Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

399 Comes From The Earth! Stunning Box Office! ! ! The Whole World Is In Shock!

No wonder Liu Haoyou was hacked no matter what he did in his previous life. It was so difficult.

"Don't worry, I don't like her style, I like a good figure!"

As he spoke, he hugged Liu Shishi directly in his arms.

Qin Nuo is a superficial person, a detached person with low taste. He always only looks at women based on their appearance~.

Don't look at the connotation. After all, if you are not good-looking, who has time to understand your beautiful soul.

"Don't come, it hurts, Qin Nuo, you are annoying, I have something else to do!"

Liu Shishi kept holding Qin Nuo's hand.

It's no use.

It was quickly suppressed by Qin Nuo.

"We'll talk about it later if we have something to do."

"Asshole!" Liu Shishi said coquettishly.

"Go to the bedroom!"

"No, you kneel down!"

Liu Shishi had no choice but to be put directly on the chair by Qin Nuo in the end.

An hour later, Ji Shishi lay in Qin Nuo.

Looking at the chair with only two armrests left on one side, his face turned red again.

"Don't look at it." Qin Nuo hugged Liu Shishi.

"Get a better chair next time. This is a shabby chair. It's not strong at all!"

Qin Nuo was also angry because this thing almost knocked him to pieces.


"It's not you yet!" Liu Shishi pinched Qin Nuo gently.

"People didn't invent chairs for this kind of fun!"

"Okay then, let's get a hanging chair later!"

Qin Nuo saw hanging chairs when he visited some shops in his previous life.

This thing is pretty good, you can use inertia...


"You've seen it too!" Qin Nuo looked at Liu Shishi and joked.

"Fuck you, I'm not as bad as you!" Liu Shishi blushed.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart.

This woman still pretends that you will understand as soon as I tell you, but she still says she doesn’t know.


As expected, they are all duplicitous.

You should be careful when looking for a girlfriend in the future. Qin Nuo knows this very well as someone who has been there.

If you find yourself in a room with your girlfriend, she will be wearing a complete set of underwear.

Don't be happy too early.

It's possible.

You are the one who is slept with.

And don’t think that men’s mobile phones have many good things, while women’s phones are not bad at all.

If you really can’t find the resources,

You can ask the female friends around you for advice.

They may have more and richer things than you.

"Don't come, I'm looking for you for business."

Liu Shishi said quickly when she saw Qin Nuo making another move.

After chatting with Qin Nuo last time, Liu Shishi read some online novels mentioned by Qin Nuo these days.

I found that there really is something like that.

Although she is a woman, I still find her interesting, passionate and refreshing to watch.

If this online novel was adapted into a TV series, it might become a hit.

There are many fans of the novel, and there are more than one million on the website.

She remembered Qin Nuo saying that the number of people watching pirated copies was at least ten times more.

If you calculate this, at least tens of millions of people have read the novel.

As long as so many people take good care of it, it is absolutely guaranteed that this film will be released.

In the past few days, Katsuo has been away, so he has been in contact with those novel writers.

Zhao Shengnan relied on Qin Nuo's tiger skin. Originally, these well-known Internet novelists were still a little hesitant.

Like everyone else.

I don’t quite believe Liu Shishi and Zhao Shengnan.

But when Qin Nuo was mentioned, they became interested instantly.

In the end, we guarantee that the plot will be restored to the greatest extent possible.

These people sold all the film and television rights to Liu Shishi's studio.

Fighting against enemies, mortals, killing immortals...Liu Shishi didn't miss any of them.

I took out my pension money.

"I bought several popular online novels, which cost me a lot of money!" Liu Shishi pulled Qin Nuo.

"If this fails, you will have to go to the club to see me later!"

"Clubhouse? What do you mean?"

"The young model in the club! I am that young model!"

Qin Nuo…”

You woman is quite humorous. If you want to be a young model, you won't be able to receive ten or eight people a day.

"Don't worry, you can definitely do it. Let's start with Dou Po. You can play that Xun'er!"

Qin Nuo hugged Liu Shishi and helped her analyze.

"Be an actor and learn to be a producer at the same time. The rest of the actors can be found in schools, not in the industry."

"The advantage of school is that you are obedient and know how to work well, and the director doesn't need to look for those old fritters."

"Find new people with potential! You can save a lot of money."

"Online novels have their own popularity. It's enough for you to support it by yourself. As long as the actors you choose have certain acting skills and pass the test, you can go back and improve the special effects."

