Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

396 Twenty Days After Its Release, The New Movie’S Box Office Exceeded $500 Million, And It Has A Wo

Many young girls have been deceived, and Hollywood would never let a girl make such a film.

In the end, these women either become a generation of porn stars, or they return to their hometowns with injuries.

Very miserable.

"Nonsense, I just had a drink with them and didn't do anything else at all!"

The two curled their lips, although they didn't speak.

But the look on his face said it all,

Will you, Qin Nuo, not eat the meat you put on your lips?

It depends on whether we believe it or not.

I have to say that you are really awesome, the three of you are all top beauties.


"I'm too lazy to tell you. Pack your things and prepare to return to China. I have other things to do."

Sister Hong has screened several brands, all of which are internationally renowned.

The money given to those with high qualifications is also very high.

Take advantage of the road show to go back and make some money.

Qin Nuo naturally agrees. Now that he doesn't have any endorsements, he must give it a try.

The fans I cultivated myself.

Cut yourself.

"Also by private plane?"

"Fuck you, the Fox family's private jet is not available every day!"

Shen Teng"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a flight took off from New York and flew across the sky towards the other side of the ocean.

the other side.

Rat Tail Bar.

The three girls didn't wake up until noon.

"Ugh, it's all your fault!" Taylor looked around and saw that Qin Nuo was no longer there. Very depressed

"I originally wanted to develop a relationship with Qin Nuo, but now that I'm 27, how can we develop? Yesterday, all the bad sides were discovered by Qin!"

"He must think I'm a very loose woman!"

"Oh, don't worry, you can still develop," Lima looked at Taylor and comforted him.

"It's okay to develop into friends!"

Taylor “…..

the other side

Qin Nuo returned to Shanghai, rested for a few days, and came to the company.

Yesterday, the domestic roadshows of Huang Xiaoming, Liu Shishi and others also ended.

Twenty days after its release, the movie From Earth has also come to an end.

The domestic box office has exceeded 1 billion, reaching 1.13 billion.

Now the daily box office is still over 20 million.

It should not be a problem to reach 1.4 billion.

The United States already has 150 million U.S. dollars, and it should be around 180 million U.S. dollars when it is released.

There are currently 1.4 billion overseas, and there should be 1.8 billion in theaters.

Plus the hundreds of millions from Han Kingdom and Xiaori.

Qin Nuo feels that the box office of 600 million US dollars is not a big problem, and Fox News is very happy.

I am so happy to be able to earn so much in less than two months.

Domestic audiences were also surprised by Qin Nuo, that’s it?

The film, produced in more than ten days, has already grossed US$500 million at the global box office.

And the harvest isn’t over yet.

It’s simply outrageous!

Qin Nuo makes more money making movies than printing money.

Qintian Entertainment has once again become the focus of the entertainment industry.

Everyone in the industry, whether they are artists, directors or other behind-the-scenes personnel, have sent their resumes to Qintian Entertainment.

I want to join Qintian Entertainment.

Sister Hong was really in pain and happy all day long, and she took care of all these things.

Basically, people treat her to dinner every day.

It's useless to join Qintian Entertainment.

Now that Qintian Entertainment has enough manpower, there is really nothing we can do.

The capital market's valuation of Qintian Entertainment has once again increased, and some investment banks have even given it a valuation of 18 billion!!!

As long as Qin Nuo is willing, selling 10% of the shares can reach 1.8 billion!!

And it’s still cash!

This is just an investment bank. The three gangsters are even more optimistic about Qintian Entertainment.

They hope Qin Nuo can join their respective teams.

Improve their ecological chain.

Although the three gangsters don't seem to be interested in Qin Nuo, they even teamed up to trick Qin Nuo last time.

But if Qin Nuo is willing to join, they will definitely welcome it with both hands.

Business is a wonderful field, and you might have been friends the last second.

Maybe they will become friends in the next second.

The reverse is also true.

And the three gangsters are not stupid either. After the last movie failed.

I also understand that sometimes a strong dragon may not be able to suppress a local snake.

There is really no way for people to unite to deal with them.

If you don’t have connections in the industry, you can’t get anything done by spending money.

Among them, Ahri directly offered 20 billion to acquire Qintian Entertainment, and Duxun even exaggerated and directly offered another 2 billion.

With a valuation of 22 billion, it will acquire 40% of Qin Nuo’s shares.

