Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

360 Invisible Outfit Ratio! The Grand Opening Of The Oscars, Leonardo Was Attacked By Qin Nuo!

After eating, Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei returned to the room.

Qin Nuo was sitting on the sofa, ready to take a rest, but Liu Yifei suddenly jumped into his arms.

Putting his hands around Qin Nuo's neck.

Looking at Qin Nuo with wide eyes, his face was full of excitement.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Qin Nuo patted the girl's buttocks and said strangely.

"Qin Nuo, you have a yacht, and you didn't even tell me?" Sister Fairy pretended to be aggrieved.

“And it’s a luxury yacht worth tens of millions!”

"You can go and play if you like." Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"It's not something to be proud of!"

"Aren't you proud? The price of that thing is almost as high as that of a private jet!"

"Private jets, do you like them?"

"Of course I like it, who doesn't?"

"Okay then, we will take a private jet when we go back in a few days. There are several Fox Company planes!"

Liu Yifei

She looked at Qin Nuo and suddenly felt that this man was so pretentious.

But what should I do if she likes it so much...

After showing off her arrogance for a while, Liu Yifei became worried again.

"Husband, they all say that DC is a scam, why don't we stop filming, in case it fails..."

"Don't worry, your husband can do it"

Qin Nuo held the fairy sister's little face and said confidently.

"Just wait and see, it will start with at least one billion US dollars!"

Liu Yifei couldn't help seeing Qin Nuo's confident look.

She seemed to be poisoned.

"Husband, I believe you!" Then he glanced at Qin Nuo shyly.

"Let's go to the bedroom!"

"No, right here, aren't you wearing a skirt?" Qin Nuo whispered in her ear.

The fairy sister’s face turned even redder.


But I still stood up a little, then fumbled around a bit, and sat down again.

There was a burst of satisfaction on his face.

Holding Qin Nuo and refusing to let go.

On the other side, Deng Wendi and Kevin did not go home, but were drinking red wine in the office.

Mike was also on the side, with a smile on his face.

"Ma'am, it seems that Qin was deceived by Warner Bros. DC is a big trap," Mike said with a smile.

"No, no, no!" Kevin shook his head.

"Mike, you are underestimating Qin. He must know that DC has failed many times! He even knows it very clearly."

"Then why do you still want to answer?" Mike asked strangely.

Qin clearly knows that this is a trap, but Qin still jumps into it. Isn't this stupid?

"It's very simple, because he is confident and confident that he can save DC. Kevin looks sure.

"Mike, don't think of Qin as someone our age, he is less than thirty years old!"

"When you are so young and energetic, think about it if he could save DC!"

"Not to mention how much profit he can get, the fame alone makes his heart beat!"

"Countless first-class directors in the world have failed in DC, but he can succeed!"

"If you can accomplish this feat, the world will be shocked!"

After hearing this, Mike thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case.

Qin Bie looked like an old fox.

But he is not very old, and he has achieved so much.

It’s normal to want to challenge yourself.

So young and energetic~!

Deng Wendi and Kevin had the same ideas.

She thought so too, maybe those idiots at Warner used this to motivate Qin Nuo.

"Then do you think Qin Nuo's talent can save DC?" Deng Wendi asked.

Upon hearing this, Kevin and Mike were a little silent.

It took a while before Mike said.

"I think the possibility is unlikely, not even 30%, DC is poisonous..."

"My thoughts are similar to Mike's. There is a chance, but it's really not big."

"It's not that I look down on Qin, it's just that no character chosen by DC is easy to film!"

"Superman is too strong and would be really boring to film. You can try Batman, but someone else tried it before and it was miserable.

"Wonder Woman is no good either. With a woman as the absolute protagonist, it's difficult to get a high box office."

"You can give the Flash a try, but your reputation will be a little less famous!"

"I won't talk about other heroes. Their reputations are too small, so Qin will definitely not choose them!"

Deng Wendi nodded.

"What you mean is that there is a high possibility that Qin will attack the street!"

The two looked at each other and said.

"Well, it's very big!"

Deng Wendi felt relieved when he saw that his two assistants thought the same as her.

Qin Nuo was really tricked by this piece of shit Warner this time.

"Okay, continue to maintain a friendly relationship with Qin, remember!"

Deng Wendi looked at the two of them.

"Even if Qin Nuo hates us in DC, we can't change our attitude. Such a proud person needs comfort the most when he is at his lowest point."

"As a friend of Qin Nuo, Fox must stand by his side when others mock him and ridicule him."

