Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

408 Batman Candidate Is Initially Determined, Reba Snitches, Yang Mi Is Angry And Refuses To Fight,

"Qin, you mean the second part will hit the streets?"

"Anyway, I can't think of a better idea than the first one. If the writers at Fox can think of it, they can certainly make it!" Qin Nuo said, spreading his hands.

"This..." Deng Wendi was a little embarrassed, what an idea!

Deng Wendi read the script submitted by the Fox screenwriter.

It's basically the same as Qin Nuo's first step, just a different group of people.

"Then I'll think about it, thank you Qin!"

"Need not!"

The two touched each other again, and Qin Nuo turned and left.

Looking at Qin Nuo's back, Deng Wendi was very glad that she told Qin Nuo today.

After listening to Qin Nuo's words, she herself felt that being from Earth was not suitable for filming a second film.

Qin Nuo is right, the first person to do something is a genius, but the people behind are all idiots.

"I heard that Universal seems to be interested in this copyright as well, so why not sell it back to them?"

Deng Wendi had a sinister smile on his face. Universal had targeted Qin Nuo before.

With Qin Nuo's temperament, if he had the opportunity to cheat Universal, he would not miss it.

"This needs to be planned!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo started to greet other Jiaying after finishing the article.

To be honest, he was just making a suggestion.

If Fox insists on shooting it, he will definitely sell it as long as the price is right.

After all, if someone wants to eat shit, how can you stop him?

After walking around the banquet hall for half an hour, Qin Nuo was a little tired. When he was about to take a rest, he suddenly saw a figure.

His eyes lit up.

Walked towards him.

"Hello, Bell!"

Then he looked at Dayangma who was chatting with Bell next to him and said with a smile.

"Hello, Penny!"

Kelly's beautiful eyes turned pale and Qin Nuo said with a look.

"Qin, my name is Kelly, not Penny!"

Yes, the beauty in front of you is Kelly who plays Penny in The Big Bang Theory.

He is also the most well-known American star among Chinese people.

She looks sweet and has a good figure.

"The name is just a codename, hello Kelly, I really like your character on The Big Bang Theory!"


The two shook hands, and then Qin Nuo looked at Bell.

He and Bell actually knew each other.

We met when we first participated in Jinling Thirteen Hairpins.

Bell is one of the stars.

Kelly on the other hand was also curious, why did Qin Nuo find Bell?

Now Bell is just a second-tier star in Hollywood, and he can't even compare to her in terms of popularity.

"Qin, hello!" Bell looked at Qin Nuo with a very respectful face.

He also sighed in his heart. He had met Qin two years ago.

Maybe he was the first to know Qin in the whole Haoleiwu.

I just didn’t expect this Chinese director to be so awesome!!!

In two years, he became a world-class director like a rocket.

Bell felt very sorry every time he thought about this.

If he could have had a good chat with Qin, he might have become famous long ago.

Qin Nuo looked at Bell and raised his eyebrows slightly.

As soon as he saw Qin Nuo's scrutinizing gaze, Bell seemed to realize something and quickly raised his head and chest.

Look straight ahead.

There are already rumors in Hollywood that Qin's next movie will be a super blockbuster.

Could it be that you have a crush on him?

Bell felt as if he had been hit by a huge surprise for a moment.

After looking at Qin Nuo, he was a little disappointed. Bell is too thin now.

It's a bit different from Batman.

The Batman Qin Nuo wants is the kind of image that makes women wet just by looking at him.

Bell's face is okay.

A standard Western handsome guy.

It's just that the figure is a little off.

Qin Nuo said directly without saying much.

"Can you gain ten kilograms in one month and become a standard handsome man for me?"

"Yes, I can!" Regarding Qin Nuo's attitude.

Bell didn't feel disgusted at all, but was very happy. He said quickly.

"Qin, I can really do it. The last time I was filming in China, I lost ten kilograms, and that was also within a month!"

Qin Nuo nodded, as if in later generations, Bale would indeed be known as the Rubber Man in Hollywood.

"Okay, come to Warner for an interview in five days! I'll let Warner give you the script!"

Kelly on the other side was shocked and looked at Bell speechless.

Kelly is not stupid. The actor who can be personally invited by Qin will definitely be one of the protagonists, otherwise.

A great director invites you to shoot a supporting role?

This is outrageous!

After talking to Bell, Qin Nuo ignored him.

If Bale can pass Warner's interview and meet his requirements within a month, then he will play the role of Batman.

Qin Nuo will give it to him.

But if you can't reach it, then I'm sorry, you can only be eliminated.

Although Bell played a very good role in his previous life, the most important thing in Hollywood is actors.

Even Qin Nuo can be said to be a better, handsomer and more stylish actor than Bell.

