Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

398 Zhang Yimou Was Taken Advantage Of! Liu Shishi Almost Vomited, Who Taught Such A Top-Notch Woman

Although part of Qin Nuo's words were for his own consideration, most of them were expressed with emotion.

Zhang Yimou serves as the national teacher.

Not just in the movie, but also because of his personality. Devotion to movies.

In fact, it is not easy for the older generation of filmmakers in China.

Even Feng Xiaogang, whom Qin Nuo chases and scolds every day, is very serious about movies.

If not for their efforts, Yi Movie might have died long ago.

Someone said it before.

In the most difficult moments for Chinese films, a group of great directors held on to keep them from falling.

On the contrary, Chinese music died long before dawn.

This is indeed true. Many songs that future generations hear on the Internet basically have no connotation.

Plagiarism and bad songs are everywhere.

The gini is so beautiful, the big bowl of wide noodles, and even the last minute cramming...

It has been refreshing the bottom line of netizens.

They once thought that a large bowl of wide noodles was the limit.

Unexpectedly, Huaguo’s music has never been offline!

Movies are different. It is undeniable that although there are some bad movies, there are also many good ones, such as The Wandering Earth, Wolf Warriors, Operation Red Sea, The God of Medicine [even animated movies are on the rise.

White Snake, Nezha, Havoc in Heaven, etc.~

Therefore, Zhang Yimou, an older generation director, does have merit.

Zhang Yimou was a little moved when he heard this.

Qin Nuo was speechless for a long time.

In fact, many people in the circle say that Qin Nuo is a sinister, shameless and cunning guy who likes to bully others.

Feng Xiaogang, Lu Chuan and Xiangjiang were also bullied by Qin Nuo.

The reputation is average.

But after hearing this today, Zhang Yimou felt that those people might have misunderstood.

Qin Nuo is definitely a very conscientious person.


This thing sounds simple, but it is very difficult to actually do it.

Next to her, Liu Shishi was also very happy. My 257 husband is just extraordinary.

Look how excited the national teachers are.

I almost cried.

"Director Qin, there weren't that many of us back then!"

"It's better not to think too much. If you think too much, it will harm yourself!"

Zhang Yimou carefully savored Qin Nuo's words and found that they were indeed true.

If you really think too much, you will see that the Hollywood movie is so awesome.

I'm afraid I don't even have the desire to fight anymore.

After three drinks, Zhang Yimou also revealed the real purpose of his visit.

"Director Qin, what do you think of Haoyou!" Zhang Yimou looked at Qin Nuo.

"You don't have to worry about anything else, just treat her as an ordinary artist. Although Haoyou has a little less experience."

"But I also suffered a lot when I was young, so I'm not squeamish. There aren't many entertainment artists in Qin Tian. See if you can make some arrangements!"

"Brother Nuo, I can endure hardships very much. When I was young, I grew up in a rural area. No matter how hard the filming is, I can accept it!"

Liu Haozhi said quickly when he heard this, his little face was very anxious.

Qin Nuo looked at her and nodded. It was undeniable that Liu Haoyou was a little green tea.

But green tea is a creature that actually takes care of other people's feelings.

Don't make others feel uncomfortable.

People who hate green tea are basically women, rarely men.

The reason is simple, because green tea can do many things that women cannot do.

Qin Nuo doesn't have much prejudice against Liu Haoyou.

But he was a little worried about coming to Qintian Entertainment.

This woman knows how to cause trouble, and you must know that Green Tea is also good at making trouble.

But then I thought about it, what?

How to do it and who to do it with!

Not to mention that Sister Hong is a seasoned veteran in the industry, and treating Liu Haoye is just a joke.

Da Meiyuan has been in the industry for more than ten years, and she doesn't like Liu Haoyou's little tricks at all.

At first, even the fairy sister was defeated.

He also tricked Liu Shishi and Yang Mi...

As for Da Tiantian...

Qin Nuo believed that as long as Liu Hao had any sense, he would not provoke this woman.

Da Tiantian seems to be very easy to get along with.

If this woman's bottom line is touched, she will really take action.

Liu Haozhi is not stupid if he can be a green tea, and it is too late to have a relationship with others.

How can I provoke him?

In addition, with Liu Hao in his hands, it will be easier to trick Lao Mouzi into working.

When the incident comes to light, many entertainment companies in China will definitely try their best to invite Lao Mouzi to their companies.

You can give money to anyone.

But Qin Nuo is simple. Your daughter is in my hands, will you come?

Qin Nuo believed that even if he didn't give him anything, Qin Tian Entertainment would still be Lao Mouzi's first choice.

"Well, actually...Qintian Entertainment's artist manager does very little, and the national master..."

When Zhang and Yi heard this, not only were they not disappointed, but they were very happy.

