Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

397 Bytedance Actually Came To The Door. Qin Nuo Has Made A Lot Of Money. This Piece Of Fat Must Be

And it is either an internationally renowned brand or a domestic time-honored brand.

"Holy shit, Sister Hong, why did you put this sign in?"

Qin Nuo saw an invitation from Durex Company again. Did the company entangle him?

Last time it was broadcast live in the United States.

This guy came with an in-between advertisement that almost disgusted Qin Nuo to death.

Sister Hong was also a little embarrassed. She had no choice but to give her too much.

Just ask her to tell Qin Nuo and report it.

It's inevitable to get mixed up in the industry, even if Xiao Du buys a small umbrella.

But people have never been short of money.

"Boss, 1.8 billion is just one year, more than 500 million in three years. In fact, we can consider it!"

Qin Nuo......"

His forehead was covered with black lines.

Consider, I consider a hammer!

To be honest, this incident had an impact on him, but not very much. At most, he was complained about by netizens.

Made into a collection of emoticons.

If Qin Nuo had no money before, he would definitely take it.

Not to mention 180 million, he would accept even 15 million!!!

It's making money, and it's not illegal.

Not cold!

Things are different now. Qin Nuo's identity has changed. It would be bad to make this money again.

As a big shot in the entertainment industry, he still has to show off.

Besides, Qin Nuo is going to attend the commendation ceremony for the top ten outstanding youths in the country during the summer vacation.

What if I accept this endorsement?

Even if I go there, I won’t be laughed to death by others.

The third master can chase him for three miles...

How can I be a thief when I am a beautiful woman????

"How much did you charge?" Qin Nuo asked, looking at Sister Hong.

"Not much, mainly because they found my old boss~" Sister Hong hesitated.

"If my old boss asks me, there's nothing I can do!"

"Too lazy to care about you"

Qin Nuo also knows that some things are inevitable in the industry.

Sister Hong is like this, and Qin Nuo is like this too.

If not for other considerations, the endorsement fee of nearly 200 million would be just a few advertisements.

He picked up within minutes.

“Let’s accept the endorsements from Mercedes-Benz and Patek Philippe first. I’ll pick them up later after I’m done!”

Although BMW gave me a little more money.

But Qin Nuo had read some news in his previous life and had a general impression of the brand, plus he personally prefers Mercedes-Benz.

"Okay, boss, I'll contact you right away!"

Just as Sister Hong was about to leave, Qin Nuo suddenly saw a brand on the document.

"Wait a minute, what the hell is ByteDance? What do they want me to endorse?"

Qin Nuo was surprised. ByteDance should have just been established not long ago.

It should currently only have two projects: Toutiao and Wukong Questions and Answers

But this old guy Zhang Yimin is not simple.

In just a few years, ByteDance has become a super Internet company worth over RMB 100 billion.

Qin Nuo paid attention to it last time. His investment company wanted to invest in it, but Zhang Yimin was unwilling.

"Oh, it seems that they are planning to imitate Kuaishou and make short videos. The project is called Douyin, and they want you to be their publicity and spokesperson!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo's eyes lit up.

Is the super-internet project of later generations finally going to begin?

He felt a little excited.

But Sister Hong didn't seem to care at all, with a look of disgust on her face.

"The boss couldn't shirk him, so I got him here. That guy Zhang Yimin is very good at deductions. He only gives 30 million a year, and Kuaishou gives 50 million!

"Besides, Douyin is still imitating others. I think if you really like Internet projects, you can consider Kuaishou!"

Sister Hong’s idea is also the idea of ​​many people now.

Even at this time, even Kuaishou didn’t pay attention to Byte.

They now have tens of millions of users, nearly 100 million, and Douyin has not yet been launched...

That's it?

Why don't you fight me?

As we all know, there is a very magical thing about Internet projects, that is, the winner takes all!

And this all-in-one food can eat up to more than 90%.

The Internet project ranked first in the market can occupy the vast majority of the entire market.

For example, Koukou and Weixin can account for more than 90% of the Internet communications field.

The same is true for the previous certain treasure. If it were not for policy reasons, Jindong would really not be able to develop.

Not to mention there will be more after that.

The most exaggerated example of this is naturally the field of Internet search.

At one point, it basically monopolized the entire market.

Generally speaking, as long as you don't make mistakes, the first mover can become the dominant player in the industry.

Investment banks think so too.

Chase investment in the leaders. Even if you are the second-ranked company in this field, they will not take a second look.

But there are people who overtake in corners, and Douyin is one of them.

"Go and contact Zhang Yimin. I can do endorsements, even 30 million, but I have to invest in ByteDance!"

"Boss, this...

