Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

409 Li Binbin’S Opportunity, The Grand Celebration Party, Announced In Public That The Dark Knight H

asked with a smile.

"Are you curious what color it is inside?"

"Not really," Qin Nuo looked at her and said jokingly.

"I'm just curious about whether you're wearing anything underneath or not!"

Li Binbin”

She was really angry at Qin Nuo, what kind of security team is your partner Qian?

Not wearing it?

Are you kidding? If others look at it, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

But looking at Qin Nuo's handsome face, the eldest sister couldn't get angry at all.

The last time she was in the hotel, Qin Nuo gave her an extraordinary experience.

He walked to Qin Nuo with cat steps.

"If you want to know, why not see for yourself? You can wear it or not wear it if you want!"

Qin Nuo looked at the beauty in front of him.

"Forget it, I've been eating a lot of seafood recently. Sister Binbin, what can I do for you?"

"Humph, forget it if you don't want to watch it." Li Binbin felt that Qin Nuo was still a little disgusted, damn it!

I asked you to have sex for free, but you didn’t do it.

Go back and find someone younger and more handsome than you.

"Something really happened!"

When it came to this, Li Binbin didn't care whether it was seafood or not, and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"Qin Nuo, do you remember the last time you asked me to find a foreigner with a scar on his face at the banquet?"

"I didn't expect that he turned out to be Anderson, the director of Resident Evil. I just met him again at the banquet!"

"He asked me to audition in a while. There is a Chinese female spy role in Resident Evil 5 and he said it would suit me very well!"

When Qin Nuo heard this, he suddenly remembered that he did say it last time.

This woman is lucky enough to be able to watch Resident Evil 5, and her character is portrayed very well.

It also successfully allowed Li Binbin to enter the international market.

"Very good, congratulations!"

Seeing Qin Nuo so calm, Li Binbin was a little strange.

Why does it feel like Qin Nuo already knew it?

Not surprised at all.

It is very difficult for a Chinese artist to star in a Hollywood movie.

Li Binbin couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

"Qin Nuo, why do I feel like you know it? Otherwise, why did you remind me in the first place?"

"I know a little bit. I know someone in Hollywood who knows that there is a Chinese character in this script. I think you are a good fit."

"So I asked you to try it, but I didn't expect it to be a successful match!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid, he can just make up any reason. Li Binbin doesn't know what he is like in Hollywood anyway.

Not to mention that Li Binbin really has no doubts, after all, Qin Nuo is doing so well in Hollywood.

If you have strong connections, it is normal to know some inside information.

He walked to Qin Nuo with cat steps.

whispered in his ear.

"Qin Nuo, thank you. If you want to eat seafood in the future, come to me anytime.

"I'll save that first time for you!"

After saying that, the eldest sister was also a little embarrassed.

He took one last look at Qin Nuo, turned around and left.

Qin Nuo looked at the back of the woman Li Binbin and murmured.

"Big sister is quite playful."

He thought that if he had time, he wouldn't be able to give it a try.

"Hey, dear, Qin, there is no one around, please help me ask, hurry up!"

Amber watched Li Binbin leave and quickly urged Depp beside her.

She inquired again just now, and the news was true.

I heard that Qin’s next film has an investment of US$200 million!!!

Such a large investment is considered a super blockbuster even in Hollywood.

Amber was so excited that she almost got wet.

To be honest, if she plays the heroine in it.

Even a vase can gain huge popularity.

Even asking her to give something.

I don’t know if Qin has a hobby of being a friend’s wife. Amber is an American ocean horse.

Did she know that many men have fantasized about playing an exciting game of Ludo with their best friend's wife?

"Isn't this good?"

Depp was a little hesitant. In fact, he has a good relationship with Qin Nuo.

But the two of them had only known each other for a short time, so they went up rashly.

Not good, really not good!

"Try it, we are all friends, you help me, help me, I will help you tonight..."

Depp really can't stand his sweet wife's soft words.

After hesitating for a while, he took Amber's hand and walked up.


"Depp, Amber, you must have a great time tonight!"

Qin Nuo originally wanted to talk to Xiao Lizi. The two of them had the same affinity and could look at beauties together.

Unexpectedly, Depp came over.

"Qin, your banquet today was perfect. If my movie becomes a hit next time, it will be held on a cruise ship."

"Then Depp remember to invite me"

"Of course, you are my good friend!"

