Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

349 The Bottomless Flattery From The Reporter Made Everyone In The Industry And Netizens Feel Numb!

Hearing this, not only the actors on the press desk also looked at Qin Nuo.

Although Qin Nuo said before that he would not leave China.

But now and then, there is no comparison between Qin Nuo a year ago and Qin Nuo now.

Now Qin Nuo has Inception!

He is truly a great director.

Even Hollywood is the same, just setting up a studio in Hollywood.

There are many Hollywood movie companies who want to make movies with him.

Although Qin Nuo didn't say it clearly, reporters were well-informed.

He was invited by at least a dozen film companies.

After hearing this, Qin Nuo understood. It turned out that these guys were so polite just now.

I didn't pay for the carriage fare and I was late. I didn't even have hot water.

These reporters also smiled.

It turns out that I was afraid that I would run away and lose the heat!

"Hmph, you guys~"

Qin Nuo knew that these guys had no profit and couldn't afford to go early, so why did they go there.

In just one day, I learned about the tidbits about me, and some people actually said that I had an illegitimate child.

I gave birth to your sister out of wedlock!

A big director in a labor-capital relationship talks about love with a few little flowers.

What's wrong with helping them get familiar with acting?

When she was a girl, she came to visit China. As a host, I invited her to drink some wine and play some games. What's wrong?

There are also Masami, Yui-chan, and Ishihara Satomi who came across the ocean from Sakura Country, so far away.

I am not allowed to treat them to some Chinese specialty sausages.

I was invited to try the sushi unique to Sakura Country again.

This is not a normal thing.


You guys are buying cars and houses on the basis of labor gossip.

Now you know what to worry about.

"That's hard to say." Qin Nuo looked at everyone with confused expressions.

Hearing this, the reporters below became nervous.

Damn it, Qin Nuo, you 267 are not trustworthy!

I really want to run!

"I suddenly realized that some paparazzi in China knew how to hack me in just one day, and I felt a little uncomfortable!"

"If possible, why don't I go to the United States to shoot some movies!"

"But everyone thinks that although I live in the United States, my heart has always been in China!"

“Will definitely come back!”


They really want to beat Qin Nuo to death, we want a hammer for your heart.

We are the ones who want you, but you went to the United States. What about our hotspots, our bonuses, our mortgages and car loans?

That's right, although we have programmed you for so many years.

But we love you!

All emotions are revealed.

"Director Qin, in fact, most reporters are good people, they are just paparazzi. Those people cannot be regarded as reporters!"

Brother Liu said quickly.

"That's right, Director Qin, we have always been ashamed of their company!"

"Yes, Director Qin, we will fight these paparazzi who ruin the reputation of journalists every time we see them!"

Qin Nuo raised his eyes and said.

"Then let's wait and see. I'll leave this publicity to everyone!"

"The press conference for the new movie is finally over, see you next time!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo left directly with everyone.

This is not far from the venue, Qin Nuo everyone will start shooting tonight.

Everyone had no objections either.

Everyone can't wait to finish filming and release it as soon as possible.

The Chinese New Year was supposed to be coming in a few days, so Qin Nuo was in a hurry.

But it’s not easy to think of everyone.

I plan to take two days off, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, so everyone can go home.

But when Qin Nuo said this, he was opposed by everyone including the actors and the staff behind the scenes.

The staff behind the scenes don’t want to take a holiday, the reason is very simple. During the Spring Festival, the company is five times as busy.

Give it a hammer break.

As long as I can make money, I can’t go home to celebrate the New Year.

Director Qin, don't delay our financial path.

The same goes for actors, although they look down upon the salary,

But they also hope to finish filming soon.

And as an artist, I am used to not being able to go home during the Chinese New Year.

Besides, what should I do if my condition drops after two days after returning home? Everyone is a seasoned actor.

I can't afford to lose face like this.

Qin Nuo didn’t expect that he was giving some benefits to everyone, but he didn’t expect that you didn’t want them.

Then forget it.

In this way, I can also save a lot of crew expenses, get it done in one go, and maybe speed up the shooting a little bit.

You really made me, a capitalist, make money with tears in my eyes!

There is no break during the Chinese New Year.

Everyone came to the venue to prepare for filming

When the reporters on the other side returned, they were also uncharacteristically uncharacteristic.

Start bragging about Qin Nuo.

[The genius director Qin Nuo, another science fiction masterpiece has arrived! The story is novel and opens a new chapter in science fiction! 】

[With unparalleled talent, Director Qin will tell you how to use 200,000 US dollars to make a science fiction film that will amaze the world!]

