I still wanted to chat with Qin Nuo again, but looking at the three women next to me, I knew I should leave.

"Qin, let's talk later. I, an old man, will not disturb your young people's gathering and have fun."


After watching Buck leave, Qin Nuo sat down.

He quickly took a sip of wine.

After blowing with this old man for so long, I am really thirsty.

Looking up, the three women looked at him with strange eyes, a bit of admiration and curiosity in confusion.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Drinking!"

Please drink all the wine in the cup.

"Qin, do you usually like to visit art exhibitions?" Taylor looked at Qin Nuo and asked curiously.

"Yes, Qin, I feel like you know a lot about Western art, even better than me!"

"That's right, I know what many of the words you said mean if they are separated separately, but if they are connected together, I am completely confused!"

The three girls looked at Qin Nuo with admiration on their faces.

Women, they like art very much and think it is very noble.

They only knew Qin Nuo as a talented director before.

I didn’t expect that he was someone who knew so much about art.

It felt like Qin Nuo's whole body was glowing. "503"

Shakira looked at Qin Nuo and remembered what she said before, feeling a little hesitant.

In fact, it's not impossible to spend a wonderful night with Qin.

It should also be a very good experience.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart when he heard this, the art of hammer.

How could he do this?

What I just said was all made up.

Recently, because he was going to the United States, Qin Nuo also read a lot of books by Western writers, such as Utopia, The Moon and Sixpence, Wheat Field, etc.

Many of what I said before were learned from books.

And art is inherently deceiving.

Qin Nuo believes that there must be art in the world, but most people have only heard of it but have never seen it.

If you meet someone on the street who claims to be an artist.

Then your first thought is that this guy doesn’t have a job…

"It's okay, my understanding of art is very shallow!"

Qin Nuo said modestly.

Taylor, who was sitting next to him, heard this.

I feel even more excited. He is talented, understands art, is handsome, and is also very humble.

This is simply the perfect boyfriend.

Taylor felt that he should take the initiative, because such good men are in hot demand.

Just then, the lights in the bar hall suddenly dimmed.

Only a few dim lights remained.

The saxophone sounded, brisk and romantic and provocative.

It's dancing time at the Rat Tail Bar.

In the sound of dark and romantic music, some men began to take action and walked towards the exquisitely dressed women around them.

Stretch out your hand and invite them to dance together.

Qin Nuo sat by the window, watching the men and women writhing on the dance floor, which was quite interesting.

Through the dim light, he could vaguely see that many men and women inside were getting excited.

Many men also took advantage of the victory and extended their own evil hands.

The women also had expressions of enjoyment on their faces~!

No wonder this Rat Tail Bar has a suite upstairs, it’s very considerate~

Americans can play~

"Qin, how about we go dancing together." Taylor looked at Qin Nuo and invited.

"Okay." Qin Nuo glanced at Taylor and then stretched out his hand.

Taylor put her little hands on her face.

After a while, the two people danced gracefully on the dim dance floor.

Qin Nuo also had to admit that dancing was indeed a very relaxing thing, holding the beautiful woman in his arms.

Listen to soothing music and dim lights.

This feeling is both exciting and comfortable.

"Taylor girl, I'm afraid she can't bear it any longer. Look," Shakira pushed Lima next to her.

"Everyone is focused on Qin!"

Lima took a look and smiled.

"This is normal. Qin is talented, rich, and has a high style. If he didn't look down on me, I would be tempted!"

"Look down on you?" Shakira felt strange.

"You are a supermodel, with such a good figure, I can be ranked from New York to Los Angeles.

"And Qin also invited you to participate in his new movie. He doesn't look down on you!"

Lima rolled her eyes at Shakira.

She feels that these musical geniuses do lack a little social experience.

As a model, Lima is very knowledgeable about other people's eyes.

Qin Nuo should just regard him as a friend and have no other ideas.

When he looked at her, he looked openly and openly, and there was no desire in his eyes like other men.

"I don't understand even if I tell you, let's go, let's go dance too!"

all right!"

Soon a pair of beauties appeared next to Qin Nuo and Taylor. Lima was very tall, not much shorter than Qin Nuo.

There's something really interesting about holding Shakira in my arms.

Lima looked at Qin Nuo, blinked and smiled evilly.

"Qin, do it with me!"

After saying that, while Shakira was still reacting, she kissed her directly.

Shakira was still struggling at first, but after a while she gradually cooperated. Qin Nuo was able to watch a big show.