I secretly thought in my heart that I only went because there were few of us.

More porridge and less monks!

This is simply a fairy company.

Moreover, Zhang Yimou also found out that Li Hong, the senior executive of Qintian Entertainment, is a very protective person.

If you can join such an entertainment company, you can become a big star in just a few seconds.

Isn’t that what Jing Tian is like?

"Director Qin, I, my old man, have never begged anyone in my life. You also know about Hao Chi. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. How about I beg you this time?"

As he spoke, Zhang Yimou also picked up the wine glass.

"Hey, hey, no, National Master, don't do this!" Qin Nuo looked at him and hurriedly stopped him.

"Okay, okay, I agree. Imperial Master, why do you have to be like this!"

"I'm also thinking about Haoye. In terms of artist management, Qintian Entertainment is really average!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Zhang Yimou smiled happily, he finally settled a matter on his mind.

I found a good way out for my daughter.

Liu Haoyou next to him also quickly entered the role.

"Boss, please take good care of me from now on. I will work hard!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his little fist and pretended to be cute (chfc).

Qin Nuo smiled and nodded.

Liu Shishi next to her almost couldn't hold it in anymore and quickly drank a drink to calm down!

I kept complaining in my heart, it’s excellent, it’s really excellent!

Who did this woman learn from?

A meal where both guest and host enjoy themselves.

After Qin Nuo explained some things, he took Liu Shishi and left.

Zhang Yimou and Liu Haoyou did not leave.

He also sat in the private room for a while.

Zhang Yimou turned to look at the excited Liu Haoyou and reminded him.

"Be careful when you go to Qintian Entertainment and don't make any small moves. This time I'm going to show off my face and give you a chance to come."

"Don't let me take you to Qin Nuo's house to apologize!"

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. I will handle the relationship well with them."

Liu Haoyou glanced at Lao Mouzi and thought to himself.

After I gain a foothold in Qintian Entertainment, I will set my sights on Qin Nuo.

It's important to act and become a big star, but if you can become Qin Nuo's woman, then you can really make a lot of money.

Liu Haozhi lowered his head and looked at his figure.

I plan not to have dinner in the past few days. I must leave a good impression on everyone when I join the company for the first time.

Fortunately, Zhang Yimou didn't know Liu Haocun's true thoughts, otherwise, he would be angry to death.

I sent you to Qintian Entertainment so that you can act well and make your own way.

I didn’t expect you to be so ambitious and want to get Qin Nuo.

Dream on you.

Although Zhang Yimou is very honest, he has been in the industry for thousands of years.

What a veteran!

Qin Nuo can clearly see that this guy can handle even the top bosses in the entertainment industry.

Now Huayi dare not claim to be the number one private enterprise in the entertainment industry.

This title has gradually been occupied by Qintian Entertainment.

The three gangsters have to go to the dock if they want to enter the entertainment industry.

just you?

If you are so thoughtful, Qin Nuo will show you naked!

What are you thinking about?

On the other side, Gang Shishi and Qin Nuo returned home.

The young lady soon fell into Qin Nuo's arms, rubbing her little face against Qin Nuo's body.

There was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

After a while, he remembered Liu Haoyou's behavior at the dinner table, looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Qin Nuo, why do you want Liu Haochie that woman? She is so artificial!"

Looking back now, Ji Shishi feels uncomfortable all over.

"Pretentious? I didn't see it!"

Liu Shishi rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo. She didn't believe Qin Nuo's nonsense. This guy was very smart.

And he has such a good eye.

Can't see it.

I’ve slept with you so many times and you want to fool me?


After gently licking Qin Nuo's face, Liu Shishi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Qin Nuo, you probably like Liu Haoyou's model, I seem to have seen it online. y

"This woman should be a Mori girl!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo was shocked.


If Qin Nuo is right, Mori girl refers to a girl who advocates a simple lifestyle and dresses like she is walking out of the forest.

The temperament is as natural and pure as a virgin forest, unpretentious, fresh and natural.

I don’t blindly pursue famous brands, I like natural and comfortable clothes, and I love natural and comfortable life even more.

Liu Haochi seems to be like this on the surface, but in fact he is going in the opposite direction.

"Don't be ridiculous, that's not what Mori girls are like."

"Hmph, of course, this woman is probably a green tea person. She has green tea written all over her face. It's disgusting to look at!"

Liu Shishi rolled her eyes.

Qin Nuo watched and complained secretly in his heart. Sure enough, there was no woman he met who didn't hate Liu Haoyou.

Reba is like this, it is like this.

Even Liu Shishi, who has always been more Buddhist, is like this.

ps: The fourth update has arrived, let’s see everyone next, this plot is almost complete, and then we will enter the plot of the Dark Knight!

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