Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

400 Xu Zhen Had Already Lifted The Weight In Vain, Calculating The Income, Qin Nuo Was Shocked! Ten

"Okay, you guys upstairs, what the hell, I made the same comment just now under the collar of this guy Feng Xiaogang.

"But they just closed the comments, you damn guy!"

"Where are the others, Lu Chuan?"

"Forget it, Director Lu hasn't recovered from the last movie Jinling Jinling. His fiancée has run away, so don't irritate others!"

"Yes, Director Lu is already here!"

"Also, Lao Mouzi, Kai Ge, Wang Jiawei...or the new director Xu Zhen will also be fine!"

"Didn't someone say last time that Xu Zhen was better than Director Qin?"

"Yes, there is also Director Xu!"


"I don't. The widow upstairs doesn't wear underwear when she goes out. Don't spread rumors, or I'll give you a lawyer's letter!"

Xu Zhen was originally busy with the script, but he had already completed it according to Qin Nuo's request.

It happened that Qin Nuo's new movie was released at this time, and it was very lively. He also came to eat.

Unexpectedly, I happened to eat myself...

Damn it, it’s been so long and someone is still mentioning this, bastard!

Do you want me to die?

Xu Zhen is not stupid. The better Qin Nuo develops, the happier he feels.

A beggar will not be jealous of a millionaire "663".

He will only be jealous of the other beggar who lives next door to him and picked up two more bottles than him!

Xu Zhen feels that he is quite talented in filming, but he is also self-aware.

If you want to reach the height of Qin Nuo, forget it.


His current opponent is Urdel!

There are currently four directors in the Qintian entertainment system, not counting Wu Jin.

This guy has been writing a script for almost a year and hasn't finished it yet. Zhi Zhen didn't take him seriously.

There is no need to fight between Zhou Xiangxiang and Xu Zhenjue. This guy has a good relationship with Qin Nuo.

It can be said that wearing a pair of pants is incomparable.

Sun Wen is a guy who specializes in TV dramas, so there's not much competition with him.

The only competitor is Urdel.

The two are both Mesozoic directors and about the same age. You are also a famous director in China.

And I'm currently working on a fantasy blockbuster.

Xu Zhen felt that he had to surpass this guy. He must be in the top three in Qintian Entertainment's future director rankings.

And what he relies on is the Thai Lost script in his hand.

I didn’t expect that someone would still be talking about this when I went online.

are you crazy!

Netizens on the other side were also shocked. At first they thought someone was pretending, but they didn't expect to open the homepage and take a look.

Stupid, it’s really Director Xu Zhenxu, officially certified.

"Damn, it's really Bald Xu, everyone, come and take a look."

"Everyone is watching, Director Xu, you have to stand up, Qin Nuo is nothing, your first movie has exceeded 500 million!"

"Much better than that kid Qin Nuo. If I were you, I would just fuck Qin Nuo. That's right!"

"What you said above is right. Director Xu, I'm optimistic about you. Don't be afraid. Qin Nuo is just lucky."

"You're right. I haven't gotten used to Qin Nuo for a long time. I only watched it more than ten times."

Xu Zhen was also drunk when he saw so many people talking to him.

Don't think I don't know, you guys are just watching the excitement and don't mind it.

Want me to line up with Qin Nuo?

What a beautiful thought, I have now joined the friendly forces.

With the big tree at my back, my life was not too beautiful.

But seeing so many people, Xu Zhen rolled his eyes and had an idea.

"Okay, I'll go ahead. I've already written the second part of "I'm on the Road to Lost in Thailand," and I'll be able to see you all this year.

"Everyone, please support me, I'm going to do Qin Nuo!"

"Qin Nuo is nothing, I'll show him what real comedy is!"

"Xu Dao Niu Bi!"

"I support you."

"Finally we have a decent opponent, come on, Director Xu!"

"Defeat Qin Nuo, let's conquer the world together"


A group of netizens who watched the excitement and did not mind that the matter was serious expressed their support.

However, there are still discerning people who can tell something is wrong.

If they remember correctly, Xu Zhen's people were invested by Qin Nuo in Jongtu.

And the copyright is still in the hands of Qin Nuo.

If you want to make this movie, you obviously have to let Qin Tian invest, and you have to get the majority of it.

Otherwise, why would anyone give it to you?

Looked back and checked again.

What the hell, Xu Zhen’s own studio owns 30% of Qintian Entertainment’s shares.

Ignore you, old man!

You guys are playing tricks on us!

Deceive our feelings.

"Everyone, stop arguing. Xu Zhen, the old bald guy, is just wearing the same pants as Qin Nuo!"


"What are you talking about upstairs?"

"You are so stupid. The copyright of People on the Journey belongs to Qintian Entertainment."

