Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

385 People From All Over The World Are Rolling Up And Making Rankings For Qin Nuo. What’S An Hour? J

When Qin Nuo heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

He just wanted to tease this stupid girl like Reba, but he didn't expect that he shot himself in the foot.

You are the fetal god, and your whole family is the fetal god!

Reba saw Qin Nuo's face looking ugly and wondered.

"Brother Nuo, what's wrong with you?"

The same goes for everyone else. Isn’t this a compliment?

Qin Nuo is really great and has many fans abroad.

He didn't say anything, but the lobby manager who sent them up couldn't hold it any longer.

Laughed out loud!

He said quickly.

"I'm sorry, Director Qin, I really couldn't hold it back!"

Everyone understood after seeing the manager's expression.

Co-authored by Qin Nuo, you are lying to Reba.

These two words are definitely not good words, they are definitely curses.

Then they laughed too.

I finally saw Qin Nuo overturning her car once. She wanted to play a trick on Reba, but she didn't expect that the little girl had a clear mind and was killed by the ultimate counterattack...

"Let's go, let's go eat!"

Qin Nuo glanced at Reba and thought to himself.

Xiao Nizi, please wait for me. Liu Shishi’s relatives are here these days, and they are just in time to sharpen your knife...

A group of people tried Chengdu’s specialties.

Everyone couldn't even say "four two zero" when asked about the spicy food, but Qin Nuo was quite happy eating it.

He is originally a native of Rongcheng.

This dish is so authentic that it lasted three bowls of rice.

There is still something unfinished.

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo and gave a thumbs up. This was the first time they knew that Qin Nuo could eat spicy food so well!

By twelve o'clock in the evening.

Everyone did not go back to rest and came to Qin Nuo's luxurious suite.

While chatting, we were waiting for the box office results to be released on the first day.

"Wow, look at the Internet, Qin Nuo, you must be very popular in Chengdu."

Jiang Wenli looked at Qin Nuo.

"A fan actually booked you the best advertising space in Chengdu for a whole hour!"

"what? What?"

"Give me Kangkang!"

"I want to see it too! Sister Wen"

A group of people quickly gathered together and looked at the tablet.

"Look, this matter has become a hot search topic."

“Rongcheng fans wanted to welcome Qin Nuo home and raised 2 million to build an LED screen for Qin Nuo for an hour!”

"Holy shit, it's true!"

"Two million! Qin Nuo, your fans are so rich!"

"Let me go, with so much money, Qin Nuo, you have too much face, right?"

Not only Huang Xiaoming and others were surprised, but also netizens.

This was the first time this happened, and I felt very surprised.

"Damn, these fans from Sichuan and Sichuan are too generous with their money. With two million, they can buy several houses here from us!"

"Who says it's not the case? I don't know yet that Qin Nuo is from Rongcheng."

"This is a big investment. If one person pays only one piece, it will cost two million people!"

"Tch, then you have underestimated those rich people. I heard that some wealthy people directly gave out 500,000 yuan!"

Seeing the envious eyes of netizens, netizens in Shu Province were also quite happy.

Qin Nuo is their fellow countryman after all, and they also have face when mentioning Qin Nuo outside.

Isn’t it just two million?

what is this.

Just a small amount of money.

Some loyal fans of Qin Nuo even started calling on netizens in Shu Province to raise funds after seeing it.

An hour is a little less.

Just book it for one day tomorrow.

I heard that you can get a 30% discount for one day for not much money.

"Hey, you're envious. Although I don't have much money, I still paid ten yuan!"

"Me too, just to give Qin Nuo a surprise!"

"Qin Nuo is one of our own, you are all a bunch of fake fans!"


For a time, the fans of Sichuan Shu Qin Nuo were full of superiority.

This time they became famous.

All trending searches for scarves.

As the saying goes, true believers can only be witnessed at dusk, and we are the last supporters of Qin Nuo.

It’s better not to say this.

As soon as he said it, Qin Nuo fans in other parts of China were offended.

Good guy, you really think we have no temper.

What a joke.

I also witnessed true believers at dusk, believe me, Qin Nuo’s career is now booming.

Where are the shadows of dusk.

You Sichuan kids just wait for me.

"No more words, the fans of Yunzhou Qin Nuo gathered together, damn, they dare to be so arrogant, let's all join together, and directly spend a day on the LED screen in Huacheng!"


"I'll pay you a hundred dollars!"

"I'll pay twenty!"


"Humph, I really don't know what to say. We are keeping a low profile. If Shu Province wants to play, we will play with him."

