Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

407 The Dark Knight Targets The Big Ship, Fox Wants To Film The Second Part Of From Earth!

"That's right. Hey, brother Liu, look, the pirate captain is here too, and his wife is so beautiful!"

“It’s really beautiful!”

"Ah, isn't this the mermaid Nicole Kidman? What a pity, she is old."

Brother Liu next to him also nodded, although the former Nicole was a real Hollywood top beauty.

The most beautiful woman in the world!

It's a pity that time is not forgiving, and beauties grow old!

At the same time, Qin Nuo was also receiving guests.

This time he learned a lesson and asked people from Fox to help filter it.

Just let some important guests come over, it will be much easier.

"James, welcome, long time no see!"

Qin Nuo looked at the truck driver with a smile on his face, and the two hugged.

Cameron looked at Qin Nuo with admiration in his eyes.

I’ve watched the movie, and I have to say, Qin, you are a genius, I can’t write such a script!”

"It's just a random idea. I didn't expect it to get such a high rating!"

Cameron looked at Qin Nuo's young appearance and was very envious.

He now feels more and more out of his depth, and making movies is indeed a very tiring task.

The Qin Nuo in front of him is really lucky to be famous when his physical and mental powers are at their peak.

It's not like he started making movies when he was forty.

As a result, I didn’t take many pictures before I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore.

"Qin, I really envy you. It is indeed right to become famous as soon as possible!"

"Cameron, what, are you about to give up? My next movie will focus on your record!"

Qin Nuo said half-jokingly.

But I do have this idea in mind.

Big Ship's global box office revenue was US$2.2 billion.

Qin Nuo feels that The Dark Knight may not be able to break through, even with the blessing of his fame and the Chinese box office, it will be difficult.

But there is still a third Batman movie, two in total.

It can definitely be exceeded.

"Haha, I'll wait and see!"

After sending Cameron off, pirate captain Depp walked in with his wife.

Depp was all smiles.

"Qin, how about a villa on the beach!"

"Oh, Johnny is awesome. I've decided to buy a villa in Malibu in the future."

"We can be neighbors then!"

When Depp heard this, his eyes lit up.

Being next door to a world-class director, for an actor.

Is there anything happier than this?

Next to him, Depp's wife Amber was secretly happy. She didn't expect Qin to have such a good relationship with Depp.

Why haven't I heard Depp say this before?

Amber learned from the grapevine that Qin will be filming a super blockbuster for Warner Bros.

If you could become a heroine, wouldn't your fame suddenly rise?

And Qin's movies never fail.

Just perfect.

Depp didn't notice anything unusual about his wife, and looked at Qin Nuo and said excitedly.

"Okay, how about this? I'll sell your villa to you at a low price. I also have another one in Malibu!"

"How can this be done, Depp? I don't want to take advantage of my friends," Qin Nuo said seriously.

"Don't be like this. I'll ask the financial steward to find you later. I didn't spend much money when I bought it."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce, my wife Amber!"

Amber looked at Qin Nuo with a smile on her face and stretched out her hand.

"Qin, nice to meet you!"

Qin Nuo looked at the beauties in front of her and had to say that Depp still had a very good eye. Amber and Hilde were indeed very beautiful.

A standard American Ocean Horse, tall and long-legged, with a delicate little face.

Especially those eyes are very attractive.

Seeing Depp's happy look, Qin Nuo knew that this guy was obsessed with Amber.

But, my dear pirate captain, this woman is not a good thing.

Qin Nuo lost all desire when she thought that she could poop on Depp's bed.

But he still smiled and shook hands with Amber.

He complimented her.

Amber still wanted to talk more, Qin Nuo pretended to look behind him and said.

"Then you two, let's talk slowly later!"


Depp didn't expect that much, so he led the woman in.

Amber sighed in her heart, but thinking that there would be another chance in the future, she smiled and said goodbye to Qin Nuo.

Try to show the best side of yourself!

Xiao Lizi had just arrived, and Qin Nuo quickly wiped his hands on him.

"Hey, Qin, what are you doing! Did you go to the toilet without wiping your hands?" Leonardo looked disgusted.

"Asshole, my clothes are purely handmade and cost over a hundred thousand!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking and go in!" Qin Nuo didn't bother to care. One hundred thousand is nothing.

Your little Li Zi earns millions of dollars from every endorsement, but this is still missing.

"Don't you want to talk? I'm ready to shoot The Revenant!"

"I see!"

Xiao Lizi is a smart man. Qin Nuo reminded him that as long as he thinks about it carefully, he will definitely choose The Revenant.

