Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

405 Warner Is Shocked, The Dark Wind Will Sweep The Whole World Next Year, The Celebration Party Beg


Reba was really angry when she saw it!

Bad woman, so cunning, your breasts are so small because you are so bad!

He also mocked me and asked me to wait.

I deserve the scolding.

Bad women, our feud has been settled, I want you to look good!

"Brother Nuo, wait for me!"

Reba quickly caught up with her luggage.

Qin Nuo took the two little girls around Hollywood House, and then came to the Malibu villa where they stayed with Liu Yifei last time.

Qin Nuo likes this place more and more.

Compared to Beverly Hills, Malibu seems more laid-back and relaxed, which is suitable for people like Qin Nuo.

"Boss, let me massage your shoulders."

On the balcony, Bai Lu was smiling and wearing a sexy bikini. The three of them had just come from the beach.

While the sun has not yet set, quietly enjoy the sunset on the horizon.


Bai Lu heard this, moved a bench and sat behind Qin Nuo, and then pressed Qin Nuo's shoulders.

Qin Nuo saw Bai Lu struggling and said with a smile.

"It's inconvenient for you, just sit on me!"

After speaking, he lifted the little girl up and placed her on top of him.

Bai Lu sat astride Qin Nuo's waist, and soon felt something, and there was a feeling of shyness on her face.

"Seventy-three" "Come on, why are you standing still?"

"Okay, boss!"

After adjusting her posture, Bai Lu helped Qin Nuo press it up again.

"so comfortable!"

Qin Nuo held Bai Lu in her arms. This girl was very light, weighing less than a hundred pounds, and felt soft on her body.

It's like holding a pillow.

Touched Bai Lu's belly.

"Boss, don't be itchy!"

"Aren't I just scratching it for you?"

"Boss, you are so annoying!"

Qin Nuo doesn't care so much, Bai Lu's belly is very soft and small.

It feels like you can hold it with one hand.

It's fun.

But the two of them were happy. Reba next to him looked at Bai Lu riding on Qin Nuo.

Very angry.

When she was sleeping last night, she heard a sound coming from Bai Lu's room.

This woman even lied to her, saying she didn't care about her boss.


She screamed so loudly, but she still said no.

"It's really annoying. You are pretending to be weak and innocent. Brother Nuo, you have been deceived. Women are disgusting!"

Reba, who was really angry, came to Qin Nuo.

"Brother Nuo, I want to press it for you too!"

"Forget it, you're too heavy." Qin Nuo waved his hand.


Reba was unhappy when he heard this, and now you felt disgusted.

I was so happy when I was playing, pinching and squeezing.

Men are all big pig hooves.

"Brother Nuo, you are so bad, I will ignore you!"

After saying that, he glared at Bai Lu fiercely, and his eyes disappeared.

Go back to your room and get angry.

"Boss, how about I go and ask Sister Reba to come back?"

Bai Lu suddenly felt that Reba was quite pitiful. He was not smart in the first place and was provoking powerful enemies everywhere.

I heard that they were dealt with badly.

Liu Shishi bullied her, and Yang Mi beat her up. Liu Yifei was bullied again despite not provoking her before.

Just like the flat-headed brother on the grassland.

I have never been scared in a fight, but I have never won either...

"You still speak for her, forgetting how she bullied you at the airport yesterday."

"Nope, Reba people are actually quite nice!"

"It's up to you, but I can tell you, this girl Reba is just like a child, she shines brightly when there is a little sunshine!"

"white dew"

the other side.

Qin Nuo is enjoying it.

Warner is very busy.

The Dark Knight script, which received its final draft yesterday, has summoned Warner's top screenwriter team for research.

David and Sarnoff served as the main moderators of the meeting.

After a whole day, the screenwriters read the script over and over again.

Not even a single punctuation mark was missed.

"Hey, Qin is indeed a talented person recognized by the world. This script is very well written!" Old George sighed as he closed the script.

Old George was not from Warner, but a freelance screenwriter, but he was very famous in Hollywood.

He has also made suggestions on the construction of the Marvel universe.

And many of the scripts he wrote were hits.

In the screenwriting industry, he is regarded as the top existence.

After David and Sarnoff read the script, they also felt that Qin Nuo's writing was good.

Although it has changed a lot, it has its own characteristics.

It's just that they are worried about whether the audience and DC fans can accept this dark style.

"Old George, do you think if this script is filmed, will the audience be able to accept a dark-style DC?"

