Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

403 Qintian Entertainment Is Entering An Era Of Struggle! Heading To The United States Again!

The last Wu Jin is also very urgent. He can be said to be the real veteran of Qintian Entertainment.

He has been with the company for two years, and Qin Nuo is very optimistic about him, but he has not done much for more than two years, other than playing supporting roles.

He is a martial arts instructor on the set.

Now some people in the company are gossiping, saying that Qin Nuo has misjudged Qin Nuo.

This guy Wu Jin pretends to be a director, but in the end all he does is some odd jobs. It's like he hired a freeloader.

There are also many people in the industry attacking him. Why can Wu Jin, a second-rate actor, join Qintian Entertainment?

Wu Jin, did you sacrifice your wife?

No wonder Xie Lan looks more and more charming recently,

When Wu Jin heard Feng Yanfeng's tone, he wanted to hit someone, but his fists were useless. People are not afraid of you at all.

After finding Qin Nuo, Qin Nuo also advised him not to worry about it.

The entertainment industry is like this, and they still believe in him.

This moved Wu Jin very much.

He has grown up over the past year and learned a lot of shooting techniques from several directors.

The first script was also worked out.

"Okay, Director Xu, I'm optimistic about you!" Qin Nuo said with a smile.

In fact, he doesn't mind competition in the company. Reasonable competition can mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.

Qin Nuo was actually very happy when Xu Zhen did this.

It can create a sense of urgency for Wu Er, Fatty Zhou, Wu Jin and others.

Like a catfish, it stirred up the pond of Qintian Entertainment.

Xu Zhenmei sat down happily, and he also saw the looks of Wu Erzhen and others.

But didn't care.

I didn't come to Qintian Entertainment to play house with you. A company must have a boss, a second, and a third.

There must be a distinction between them.

It’s useless to look at me, it’s you who will be beaten.

And Xu Zhen is not stupid. Qin773tian Entertainment will definitely go public, and then as senior executives, they will all receive shares.

But how to divide the shares?

If divided according to the time of joining, he will definitely be at a disadvantage.

But it doesn't matter, contribution is also a big reference, Xu Zhen believes Qin Nuo will take this into consideration.

So he must make achievements so that he can get the fattest piece of meat.

The conference room suddenly became tense because of Xu Zhen's words.

Even the two assistants at the back felt it.

The leisurely and comfortable life before is gone, and the company is about to start fighting.

"Director Qin, my first script has been written, and I would like to apply for 30 million in filming funds!"

In the end, Wu Jin couldn't help it anymore. He felt that Xu Zhen was pointing at him.

But Wu Jin really misunderstood, and Xu Zhen doesn't take Wu Jin seriously now...

Like most people in the circle, he thought Qin Ruo had made a mistake.

Qin Nuo looked at Wu Jin. If he guessed correctly, Wu Jin had already finished the first part of Wolf Warriors.

Soon, Wolf Warrior 2 will be released.

Calculate the time.

That's almost it.

"Okay, I'll give you 40 million to take good pictures!"

"Thank you, Director Qin!"

Wu Jin clenched his fists, Qin Nuo took such good care of him, this movie must be successful.

Otherwise, he would really have no shame in staying at Qintian Entertainment, so he might as well go home and hold his child.

Save yourself the shame of Qin Nuo.

After completing their work arrangements, several directors left separately.

In the end, only Sister Hong and Qin Nuo were left.

"The daily affairs of the company will be left to you, Sister Hong (chfd)!"

"No problem! Boss, don't worry." Sister Hong patted her chest.

I am very happy, watching Qintian Entertainment grow from a small studio with less than ten people to a top company in the entertainment industry with thousands of people now.

Sister Hong was full of fighting spirit.

Qin Tian Entertainment is not only the hard work of Qin Nuo, but also her hard work.

"How is the theater expansion going?"

"It's okay, but it's slowed down now, and the money on the books can no longer support expansion!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo frowned.

There was nothing he could do about it. Originally, he planned to invest the money he earned from this movie in Star Cinema.

Unexpectedly, Byte jumped out. For the long-term interests, it could only give the money to Zhang Yimin first.

Less than 100 million remain.

I dare not give this money to Star Cinema, after all, it is a company with more than a thousand people.

A month's salary is tens of millions.

I had to drag it first.

"Then let's wait. After Tang Detective II is released, we should be able to make a lot of money~!"

"Okay, boss!"

"By the way, go and tell Yu Dahai and Lao Zhou that they can come to the celebration banquet!"

Sister Hong raised her eyebrows and quickly understood what Qin Nuo meant.

It seems that although the next movie will be in Hollywood, Qin Nuo still wants to take care of his own people.

I'm afraid Tiangong Yicai will be full this time.

As a senior executive of Qin Tian Entertainment, she also knows Qin Nuo's next plan.

