Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

371 Warner Wants To Take Advantage? Qin Nuo Has A Bad Temper, I Won’T Serve Him Anymore!

The cost of this movie was only 200,000 US dollars.

It's really unbelievable.

"Qin, I haven't congratulated you on winning the Little Golden Man yet!"

"Yes, would you like Fox to host an internal cocktail party for you?"

The two suggested.

Deng Wendi on the side also nodded, and Qin Nuo agreed.

Now they can spread the word and make sure it's ready by night.

"Forget it, I still prefer the celebration party!"

"Haha!" Upon hearing this, the three of them laughed.

There was no refutation, they also believed that this man from the earth could sell well this time.

There is really no blockbuster competition in March.

"Qin, if this premiere is not held in the United States, the celebration party must be given to us at Fox!"

"That's right, Qin, you can't favor one over the other!"

Qin Nuo thought for a while, then nodded.

Even if Fox didn't say anything, Qin Nuo planned to hold the celebration banquet in the United States.

the reason is simple.

After the movie From Earth comes the real feast.

He has redeemed the script for The Dark Knight and is preparing to make a huge profit.

When the time comes to take advantage of the celebration party to announce the new movie news, it will definitely cause a global sensation.

Seeing Qin Nuo nodding, Deng Wendi showed a smile on his face, and then thought about Qin Nuo being deceived by Warner, and his expression changed a lot.

Damn Warner, you actually tricked me Qin Nuo into boarding your DC ship!


David I 27 greetings to all the women in your family.

Do you know how much money Fox will make less if it’s delayed for a year?

Not counting these, Deng Wendi didn't care about one year.

What she is worried about is what happens if Qin Nuo loses in DC.

What should you do if you are hit and lose confidence?

At first, she thought it was good for Qin Nuo to lose, so that he could know who was really good to him.

But after I went back and thought about it carefully, I decided not to be too harsh.

Don't look back and lose your confidence.

"Qin, as a friend, I still want to remind you."

"Speak, ma'am!"

"If the DC movie really fails, don't be discouraged, it's not your fault!"

"Many first-class directors in history have fallen on the broken ship of DC. Don't lose confidence!"

Kevin and Mike also nodded when they heard this.

Yes, that's right.

We want you to fail, but we don't want you to lose confidence.

That damn thing Dc is really poisonous.

"Don't worry, madam, I will definitely succeed!"

Deng Wendi looked at Qin Nuo's confident smile and murmured in his heart.

"Young man, how happy you are smiling now, how ugly your face will be when the DC movie is released!"

"Forget it, go ahead, the worst I can do is go back and find more than a dozen top Victoria's Secret models to comfort you. The money will come from Fox!"

"As long as you can get out of DC's shadow, it doesn't matter if you spend millions!"

Several people discussed the plan to release it in fifteen days and use 20 million as promotional funds.

Qin Nuo only needs to pay a quarter of this money.

This is also stipulated in the contract

After that, we communicated about the publicity method and the time of the road show.

Qin Nuo left Fox at two o'clock in the afternoon.

However, Qin Nuo did not return to the villa. Warner called in the morning, although the movie "From Earth" has not been released yet.

But Warner has recognized Qin Nuo's talent and asked him to discuss the contract.

Once decided.

Then Warner will start the project soon.

A movie is more than just shooting, there is a lot of preparation work to be done.

Just talking about funding, a superhero movie requires an investment of at least hundreds of millions.

Warner will have to raise this much money for a long time.

"Qin, let me introduce to you that this is Carter and this is Smith." David had a smile on his face.

"These two are directors of Warner Bros. to discuss the movie with you on behalf of the board of directors."


"Qin has heard of you a long time ago, hello!"

Qin Nuo shook hands with the two and had a good impression of Smith.

But this Mr. Carter, Qin Nuo always felt that something was wrong with his face.

Qin Nuo didn't feel any discrimination, he just felt that this guy was very dissatisfied with him.

Qin Nuo even saw a hint of resentment in his eyes.

The fat man with the red nose must be sick.

Labor and management didn’t know you before.

"Qin, don't worry about us!" Smith said gently.

"Carter and I are just here to listen. The discussion should be between you, David and Sarnoff."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Smith!"

In the living room, Qin Nuo was sitting on the sofa, next to David and Sanoff.

Carter and Smith sat farther away.

The two seemed to be talking about something, but they kept looking at the three of them from the corner of their eyes.

"Qin, we can agree to your first request. The winner of the challenge is naturally qualified to make conditions."

