Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

404 Time Magazine Cover! Thanks To David’S Handiwork, Reba Was Dealt With Again!

The people at Fox were naturally very angry. They felt that Warner was shameless.

They work very well with Qin Nuo.

Fox also never cheated Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo also lived up to Fox's three movies, helping Fox earn more than 300 million US dollars and gaining huge fame.

Unexpectedly, Warner wanted to intervene and deceive Qin Nuo.


Dc should be banned forever, it’s rubbish.

On the other side, the people at Warner were also very unhappy.

You are all Hollywood Movie Company, you caught Qin Nuo and made hundreds of millions of dollars.

It’s time for us to change, too.

Moreover, there are really not many people who can handle DC, and Qin Nuo is one of them.

And he dares to...

We just borrow it.

It's not like I won't pay back -, is that what it's like?

This is so stingy.

Sure enough, Fox, led by a woman, is like this, Japanese stocks are petty and petty.

David and Deng Wendi didn't speak.

Because both of them are the boss, they have to be more reserved, but Kevin doesn't care.

If Deng Wen doesn't say anything, then he will do it.

Sarnov said with a smile as he crossed his legs and looked to the side.

"Sanov, I said you will be the producer of your new Warner movie this time?"

"Yes, Mr. Kevin!"

Kevin smiled disdainfully.

"If I remember correctly, you seemed to be the producer of Green Lantern ten years ago."

Hearing this, the people at Warner looked a little ugly.

They all looked at Kevin with a fierce look in their eyes.

Kevin, that's too much. Hit someone without hitting someone in the face!

But Kevin was not afraid and continued.

I suggest that you, Warner, change your producer. DC is already having a difficult time, and yet you have a failure!'

"To be honest, it doesn't matter if DC is on the street, you are used to it anyway."

"But what I care about is Qin. The undefeated record we at Fox finally established for Qin was destroyed by you!"

"This is a huge loss!"

Fox employees laughed happily when they heard this.

That's right, it doesn't matter if your DC hits the streets, one more movie won't mean much...

Don't ruin the Qin we have carefully cultivated.

Keep that crap of yours for yourself.

When David heard this, the smile on his face was still bright. Although he was very angry, as the boss.

If Kevin's defense is broken by one word, then his position as the boss will be in vain.

He casually glanced at Sanoff next to him.

Sarnoff also quickly understood.

He replied with a smile.

"Mr. Kevin, you don't need to worry about this. The Warner family has a strong foundation, so it doesn't matter if they rush into ten or eight movies!"

"As long as you can succeed, then every failure before is accumulating experience for success!"

Kevin wanted to refute, but Sarnov didn't give Kevin a chance and continued.

"But you guys at Fox should reflect on why Qin turned to cooperate with Warner after working with you for so long!"

"Could it be that you, Fox, regard Qin as a cash cow and don't really regard him as a partner at all?"

Sanoff sighed.

"Kevin, as a senior executive, you are also one of Hollywood's top senior management talents, a graduate of Wharton School of Business.

“Don’t schools teach you about sustainability?”

As soon as Sanoff said this, it was now the turn of Warner employees to be happy.

Yes, you should reflect on yourselves.

Why did Qin come to Warner after working so well with Fox?

They are both Hollywood's top distribution companies. Is it possible that Warner's money is better than Fox's money?

Fox was unhappy again.

What the hell.

This is really heartbreaking

In fact, they couldn't figure out why Qin Nuo wanted to go to Warner Bros. DC, this thing is all about poison!

Hollywood's famous blockbuster movie.

Is it just to prove your excellence and let the world see your talent?

No need, really no need.

When Kevin heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Do you still want to say this?

"Sanov, don't you claim that your DC merchandise will never be shared with others?"

"Yes, we have changed our mind, haven't we?"

Sanoff spread his hands and looked at Kevin.

"Too lazy to tell you!"

Kevin felt that Warner had no shame. If this was the case, why should he say it was a hammer?

"Madam, I'm sorry, this guy Sanov is from a humble background and is really vulgar!"

David said with a smile.

"No, I just hope that you, Warner, can interfere less. Your bad habits will never change in your lifetime!"

"If Qin is allowed to finish it by himself, you DC may still have a little chance, but as soon as you Warner people intervene, you are just waiting to rush into the street."

Deng Wendi also didn’t want Qin Nuo to fail too badly.

If you really mess up a super-large production worth 200 million US dollars, it will be difficult for you as a director to get out.

"Madam, don't worry, we will give full authority to Qin Nuo and promise not to interfere with his creation!"

"So much the better!"

Not long after, Qin Nuo and Reba got off the plane together, along with Bai Lu.