That's a really big movie.

The special effects alone would probably cost a lot of money.

As director Qin Nuo, Tiangong Yicai is his company.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to use Warner's money to give the talented employees a little more year-end bonus.

Qin Nuo thought more than this.

After the last Inception, Tiangong Yicai has indeed opened up the market in Hollywood and around the world.

But this is not enough, this time the Dark Knight is another opportunity.

Qin Nuo's goal is not to be number one in China, his goal is the entire world.

It is best to be Industrial Light & Magic, the top special effects company that can surpass Hollywood!!!

This is a famous special effects company all over the world.

Sixty percent of Hollywood's special effects production is produced by Industrial Light and Magic!

Its strong technology and powerful personnel make it difficult for other special effects companies to catch up.

But Qin Nuo wanted to challenge it.

The special effects that your Hollywood can do can also be done by Tian Gongsheng, and it can also be the best.

Although Qin Nuo is not a good person,

But the development of special effects in a country’s films is inseparable.

The reason why Hollywood movies can sweep the world [Special effects are also among the top ten reasons.

Not only Qin Nuo saw it this way, but Hua Guo also realized that the government in Hangzhou contacted Qin Nuo many times.

It gives Tiangong Yicai a lot of convenience.

He even had a quarrel with the government here in Shanghai.

The reason is very simple. The people in the capital city are thinking that most of the shares of Tiangong Yicai are in the hands of Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo can be regarded as half a native of Modu.

Tiangong Yicai has such potential for development and is a state-supported enterprise. Who wouldn’t be jealous of such a high-quality company?

It has low pollution, low noise, high added value, and has a certain reputation in the world.

So I want to use Qin Nuo's relationship to move the entire Tiangong Yicai directly to the Magic City.

Don't worry, we will take care of the logistics.

I'll give you a piece of land to play on your own.

You must know that a piece of land in the Magic City is not cheap.

That's really not cheap.

At least several hundred million, or even billions.

This is still the cost price!

This made the people in Hangzhou very angry. You devils don't even have martial ethics.

It is not easy for Hangzhou to produce a world-renowned company, and it is also in the high-tech field.

You just want to steal it.


Don’t think that I’m afraid of you just because you are Big Brother.

The Hangcheng government was not accommodating at all, and shamelessly scolded the devil directly at the conference.

Then he inspected the heavenly work many times to see its splendor.

Help companies solve difficulties, settle in, transportation, subsidies, etc.

All arranged.

After Qin Nuo found out, he didn't care anymore.

When the devil came to him, he would leave it to Yu Dahai. As long as Yu Dahai agreed, he had no objection.

Qin Nuo is really cool with this scapegoating.

But I have suffered in the sea, and I feel pain and happiness every day.

"No problem, boss, I will notify Tiangong Yicai!"

In the afternoon, Qin Nuo went shopping at Tudou again and found that there was no problem.

Solve domestic issues well.

In the evening, I took Reba and Bai Lu on another trip to the United States.

Originally, I wanted to take Liu Shishi with me, but this woman didn't want to at all.

Ever since Qin Nuo gave her an online novel last time.

Liu Shishi seems to have found her life goal, which is to become a successful producer.

He took his assistant Xiao Zhao and got busy.

Go to the school to find actors and the filming team.

Traveled across the country at the Shanghai Academy of Drama, Beijing Film Academy, China National Theater, and Beijing Dance Academy.

After that, he started to pick up Qin Nuo's wool and handed the novel to the screenwriter of Qin Tian Entertainment.

Because of Qin Nuo’s wishes.

Qintian Entertainment’s screenwriters are among the best in the industry.

Liu Shishi’s own studio only has two or three big cats and kittens.

They wanted to change an online novel into a script, but they couldn't do it.

So Liu Shishi set her sights on Qintian Entertainment.

In the end, he went to his old club, Tangren, to poach people, which can be found in ordinary filming schools.

But some senior lighting technicians and prop masters have to find veterans for these more difficult jobs.

I heard that Cai Yinong was very angry with Liu Shishi.

You two have your eye on me, right?

Qin Nuo came here to dig for a while last time, and you Liu Shishi are here again???

In the end, Liu Shishi provided 20% of the investment amount, and Cai Yinong left with satisfaction.

This is right.

It doesn't matter if you poach people, people in Tang Dynasty don't have many things, but they have a lot of old dough sticks.

But you have to take me with you to make money.

No matter what people in the Tang Dynasty say, this is your natal family, Liu Shishi.

On the other side, at ten o'clock in the morning US time, a plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport.

But this time it was a bit unexpected.

People from Fox and Warner came to the airport to pick up Qin Nuo.

In the VIP room.

The people at Warner and Fox were very different from each other, and they didn't look at each other very friendly.

ps: First update, guaranteed four updates today.

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