Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

At The 346 New Movie Launch Conference, Huang Xiaoming Was Bullied Together, And Reba And Liu Shishi

But even so, Xiao Nizi is too fragile.

Qin Nuo can guarantee that if this matter were brought up to Yang Mi, she would not even pay attention to it.

That's it.


The damage value is basically zero.

Last time a reporter said that she took Reba to serve Qin Nuo in the hotel, Yang Mi laughed it off.

Well, Damimi won’t say anything.

She is a wonderful woman who can win in gambling.

Even this happened to Nazha Nizi.

Qin Nuo felt that Nazha probably wouldn't care either.

She has experienced the cruelty of the entertainment industry.

In the first year of his debut, he didn’t get any help from Qin Nuo, so his life was just average.

He even stayed at Cai Yinong's house.

So I don't take it too seriously.

Reba is different. This girl debuted as the heroine who broke the drummer.

An instant hit.

In three months, she has traveled a path that other female celebrities have not completed in three years or even five years.

Later, he starred in Gu Jian Qi Tan, stabilizing his popularity on the small screen.

Plus Qin Nuo takes care of her from time to time.

Living a small life is called happiness.

Moreover, this girl also knew that Jiahang would become her own in the near future.


They even dare to say "387" and arrogantly go against Yang Mi...

Talk about it.

Reba is probably the happiest of the women in Qin Nuo, and has basically never had a hard life.

So relatively speaking it is much more fragile.

“Brother Nuo~*

Xiao Nizi looked at Qin Nuo aggrievedly.

"Don't cry." Qin Nuo shook his head.

"He's obviously jealous of you, so he's here to blackmail you.

Gently scratched this girl's little nose.

"It's been more than three years since your debut, can't you see this?"

"I can see it, but I'm still very angry. Why would they say that?"

"Why are everyone so bad!"

"That's what you said~"

Qin Nuo was speechless.

Since ancient times, everyone has been worried not about scarcity but about inequality.

If you were in their shoes, you might be worse than them.

"Have you forgotten what you were like last time when Yang Mi snatched your role?"

Qin Nuo looked at this girl and said with a smile.

"I heard that you and Yang Mi had several fights and your buttocks were swollen!"

Hearing this, Reba blushed and suddenly understood.

It seems that is indeed the case.

At the beginning, my mentality was similar to that of this group of people now. I just wanted to punish Yang Mi severely.

Dare to steal my role!!

Naturally, they also want to deal with themselves severely.

"Brother Nuo, I understand, hehe." Xiao Nizi laughed again.

"They just want to blackmail me and see me sad and dreaming!"

Reba inserted his waist.

"I, Da Reba, will never bow my head, I am King An!"

"Well said, don't bow your head, otherwise the crown will fall off!"

"Thank you Brother Nuo, you are so kind!"

Reba hugged Qin Nuo tightly.

"You're welcome, go and put on the black stockings!"


"I hate it, Brother Nuo," Reba said coquettishly.

The matter of Reba being hacked was not very hot, and it came down within two days.

the reason is simple.

The launch conference of The Man from Earth has begun.

Qin Nuo's reputation is not small, it can be said to be very big.

Came to Hengdian for filming.

He originally planned to build a stage by himself, but Hengdian Film and Television City directly built a stage for him.

Everything is done well.

Hengdian is not stupid either. Now film and television cities are slowly being established in various places.

Not far away, Hengdian Film and Television City has a competitor, Xiangshan Film and Television City!!

To maintain your competitiveness.

Reputation is important.

As one of the most influential directors in the world, Qin Nuo came to their Hengdian store to film.

Isn't this a good service?

Even the venue fee was given to Qin Nuo.

Their purpose is simple.

If you look at the international directors, they all know that our Hengdian Film and Television City is the best, so why don’t you hurry up and film here?

Typical head effect.

The staff came to Qin Nuo and said.

"Director Qin, everything is arranged and you can go on stage at any time!"

"Well, thank you!"

"It should, it should!" the staff member said with a smile.

"Then I'll go backstage first. If Director Qin has anything to do, you can give him orders."

Qin Nuo nodded, glanced at the time, and then looked at Tianjia.

"Get ready, we'll be on stage in five minutes!"

The surrounding actors were very excited, especially Cheng Daoming and Jiang Wenli.

Although they are famous and have strong acting skills

But it’s really not enough in front of Qin Nuo.

Although both of them are award-winning people, this is their first time participating in Qin Nuo's film.

Qiang Ru Cheng Daoming was also a little nervous.

"Hey, Uncle Ming, why are you nervous?" Huang Xiaoming looked at him, his face full of teasing.

