Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

410’S Heartfelt Speech, Maybe The Next Director Leader Is About To Appear! The Dark Knight Silenced

"Scarlett, don't talk nonsense, I didn't!"

"No longer? When did it disappear?"

"That's not what I meant~" Olson really couldn't stand it anymore.

The little girl blushed fiercely.

"Haha! You really should try it, let me tell you!" the widowed sister leaned into Olson's ear.

He licked and said.

“Men are very comfortable!”


On the other side, Qin Nuo on the stage did not notice Olson and the widow. He was holding a microphone in his hand.

Deng Wendi stood beside him.

Behind them are the leading actors from Earth, Huang Xiaoming, Cheng Daoming, Reba, Xia Li and others.

Several people had nervousness and excitement on their faces, and the eyes of thousands of people in the audience fell on them.

Not far away were specially invited reporters from major media outlets around the world.

Just tomorrow, their photos and names will appear in front of the world again.

As an artist, besides making money, the most important thing is fame.

Making their name resound throughout the world is their ultimate pursuit.

He looked at Qin Nuo in front of him again, his eyes full of gratitude.

From now on, Qin Nuo, you can just call me if you need anything.

We will definitely help.

This time Qin Nuo did not speak "four or five three" first. He first let Deng Wendi finish speaking to the actors behind him before he picked up the microphone.

Taking a step forward, the entire banquet hall fell silent for a moment.

The previous applause slowly disappeared, and the eyes of thousands of people fell on Qin Nuo alone.

Qin Nuo looked around. There were many people coming this time. Qin Nuo saw Chinese artists Li Binbin, Chen Long, and Deng Chao.

Girls' Generation of Han Kingdom, One Punch Man Ma Dong-seok, and SM's president Kim Jae-joo...

A lot of people came here during my childhood, including Miura, Masami, Ishihara Satomi and Ren.

There are even more celebrity bosses in Hollywood. At a glance, you can see the beauties and handsome guys.

Finally, Qin Nuo looked at the hundred fans he invited.

Hua Guo has fifty quotas, and Fox knows Qin Nuo's operation.

Learn from Qin Nuo and also launched a campaign on Twitter.

Finally, fifty more fans were selected from all over the world to attend the celebration banquet.

The fans' eyes were very pious and excited, and Qin Nuo was also very moved when he saw it.

Compared with the guests, the eyes of the fans are more pure.

Qin Nuo used to film just to make money, but now he sees the look in the eyes of these fans.

He suddenly felt that he still had a mission.

Try to make a movie that fans will like, and try not to live up to their expectations.

"Everyone, thank you very much for coming!"

"Maybe you think I'm fake, but I still want to say it."

"The people I want to thank most for the success of this movie are the fans who have silently supported me behind the scenes!"

"Actually, for me personally, this is a heavy responsibility. I will never let down the fans' expectations in the future!"

"I hope that the filmmakers present will work together to make movies that audiences around the world will love, so that more and more audiences will like movies!"


When the guests present heard this, they actually felt it was a bit cliché, and even thought Qin Nuo was a bit pretentious.

But as I continued to listen, I suddenly felt that Qin Nuo might be sincere.

He really hopes that the film industry will get better and better, and I can't help but respect him a little more.

To be honest, directors who can put the audience first are indeed worthy of respect.

Although many of them cannot do it, it does not prevent them from respecting such people.

Just like soldiers guarding the border, many people know that they cannot do it and cannot bear such hardship.

But it does not prevent each of us from respecting him.

The hundred fans behind were even more excited when they heard this, waving and shouting at Qin Nuo!

Some female fans even shed tears.

They didn't expect Qin Nuo to be the first to thank them.

It's really a worthwhile trip.

I also secretly decided to support Qin Nuo for the rest of my life.

Because he really cares about his audience and fans.


"Finally, I want to say that no matter what kind of movie you make, as long as it can make the audience like it, make the audience think, and bring something positive to the world.

"Then you are a successful director, thank you!"

After speaking, Qin Nuo bowed deeply to everyone.

The audience burst into thunderous applause, and a group of reporters quickly recorded the scene.

His face was full of surprise.

Some reporters even sighed.

"Perhaps the next leader of world directors is about to emerge!"

Qin Nuo's words, no matter which country it is placed in.

It is true whether it is the East or the West.

No matter what the directors and artists think.