"When it comes to money, we people from Zhejiang Province have never lost. Bosses gather!"

"Tell me earlier, I'll give you one thousand, it's just pocket money!"

"Yes, those people put it together piece by piece. Really, it seems like it was ten years ago!"

"I'll pay 10,000 and get a few like me, that's enough."

"Although there are few people in Zhejiang Province, we are rich, right?"

"Why are you rich? Brother from Zhejiang Province, please speak louder. I, from Guangdong Province, will feel uncomfortable hearing this."

"The charterers are gathering, hurry up!"

"Don't pick your feet at home!"

"Hurry up and donate one month's rent of your house. It's not that we look down on you. We have enough people in one village!"

Seeing the crazy sales in various places, fans in Shanghai and the capital couldn't sit still. What? Better than being rich!

One of us is at the feet of the emperor, and ten of us are international metropolises!

Good guys, you are rebelling.

We are the place with the highest number of Qin Nuo fans.

Soon wealthy people from both places also joined in.

For no other reason than to show you that your uncle is still your uncle.

Some melon-eating people were also very excited after seeing it.

Big melon, really big melon.

Fight quickly.

We are neutral and just watch the show.

the other side.

In the hotel room, a group of people also noticed something was wrong.

"Qin Nuo, come and see what's going on!"

Qin Nuo waved his hand. He was a little full after eating at night and he really didn't want to move.

"It's okay, it's only two million. I will tell fans not to spend such wasted money in the future. w

"Support me, just buy a movie ticket, you really don't need that much whipping!"

Qin Nuo already knew about this.

But I already bought it and couldn't return it, so I had to give up.

Just be careful in the future and don't waste your money.

A meal of pig's trotters is fine for ten or twenty yuan.

"No, Director Qin, there seems to be a chain reaction, and everyone is involved." Huang Xiaoming looked at Qin Nuo...

"Your fans all over China have started to raise funds. I want to learn from them and rent you many, many LED screens!"

"Everyone wants to be first!"


When Qin Nuo heard this, he stood up immediately.

I picked up the tablet and started reading. The more I looked at it, the darker my face became. After reading it, my whole body felt bad.

How much does it cost to rent so many advertising spaces?

You are sick, right?

Qin Nuo casually calculated it to be tens of millions. Isn't it good to keep so much money?

Why give it to those advertisers?

Not to mention that the advertisers were laughing so hard, they didn’t expect that no rental LED screen could sell so well.

This money is really easy to make.

And Qin Nuo’s fans are all big spenders.

What an hour, two hours.

What a joke!

This little time is enough for anyone to see.

Give me a day first.

Let’s talk slowly later.

"Qin Nuo, what should I do now? This roll up has made the headlines!"

"That's right, Director Qin, now it's better. All the advertisers are laughing so hard!"

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo with envy in their eyes.

Qin Nuo’s popularity is really scary.

They are also celebrities and have fans, but you have to ask their fans to raise tens of millions to advertise for them.

Emmm...I'm afraid this is a bit difficult.

No one’s money comes from the strong wind.

But what about Qin Nuo?

Qin Nuo didn't even say anything, fans took action spontaneously, and then even rolled up their own.

Suddenly they thought of a saying that was very popular recently.

Sometimes the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs...

No wonder someone recently said that Qin Nuo’s endorsement fee has risen to 70 million.

At first they thought it was just a joke.

Now they feel that maybe the 70 million is still too little.

Who do you look down on?

"No, Reba, bring my phone." Qin Nuo put down the tablet.

He can't let his fans waste their money. 0.7.

"Here you go! Brother Nuo!"

Qin Nuo quickly logged into his scarf and posted a message.

[I’m very grateful to everyone for supporting me, but it’s really not necessary because my family’s money is not a factory blown by the strong wind.

[I have received your favor, please return it as soon as possible! We all belong to the same family in China, why are we fighting for this? 】

Qin Nuo's prestige among fans should have been quite high.

I, the rightful owner, have spoken, but you still don’t listen. Take your money back quickly.

Stop playing.

But the fact surprised him.

"Qin Nuo, you are sick. It is none of your business that we spend our own money!"

"That's right, Director Qin, just leave it alone and just make the movie. Leave the rest to us!"

"You're right, Qin Nuo, we don't interfere with each other. You do what you do, and we do what we do."

"Brother Nuo, let's go, today we have to take care of those charterers!

"Oops, they're even dragged up! Come on, let's see who can deal with who! A bunch of stupid people!"

"Little Chi, wait for me!"


ps: Come on, thank you all for your monthly votes.

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