David asked looking at him.

"Indeed, Qin's script has a strong sense of darkness, but don't forget that Batman originally operates in the dark."

Old George looked at him.

"And his own experiences were very unfortunate. His parents were killed when he was very young, and he grew up very miserable."

"This dark style may not be suitable for other heroes, but for Batman, it's perfect!"

Hearing this, the surrounding editors and Sanoff all nodded, it was indeed true.

If Batman were to be filmed like Marvel and full of funny elements, it would really feel like it doesn't match.

This dark style suits Batman very well.

Because Batman has been implementing the no-kill principle throughout his life and is a very kind person.

But he himself is actually a tragedy.

It can be said that he is the most tragic superhero in the DC universe.

"It's just a pity!" Old George looked at the script with regret on his face.

"What's a pity?" Sarnov asked curiously.

Everyone also looked at Old George. Is there something wrong with the script that needs to be changed?

David found it a bit difficult to think of this.

Because Qin Nuo said that he would not change a word of this script...

"Is there something wrong with the script?"

Old George looked at the crowd and said.

"You have misunderstood. What I regret is that this is a script adapted from a comic book. The Oscars will not give Best Screenplay and Best Picture to a movie adapted from a comic book."

"Otherwise, with Director Qin's level, I think next year's Oscar Dark Knight will be very competitive!"

"This place is perfect for the test of human nature. I think Qin may have wanted to blow up all the people in the last two ships, but he gave up for the sake of the audience!"

"But even so, the meaning is very profound and realistic!"

Hearing this, David and Sarnoff breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be like this.

Is it a pity? Not bad.

Anyway, they never thought about Oscar, they just wanted to make money.

"Old George, based on your experience, can DC be successful this time?"

Sanoff is very serious, although the script is good, and Qin Nuo is a top director

But people at Warner are still very worried.

Very simple.

Dc's attack was so miserable, it was too terrible to watch!

This makes them less confident!

"You are so lucky." Old George looked at Sarnoff and David.

“I didn’t expect that in the vast sea of ​​people, I actually found the key to open DC!”

"Qin may be the only director in the world who can save DC!"

Hearing this, David and Sarnov couldn't hide the smiles on their faces.

Old George's words gave them a lot of confidence.

Maybe DC can really succeed this time.

Qin is really the key to unlocking DC!

"Thank you all for coming to Warner's script seminar. A staff member will pay you into your account shortly."

"But you all know the rules, you can't leak the script!"

"Don't worry, David, we all know the rules!"

"Yes, David, I wish you success in DC this time!"

"come on!"

A group of screenwriters were also very happy. Although they only came for one day, Warner's hand was not small.

Each of them will receive at least $10,000 in compensation.

And I also got to see the script of The Dark Knight in advance, which is really not a loss.

But the most profitable one is old George.

This old guy spent 100,000 just for Warner to invite him, and there will be another 200,000 in remuneration afterwards.

You can make three hundred thousand dollars in one day.

The top screenwriters in the industry are jealous of this kind of money.

After everyone left, David and Sarnoff were still reading the script.

David said after a while.

"Just let the board of directors approve it. This script is indeed perfect. Perhaps the dark style is the real way to open up DC!"

"Okay, Mr. David!"

"There is also the issue of the venue. You should contact New York as soon as possible. The real version of Gotham City, I think Qin must only be in New York!"

"It is 1.9 the dirtiest and most miserable city in the world, but at the same time it is the richest and most prosperous city!"

Sarnoff smiled.

"It's true! Behind the prosperity is the dirtiest dirt!"

After Sarnov left, Inwei looked at the script.

He didn't know why, but after watching it twice, he always felt that Batman was not the protagonist.

Batman is used to set off the existence of the Joker.

Although the Joker died in the end, Batman didn't win either, because Harvey, the Joker's hope for success in Gotham City, turned into Two-Face.

In terms of roles, the clown as a supporting role seems to be more charming.

He is a person you can never figure out.

David had a feeling after reading it.

It doesn’t seem like Batman won, it’s just that the Joker doesn’t want to play anymore~

Very absurd!

"Forget it, this is not something I should consider. It should be left to Qin. I just need to do the logistics!"

April 15th, 6pm US time.

A large number of people gathered at the WBCT public pier in Los Angeles, and a huge sea castle was right in front of them not far away.

The brightly lit Royal Caribbean cruise ship looks like a small city.

ps: Third update, there will be another one an hour later!

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