Qin Nuo would do if it hurt.

very worried.

In the end, he just took a small bite, leaving a row of shallow teeth marks.

It even hurts to look at it.

Licking Qin Nuo.

I saw Da Meiyuan so well-behaved and so cute.

Qin Nuo held her eldest sister in her arms and bullied her again.


"I asked you to come here to eat, who asked you to do this!

Qin Nuo looked up with a wicked smile.

"Am I not eating right now?"

Da Meiyuan naturally knew what Qin Nuo was referring to.

Very speechless.

Eat shit.

There's nothing inside, are you addicted?

The two quarreled for a while, and then took a shower.

Da Meiyuan was carried to the living room by Qin Nuo wearing cool shorts.

Qin Nuo gave Qin Nuo a light slap and said in a charming tone.

"It's all your fault, your food has gone cold!"

"It's okay, you can eat it even if it's cold!"

Qin Nuo actually doesn't matter, he can enjoy it, but he can also endure hardship.

When filming on the set, sometimes I go to difficult places.

Not to mention such a cold meal, he also eats even a cold lunch box.

what is this.

"No, eating cold food is not good for your stomach!"

The eldest sister struggled to get out of Qin Nuo's arms.

"You sit down for a while and I'll help you warm it up!"

Seeing Da Meiyuan's insistence, Qin Nuo also let her go.

He felt warm in his heart because Meiyuan was really nice to him.

People are also very gentle.

Qin Nuo was sitting at the dining table, and Gao Yuanyuan was busy in the kitchen.

Bored, Qin Nuo picked up his phone to see the reaction of these silly fans.

But as soon as I opened it, I was stunned.

There are dozens of missed calls above, including his confidante Liu Shishi, the fairy sister, Naza, Yang Ning...

There are also big names in the industry such as Wu Kebo and friends in the industry such as Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming, Li Qing and Song Yi...

Even Third Master and Wang Lin called.

Qin Nuo looked dumbfounded.

What's going on? Aliens are attacking China...

So many people contacted him.

Wouldn't it be for him to escape for his life...

Before Qin Nuo could react.

The cell phone rang again, and it was Mr. San's personal call.

Qin Nuo quickly picked up.

Before he could say anything, the roar of business operations came from the other end of the phone.

"Qin Nuo, what are you doing? Why don't you answer the phone...

"This is me~"

Before he could say anything, the third master said hurriedly.

"I told you to stop being stupid, but if you don't listen, my employer and I really want to kick you to death!"

"I don't learn well every day. Now I know I regret it. I tell you it's lucky that you are not in front of me."

"Or I'll beat you to death!"

Qin Nuo was stunned by the scolding. What was happening to me? I didn't do anything.

Did someone hit me?

That's not right. Qin Nuo has a good relationship with the young lady recently.

Who would hit him, must be crazy...

"I've convinced you, tell me how much investment your movie still lacks, and Huaying will help you make up for it. I will forgive you this time, there will be no next time!"

"Third Master, what are you talking about? You scolded me so much that I was confused!"

Qin Nuo smiled bitterly.

"Don't you know the good things you did? How much money did you lose in Omen?"

"Omen? Lose money?"

"Third Master, I didn't go to Omen!"

"Hey Qin Nuo, don't hide it, we all know it..."

Then Sanye briefly told Qin Nuo what happened online.

"Everyone knows how much you owe. I'll see if I can play something for you later!"

"Why don't I go to the top to find some connections? It's those guys who have the guts to cheat and dare to lie to you!"

"Are you from the Omenhe family?"

After Qin Nuo heard this, he was stunned.

So that's it.

He thought it was aliens coming, and his friends in the circle and his confidante told him to hide quickly.

I didn’t expect someone to spread rumors about me!!

What a shame, I lost a billion in one night!!!

Look how you can lose to me.

He also said that someone forced him to make his new movie, otherwise, he would be thrown into the sea.

What provoked the underworld of overseas gambling?

The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes.

Damn it!

It's really a shame for you to be so good at editing!

"Third Master, all the lies are lies! I have never been to Omen!"

"I was hanging out with the female artists from Girls' Generation and Sakura Country those days!"

"No money lost!"