Then they will definitely say that they put the audience first.

This is the consensus of the whole world.

Finally, Qin Nuo's encouragement to practitioners is also great, and it does not mean anything of great significance to the film industry because of its own success.

Even the requirements are very low.

A movie does not need to carry too many things, it only needs to bring a little positive meaning to the world.

This is so beautifully said.

"Hey, Olson, if you don't do it, I'm going to do it!" Scarlett clapped her hands while looking at O'Mei beside her.

A blush appeared on his face.

"Qin is right, so humble, like a prince, I'm almost there!"

"How about I try it for you first?"

"There are so many people like Scarlett." Olson wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Can you please stop doing this and don't let others hear about it!"

Scarlett looked disdainful.

"Olson, you really don't understand. I can guarantee that there should be more than two thousand women here." "As long as Qin Nuo waves, at least more than half of them are willing to spend a wonderful night with him!"

"As someone who has been here, I would like to advise you that good men are snatched, not waited for!"

"I know, you don't need to tell me!"

Olson looked at Qin Nuo on the stage, with a gentle smile on his face, and his whole person seemed to be glowing.

He clenched his little fists and thought to himself.

"Try it, it's really hard to be such a good man!"

"Even if it doesn't make it to the end, it's still a wonderful memory as a beautiful memory!"

"Maybe when I get old, I can take it out and enjoy it!"

After Qin Nuo expressed his thanks on the stage, the staff on the ship also moved the ice sculpture to the front.

Everyone picked up the guy and smashed it hard against the 650 million US dollar ice sculpture.

Then throw some crushed ice off the stage…………

The guests below also mind.

Cheering together.

Ten minutes later, Qin Nuo threw the shovel aside while looking at the broken ice.

Pick up the phone and take off your tie.

Said to the guests present.

"Okay, everyone, get up and have a great time tonight!"

"The DJ plays some awesome music"

As soon as Qin Nuo finished speaking, the sound of electronic music rang out in the entire venue, and the lights became dim.

"Yeah, no problem Qin!"

"Hey, this is the celebration party, I like it!"

"Qin, good job!"

The guests were also excited, and many of them were Americans, as we all know.

Don't look at these guys who look like dogs on the surface. Secretly, my favorite thing is partying.

The same goes for Hollywood stars.

"By the way, I have one more thing to announce!" Qin Nuo looked at the guests in the audience through the light.

"I have accepted Warner's invitation. DC movies will return to the world. The Dark Knight invests 200 million and will be released next year!"

"Everyone, get excited!"

After Qin Nuo finished speaking, instead of getting excited, the entire audience suddenly fell silent.


D movie!!

Batman The Dark Knight!

I go!

Qin, you are confused!

Many of the people present were Hollywood entertainers.

Even if it is not, many people have heard of the name DC.

It is simply synonymous with bad movies.

Hollywood has been circulating since the last century, and C-movies are cursed by God.

There's no way it's going to be a big hit.

Qin, what's wrong with you filming? You're filming DC...

"This, that, Amber, do you still want to star?" Depp asked, twitching the corner of his mouth.

"Act, why not act." Amber hesitated and said.

"I believe in Qin!"

"Well, Qin Ze can't think about it so much. Dc is not a good thing!"

There are many people with this idea, and Bell is one of them.

His current mood is mixed, but he is happy that Qin Nuo did not cheat him out of 1.8 and invested 200 million.

It is indeed a super blockbuster.

Qin Nuo asked him to gain weight and become a handsome man. It goes without saying that this role must be Batman.

Bell also grew up reading Batman comics.

I never thought I would be able to play this role one day.

What's worrying is that this is a famous DC...

He doesn't know if Qin Nuo can save the movie.

200 million investment, if this is done.

He will also have responsibilities as the lead actor.

One thought becomes a god, one thought becomes a devil!

Belle is numb!

Qin Nuo also has many friends in Hollywood. When they heard this, everyone didn’t know what to say?

Qin, you chose a hell mode as soon as you came to Hollywood.

Are you so cruel to yourself?

Wang Zhonglei, Wang Changtian and others also gathered together. They were very surprised as to what was going on with these people.

If Batman wasn't very good, even people of their age would have heard of this comic.

Very famous.

Why don't you feel that everyone is very excited?

Instead, he looked worried, even a little sympathetic.

ps: The fourth update has arrived!! Everyone understands!!.

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