Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

345 A Woman’S Mouth Is A Liar! Rumors Were Spread About Reba! The Collective Anger Of Female Celebri

He shook his head and said.

"Why don't you go back and give Bella a holiday!"

"This girl is also very hard-working. I'm so busy following her all day long that I don't even have time to fall in love!"

An hour later.

Qin Nuo is lying on the bed,

"Qin! You are really the biggest bastard I have ever seen!"

Bella, who has recovered a little strength,

Her beautiful eyes stared at Qin Nuo fiercely.

She didn't even know how to explain it to Deng Wendi tomorrow.

"Don't you like me like this the most?" Qin Nuo pinched the delicate chin of the little spy in front of him.

This ocean horse is really good.

Unlike other ocean horses, the skin is very good.

It can be broken by blowing bombs!

Bella scolded Qin Nuo for a while, then quickly returned to her smiling face, looking at Qin Nuo with eyes full of admiration.

"Qin, your script is really great. You are a real genius!"

Qin Nuo said nothing. The word genius has been heard so many times since his debut.

We're all tired of hearing it.

No feeling at all.

"But I'm curious, why don't you make more requests this time!"

Bella looked at Qin Nuo.

"With your reputation and the quality of your script, I believe the boss won't mind even if you increase your share by a few points!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo turned his head and glanced at Bella.

I feel deeply in my heart that women are really strange creatures.

Once you are fascinated by a man, you really treat him wholeheartedly.

Bella is Deng Wendi's secretary and has been with Deng Wendi since graduation.

For many years!

It can be said that he is the person closest to Deng Wendi.

Who would have thought that after being hooked by him, within a month, her elbows would start to turn outwards.

Not only did he leak Fox secrets to him, but he also acted as his little spy.

I'm still a little dissatisfied with the split.

It’s completely from Qin Nuo’s point of view.

"This is how you, girl, treat your boss's cultivation for so many years."

"Humph, it's not your fault." Bella licked Qin Nuo's face gently. Squinted his eyes and said

"Who told you to steal my whole heart? I only follow my heart!"

Qin Nuo "………………"


At noon the next day, Deng Wendi and the others left the capital.

After Qin Nuo saw them off, he began to prepare for shooting and make a shooting plan.

Huang Xiaoming, Cheng Daoming and others also came to the Magic City one after another.

Their time is also very tight and they need to familiarize themselves with the script within two days.

Fortunately, Qin Nuo found some experienced actors this time, and everyone has good basic skills.

Even Liu Shishi actually has good lines skills.

As for Reba, she didn't have many scenes, and she was just a vase in it.

Just be responsible for the pretty things.

On the other side, many stars in the entertainment industry are still waiting for Qin Nuo to audition.

They did not hesitate to ask around and knew that the script of Qin Nuo's new movie was very unusual.

Although the insider didn’t say anything.

But when asked, he gave me a thumbs up.

So I didn’t care about investing 200,000 US dollars at all.

Anyway, as long as it’s Qin Nuo’s movie without any brainwashing, it’s fine.

But I didn’t expect that what I was waiting for was not an audition!!!

It’s the launch conference two days later!

Qin Nuo has already secretly selected the actors.

The artists in these circles are really angry.

This Qin Nuo doesn't talk about martial arts, but looking at the cast list...

Everyone was silent. They thought Qin Nuo would secretly take care of their own people.

But I didn’t expect that all the actors chosen were old actors.

Cheng Daoming, Chen Baoguo, Jiang Wenli...

The stars selected for Mesozoic are also some very strong actors Huang Xiaoming and Shen Teng.

Everyone has seen Shen Teng's acting skills in the last Inception, and he can perform them freely.


There is no need to say more about Huang Xiaoming, if it were not for the sudden rise of Deng Dynasty.

The number one niche position in Mainland China is secure.

Although this guy likes to reward himself with a movie like Overlord when he makes a good movie.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this guy really has two skills.

Then it was Liu Shishi and Reba’s turn.

Liu Shishi and the others are somewhat untouchable, and this woman also has some acting skills.

In the end, many female celebrities in the industry vented their anger on Reba.

But it's not particularly obvious.

After all, this girl and the others are also Qin Nuo's little lovers, so they can only send the announcement secretly.

Rumors spread that Xiao Nizi served Qin Nuo in the magic city for five days and five nights.

Finally, we also put together photos of Naza who was injured and went to the hospital while filming.

