Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

359 Dc Is A Big Pit! Deng Wendi Was Heartbroken And Couldn't Help But Want To See Qin Nuo Fail.

"Yeah, you are really immodest!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart, this girl is quite Versailles.

Liu Yifei smiled.

In fact, she also suppressed her excitement.


She had imagined before that she might be able to walk on it one day.

But after successive successes in movies, I already regarded this as a luxury hope.

I only think about it when I'm dreaming at night.

But she didn't expect to meet Qin Nuo and lead her to a new life.

Not only did she win the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress, she also had the opportunity to walk the Oscar red carpet!!

To be honest, it felt like a dream with Sophie.

Looking at Qin Nuo, he couldn't help but pinched his face with his hands.


Liu Yifei looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Dear, I'm not dreaming."

"I, Liu Yifei, will be able to win the Best Actress award one day and even go to the Oscars. Why do I feel like everything is so unreal!"

"It's like a dream!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo smiled and hugged Liu Yifei tighter.

Qin Nuo also knows Liu Yifei well. Really, this woman is not only a bit arrogant.

There's really nothing else wrong with it.

She is very serious when filming and basically does whatever she is asked to do without losing her temper.

I don’t specifically ask for anything to eat.

Except for his poor acting skills, overall he is still a very accomplished actor.

And Liu Yifei knows how to restrain herself.

It may also be due to laziness.

Rarely participate in variety shows and commercial performances.

I usually stay at home, read books and dance.

Life is also very simple.

Compared to other celebrity artists, 923 is really many times better.

"Then if this is really a dream, are you willing to keep living it?"


Liu Yifei looked at Qin Nuo, her eyes full of affection.

The two looked at each other for a while before Qin Nuo said.

"Okay, if you keep reading, I won't be able to help but marry you!"

Hearing this, Ou Yifei smiled happily.

"Hey, I don't mind. How about I secretly take out the household registration book?"

Qin Nuo

"Don't let go, Qin Nuo, you bastard~" Liu Yifei firmly held Qin Nuo's hand.

“If you want to have sex for nothing, there’s no way!”

The two of them were noisy all the way.

Twelve hours later, I finally came to the other side of the ocean.

It was still Deng Wendi and Kevin who came to pick him up.

The little spy had already told Qin Nuo about Deng Wendi making a big fuss at Disneyland.

When Qin Nuo heard the news, he almost stopped laughing.

Damn, it's so funny...

Deng Wendi really believed what the old friends in the country said and thought the superhero he was going to film was an avenger.

He came directly to Robert's door and scolded him severely.

Cooperation between the two parties was also cancelled.

But Qin Nuo didn't know why, but he obviously signed the contract.

Disney has not asked Fox for compensation.

Very strange.

But it’s none of his business. Maybe Disney doesn’t like the money.

"Ma'am, Kevin, long time no see!"

Qin Nuo is not embarrassed because he took Warner's order.

Instead, he smiled happily.

As before, with a smile on his face, these two words were all he had on his face.


Deng Wendi and Kevin looked at each other in the same way.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart.

"Qin Nuo, you are so shameless. You abandoned us, Fox, and you still pretended like nothing happened!"

But this was not the place to talk, so the two smiled politely.

Deng Wendi also chatted with Liu Yifei.

Complimenting her beauty, the fairy sister has no motive.

Hearing the boss of Fox praise her, he smiled like a little fool.

After putting their luggage in the hotel, the four of them went to the restaurant on the rooftop.

Deng Wendi finally couldn't help but asked before the food was served.

"Qin, are you going too far to betray your friends like this?" Deng Wendi looked at Qin Nuo, very sad.

"We have never treated you badly in the 21st century!"

"Ms. Deng is right, Qin." Kevin also pretended to be heartbroken.

"Last month you said you wanted to pay the share of Inception in advance, and Fox didn't refuse!"

"We treat people with sincerity and have never cheated you!"

"Why are you going to Disney and hiding it from us..."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei, who was eating ice cream next to her, was stunned.

What the hell.

Isn't this a celebration banquet but a Hongmen banquet?

Fox wants to settle a score with Qin Nuo?

Liu Yifei also remembered the headlines about scarves that went viral some time ago.

Could it be that Qin Nuo really took over Disney’s Avengers!!!