As long as you are willing to look for it.

So Qin Nuo just gave Bell one chance, if he could seize it.

He is also willing to follow Nolan's choice in his previous life.

Instead, his eyes fell on Kelly. The big Yangma's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly.

Qin Nuo always wants to put something into it.

"This beautiful lady, would you be honored to invite you to have a drink with me?"

Kelly looked at Qin Nuo, hesitated and stretched out her hand.

But Qin Nuo pulled her over, then put his arms around Kelly's waist with a naughty smile on his face.

"Let's go!"

Kelly also had a happy smile on her face, and then the two left together.

On the other side, Qin Nuo is always the focus of the banquet.

Everyone watched Qin Nuo hugging American sweetheart Kelly, with a warm smile on her face. (chff) When Qin first came to Haolaiwu, he was relatively reserved and not so showy.

Now that I'm familiar with it, Feng Liu's true nature begins to be revealed.

Last time there was a scandal with Megan, the sexiest actress in Hallmark.

Not long ago, I had a drink with Taylor and supermodel Princess Lima.

Now it’s Kelly again.

The speed of changing girlfriends is almost as fast as that of Leonardo.

And they also found that Qin Nuo seemed to have a very specific aesthetic, and the horses he picked were all in good shape.

A sweet-looking actress.

Seems to like this one very much.

"Sister Mi, look, Brother Nuo is playing with the Ocean Horse again? Really, isn't there enough food at home?"

Reba looked at Qin Nuo and his mouth bulged again.

Yang Mi also took a look but didn't take it to heart.

What she is focusing on now is Jiahang, Tang Detective II will be released soon.

Her plan with Qin Nuo will start soon.

There is no time for this.

"I haven't done anything, little girl, don't think too much about it!"

"Humph, I just haven't done it now!"

Yang Mi felt something was wrong with Reba and said strangely.

"What's wrong with you today? Do you feel so out of breath?"

"This...it's nothing, I just can't bear to see Brother Nuo messing around with women all day long!"

Reba was a little embarrassed to say it.

In the past two days, she had been bullied so much by a secretary next to Qin Nuo.

After being frustrated at the airport, she criticized Bai Lu several times at the villa but she couldn't say anything.

I can only sulk in my room.

She wanted Yang Mi to help her, but felt embarrassed.

You’ve been in the industry for so long, and you can’t even deal with a little secretary!

"Sister Mi, what do you think we should do to deal with those gentle and weak women?"

When Yang Mi heard this, she rolled her eyes at Reba.

"You weren't bullied by Qin Nuo's secretary, were you?"

If she remembered correctly, there were only two people who came to the United States with Qin Nuo a few days ago.

One is Reba, and the other is Bai Lu, Qin Nuo’s secretary.

Hearing this, Reba said hurriedly like a kitten whose hair was blown.

"How is it possible? I didn't. How could I, a big star, be bullied by a little secretary?"

"Sister Mi, don't talk nonsense, I said, I'm talking about Naza, yes, it's Nafu!

"is her!"


Seeing Reba like this, Yang Mi knew that this girl was definitely bullied by Bai Lu.

She was also drunk. This woman Reba was so useless that anyone could bully her.

I won’t talk about Liu Shishi and Liu Chizui.

It's normal to be defeated, but now a little secretary can easily defeat you.

What do you eat so much for?

Build muscles but not brains?

I'm really impressed with you.

But when Yang Mi thought about it, it seemed that such women were more popular with men.

Although Qin Nuo likes to bully Reba no matter what.

But it’s also best for her.

No matter what good thing happens, I will think of this girl.

"Hey, stupid people are so lucky!" Yang Ning couldn't help but sigh.

"Sister Mi, are you scolding me?"

Yang Mi

After walking around, Qin Nuo looked at Kelly in his arms and asked with a smile.

"Forgot to ask, which room will Kelly stay in at night?"

"Qin, you are the most bastard Chinese person I have ever seen," Kelly said angrily.

We must have known each other for less than an hour.

You just want to eat seafood. Isn't this a little too fast?

"Then are you willing to tell this bastard?"


"Kelly I love how straightforward you are!"

As he spoke, Qin Nuo gently pecked Dayang Ma on the face and let the woman go.


"Hey, Director Qin, there is no way I can change this romantic temperament!"

Just after Kelly left, Li Binbin, a woman wearing a long slit skirt, came over.

Qin Nuo took a second look, this is also a man's nature.

I'm always curious about whether I'm wearing something underneath, or what I'm wearing.

Upon seeing this, Li Binbin directly put her hands on her skirt with a smile on her face

ps: I’ll give you two updates first, and there will be two more updates later!.

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