Qin Nuo had a faint smile on his face.

"David, it's a bit early to say this. In fact, I think it's better to talk after a month. After all, black swan events have never happened before.

"I'm actually worried that the new movie will be a hit!"

Hearing this, David and Sarnoff rolled their eyes inwardly?


Do you think we are stupid? The filming cost is 200,000 US dollars, if the publicity costs are not included.

Can the money be recovered with a box office of 600,000?

Are you telling me that I will rush to the street?

One of the reasons why Warner is so quick to talk to Qin Nuo is that it is afraid that the new movie will explode at the box office.

What should I do if Qin Nuo regrets it?

Hollywood is not just a film company, there may be other companies offering better conditions to Qin Nuo.

When the time comes Qin Nuo totals,

DC movies are inherently difficult, so why bother? Isn’t it great to make easy money?

It is not impossible to leave them and run away.

So I hurriedly found Qin Nuo before the movie was released.

Qin Nuo actually roughly understood what Warner was thinking, but the initiative was in his hands and he didn't want to shoot.

Warner can still hold down his hand to shoot, what a joke.

"Qin, after research, we can give you 4% of the peripheral share. Forget it about a single superhero, it's not necessary!"

"There is also the issue of OEMs. We are gradually shifting our production location from sub-India to mainland China to China!"

Seeing Qin Nuo's expression was wrong, David continued.

"Qin, don't underestimate 4%. I guarantee that these peripherals can provide you with a share of nearly 10 million US dollars every year."

"We at Warner have global channels and...

"Sorry David, I have something else to do, so I have to leave first!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo stood up directly.

It doesn’t matter so much, it doesn’t matter if you are Warner, the worst thing is that the labor and management will return to Fox.

Or just go to Marvel.

If he can't play Avengers, it doesn't matter if Qin Nuo makes other hero movies.

Spider-Man is good. The creativity of Spider-Man 3 is good, and the three generations of Spider-Man come together.

Qin Nuo believes Disney will be interested.

You can still make money.

If it doesn't work out, just go to Forks.

I still have so many good movies in my mind, but I’m afraid I won’t make any money.

Four percent, you send beggars away.

David did not expect that Qin Nuo would actually leave. In fact, when Sarnoff came back, he had already said that Qin Nuo might have already written the script.

David and the others discussed using this to blackmail Qin Nuo.

Anyway, you’ve already written it, wouldn’t it be a pity not to shoot it?

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo didn't tolerate them at all and left directly.

Everyone was numb for a while.

David quickly signaled with his eyes.

The staff at the door stood in front of Qin Nuo and said.

"Sir, I'm sorry!"

Qin Nuo didn't expect that Warner would stop him, and he was really angry.

"David, what do you want to do, restrict my personal freedom!"

"Even if you are like this, what's the point? 130, are you really not afraid that I will make you anxious and your hundreds of millions of investments will be wasted?"


He didn't speak. Smith looked at Qin Nuo and said.

"Qin, I'm sorry. I apologize for David's gaffe just now. We don't want to restrict your freedom, we just hope you give it another chance!

"Mr. Smith" Qin Nuo looked at him.

"To be honest, I have made a lot of determination to take over DC. If you have this attitude, you can replace me."

"I do not mind!"

"Hollywood has many directors who are better than me, and there are also many screenwriters who are better than me. I believe they are willing to contribute their part to DC!"

When Smith heard this, he was not angry and said with a smile.

"Qin, stop joking. You are one of the most talented people on this planet. I don't think there is anyone more suitable than you."

"That's right!" David stood up and said, "Qin, if you are not satisfied with the conditions, we can talk slowly. We, Warner, are sincere."

"Okay! We can talk!" Qin Nuo had a sincere smile on his face.

Hearing this, everyone in David breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be willing to talk.

In fact, Warner is also anxious now.

If only directors like Qin Nuo were really easy to find.

They don't need to seal DC for more than ten years.

If Qin Nuo doesn't film it, they don't know when it will be until DC can see the light of day again.

It's not possible to force it open. We must not let the fans of Beijing Movies lose even a little bit of their confidence.

"But I don't want to talk today, I'm in a bad mood!?"


David and Smith looked at each other, Qin Nuo had stumped them.

They were even a little worried if they really let Qin Nuo go.

Will this guy just take a taxi and go to Disneyland...

ps: It’s the same old rule, four updates guaranteed, additional updates are up to you, la la la!.

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