My husband is awesome......

"Ma'am, Kevin, don't talk nonsense!" Qin Nuo said strangely.

"I have never contacted Disney! Robert has never contacted me!"

Both of them were shocked when they heard this. You still don't admit it at this time.

"Qin, stop joking, we all know it!"

"Why are you lying to you? I really have no contact with Disney." Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"Just wait and see. If I become the director of The Avengers, I won't pay a penny for this new movie!"

Hearing this, Deng Wendi and Kevin were surprised.

What the hell is going on? When they went to Disneyland ten days ago, didn’t Robert say that Qin Nuo was the director of Avengers?

One said yes, one said no.

Who is lying?

"Qin, didn't you say you accepted a superhero movie?"

"Yes, but it's not Disney but Warner's!" (cheh)


The two of them were surprised, their eyes widened in disbelief.


So what happened last time we went to Disney?

Deng Wendi didn't have that much, so he asked again quickly.


"That's right!" Qin Nuo nodded.

"Qin Nuo, you are stupid~!" Deng Wendi looked sad.

"DC is a big hole, a real big hole. Do you know how many world-famous directors have failed in it?"

"Warner has made at least ten DC movies, including Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, everything, but none of them are watchable.

"If Warner hadn't had super distribution capabilities, otherwise, everything would have been a loss!"

"Someone at Hollywood has long said that DC is poisonous, and this bitch David is trying to trick you!"

Hearing this, Kevin also nodded.

"Qin, we really won't lie to you. You can just ask someone from a good house. DC is just a scam."

"Don't give it away, it's really too difficult." Just think about how DC would be so easy to shoot.

"Why did Warner have to mothball it for ten years? For ten years, they didn't make a DC movie!"

"Someone has long said that DC has provoked God! So there is no way it will have a good box office!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei also glanced at Qin Nuo worriedly.

It sounds so mysterious.

Qin Nuo should not be counted.

"Haha~" Qin Nuo laughed.

"Really? I just don't believe in this evil. I think DC is very suitable for making movies!"

"And I don't believe in God!"

The two of them rolled their eyes when they heard it, Qing was so young.

You are young and don't know the power of this.

This is not a problem that talent can solve, this is metaphysics.

And even if it's talent, was Warner short of money before? Which director they found was not world-class.

But they all jumped.

Anyway, Deng Wendi and Kevin thought Qin Nuo made a bad move this time.

"Qin, how much did they pay you?"

"Twenty percent of the global box office share!"

Qin Nuo didn't mention the peripherals, so of course he keeps the good stuff himself.

"That's quite generous!" Deng Wendi glanced at Qin Nuo, and then sighed.

"Okay, Qin Nuo, if you want to try it, just try it, but be prepared to fail!"

"This may be the biggest failure in your life!"

Kevin nodded too.

In an instant, the two of them no longer cared about Qin Nuo's scumbag behavior.

Qin Nuo, go ahead.

Only when you go out and take a look will you know how good Fox is to you.

Although Warner's move is generous, it is obviously a trap.

If that piece of shit was really so easy to photograph, would it pay you such a high price?

When you fail, you will know that we, Fox, are the best for you.

Even Deng Wendi couldn't wait to see Qin Nuo fail.

When the time comes, she will comfort and encourage you, and then give you something.

Qin Nuo was so moved that he died.

Maybe I will stand by her for the rest of my life.

"Go, go, go quickly, I can't wait to see you make a big DC movie!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these unhappy things." Deng Wendi smiled with a smile on his face.

"Qin, come on, cheers!"


Deng Wendi really never talked about movies after that.

Tell Qin Nuo that his yacht has been at the Mercado family's four-person marina in Los Angeles.

Someone will help him maintain it every week.

If you want to go out and play, just go directly.

Qin Nuo expressed his gratitude.

Liu Yifei on the side was very surprised.


Qin Nuo also has a yacht!

Kevin asked in a low voice.

Only then did I realize that this yacht is not small and can accommodate dozens of people to have a party on the sea.

More importantly, Ting was given by the Fox family.

The little girl was frightened.

This is too generous, this thing is not cheap.

It can even catch up to her entire net worth...

ps: Added a second chapter, brothers, continue. Don't stop!

I'm on the hook today, give me your vote and give you your life!!

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