Qin Nuo doesn’t care, compared to losing one billion, playing flying chess with a group of ladies is nothing.

"Then why is the investment this time so small, and why are you so anxious to make the film!"

The third master was sitting in the office, his face full of doubts.

"Speak quickly, don't be stunned!"

"Okay, Third Master is like this..."

"I promise not to bet, this is a challenge between me and Warner!..."

After hearing the whole story, the third master finally understood that the co-authorship was a big mistake.

It was so scary.

It’s not your fault, kid. You gave me a scarf without any head or tail, and then everyone disappeared.

No wonder netizens think too much about it.

Day by day, it is really worrying.

"You kid, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Can two hundred thousand be enough?"

"Don't worry, Third Master, my new movie will go down in history, it's super awesome! You still don't believe me!"

The third master in the seat heard this, even though he cursed a few times, Qin Nuo was arrogant and his eyes were high above his head.

But I really believe in Qin Nuo.

This guy is the best at creating miracles!

"You're so arrogant, let's see what you can shoot with two hundred thousand dollars, hang up, you bastard!"

Qin Nuo looked at the phone and smiled.

This third master is really interesting.

But after a while his face turned cold.

Such a big thing happened, what is the company doing?

Your boss has been said like this.

Sister Hong, if you don’t give me an explanation, you’ll lose 1% of your shares!!!

Qin Nuo originally wanted to call others first, but when he thought of this, he immediately called Sister Hong.

"Hey, boss!"

"Zhou Hong, what are you doing? Do you not want to do it anymore?"

Sister Hong was also aggrieved. She naturally knew why Qin Nuo was angry, but it was really not her fault.

At noon she went to contact the TV station and Ode to Joy was bidding.

Invite them to a meal.

After I heard about it after I came back, I quickly clarified it, but there was nothing I could do. The company's clarification was useless.

People don't believe it at all.

"..."Boss, it's my fault. I went to treat the people from the TV station to dinner at noon. When I came back, the heat had already risen. We tried to clarify that the trolls still couldn't suppress it!"

"Netizens don't believe it and think we are trying to hide it and want to contact you, but we can't..."

"Your behavior this time is so abnormal, no matter what I say to those netizens!"

"Of course there are some people behind this. As you know, boss, those guys on the Internet hate the big guys in the industry!"

"They are very willing to give you a little trouble."

After listening to Sister Hong's words, Qin Nuo's anger level dropped slightly.

She really can't be entirely blamed for this.

But there is still punishment.

"I'll come to the company in an hour and clarify it myself. I'll talk to you when I get back!"

"Yes, boss!"

Sister Hong knew that this time it was going to be bad and would bring a lot of trouble to Qin Nuo.

A scolding is just a small thing.

"Dear, what's wrong!" Gao Yuanyuan put the dishes on the table.

Then he served Qin Nuo another bowl of rice, and saw Qin Nuo's expression was strange.


“You’ll understand if you look at the trending searches for scarves.”

Gao Yuanyuan took out her mobile phone, opened her scarf, and after looking at it, she felt (unwell).

Qin Nuo goes bankrupt?

Lost one billion in one night!

You're crazy, even those troll netizens believe it.

Others don't know, but Yuanyuan knows.

During those ten days, Qin Nuo went to eat Korean food and sushi.

I didn’t go to Omen at all.

"Honey, this..."

Da Meiyuan really didn’t know what to say.

"How could they believe it?"

"Someone is pushing me to cause some trouble for me!"

Teng Xun and Ah Li were beaten to pieces during the Spring Festival by people on the road and privately ordered.

And a large part of people's investment in Jongtu is Qintian Entertainment...

Although Qin Nuo didn't tease them when they were filming.

But the three gangsters believe that Qin Nuo must also be one of the local gangsters.

So I will definitely take action if I see any signs.

I'm afraid Qin will accuse them.

This is not what we said, the netizens guessed it themselves.

We just roll with it.

Qin Nuo was not surprised at all by the actions of the three gangsters, even if he was the one to fight.

He will do the same.

Whether it's true or false.

Cause a little trouble for the enemy, why not?

ps: Thanks to Wu Yanzhu for reminding and rewarding, keep going, more updates are coming!

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