Not to mention it's quite interesting.

A few minutes later, Lima looked at Qin Nuo and said.

"It's your turn!"

Qin Nuo looked at Taylor in his arms. Dayangma's face was red, and Qin Nuo was not polite.

He lowered his head and kissed her.

Soon the two became entangled.

It took several minutes before they separated.

"Qin, I asked you to learn, not to surpass," Lima and Shakira danced.

While saying.

"You look so excited! Does Taylor taste so good?"

"It's great, why don't you try it too?"


The two looked at each other, smiled, and let go, before Taylor and Shakira could react.

They were swapped places.

Qin Nuo hugged Shakira, and Lima hugged Taylor.

"Also, Shakira, this woman tastes very good too!"


The two of them bowed their heads together. Taylor still wanted to resist, but unfortunately she was no match for Lima. The woman quickly made Taylor submissive.

Qin Nuo was naturally not polite either.

He held Shakira in his arms, lifted her delicate chin, and kissed her.

Soon the woman also cooperated.

The music on the dance floor continues…..

Early the next morning, Qin Nuo woke up in a daze, still a little unclear.

Last night he only remembered that after a few people finished dancing, they were very excited and then started drinking.

After arriving in the room, Lima and Taylor started fighting over drinks.

In the end, Qin Nuo did not escape...

Got fed a lot.

I didn’t have much of an impression after that.

Just remember to have fun.

After a while, after his mind cleared, Qin Nuo pushed himself away without any trace of his body.

Take a look.

Golden and interesting.

Didn't find it last night.

Gently pushing Shakira aside in her arms, this woman was not as crazy as she appeared.

Very good at playing.

When I got out of bed, I almost stepped on my long legs on the ground.

If you don’t care about her face, this woman in Lima is really the best.

He bypassed the woman and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he returned to the room, he saw that the three women were still sleeping.

Just ignore it.

After leaving a letter for Taylor, he asked the people at the bar to send him away.

In the afternoon, Qin Nuo will visit Huaguo.

Don't miss your flight.

Return to hotel.

Everyone had already gotten up. Shen Teng and Cheng Daoming looked at Qin Nuo with meaningful eyes.

"What are you two doing? Aren't you packing your things?"

Shen Teng said with a smile.

"Director Qin, how does the American Ocean Horse taste?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't hide it, someone took a photo of you drinking with two singers and a model yesterday!"

Cheng Daoming looked at Qin Nuo.

“Now it has been trending on Twitter, and many people are eating melon!”

Cheng Daoming looked at Qin Nuo a little worried, "Three big horses, Director Qin, please take it easy."

Sooner or later you will regret it if you play like this.

Qin Nuo didn't expect that he would be secretly photographed in the Rat Tail Bar. What the hell.

I quickly took out my phone and started reading.

It didn’t take long to find out about him on Twitter.

[Genius director Qin Ye meets Taylor, Shakira, and supermodel Lima, and behaves affectionately!]

There are pictures below.

This guy was pretty good at taking secret photos. If Qin Nuo remembered correctly, the three women should have looked surprised after Buck left.

There was admiration in his eyes.

The effect of the shot is like admiration.

What a mess!

"Shit, I have long heard that Qin is very popular in China, but I didn't expect that it will be the same in Mi1.4. They are all my favorite stars!"

"I really envy Qin, there are two divas and one supermodel, and he is still not squeezed dry at night!"

"For us ordinary people, Qin is happy, and Lima is my favorite!"

"Quick @Qin [let him tell me how he felt yesterday!"

"Maybe Qin should go to the San Fernando Valley, the back garden of Hollywood! I believe Qin can make a film that excites me!"

"Agreed, Qin San Fernando Valley welcomes you!"


Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at these comments.

Don’t think that just because he’s Chinese, he doesn’t know what the San Fernando Valley is!

At least hundreds of billions of children and grandchildren die in this place every day. It is the largest small film shooting base in the United States and even the entire world.

Because it is not far from Hollywood House, it is also known as the back garden of Hollywood House.

Some inexperienced little girls were tricked by some producers into going to the San Fernando Valley after trying unsuccessfully to get into Hollywood.

Tell them this is the back door of Hollywood House, as long as you are willing to let go.

Once you become famous, you can jump from here to the Hall of Fame.

ps: The first update, there are four guaranteed updates today, and you can get more updates if you customize it with monthly tickets and rewards.

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