Sister Hong put these data in front of Qin Nuo. To be honest, Qin Nuo was shocked.

"Boss, that's it. The person in charge of Tengxun Entertainment has already said, if it's possible.

"The money will arrive within a month, and we promise not to interfere with the company's normal operations!"

Qin Nuo looked at the document in his hand, and to be honest, he was a little excited.

As long as he is willing, he can get 8.8 billion in cash within a month!

He would never be able to spend all this money in his lifetime.

And the controlling stake is also in his hands, which makes me excited.

But it was only for a while, and he soon realized that the money was not easy to get.

Teng Xun said he would not interfere, but who knows what he will think in the future.

Moreover, on the video website, Tudou and Tengxun still compete, and this matter will not be easy to deal with in the future.

In case these guys want to take advantage of this, they can follow the example of Qin Nuo to deal with Jiahang when it goes public.

That would be tragic.

It’s not uncommon for company founders to be kicked out.

Tudou's Wang Wei would have been driven away long ago if it weren't for Qin Nuo, Sohu's old server.

If he hadn't come up with a poison pill plan, Chen Tianjiao might have already taken it into his hands while he was still on Sohu.

Qin Nuo is also worried about this. He doesn't want those old foxes in business.

"Put it off first, don't refuse it openly!"


Sister Hong knew that Qin Nuo would not accept it, and she probably wanted to buy herself some time to grow.

After talking about the investment, Sister Hong took out the next document and said.

"Boss, we really can't put off the endorsement matter any longer. Now your popularity has basically reached its peak in China."

"No need to wait any longer!"

"I didn't think too much about it. I was just very busy before."

Sister Hong thought Qin Nuo wanted to wait until she was at her most popular to accept the endorsement in order to maximize her profits.

But Qin Nuo really didn't think about it that much. He was too busy to care about it before.

"Show me"

"Okay boss!"

Qin Nuo looked at the documents in his hand while drinking tea.

Mercedes-Benz is willing to pay 75 million to make Qin Nuo the global spokesperson of their brand.

The contract is for five years, with a ten percent increase each year.

Starting from the third year, the endorsement fee will almost reach hundreds of millions.

The requirements are relatively easy. You need to shoot three commercials and attend five brand promotions every year.

If you want to increase the number of sessions, it will cost extra.

This contract is a top contract in the entire world, let alone China.

Very sincere.

On the other hand, BMW's contract is similar to that of Mercedes-Benz, except that it costs five million more.

small differences.

In addition to cars, there are watches.

Patek Philippe, Italy's top watch brand, wants to sign Qin Nuo as their global spokesperson for a price of 60 million a year.

Endorsement fees increase by fifteen percent each year.

The requirements are not too demanding. Apart from publicity and advertising, you must bring their watches every time you attend a public event.

And Qin Nuo actually owns a Patek Philippe watch, which was given to him by Liu Shishi on his birthday last year.

Of course, in addition to Patek Philippe, Rolex, Jaeger-LeCoultre, and Vacheron Constantin, these world-famous watches have all sent invitations to Qin Nuo.

The price given is not low either.

All very sincere.

This is not surprising. Qin Nuo has a very good image and is a world-renowned talent, both at home and abroad.

They all have a lot of fans.

In addition, he is very innocent, so many brands like him.

And they are optimistic about the development potential of Qin Nuo, which is definitely not a loss compared to buying and selling.

Looking at Qin Nuo all the way, Sister Hong is very good. No matter what endorsement she gives, she never gets less than 50 million.

And it is either an internationally renowned brand or a domestic time-honored brand.

"Holy shit, Sister Hong, why did you put this sign in?"

Qin Nuo saw an invitation from Durex Company again. Did the company entangle him?

Last time it was broadcast live in the United States.

This guy came with an in-between advertisement that almost disgusted Qin Nuo to death.

Sister Hong was also a little embarrassed. She had no choice but to give her too much.

Just ask her to tell Qin Nuo and report it.

It's inevitable to get mixed up in the industry, even if Xiao Du buys a small umbrella.

But people have never been short of money.

"Boss, 1.8 billion is just one year, more than 500 million in three years. In fact, we can consider it!"

Qin Nuo”

His forehead was covered with black lines.

Consider, I consider a hammer!

ps: Two updates first! There are two more updates later, which have been harmonized a bit, and the next chapter has been uploaded, so it will be a little repetitive, sorry!

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