Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

348 Qin Nuo Started To Speak Again And Fooled The Reporter. The New Movie Will Definitely Go Down In


"Dear journalist friends, welcome to the launch conference of the new movie The Man Is From Earth Is Also Me!"

“If you have any questions, just ask!”

"I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know!"

When the reporters below heard this, they kept clicking their cameras and raising their hands.

"Just you!"

Qin Nuo glanced at the reporter wearing a scarf, saying that it would be okay if his good friend took care of him.

The reporters around are used to it.

Qin Nuo's care is not obvious.

This time the scarf came with a little girl, who was pretty good-looking.

And he seemed to be prepared, looking at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Director Qin, I want to ask you, why are you in such a hurry for this filming?"

"And spending two hundred thousand dollars to make a science fiction movie is incredible!"

Qin Nuo nodded. As expected of his good friend, this was a good question.

Other reporters below were also interested.

Two hundred thousand U.S. dollars converted into RMB is just over one million.

It’s hard to make a small movie with this little money, but also a science fiction movie.

Just kidding.

"That's a good question!"

Qin Nuo stood up and looked at everyone with a serious expression.


"I would like to ask everyone, what kind of existence do you think a person would be if he could live from the caveman era to the present!"

Upon hearing this, the reporters below were stunned. Caveman?

Wasn't that more than 10,000 years ago?

If you can live to this day, isn’t this longevity?

"Director Qin, then he will definitely become a very rich man. For more than 10,000 years, even if it is a screw for 10,000 years."

"That can make a lot of money!"

Hearing this, the reporters next to him laughed.

"That's right, but don't forget, he is just an ordinary person!" Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"If an ordinary person can live that long, he will have witnessed the entire history of mankind, from barbarism to feudalism to the current civilization!"

"It is very likely that he knows almost all the secrets in the world, and some of them are even part of his life.

"He knows how Jesus died, he knows who built the pyramids, and he also knows how Buddhism was born."

"He knows almost everything about human history, but some things cannot be changed.

"He even sometimes feels that human beings are stupid and always make the same or even the exact same mistakes!"

"He will think about why this is the case, why the lessons of history are still vivid in his mind, and why humans are still like this!"

"So he started to become confused..."

Qin Nuo's voice was so infectious that the whole audience fell silent.

Be brought into the story by Qin Nuo's voice.

"Later he slowly figured out that it wasn't that they didn't know the lesson, but that they felt they were the chosen ones."

"The lessons of history will not happen to him, but the facts often do not go as they wish!"


"In the end, he finally realized that he is just an ordinary person, even if he has a long life and countless time!"

"He is just an ordinary person, and his thoughts and knowledge will always be limited to this era!"

"You don't become smarter just because you spend a lot of time!"

Qin Nuo looked at the reporter just now and said.

"Now I can answer your question. Even if an ordinary person can live for tens of thousands of years, maybe he is just an ordinary person!"

The reporters were stunned and nodded hurriedly.

Others were also confused, although they couldn't understand what Qin Nuo was talking about.

What are the lessons of history and what are the limitations of the times.

But it feels so cool.

Is the new movie about a person’s immortality story?

Qin Nuo’s imagination is okay.

The smiles on the faces of Huang Xiaoming and others behind him were also bright.

Qin Nuo’s storytelling ability is very strong.

Although it only briefly mentioned the plot in the new movie.

But it has already frightened the reporters below.

Everyone was almost stunned.

It would be okay if they saw the movie.

Several people are more confident about this movie!

"Director Qin, I heard that the filming of this movie lasted twenty days. Is that true?"

"Yes, this movie is very different. I will use a brand new way to shoot science fiction movies!"

"This man from the earth will become a miracle in Chinese and even the world's movies! And it is an achievement that makes other directors despair!"

"May I ask Director Qin what this miracle is?"

Qin Nuo smiled mysteriously.

"You'll know after the movie comes out!"

Seeing Qin Nuo, the reporters below were too lazy to talk.

This guy likes to say half and half.

Then he turned his attention to the other actors.

"Brother Xiao Ming, are you participating in Qin Nuo's movie this time to get back your title as the number one niche actor in Mainland China?"

"Brother Xiao Ming, there is a rumor this time that you paid Director Qin five million to play the second male lead!"

"Brother Xiao Ming, people make money from filming, why do you still give me money?"

Huang Xiaoming"

He almost couldn't hold it in any longer. Who is it?

Who is spreading rumors about me? Why did Qin Nuo pay 5 million and pay for filming!!