"Guaranteed you can make a lot of money!"

Qin Nuo looked at Liu Shishi, but he must remember one thing.

"You must be serious when shooting, and don't fool the audience, especially the first one. Otherwise, half of your IP will be wasted!"

Qin Nuo understands those who read novels very well. In fact, these guys don't really have high requirements.

It doesn’t take any big stars.

As long as the acting skills are a little passable and the newcomer is good-looking, it will be fine.

The plot is reasonable, and the special effects don't have to be too good, just pass by.

This requirement can be said to be very low.

But even so, those directors couldn't do it, what the hell were they filming.

It's like force-feeding shit.

It directly caused the majority of novel readers to successfully quit the TV series.

In the end, someone else's animation took action, and they managed to save some dignity.

To be honest, Qin Nuo really doubted that those who adapted it were just for money!

Where did tens of millions of investments go?

"I know~!" After saying that, Liu Shishi suddenly looked at Qin Nuo, looking left and right, and she liked it as much as she liked.

"What are you doing?"

"Husband, I suddenly feel that you look like Xiao Yan from Dou Po. If you want to come and play, I'll share the advertising fee with you!"

Liu Shishi's thoughts are quite beautiful.

It would be perfect if Qin Nuo could be brought here.

Relying on Qin Nuo's fame, the price of this film can be at least several million per episode!

Counting money makes my hands cramp.

Xiao Nizi’s eyes lit up!

Qin Nuo”

"Hey, don't, I was wrong husband!"

"No, don't act, I'm just kidding!"

"Don't go to the window, there's someone there!"

"Ouch! Stop hurting!"

Time passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, This Man from Earth was also released.

.........Please give me flowers...

Whether in China, the United States or the entire world, Qin Nuo has been recognized as the most talented director in the world.

If you look at the data, you will understand that the investment is less than 200,000 US dollars.

It grossed 1.405 billion at the box office in China!

The United States also has US$18.5 billion.

The overseas box office was a little over 1.7 billion.

Han Kingdom and Sakura Kingdom also have a combined box office of 500 million yuan.

All added up to more than 650 million US dollars!!!

Converted into RMB, that’s almost 4.5 billion RMB!!!

The gap between box office and cost can be said to be huge, more than 3,200 times!!!

There is no movie in the world that can do this.

Qin Nuo said before that this movie will become a miracle, and people all over the world understand it.

A miracle indeed!!

New York Times.

[From the Earth global box office is released, 650 million Qin once again teased the whole world with his talent!]

Los Angeles Morning News

[The most talented director in history made 200,000 US dollars and grossed 650 million at the box office, and the world trembled!]

Fox headlines

[Such talent is unbelievable, a miracle of two hundred thousand dollars!]

time magazine

[It’s time, Qin belongs to Hollywood! 】

El Mundo España.

[This is a miracle of the movie, maybe the Oscars should give you an award for the most profitable movie!]

the sun

[Please continue to pay attention to the news about Qin He, the two queens and supermodel Lima. According to reliable sources, the three of them stayed in the room for a whole night. 】

[Guests living in the next room heard many indescribable sounds, and...]



Foreign media praised.

The same is true in China. Many people came to Qin Nuo Company in the name of congratulations.

Wang Zhonglei of Huayi. Chengtian's Wu Kebo, Wang Changtian, Xue Tao, Yu Dong, and many other stars.

Qin Nuo can't help it.

We had to hold a small celebration banquet to drive these people away.

More than a million was lost.

I almost feel bad for him.

More than one million can build a movie theater in a small county.

Star Cinema is really in desperate need of support.

The Internet is even more crazy, and the bib directly hung a banner for Qin Nuo.

[Congratulations to Director Qin for his new movie’s box office exceeding 4.5 billion! The return rate exceeds 3,200 times! The undisputed number one director in China! 】

As soon as this banner was hung, I thought some directors in the industry would come out to refute it.

Unexpectedly, after a few hours, no one came out to speak, as if they acquiesced.

The scarf guy originally thought there would be some good shows to watch, but he didn’t expect to see anything.

Qin Nuo's several science fiction films have directly confused the directors in the industry.

"Let me go, where are the people? It's so controversial, but no one came out to refute it. My little bench is ready!"

"Yes, how come Qin Nuo is the number one director in China? He is only so young and has only made a few movies. Why?"

"Hurry, hurry, I've already started for you, hurry up!"

ps: The old rule is to guarantee four updates, and additional updates will depend on five companies.

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