"Also, 30% of the shares of this guy's studio are owned by Qin Nuo. What does this guy want to take advantage of?"

Netizens didn't believe it and quickly checked it out. They didn't expect that it was really like this.

Xu Zhen played a good hand, thinking that you were the last hope, but he didn't expect that you had secretly raised the white flag.

I joined Qintian Entertainment a long time ago.



If you were in the past, we would definitely shoot you on behalf of the party-state!

Xu Zhen did not expect that these netizens would discover this.

If you have nothing else to do, I'll send you business information. I'll go.

Labor and management just want to gain some popularity for their movies in advance.

Seeing that he was about to be scolded, Xu Zhen quickly closed the comment about the scarf.

Then pretend like nothing happened.

I was thinking that the worst case scenario would be to say tomorrow that my account was stolen. I don’t know anything anyway.

Netizens are having fun online, but Qin Nuo is very depressed.

A lot of money has to be thrown out again.

This time, the lead actor Qin Nuo agreed not to be paid for the film and would only be given red envelopes.

Now that the movie is released, it's time to fulfill his promise and give each actor a red envelope worth 6.66 million.

If you throw it out this time, it will be tens of millions.

"Okay, you can go now. I've given you the red envelope. Why are you still here?"

Qin Nuo returned to the company, and Huang Xiaoming and others followed him one by one.

"No price, Director Qin, let's have some drinks together tonight."

"Yeah, let's have a drink together"

Shen Teng was very happy when he took the red envelope. It was a good deal. After more than ten days of shooting, he got six to seven million.

I can earn hundreds of thousands a day and make a lot of money.

"If you don't want to drink, you should leave quickly. I still have something to do."

Qin Nuo has to calculate how much money he can make this time. Zhang Yimin has already agreed to Qin Nuo's investment...

He had to see how much money he could get.

"No, Director Qin, do you have any plans for your next movie?"

"Yes, Director Qin, we can still cooperate!"

Qin Nuo knew that these guys had no good intentions and targeted him again.

"Don't think about it. The next movie will be made for Hollywood Film Company, so there won't be any Chinese actors!"

Hearing this, everyone was a little disappointed. Qin Nuo finally took that step and really went to Hollywood.

"Director Qin, will you come back?"

Huang Xiaoming and others looked at Qin Nuo with expectation in their eyes.

It doesn’t matter if you go, but don’t stay there for decades!

"I will definitely come back. How good is the Chinese market now? Don't worry, maybe I will come back in the next movie!"

Hearing this, Cheng Daoming, Shen Teng, Chen Baoguo and others were happy.

Just come back, just come back!

After getting an answer that was not satisfactory but not bad, and received a red envelope, everyone chatted and left.

Qin Nuo asked Bai Lu to get him a piece of white paper and then started writing and drawing on the paper.

He wanted to calculate how much money he could make from Earth this time.

The first is domestic.

The box office revenue of 1.4 billion is not only distributed to cinemas and film funds, but also for publicity.

Qintian Entertainment is doing the distribution itself, so it can get a slightly larger share.

The amount allocated to himself is about 400 million, and the cost of the movie is negligible.

But get rid of Huang Xiaoming's red envelopes.

and red envelopes from the crew.

Then there are about 340 million left, and Xiaori and Hanguo have a box office of 500 million.

Qin Nuo can get 100 million.

The combined U.S. and overseas box office gross was $355,500.

This is easy to calculate. Twenty-eight percent is almost 100 million US dollars.

However, in addition to the 10 million for publicity, there are also various expenses, which are about 85 million.

Converted into RMB, it’s almost 600 million!

It all adds up to almost one billion yuan!

Although the money is 400 million less than that of Inception!

But as I said before, the energy and time spent on Dream Stealing in 1.7 is incomparable to that from Earth.

Qin Nuo was shocked when he finally saw the numbers on the paper.

What the hell.

Making movies is really profitable, here are ten small goals.

Byte's current valuation is around 9 billion, Qin Nuo wants 10% of the shares, and the public has agreed.

It's just that the endorsement contract has to be signed for three years, 30 million in the first year, 40 million in the second year, and 50 million in the third year.

To be honest, this endorsement fee is a loss for Qin Nuo.

But Qin Nuo doesn't care, this little money is nothing.

Ten percent shares. Wait until ten years later.

That can become 20 billion, and it’s still US dollars.

An investment of 1 billion has increased more than 100 times in ten years. I believe that anyone with a right mind can do this business.

And it doesn’t have to take ten years to cash out.

You can cash out after listing.

When Qin Nuo traveled through time, Byte's market capitalization was already more than 200 billion U.S. dollars shortly after it was listed in Xiangjiang. Later, I heard that it had risen even more.

I don’t know the specifics.

Anyway, this is a sure profit compared to buying and selling.

ps: Two updates first, and two more to come, brothers, get excited!

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