[Immortality, whether it is good or bad for an ordinary person, talented director Qin Nuo will tell the story of an immortal! 】

[Explosion, there are nine talents in the world, Qin Nuo is divided into eight, a new movie is coming! He is teasing the world with his talent!]



Reporters then went further and further, directly comparing Qin Nuo to Li Bai, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty.

It is said that Qin Nuo is a contemporary banished immortal.

His talent is comparable to that of Cao Zhi, who composed poetry in eight steps and wrote famous works throughout the ages!

The arrogance that is praised is called a powerful person.

People in the industry and netizens were stunned.

To be honest, Qin Nuo’s talent goes without saying.

He is said to be the number one talent in the film industry right now.

Netizens have no objections.

Directors, actors and others in the circle also had no objections.

If you have any opinions, you won't say them out. Although the literati look down upon you, Qin Nuo's reputation is too great.

Even if it is light.

Your gap is so big that just saying it makes people laugh.

But it would be a bit too much to say that Qin Nuo can be compared with Li Bai, the poet immortal, and that he is a contemporary exiled immortal.

There are nine battles of talents in the world. You, Qin Nuo, have eight battles to yourself. We will share one battle equally. . . .

It can be compared with Cao Zhi, a great talent in ancient times.

Qin Nuo, just tell me how much money you stuffed reporters.

Too much praise!

Even a little shameless!

"What the hell, Qin Nuo, you are so shameless!" Feng Xiaogang scolded him after seeing the trending search at home.

"You can also banish an immortal and banish a hammer. How much money has this guy stuffed with you?"

"I think it's quite well written!" Chen Fan said with a smile.

"Qin Nuo is handsome and talented. His movies are so good and he has a rich imagination like Li Bai. Why can't he be called an Immortal?"

"You imagine that Li Bai was the top figure in the Tang Dynasty and Qin Nuo is the top figure now. The two can be compared!"

Feng Xiaogang:

"Wife, is it really okay for you to praise other men like this in front of your husband?"

"Besides, this guy is still my enemy, you've gone too far!"

Feng Xiaogang was very angry. He felt that his dignity as a man had been trampled on.

Can I still have this wife?

"What are you talking about? How can I have such thoughts!" Chen Fan rolled his eyes at Feng Xiaogang.

But I secretly thought,

It would be hard to tell if I were twenty years younger.

"And there is no need for you to regard Qin Nuo as your enemy, he treats you well!

"Didn't you also invite you to the last Hollywood premiere?"

"Hmph, that guy attacked me last time during the Golden Rooster Awards, cheated me out of money, and owed me one million, but he hasn't paid it back yet, and..."

"Xiao Gang, you are so wrong now. Why doesn't Qin Nuo treat others like you?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Xiaogang was a little confused.

"That's because Qin Nuo likes you. Only heroes and heroes will cherish each other!"

"People recognize you!"

Not to mention that Feng Xiaogang still found it quite novel when he heard this.

Yes, why did Qin Nuo cling to him and call him from time to time to brag about his achievements.

It was the same when they met. The two often bickered with each other.

So that’s it.

The only heroes of China are Qin Nuo and I, Feng Xiaogang.

That’s what it meant.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaogang smiled on his face.

"Forget it, I won't argue with him this time!"

Feng Xiaogang got up and left humming a song, feeling very good.

In the room, Chen Fan shook his head.

Full of contempt~

"You're still competing with Qin Nuo, even if you're comparing hammers with each other, the difference in IQ isn't just a tiny bit!

Of course Chen Fan was lying to Feng Xiaogang.

I hate you because I like you.

Only Feng Xiaogang would believe this.

She can guarantee that Qin Nuo did this mostly just for fun.

Feng Xiaogang has a bad temper among directors, and if you criticize him, Xiaogang will soon break his guard.

It must be Qin Nuo’s bad taste.

It has nothing to do with appreciation...

The same is true on the other side of the Internet. Netizens were also surprised by this hot search.

"Qin Nuo, tell me the truth. How much money you spent has made these reporters treat you like your own father!!"

"I'm sorry, I'm a little nauseous. Director Qin has passed it. Is this a high-level black joke or is he really praising you?"

"To be honest, Qin Nuo's talent must be top-notch now, but~"

"There is definitely a gap between the immortal poet who has been famous for centuries and the great talent Cao Zhi!"

But the female fans of Qin Nuo are not happy about this. As we all know, female fans are.

Basically no brains.

Once you like it, you will feel that your idol is the most powerful in the world.

ps: The first update, guaranteed to be the fourth update today!

Ten monthly tickets will add updates, and the same goes for rewards.

The brothers became angry. It’s the last day!!!.

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