Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

Do 384 Movies Also Have Scalper Tickets? Rongcheng Fans’ Cool Operation Gave Qin Nuo A Big Gift!

Isn't it just a movie? That's it.

Now I feel this feeling myself.

In one word, it smells so good!!!

Damn it, if we had known it was so comfortable, profitable and famous, we would have come here a long time ago.

What a big loss!!

"Okay, it's too late today. Let's go back and rest early. The road show will start tomorrow!" Qin Nuo stood up.

"Be prepared. This time we are going on a global roadshow. We are going to the United States, Europe, and many places. Do you understand?"


Everyone said in unison!

the other side.

As soon as the box office came out, Qin Nuo's good friend Bibo started to trend the movie again.

no way.

Last time, Qin Nuo gave Oscars a live broadcast spot, and the scarf made a lot of money.

This should not be repaid.

The senior management of Bibo also heard that Qin Nuo was planning to acquire shares of Bibo, and the board of directors was already discussing it.

They welcome Qin Nuo's joining.

Maybe in a while, they will all be a family.

If you don't help me, how can I get over it?

So soon a story was called.

[Qin Nuo’s new movie’s zero-point box office is approaching 30 million, ranking first again!!!]

The scarf became a hot search topic and quickly made headlines.

Netizens were still eating Feng Xiaogang's melon a second ago, and this guy was beating up reporters in front of the cinema.

This melon is really good.

They all made fun of Feng Xiaogang’s style director under Feng Xiaogang’s scarf.

In the end, Feng Xiaogang was so angry that he even closed the comment about the scarf.

Nothing seems to be wrong.

The box office of the new movie has come out again, and netizens are sighing.

Tonight is another sleepless night.

There are so many melons that I can’t finish them all. I can’t finish them at all.

"Holy crap, that's only over 26 million! Director Qin can't do it. I remember the box office for Inception was over 30 million!"

"The guy upstairs has a good brain, but it's a pity you don't have one!"

"That's right. Don't even think about it. Inception is a 3D movie. The movie From Earth only has ordinary tickets. It's already very impressive to have more than 26 million people!"

"Yes, if this movie were released during the Spring Festival, I think Mr. Xing would have a headache, and it would definitely not break the one billion mark!"

"Qin Nuo is not that boring. Why are you going to snipe Master Xing? There is no conflict of interest between the two of you!"

"Maybe people are still happy. Master Xing beat the three gangsters on the Internet so hard that it's not too late for Qin Nuo to be happy!"

"Oh, how come Qin Nuo got into trouble with those three companies?"

"Yeah, there's something else here? Didn't I hear that Teng Xun is planning to invest in Qintian Entertainment? I heard that the valuation is 10 billion!!"

Many netizens were very interested and asked about it one after another.

"You are really stupid. They are all old people. Didn't you see Zhuo Wei break the news last time?"

"Qin Nuo was hacked and lost one billion in Austria. It was the three gangsters who were behind it.

"There seems to be this rumor that Qin Nuo seems to be at odds with them. I heard that Qin Nuo also organized a meeting with entertainment industry bosses."

"The purpose is very simple: to deal with the three gangsters and make them miserable!"

"Here I go, it turns out Qin Nuo did this. I thought it was Huayi!"

"Huayi is such a bastard. How can Wang Zhongjun have so much energy to make everyone in the entertainment industry listen to him?"

“It’s enough for Qin Nuo to show up!”

"Society, it turns out this is the boss!"

"I can't afford to offend him, Qin Nuo now even dares to beat up the three biggest gangsters on the Internet!"

Afterwards, Qin Nuo got drunk when he saw this comment on the Internet.

What the hell.

Wang Zhonglei and Wang Changdian are really hateful people.

It was obvious that he was just a theatergoer.

He never took action against the three gangsters at all.

But after these guys saw it, they not only did not come forward to explain.

Instead, he dumped all his bad things on his head.

That's right, it was Qin Nuo who was the leader. He asked us to do it.

Qin Nuo was so angry that he almost came to find trouble with these people.

But then again, this is not without its benefits, after some people in the circle who don't know the truth find out.

They also began to pay homage to the pier.

Support Qin Nuo, Qin Nuo, the title of the top entertainment industry boss, can be regarded as solid.

Wang Zhonglei and the others did not want to face the impact of the three gangsters head-on, so they put the pressure on Qin Nuo.

At the same time, this title was also given to Qin Nuo.

It will be much more convenient to do things in Qin Nuo from now on.

The entertainment industry has never been a top-down place.

Many big-name artists, stars and directors have their own little ideas.

When they saw how powerful Qin Nuo was, they naturally wanted to follow Qin Nuo.

Later, when Qin Nuo was going to face off against the three gangsters, even some company executives in the entertainment industry wanted to cooperate with the three gangsters.

You also have to consider the opinions of your subordinates.

Don't look back. We just finished negotiating, and all the directors and actors under our control have left.