Finally draw a conclusion.

Reba fought with Qin Nuo for five days and five nights to get the role.

Finally, he was tricked into the hospital...

It didn’t take long for it to become a trending topic.

A kind of netizen started to eat melon.

Reba netizens are naturally familiar with the fact that Qin Nuo’s first movie was Reba’s Queen.

I heard before that the two of them were unclear on the set.

Now something like this has come out again.

This melon tastes good, Xiao Nizi is so brave.

I was sent to the hospital for a role.

Be so cruel to yourself.

We like you!

The female stars in the industry are only satisfied when they see the hot searches.

To be honest, they actually envied the woman Reba in their hearts.

Don't say this is false.

Even if it is true, if I can get a role in the Qin Nuo movie.

Fight for five days and five nights?

Just make Qin Nuo a white ball for one month instead of one year.

They are willing too.

There is now a saying circulating in the circle that it will become famous overnight?

It's very simple, as long as you can be selected by Qin Nuo, no matter who you are, you can't dream of becoming famous overnight.

There are too many seniors who have already proved it.

the other side.

Qin Nuo was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette.

I haven’t seen Reba for a month, so we had a little discussion.

This girl's combat effectiveness dropped slightly, and she turned into a puddle of mud in less than an hour.

I almost cried in the end.

Qin Nuo had no choice but to let her go.

However, after half an hour of rest, Xiao Nizi recovered a lot of movement.

Started to show off in front of Qin Nuo.

"Hey, wait, wait! I haven't recovered yet!"

Seeing that Qin Nuo was about to take action, Reba acted coquettishly and pushed Qin Nuo.

"It's been half an hour, come on, come on." Qin Nuo held Reba in his arms.

"Uncle, help you loosen your muscles and bones and lift your pout!"

"Uncle, we don't want to date~!"

Xiao Nizi gently hammered Qin Nuo's arm.

Just then Xiao Nizi's phone rang.

…………please give me flowers……

"Brother Nuo, wait a minute, it's still hurting, I'll answer the phone!"


Qin Nuo let go of Xiao Nizi.

Reba didn't care that she was only wearing a pair of shorts. She jumped up and picked up the mobile phone on the side and answered it.

Qin Nuo felt satisfied when she saw Reba's beautiful figure.

Although Reba is not the most beautiful among Qin Nuo women.

There are also disadvantages.

The forehead is a bit big.

But this figure is absolutely impossible to say.

Those who are more beautiful than her are not as good as her, those who are better than her are not as beautiful as her.

If there was a comprehensive ranking of girlfriends, this little girl!

Xiao Nizi said sweetly while holding her cell phone.

"Sister Mi, what do you want from me?"

"What, how could they slander me like that!" Reba stamped her feet, her face turning red.

"How could I not care? It's too much, them!

Reba found out about what happened online and felt aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, I get it!"

Xiao Nizi hung up the phone, opened her scarf and looked at it for a while, her eyes were red.

Qin Nuo was a little strange, what happened to this girl.

While he was drinking water, Qin Nuo came in to see Reba's body twitching.

He held up his little face and took a look.

Xiao Nizi's cheeks were covered with tears.

Qin Nuo looked very distressed.

Reba has been with her for a long time. She has always been innocent and a real pistachio.

Qin Nuo also likes her very much.

"Why then, Reba, why are you crying?"

Qin Nuo quickly wiped the tears on her face.

"Brother Nuo, look at how outrageous they are on the Internet... wuwu, how can I be so shameless!"

Many people are like this, and they are not that sad in the first place.

But once you meet someone you can rely on, he will still say comforting words.

Soon I couldn't hold it any longer.

The same goes for Reba. When he saw Qin Nuo, he suddenly felt aggrieved.

The tears in his eyes couldn't stop falling.

"Okay, okay, stop crying!"

Qin Nuo comforted Reba while looking at the hot searches on his scarf.

After reading it, I rolled my eyes in my heart.

Did he take good care of this girl?

It’s been more than three years since I debuted, so I can’t stand the rumors.

Apparently, some female stars in the industry made trouble because Qin Nuo didn't publicly select roles.

They can't afford to offend others.

Reba has just debuted, and his ranking is not high, so he seems to be easy to bully.

That’s why the target was pointed at Reba.

ps: I’ll give you two to enjoy first.

There are two more after that.

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I modified the plot a bit, but what happened? Hehe! The following is the word count, I can’t help it.

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