"do you understand?"

Kevin and Mike nodded, they would do this even if Deng Wendi didn't say anything.

Qin Nuo's failure in DC was a crime other than war.

Don't blame him.

As for why Deng Wendi did this, it's not simple. Let Qin return to his heart.

From now on, I can make movies for Fox with peace of mind.


Deng Wendi was very satisfied, packed his things and was about to leave, when something suddenly occurred to him.

He turned to look at the two people and said doubtfully.

"I almost forgot, since Qin Nuo accepted the order from Warner, what happened to Robert and Allen last time?"

"Didn't I scold us in vain? We even broke the contract with Hurricane Rescue, and Disney didn't sue us?"


"Do you know the reason?"


Kevin and Mike, look at me and I look at you.

He was also confused.

Who knows.

"Ma'am, we don't know either!"

"Forget it, we won't lose anyway!"

"Hurricane Rescue is a movie that is obviously making money. If I beat Disney, I can still make a little more!"

Time passed quickly, Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei spent two days in Los Angeles.

Then ushered in the annual movie feast.

The world's top film awards ceremony.


At seven o'clock in the afternoon, night gradually enveloped the coastal city of Los Angeles.

The heat of the day gradually dissipates.

The cool, salty sea breeze blows from the east coast.

It makes people feel a little intoxicated.

The Hollywood Dolby Theater is now decorated with lights, and the entire theater is like a gorgeous palace.


Countless filmmakers around the world dream of stepping into this palace.


A bright red carpet has been laid out at the entrance of the theater, like a giant dragon crawling underneath.

Both sides were crowded with reporters from all over the world.

Although Qin Nuo feels very average about Oscar, he has to admit it.

The Oscars are indeed the world's top film awards ceremony.

Countless celebrity directors are proud to win Oscars.

Not to mention getting it or being shortlisted, I already feel lucky to be able to walk on the red carpet.

Even nervous.

Just like the fairy sister standing next to Qin Nuo.

"Hey, Sissi, why are you holding me so hard?"

"sorry Sorry!"

Liu Yifei quickly let go, but couldn't help but hug Qin Nuo tightly.

Although it hasn't started yet.

She was almost dying of nervousness.

"Qin Nuo, are my clothes okay?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at Liu Yifei and said.

"This is the third time you've asked me, no problem, it looks great!"

He didn't lie. Liu Yifei was wearing a long black dress today.

After the development of Qin Nuo, this woman has begun to take shape and her figure has improved a lot.

There is a ditch and a butt.

Coupled with this face, as long as Liu Yifei doesn't smile or show her teeth.

That's definitely top-notch looks.

Qin Nuo has already seen several foreigners peeking at this girl.

There were many people who wanted to strike up a conversation, but when I saw Liu Yifei was Qin Nuo~

He retreated again. There was also a flattering smile on his face.

It turns out that Qin’s women are untouchable!

"Then my hair is messed up~"

"This is the fifth time"

"What about the makeup on my face?"

"Seventh time!"

Liu Yifei

"Okay" Qin Nuo kissed Xiao Nizi on the face.

"It's perfect. Don't be nervous. It's just a red carpet. It's not like you've never walked before!"

Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"Can this be the same? This is the Oscars, the holy place of world cinema..."

Liu Yifei stood up.

Qin Nuo's ears felt itchy, but he didn't feel anything different anyway.

"Hey, beauty, are you free? How about I buy you a drink tonight?"


Liu Yifei looked at Xiao Lizi at a loss.

He quickly looked at Qin Nuo, his eyes full of panic.

"Hey, Leonardo!" Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at the guy.

"You said if I beat you up at the Oscars, would it make headlines around the world?"

"Qin!" Xiao Lizi looked unconvinced.

"I have practiced boxing. Come on to the ring. The one who wins the duel can take away this fairy!"

This guy even made some decent boxing moves.

"Go ahead, I would have believed what you said ten years ago." Qin Nuo looked disdainful.

"Look at yourself now, now."

"Don't talk about getting on the ring, I think you're even struggling to get on the kang!"

"What?" Leonardo didn't understand what getting on the bed meant.

But when she saw Liu Yifei on the side, she was smiling happily.

I also know that what Qin Nuo said was not good.

ps: The old rules, continue, four updates guaranteed, additional updates are up to everyone. Monthly ticket reminder and reward for extra updates

Come on everyone, stand up.

My goal this month is to write at least 1.7 million words.

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