Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

372 Warner Showed Weakness, Taught The Fairy Sister A Lesson, And Returned To China! !

"Let's do this, Qin!" David looked at Qin Nuo,

"To show our sincerity, we can first transfer the foundry to the Huaguo factory, and it can be completed within a month!"

David was relieved when he saw that Qin Nuo was doing better.

I felt a little depressed in my heart, because at some point Warner turned into a groveling person.


Is this what Chinese people call the changing of fortunes?

"Then I would like to thank Warner on behalf of China, but I really don't want to talk about it today. Let's discuss it after the movie is released!"

"That's okay, but Qin, please tell us truthfully whether you have conceived the script and who is the chosen superhero?"

"We can make some preparations in advance, such as selecting actors!"

Qin Nuo thought for a while, it didn't matter if this was revealed.


Hearing this, David and others' eyes lit up.

You really thought it through when co-writing it.

Damn it~ David even wanted to find a hacker to hack Qin Nuo’s computer.

"The Dark Knight Batman!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo directly pushed away the staff in front of him and left Na.

David and the others didn't stop him this time. Since Qin Nuo didn't want to talk, he would just wait.

It's just a pity that they didn't expect Qin Nuo to be so tough.

After all, we are still Warner, so give us some face.

There is no negotiation.

"Humph, boy Zhang!"

Smith glanced at Carter next to him and said calmly.

"Why didn't you say anything when Qin was here just now?"

"This... has nothing to do with you!"

Carter glared at Smith. Although he had a bad temper, he was not really stupid.

If he really said it just now, this business would be ruined.

He wants to take the blame,

Even if he were a director, he would still be miserable.

The majority shareholder of Warner Bros. is Warner Times, not Carter.

"It's true that I was a little too anxious and not prepared." David took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"If we negotiate next time, Qin Nuo will definitely wait until the movie is over. I'm afraid it will be impossible to think about the jade price by then."

David sighed, he had a premonition that Qin Nuo's new movie would be successful.

It is even possible to create a miracle.

"It's not your fault," Smith said gently.

"This matter was originally decided upon by us through discussion. In fact, Qin Nuo's requirements are not very high!"

"I promise him the next time we negotiate. We can't delay it any longer!"


David and Sarnoff nodded, it was indeed time to start.

Yesterday, their rival Marvel announced the official start of filming for Avengers.

If this continues, Marvel will really become synonymous with superheroes.

On the other side, Qin Nuo didn't care at all.

Because he knows that if Warner can really find someone else, DC will not be sealed for more than ten years.

This time it should just be to test whether he is easy to bully.

Qin Nuo must take a tough stance.

Otherwise, these guys will definitely make some excessive demands.

And Warner had a problem from very early on.

Like to get involved in movies.

Many times the director feels dissatisfied after filming some scenes, and then asks the director to re-shoot.

Qin Nuo didn't care about spoiling them and wanted to interfere in the dream.

Just stay still.

Otherwise, this camera is given to you and you take the photos.

This is the first game between the two sides.

Qin Nuo felt that he handled it well.

At least it gives Warner an attitude that labor and management really won't tolerate you.

Back at the villa, Qin Nuo was still a little worried whether Liu Yifei would be hungry, so he brought her a lot of food.

I took a look at the result when I got home.

This girl was dressed in a cool outfit, with sunglasses on her head and a large ice cream box in her hand.

There is also a glass of iced drink on the small stool next to it.

Lying on the deck chair on the balcony, enjoying the sunbath comfortably.

Not to mention enjoying my little life.

“Who is it”||!”

Liu Yifei felt like she was being blocked from the sun, so she took off her sunglasses and looked unkind.

Thought it was the cleaning staff.

It turned out to be Qin Nuo.

The whole person felt embarrassed instantly.

"Well, honey, do you want ice cream?"

The fairy sister held the box and handed it to Qin Nuo, with a flattering smile on her face.

"Didn't you say it hurts? You can't even get out of bed?"

"I think you seem to be more energetic than anyone else!"

To be honest, Qin Nuo really believed it in the morning, even though the two of them made a lot of preparations last night.

Liu Yifei didn't feel any pain either.

But Qin Nuo was also worried that Xiao Nizi was too excited and didn't feel it.

Woke up in the morning and found out I was injured.

Now I saw Liu Yifei looking like she was enjoying herself, hurt, badly hurt.

Qin Nuo also remembered.

Liu Yifei has been beating girls since she was a child. Although she is not good at hitting people, her physical fitness is very good.

"Then it hurts me a lot!"