It seems that next year, Xiao Li Zi, who has been running with him for more than ten years, will finally get his wish.

"Sister, tsk tsk tsk, it's okay!

"Really, do you want to touch it?"

“You’re welcome~”

"Megan, see you!"

"Qin, you've gone too far. You haven't come to see me for a long time!"

"Available for an appointment!"

"Olson, you look so beautiful today!"

"Thank you, Qin!"

The two hugged each other, and Qin Nuo felt the woman's broad mind and decided.

Be sure to play the piano on her within fifty chapters.

Because she discovered that Olson still seemed to be a virgin.

Walking with legs crossed, brows still lingering~

To be honest, it is really rare to meet such a woman in Hollywood.

After that, Qin Nuo received Tom and Tom, as well as Tom’s ex-wife Nicole and Kidd!

It's a bit of a pity.

The mermaid Nicole of the nineties has also aged well.

Although I can still vaguely see a bit of the style of twenty years ago.

But it's still far from enough.

Twenty-year-old Nicole is truly the number one beauty in the world.

Qin Nuo had seen photos of young Nicole on the Internet in her previous life, and she was really beautiful.

The whole body is white, and the whole person looks like an elf.

Liu Yifei is also considered to have top-notch looks, but she is even inferior to the young Nicole.

Just by looking at his face, he was able to seduce Tom Cruise, Hollywood's number one star at the time.

It’s enough to think about how capable this woman’s looks are!

Two hours later, when Qin Nuo invited Steven in, it ended.

Together with Deng Wendi, enter the banquet hall of the cruise ship.

The hall is magnificent, and not far away a symphony orchestra is performing Kikujiro's Summer.

There is also the sound of waves coming from the distance.

I have to say that Deng Wendi’s decision to hold the banquet on the cruise ship this time was really wise.

It's an absolute pleasure to stay up there.

Qin Nuo took two glasses of champagne from the beautiful waiter, handed one to Deng Wen and thanked him.

"Ma'am, I really want to thank you this time. I really enjoyed the cruise ship's celebration party!"

The two of them clinked their wine glasses, and Deng Wendi showed a smile on his face.

"This was also Mike's idea, and I was shocked at the time."

"Oh, Fox is really full of talents!"

"Hey, Qin" Deng Wendi looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Can you sell half of the rights from Earth to Fox? We plan to start the next one!"

Recently, company executives have been thinking that since Qin Nuo has no plans to film a second part.

It would be better to sell the rights to Fox.

This movie is so famous, even if Qin Nuo doesn't participate in the second movie.

The box office must be good too.

As we all know, Hollywood is the best at making series films.

For example, Fox is filming Rescue 3 now!

In the first part, the protagonist's daughter is kidnapped, and in the second part, the protagonist's wife is kidnapped.

No need to guess in the third part, everyone can guess that, yes, the protagonist's wife and daughter were kidnapped together...

As long as it can make money, Hollywood's company will continue to film this series.

"If you can take the time to participate, we are willing to pay 20 million yuan!"

Qin Nuo raised his eyebrows.

Twenty million is a lot, and this is the kind of treatment only Hollywood's top stars receive.

Even if Qin Nuo is now participating in other Hollywood movies.

You can't get so much. Deng Wendi is a woman who is very sincere.

However, Qin Nuo still shook his head.

"Madam, if you consider me a friend, I would like to remind you."

Qin Nuo thought about it and thought that Fox was one of the few friendly partners he had in Hollywood.

There is no psychological pressure on Qin Nuo to cheat other Hollywood companies.

But if you want to cheat Fox, forget it.

After all, they sent so many good things, and the Kelly was still following behind the cruise ship.

"But it doesn't matter." Deng Wendi made a gesture of invitation.

"Ma'am, I understand that you want to make a second movie, but this movie from Earth is actually just a gimmick!"

"The audience will find it very novel and powerful when they watch it for the first time, but if they can't find any more exciting ideas in the second part than the first one, they will definitely fall in love with it!"

Hearing this, Deng Wendi frowned.

Qin Nuo continued.

"Some movies are easy to reproduce, but the reproduction of some movies will be chased and scolded by the audience." Lu Xun, a great Chinese writer, once said.

"The first person to give flowers to a beautiful woman is a genius, the second person is a mediocre person, and the third person is a fool!"

Qin Nuo also forgot who said this.

But I was too lazy to care, so I just thought it was Lu Xun and his old man Dong.

ps: The first update follows the old rules, four updates guaranteed.

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