The two chatted happily. After a while, Qin Nuo felt something was wrong.

Depp seemed to have something to say, but was a little embarrassed.

His eyes also became evasive.

"Hey, Depp, we are friends. If you have anything to say, just say it," Qin Nuo joked with a smile.

"You don't want to borrow money, do you?"

"No, no, no," Depp quickly waved his hand, he was not short of money.

Otherwise there wouldn’t be two villas in Malibu.

"Actually, it's like this. Qin, will you cooperate with Warner Bros. in your next movie?"

Qin Nuo also misunderstood, he thought Depp wanted the male lead.

But this is really not possible.

Although Depp is famous, he really can't play Batman. He is that kind of feminine and handsome guy.

A pirate captain can tell.

If he played Batman, he would probably be laughed to death by the audience.

"Depp, this really doesn't work. The male protagonist in my movie this time is a sportsman with at least C pecs!"

"You are not suitable, and the supporting role does not suit your identity!"

"You misunderstood Qin, I want to ask for Amber! Is your movie still lacking a beautiful heroine?"

After hearing this, Qin Nuo looked at Amber, and the woman also smiled tenderly at him.

He also puffed out his chest and tried his best to show his best side.

To be honest, Amber can really play the role of Rachel in The Dark Knight.

It didn't require any acting skills, it was just a standard vase.

But Qin Nuo really doesn't like this woman.

But it’s hard to disgrace Depp’s face. After all, he is the werewolf who directly locked up the villa...

After thinking for a while he said.

"There is indeed a role that meets Amber's needs, and she can come and audition, but I can only guarantee that Amber will make it to the final round!"

Qin Nuo looked at Depp with a helpless expression.

...Please give me flowers...

"Depp, you also know that Warner Bros. is relatively strong, and I can't decide directly!"

"This is already very good, thank you Qin!"

Depp was very happy, Hollywood auditions are much stricter than those in China.

Especially this kind of super blockbuster.

It simply cannot be decided by one person.

Qin Nuo's ability to help Amber reach the final round is already a huge honor.

Whether you can get it in the end depends on God's will.

Amber next to her was also very excited and quickly bowed to Qin Nuo.

"Thank you Qin, I will definitely seize this opportunity!"

"Well, I believe you!"

Qin Nuo had a smile on his face, but he didn't think so in his heart.

No matter who he chooses in the final round, he will not give the role of Rachel to this woman.

Then put the blame on Warner.


"Qin, remember to come to my house as a guest when you have time. Amber will cook in person!"

"Yes Qin, I will show you my best cuisine!"


The three of them chatted happily.

"By the way Qin, can you tell me what type your film is?" Depp was very curious.

"But if it's a secret, just pretend I didn't ask."

"You'll know soon." Qin Nuo glanced at the time and it was almost time to go on stage.

Soon he will announce the arrival of the Dark Knight in front of the entire banquet!

"I am looking forward!"

"Me too!"

Qin Nuo glanced at Deng Wen, who was not far away.

The woman nodded after seeing it, and soon a huge stage slowly rose from the bottom of the boat.

There is also a huge ice sculpture on top.

Gao Chao came to the banquet scene instantly, and the eyes of the people talking around him were attracted.


"Wow! Olson, look, this is so handsome." Scarlett looked at the huge stage rising slowly.

His face was full of excitement,

"Yes, Qin Ke is so awesome!" Olsen's face was also full of excitement.

Watching Qin take the actors onto the stage one by one, I felt envious.

If only I could stand on it.

Qin is so handsome.

"Hey, hey, Olson~"

"I'm sorry, Scarlett, I didn't hear you~" O'Mei said quickly.

But Scarlett had a smile on her face and looked Olsen up and down.

"I said Olson, you must have fallen in love with Qin!"

"I called you so many times, but you didn't even hear me!"

"I don't have this!"


Olson also blushed a little. As a woman, she felt that Qin really seemed to be interested in him.

Qin was very nice to her when she met her last time at Oscar.

This time she came to the celebration party and she wore a more open attire.

Qin Nuo hugged her very hard and glanced at her chest several times.

Aomei's intuition as a woman feels that Qin Nuo should like her.

"What's this? I think you can try it!" Scarlett didn't care.

"If I read it correctly, you should be here for the first time. I heard that Chinese men care more about this. I'm surprised by your advantage!

ps: Third update, there will be another update in an hour, brothers, get excited!

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