Liu Yifei said quickly when she saw this.

"Okay, does it hurt? Go to the bedroom and let me check you out!"

"Ah, don't pull me, Qin Nuo, you bastard, you are playing in a place like that, bastard, help me

An hour later, Qin Nuo was lying on the bed smoking a cigarette with an expression of enjoyment.

Liu Yifei on the side was holding her buttocks, and tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Qin Nuo I hate you!"


"Hate me, that line, Shishi called me yesterday, she seemed to like this trophy too."

"now that...………"

"In your dreams!"

Hearing this, the fairy sister hugged the little golden man on the bedside in her arms regardless of the pain in her body.

He looked at Qin Nuo fiercely and said.

"this is mine!"

Qin Nuo wanted to laugh a little when she saw Liu Yifei looking so afraid of others taking away her things.

This girl is so interesting.

Liu Yifei was indeed a little inconvenient at night, so she simply asked someone to bring some food to her at the villa.

Early the next morning, a plane pierced the sky,

Speeding towards the country of China.

This time Qin Nuo took a private plane back to China and talked to Deng Wendi.

This strong woman was very straightforward and told Qin Nuo that when she wanted to use it, she could just make a phone call.

To be honest, this was Qin Nuo’s first time taking a private jet, and it felt really good.

Like it however you like.

Thinking about when to give myself a fight.

Great for long distance travel.

Liu Yifei was even more happy. She looked left and right, her face filled with excitement.

"Honey, I like this!"

Sister Fairy's eyes lit up when she looked at Qin Nuo, hinting.



"Okay, if you like it, you can take a look at it more!"

Liu Yifei......"

She thought Qin Nuo said she liked it and would buy one later.

With the speed at which Qin Nuo makes money, Liu Yifei believes that it will not take long for her to make money.

Last time Inception, Zhuo Wei broke the news that Qin Nuo made 200 million US dollars from one movie.

A private jet costs less than $100 million.

You can buy two Qin Nuo.

But this guy was actually teasing her, damn it!

Qin Nuo is not stupid. He cannot be used to women. The more he is used to him, the more he becomes a jerk. Liu Yifei wants to buy a private jet today.

I want to buy a rocket tomorrow.

You won’t be able to go to Mars the day after tomorrow!

It's beautiful, if you want to buy it, buy it yourself.

Besides, Qin Nuo’s current money is not for enjoyment.

There are so many places to spend money.

The money for Inception was paid back more than 500 million.

Then I bought Star Cinema and spent hundreds of millions more.

Then the theaters have to be upgraded.

Now it is 200 million US dollars, but now there is less than 200 million yuan left.

It was impossible to expand theaters with this little money, so Qin Nuo simply sold all the offline rights of Inception and Interstellar to Fox.

In exchange for 80 million US dollars, which is almost 600 million yuan.

The 600 million used to expand theater space is barely enough.

So don't look at Qin Nuo making a lot of money.

In fact, he only has less than 200 million left on hand now, and he is just waiting for the new movie to be released to regain his blood.

You have to hurry up, Wu Erzhen is already preparing to film the Secret of the Dragon.

Then it will cost tens of millions more!


To be honest, Qin Nuo is a little annoyed because he is making money very quickly.

But the speed at which money is spent is equally astonishing.

I got more than one billion yuan, but before I could catch it, it was gone when I changed hands.

Sometimes Qin Nuo wonders, why bother?

Why bother to work so hard? You can just find a mother-in-law, whether it's Ali or Teng Xun.

With the big tree at your back, it’s not too relaxing.

It's not like they interfere too much.

But Qin Nuo doesn't want to be restricted by others. As a time traveler, he has such a noble status.

When you come to this world, you end up being someone else's son...

Just thinking about it makes me panic.

"..."What the hell, I'll do it for two more years!"

Qin Nuo encouraged himself secretly in his heart, as long as he persisted for two more years.

Once your entertainment empire takes shape, then forget about it.

Wouldn’t it be nice to make a movie, make a bad movie, and enjoy life?

When the time comes, hand over the script to Fatty Zhou and Ur and let them help them make money.

And he himself can take the little flowers to travel around the world.

Last time I traveled with Liu Shishi, we just played with toys.

How much can you play in just over a month?

Qin Nuo plans to take some time off and spend a year traveling around the world.

The company is left to two perfect workers, Fatty Zhou and Sister Hong.


Then film one film in two years, or three years.

Thinking of the perfect leisure life in the future, Qin Nuo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

ps: The second one, there will be two more updates later!.

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