Although I have this idea in my mind, I have never done it!

It must be that bastard Deng Chao.


Wait and see how labor and management deal with you!

"Ahem, let me explain in advance that I don't care about the false reputation of being the number one student in the Mainland!"

"I just want to show everyone my good side!"

"Brother Xiao Ming, why do you still play so many domineering CEOs? Netizens say you are very greasy. Especially in Bubble Summer!"

"Is this also showing your good side?"

When Huang Xiaoming heard this, he really couldn't hold it in anymore!

His face turned red.

Next to him, Cheng Daoming and several others were also feeling uncomfortable.

I really want to laugh.

Especially Reba, this girl has a low point of laughter.

He quickly covered his mouth and twitched his body.

You can't laugh at this press conference, you really can't laugh.

After a while, Brother Xiao Ming finally endured it.

"I will pay more attention to film selection and raise my standards in the future!"

"As for the remuneration you mentioned, I'm not afraid to tell you when I see Qin Nuo's script."

"It's true. This script is so exquisitely written. Director Qin is indeed a genius!"

"Even if it's a small amount of money, I still want to star."

"But unfortunately the rumors are false. Director Qin called me and thought I was suitable for this role!"

"After I read the script, I didn't hesitate for a second and agreed directly!"

When the reporters below heard this, they had to admire Huang Xiaoming's emotional intelligence.

This is so well said.

He praised Qin Nuo without losing face to himself.

Brother Xiao Ming is still stable!

After that, every actor and reporter asked about it. Anyway, everyone was very happy and expressed their optimism.

The scenes are described one after another.

They are all old fritters.

It can be said that I am very familiar with how to deal with reporters.

The only thing that worries me is Reba.

Naturally, reporters who had made hot searches in the past knew very well, and finally focused on Reba!

"Miss Reba, what do you think of the hot searches on the Internet?"

Qin Nuo looked at Reba and was a little worried. This girl must not be fooled!

However, Reba's reaction made Qin Nuo's eyes light up.

Xiao Nizi raised her head, she really looked like a queen.

"Of course I stood and watched." Reba looked disdainful.

"The hot search was fake at first glance. I didn't take it to heart at all. The photos posted were all of me injured while filming last year and went to the hospital!"

"Some people who spread rumors are not professional at all and are too sloppy!"

After hearing this, the reporter looked at Reba Gao and said, "This girl can do it!"

What he said was reasonable and well-founded, and he didn't have stage fright at all.

Growing up so fast.

Several other people on the stage also glanced at Reba.

This girl doesn't look like she's worthless.

I thought it was just a canary raised by Qin Nuo, but I didn't expect it to have some abilities.

I'm afraid only Qin Nuo knows.

This girl cried so much when she saw the hot search.

How could you watch it with a smile? You obviously watched it with tears in your eyes.

But reporters haven’t let Reba go yet.

"Then may I ask, Miss Reba, how did you get this role?"

"No need to ask!" Reba looked at the reporter with a big smile.

Xiao Nizi is very beautiful.

Smiling more playfully and cutely.

"Of course I'm beautiful! Qin Nuo said the movie lacked a beautiful vase!"

"I suddenly thought of me!"


this is not OK.

The reporters secretly thought.

Why is Xiao Nizi so fine now...

They are a little disappointed.

The entertainment industry is indeed a big mess. If they remember correctly, it was only a year ago.

Reba, this girl, acted submissive when facing reporters and did not dare to speak loudly.

But it didn't take long for it to evolve.

I also learned to be shameless.

never mind.

I'll change it to black in the future, but this one won't move.

The press conference lasted for two hours, and Qin Nuo was already ready to announce the end.

But the reporters pressed Qin Nuo to answer one more question.

"Okay!" Seeing how excited these guys were, Qin Nuo planned to give them some face.

There is no carriage fee.

It’s okay to say one more word.

"Then it's you, that bald guy, I think I know you!"

Qin Nuo looked at Brother Liu. He remembered that this guy seemed to be quite famous in the reporter circle.

A very smart person.

"Hey, it's such an honor to be remembered by Director Qin," Brother Liu said with a smile.

Then he looked at Qin Nuo and asked the question that reporters were most concerned about.

"Director Qin, now you are a world-class director and have successfully entered the billion-dollar director club!"

"We would like to ask if you are planning to go to Hollywood to develop after this movie is finished!"

ps: Added the first chapter!!

Brother, get up.

There are still six leather tickets left for the next chapter.

On and on!!.

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