Chen Duling wanted to come together, but Qin Nuo refused directly. This girl was very noisy.

Ask Sister Hong to bring her here the day after tomorrow.

"Qin, long time no see!"

"Qin, my good friend Gui!"

Qin Nuo looked a little confused when Deng Wendi and David both had bright smiles on their faces.

Why are you two here together?

"David, have the movie arrangements been made?" Qin Nuo asked after the two hugged.

"It's been arranged! The audition will be after the celebration party!"

"Okay, I've sent the final script to your email!"


After the two of them finished chatting, Qin Nuo looked at Deng Wendi again.

"Ma'am, thanks to your promotion of this movie, otherwise, it wouldn't have such a high box office!"

"Qin, this is the most basic sincerity as a collaborator. In terms of publicity, we are much better than some companies!"

David next to him heard this and rolled his eyes inwardly.

I point?


Isn't it just propaganda? You think I, Warner, am a vegetarian.

David didn't think much about it, but now that Wen Diguo ordered him.

Then when he goes back, he will go to Warner Times to build relationships.

Life or death, Qin Nuo must be on the cover of Time Magazine. Even if he can't win the global one, he still must be on the cover of the Asian issue.

Compared to propaganda, your Fox is nothing.

We are the local snakes in the United States!

Bai Lu and Reba from behind looked at Qin Nuo chatting so happily with the boss of Hollywood House.

…………Please give me flowers……

I am also very proud.

"This is my boss!"

"This is my man!"

Suddenly Reba felt something and looked at Bai Lu next to him.

His brows furrowed slightly.

The look in this woman's eyes just now was not that simple.

Damn it, Brother Nuo doesn't even let go of the grass next to his nest.

"Humph, your name is Bai Lu!"

"Yes" Bai Lu looked at Reba and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about my brother Nuo! Look at you, you have no breasts and no butt, it's not easy for you to have children at all!"


Xiao Nizi lowered her head and whispered.

"I'm not worried~"

"It's best this way, otherwise I'll let you go!"

Reba smiled happily, feeling frustrated at Liu Shishi's place, and was beaten up again by Yang Mi when she went back.

Xiao Nizi was almost beaten to the point of losing her self-confidence.

Now I can finally find confidence in Bai Lu. This girl is so easy to bully.

"Here, help me with my luggage!"

"This~" Bai Lu was a little reluctant, secretly thinking that I am the boss's secretary, not yours.

Why do you want me to help you carry your luggage?

But Reba's eyes widened, not to mention it was a bit bluffing.

The forehead is facing Bailu.

Bai Lu was a little scared, so she had to help Reba hold the box.

Reba was ready to say something again to show her identity as the hostess.

But before he could speak, he felt his face being pulled by something.

"Reba, you are a very brave woman!"

Qin Nuo squeezed hard and had just chatted with the two of them.

Qin Nuo turned around and saw Reba, a stupid girl, bullying Bai Lu.

Taking advantage of his strength, Reba actually bullied his little secretary.

Not timid.

"I didn't." Reba felt that her face hurt.

"Brother Nuo, it hurts so much. If you don't believe it, ask Bai Lu. She needs me more!"

"Really Bai Lu!" Qin Nuo looked at his assistant.

Reba quickly took advantage of Qin Nuo to turn around and glare at Bai Lu.

"It's okay, boss. Sister Reba said she has difficulty with her hands, so I can help!"

Bai Lu looked at Qin Nuo and said sweetly.

"Sister Reba is an artist, so you can't work too hard. I don't care!"

When Reba heard this, his eyes widened, damn it.

Are you giving me eye drops?


"Qin Nuo, don't listen to this woman's nonsense, it's obviously her~" Reba quickly explained.

But Qin Nuo slapped her directly on the forehead.

"You're still lying. What's wrong with the artist? You still dare to bully others. Give Bai Lu her luggage and give her yours too!"

"This girl grew up eating beef and drinking milk. She is very strong!"

Qin Nuo said angrily.

"Boss, isn't this bad?" Bai Lu said timidly.

Upon seeing this, Qin Nuo threw the luggage directly to Reba, then led Bai Lu and walked outside.

"Reba, if you don't keep up, you'll find a place to live by yourself later!"

Reba looked at the backs of the two of them and felt like crying without tears!

Why am I always the one who's hurt.

Just as he was about to pick up his luggage, he unexpectedly saw Bai Lu turning his head with a smile on his face.

He even reached out and put his arm around Qin Nuo's waist.

There were two words left in his mouth!

ps: Two updates first, and two more to come. I feel like everyone’s votes have been squeezed out... Six...

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