"I remember Uncle Ming, didn't you say something? What's so difficult about filming? Just don't take the director too seriously."

Hearing this, Cheng Daoming glared at Huang Xiaoming fiercely.

You boy don't know which pot to open or pick up!

Can that be the same?

Can the director I'm talking about be the same as Qin Nuo?

Those crooked melons and cracked dates can compare with Qin Nuo!!

It's like saying don't take those civil servants too seriously, they are just paid dead wages.

I can give you a provincial boss directly!!!

This is also a civil servant.

Can you not take it seriously?

This guy must have done it on purpose.

Cheng Daoming glanced at Qin Nuo quietly and found that he didn't seem to pay attention.

I felt a little relieved.

Then he looked at Huang Xiaoming and said casually.

"Xiao Ming, why have you lost your reputation as the number one young student in the Mainland?"

Upon hearing this, the smile on Huang Xiaoming's face froze.

"Hey, what a pity. In fact, I think your acting skills are more spiritual than Chao'er's!"

"It's bad luck, what a pity, what a pity!"

Cheng Daoming's acting skills are superb, matched with the expressions on his face.

That's a vivid expression.

"Uncle Ming, don't hit someone in the face!" Huang Xiaoming's forehead was covered with black lines.

I have already scolded this old guy Cheng Daoming in my heart!

Wasn't this just a joke?

How could you use this to diss me?

How can anyone start with a big move?

Don’t talk about martial ethics!

"Hi, Xiao Ming, it's okay!" Cheng Daoming also pretended to pat Huang Xiaoming on the shoulder.

His face was full of sincerity.

"No matter what others say, you have always been the number one student in the Mainland in my heart!"

Huang Xiaoming "..."

Huang Xiaoming almost cried when he said that...

Shen Teng, Jiang Wenli, Chen Baoguo and others laughed so happily.

They all comforted each other.

"Brother Xiao Ming is right," Shen Teng said with a mean smile.

"You will always be the number one student in Mainland China in my heart!"

Chen Baoguo also smiled and agreed.

"I think so too"

"Brother Chen is right!"


Huang Xiaoming pointed at a few people and was really about to cry.

Why do you want to unite to bully me? I, Huang Xiaoming, can be considered a first-line male star in the Mainland.

It’s shameless!

"Huh, I don't care. Everyone knows that I, Xiao Ming, don't care about fame!"


Several people looked at Huang Xiaoming and nodded hurriedly.

But the smile on the face is called happiness.

Don't care?

It depends on whether we believe it or not.

Huang Xiaoming

Qin Nuo and Liu Shishi stood aside, and Liu Shishi watched Huang Xiaoming being bullied by a group of people.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Brother Xiao Ming must be too miserable.

Targeted jointly.

"Qin Nuo, why do everyone like to bully Brother Xiao Ming? Isn't Brother Xiao Ming angry?"

"I almost cried for him, he is so pitiful!"

"It's just a joke, Brother Xiao Ming won't mind!"

Qin Nuo sees things a little further than Liu Shishi, even though Xiao Ming is being bullied to death.

This is also a sign of high emotional intelligence.

It doesn't hurt to make a joke, and it can also bring people closer together.

Let everyone know that he is a person who is easy to get along with and can make jokes.

Why not?

Huang Xiaoming has been in the industry for so long, and he was still the number one male artist in his generation.

Not only his acting skills, but his abilities are also very strong.

The social skills points are full, please help the little prince to understand.

Speaking of which, Qin Nuo quite admires Huang Xiaoming's character.

If you become friends with him, he will never cheat you.

And if you are busy, others will definitely help!

Compared with popularity, although Chao 0.5 is considered good, it really has to be compared with Huang Xiaoming.

There is a gap.

"Hey, Brother Nuo, there are so many reporters outside, you are so popular!"

Liu Shishi was happy when she didn't expect Reba to appear next to Qin Nuo, and her face suddenly dropped.

There are five words written on her face, I am not happy!

Which female star does Liu Shishi hate the most in the industry?

Liu Yifei is naturally ranked first, but the second one is definitely Reba.

She had seen with her own eyes how this woman hooked up with Qin Nuo.

Still in the living room of their house...

Liu Shishi almost went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and knifed this girl.

Hook up with my husband.

Damn it!

"Reba, leave me alone." Liu Shishi squinted her eyes.

"Let me tell you, Xiaonizi, I haven't settled the debt with you three years ago!"

Reba looked at Liu Shishi, her big eyes full of doubts, and asked.

"What's the matter, Sister Shishi?"


ps: Third update, there will be another one an hour later.

The rest is up to you.

Get excited, brothers, it’s the end of the month and tickets are going to disappear!

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