Sister Hong feels that Qin Nuo's approach seems a bit irrational.

What do you want to do?

"Go ahead, trust your boss's vision, this old guy Zhang Yimin is not simple!"

......Okay, this old guy has made a lot of money!"

After Sister Hong left, Qin Nuo was in a really good mood.

Byte, the market value of future generations exceeds more than 200 billion.

What kind of concept is this? He doesn't want much.

Just ten percent will do.

Ten percent is also 20 billion. By the way, I forgot to mention that the unit is US dollars!


This is the real big gold mine. Qin Nuo is actually not stupid. Qin Nuo wanted to invest when Byte was first established two years ago.

But people don't like it.

Send it to me now.

Qin Nuo will not miss it again, he must eat this piece of fat.

Not only can he make money, but he can also improve his company's ecological chain.

Douyin's propaganda and brainwashing abilities are also quite good.

Even some people’s great work has spread abroad, and TikTok has become popular all over the world.

Moreover, Qin Nuo has also heard some rumors that Byte has entered the national protection list after its development.

The meaning is very simple. There is a country behind you, so you can do whatever you want and we will protect you.

It is not that state-owned enterprises are better than state-owned enterprises...

In a happy mood, Qin Nuo handled some company matters.

It wasn't until six o'clock in the afternoon that I packed up and went to see which girl was free.

But he didn't expect someone to find him again.

"Boss, the Imperial Master called and wanted to treat you to dinner!" Bai Lu hurriedly came in and said

"Lao Mouzi?"

Qin Nuo didn't expect that he would be very lucky today, and all the good things would come into his arms.

He originally planned to wait until the movie was finished and then start preparing to expose the affair between Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping.

The old guy Zhang Weiping secretly swallowed up more than 10 million from Lao Mouzi just for the Jinling Thirteen Hairpins.

This was found by the top private detective in the country he hired.

This is just a movie. The previous movies have deceived Lao Mouzi.

We are planning to expose this matter and make Zhang Weiping a cancer in the entertainment industry that everyone wants to beat up.

Then snatch Lao Mouzi over.

Who would have thought that Lao Mouzi would find him first? That’s fine, let’s go and test him first!

"Okay, which hotel!"

“Magic City Hotel!”

At seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Nuo brought Liu Shishi to the Magic City Hotel.

"National Division!"

As soon as he entered the private room, Qin Nuo smiled brightly.

"Qin Nuo, Shishi, you are here, sit down, sit down!"

Zhang Yimou also smiled happily and hurriedly asked the two of them to sit down.

Liu Haoyou next to him looked at Qin Nuo, with a hint of shyness on his face, and said with a pinched voice.

"Brother Nuo, hello!"

"Hello, Hao Hao!"

Qin Nuo didn't mind Liu Haoyou's voice at all.

But after hearing this, Liu Shishi felt a chill in her heart.

Damn, what the hell kind of woman is she? She's too pretentious.

Liu Shishi didn't have much contact with Liu Haopeng, but she had heard some rumors that the relationship between this woman and Lao Mouzi was not simple.

It's not a lover, but another more intimate relationship.

After looking carefully, Liu Shishi, as a woman, could feel the strong smell of green tea on Liu Haoba.

She has never seen a female star like this in the entertainment industry. She is so pure.

"Director Qin, congratulations, another movie is a box office hit!"

The food was served soon. Qin Nuo and Zhang Yimou chatted while eating, while Liu Shishi said nothing.

She had been paying attention to Liu Haoyou and found that this woman was really good at pretending and was careful when eating.

Even if you drink some water, you should cover your mouth.

It's really unbearable.

It's not that such a ladylike behavior is annoying, it's just that Liu Haochi's performance is very artificial, but I don't know why it feels very harmonious.

What an amazing woman.

Qin Nuo picked up the wine glass, touched it with Zhang Yimou and said.

"It's okay. Fox has made most of it, so I just make some hard-earned money!"

Zhang Yimou smiled.

"Director Qin, if you earn hard-earned money, then all the directors in our country will become wage earners!"

"It sounds like a failure." Zhang Yimou looked at Qin Nuo.

"I feel really old when I see you. To be honest, I'm planning to retire in two years!"

"National Master, don't think like that, I'm just lucky." Qin Nuo looked at him seriously.

"I caught up with a good time during my golden period of creation. Along the way, many people helped me, which made me what I am today."

"When you were young, the country's film industry was in a state of ruin. If it weren't for you, the older generation of filmmakers, who were struggling, we wouldn't be where we are today!"

"So don't belittle yourself. With your shooting skills, Master Guo, I believe that if I give you a good script, it will definitely shock the world!"


ps: Third update, there will be another one in an hour~!.

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