What else is there to do?

The most important asset of an entertainment company is its people, and there are not many fixed assets.

So, this matter is really not a bad thing for Qin Nuo.

Maybe it’s a good thing!

the other side.

Qin Nuo is busy with road shows and has been to eight venues in Shanghai.

Audiences in Shanghai are also very considerate, and every theater where Qin Nuo arrives is basically full.

There are even scalpers.

Some people knew the theater where Qin Nuo was going, bought the tickets and sold them to Qin Nuo fans at a high price.

I made a lot of money.

A movie ticket worth tens of yuan can instantly increase to hundreds or even thousands of yuan.

There is no way, Qin Nuo’s fans are suffering!

Some little girls are really having a headache chasing Qin Nuo.

This guy doesn't do photo shoots, and he doesn't participate in variety shows very much.

I don’t even read it in magazines. Every time I think about Qin Nuo, I can only turn on the computer and watch Qin Nuo’s previous movies.

Those celebrities will also hold fan meetings and commercial performances.

Qin Nuo has none of these...

I finally have the opportunity to see Qin Nuo in person. Isn’t it just one thousand yuan?

He gritted his teeth and gave it.

After Qin Nuo heard the news, he really didn't know what to say.

If you want to scold these girls for being brainless, it seems a bit pretentious and upright, so leave it alone.

I also felt like I was at a huge loss, a thousand yuan.

Just to watch him for a few minutes.

Qin Nuo even thought about going back to start a paid live broadcast on his own, which doesn’t cost much!

You can watch it all day for fifty bucks.

Maybe you can collect millions in one day...

At the same time, the theater owner was also very happy, looking at the packed theater.

I thought that I must have a good relationship with Qintian Entertainment and Qin Nuo in the future.

The spot for this road show must be obtained.

…Please give me flowers…

After a busy day, everyone in Qin Nuo did not have any rest and flew to Chengdu at eight o'clock in the evening.

This place has been around since everyone knew that Qin Nuo was from Rongcheng.

It instantly became the largest market for Qin Nuo movies.

Fans in Chengdu were very excited when they found out that Qin Nuo was from their hometown.

I will support Qin Nuo’s movies like crazy every time.

My family must stand up for themselves.

Even when we arrived in Chengdu at ten o'clock in the evening, many fans came to pick up Qin Nuo.

I really don’t know what to do with Qin Nuo.

This is not the end.

Some fans in Chengdu raised funds together when Qin Nuo arrived.

Highlights of the Qin Nuo movie were shown on the big screen on Chunxi Road, which is also the busiest street in Chengdu.

It took a full hour.

An hour!

You must know that Chunxi Road is the busiest street in Chengdu, and the large-screen advertisements on it are not cheap.

That's all measured in seconds, an hour is at least seven digits!!!

A sensation instantly

Now, everyone in Sichuan knows that Qin Nuo is here.


When they arrived at the hotel, the crew saw how popular Qin Nuo was in Chengdu. The manager of the hotel said that he would not pay for anything.

Even the hotel owner came.

"Let me tell you, Qin Nuo, you are the pride of our Chengdu, how could I not ask you to pay me!"

"Wouldn't I be poked in the back by everyone when I look back?"

"Stay wherever you want, you can stay as long as you want...No worries!"

The boss was older and spoke a standard Sichuan accent. Liu Shishi and others were really confused.

I really didn't understand what was being said.

Qin Nuo understood it.

"I said Boss Wang, I feel so embarrassed to press~"

"It's okay, it's okay. My daughter likes you very much. Why don't you get some autographs and take a photo with her!"

"No questions, no questions!"

The two chatted very happily, and finally the hotel owner left with a few autographs and his own gift card.

When leaving, he also asked the hotel to treat Qin Nuo and his party well.

The group of people followed Qin Nuo and got on the elevator.

Huang Xiaoming said doubtfully.

"Qin Nuo, what did you just say to the boss? We didn't understand."

Everyone nodded. The boss spoke too fast and in dialect.

I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

"I didn't say anything, just chatted for a while~"

"Hey, Qin Nuo, I found that your Rongcheng dialect is quite nice. It sounds like singing. Can you teach me a few complimentary words?"

Reba looked curious.

"You want to learn?"

"Yeah!" Reba nodded, and the others also thought it was funny. They all looked at Qin Nuo.

"Okay!" Qin Nuo thought for a while and said.

"You are just a womb god, you are always offering treasures all day long!"

"What does this mean?" Reba was confused.

"The fetus god is a smart thing, and the treasure offering is very impressive and powerful!"

After hearing this, Reba understood and learned.

After a while, when the elevator was approaching, he suddenly said to Qin Nuo.

"Brother Nuo, you are really a womb god. You have even sent your treasures overseas!"

Qin Nuo “…………

ps: There are only four tickets. It seems that we can take a rest today.

Guaranteed four updates upon arrival!.

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