Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

411 Qin Nuo Wants To Crack The Movie Cursed By God, And Reporters Are Overjoyed!

"Hey, what's going on? Why doesn't everyone think highly of Qin??" Wang Zhonglei was very surprised.

"Qin Ke has succeeded three times in a row, but he doesn't have any confidence at all?"

Wang Changtian also nodded.

"Although it's Qin's first time making a movie in Hollywood, it won't be like this!"


Several people were confused, but Yu Dong understood better because he had many guest troops in Cai Guobao.

I've heard about this too. explained.

"It's not that they have no confidence in Qin, but they have no confidence in DC!"

"How do you say this?" Everyone looked at Yu Dong.

"You will know just by watching DC movies. Warner has been working on DC movies since the 1970s."

"From that time to now, in nearly fifty years, a total of more than ten DC movies have been made."

"Superman, Batman, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman v Superman.

"And Green Lantern..."

"With so many films, not one of them has been a big hit, basically all of them are losing money!"

"Hiss!" Wang Zhonglei and others all took a breath after hearing this.

Damn it!

This is too tragic.

Could it be that out of more than ten films, none of them were successful?

No wonder the gringos around him looked worried.

Change it to something Chinese people can understand.

It’s Qin Nuo who is preparing to shoot the sequel to Kai Ge’s The Promise, The Promise II...

Isn’t this 27 using a flashlight in a manhole to look for shit?

After a while, everyone in the audience knew it.

Even if you don't know the inside story, there are many gringos around.

They are very happy to popularize DC's glorious deeds.

If that doesn't work, you can still Google it.

There is WiFi coverage throughout the ship.

"Haha, everyone is so surprised!" Qin Nuo looked at everyone.

"Okay, let's get high!"

The guests below didn’t know what to say. Just be surprised.

Forget it, it's not my business anyway.

Hello, let’s talk,

Soon the scene became cheerful again.

The reporters who came in were overjoyed. They didn't expect to get such exciting news.

Qin Nuo's first battle when he came to Hollywood was to challenge Hollywood's DC movie, which is said to be eternally cursed!!

Can a talented director break God's curse?

This title is good, really good~!

This issue of the newspaper is guaranteed to sell like crazy.

But you must know that although DC is very poor now, DC comics and toys are still selling well in the Western world.

There are also many fans.

This news is sure to cause a stir and social discussion.

Qin, you are such a good person. Let’s not talk about whether your movie will be successful or not, but we have already received the bonus.

Several people stepped down together.

Huang Xiaoming and others were relatively reserved. Although they were confused, Deng Wendi didn't ask.

But Reba didn't care that much. She really didn't regard Wen Di as a big shot.

I even thought it was quite amiable.

I even invited her to drink coffee at first.

So he held Qin Nuo's arm and asked.

"Brother Nuo, why did everyone look so strange when you announced your new movie just now? That look in their eyes..."

Reba recalled it, but couldn't describe it.

"It's just weird anyway! Why?"

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming, Cheng Daoming and others also looked at Qin Nuo, and they noticed.

"Miss, it's very simple," Bella, who was supporting Deng Wendi, explained with a smile.

"Because since fifty years ago, none of DC's movies have been a hit, and 90% of them are flops!"


"No way!"

"real or fake!"

Reba, Huang Xiaoming and others were all numb. No wonder those guys had strange expressions on their faces.

Qin Nuo, do you think your good life is too comfortable?

Have something exciting.

After Deng Wendi and the others left, Huang Xiaoming and others said one after another.

"Qin Nuo, why don't you think about it carefully? Sometimes there are things that science cannot explain."

"Xiao Ming is right," Cheng Daoming nodded.

"Qin Nuo, be careful in everything. It doesn't make sense that none of the more than ten movies has been a hit!"

"Yes, if we forget about it, there are still so many movies to make!"

"Brother Nuo, don't be stupid!"

"Okay, don't worry." Qin Nuo felt warm in his heart when he saw everyone's worried expressions.


"This script is my own. I am confident that if you just wait and see, the box office will be at least one billion US dollars!"


Huang Xiaoming and the others, look at me and I look at you.

I don't know what to say, Qin Nuo is confident, and they can't continue to persuade him.

I can only pray for him in my heart.

After that, wherever Qin Nuo went, someone would come out to persuade him.

Let him give up DC.

You can shoot other videos.

If it really doesn't work, it's not impossible to make Inception 2, so why bother.

This made Qin Nuo a little annoyed.

"Give Kelly a wink!

The two quickly disappeared into the banquet hall.

"Penny, be taller!"

"Asshole, my name is not Penny!" Kelly turned around and said fiercely.

"Don't go to the balcony, there are people outside!"

"It's so late, there's no one here!"

"Qin, you are the most bastard Chinese person I have ever seen!"

"Kelly, you are the toughest American I have ever seen!"

"I will punish you on behalf of justice!"

An hour later, Qin Nuo was sitting on a chair on the balcony admiring the night view of the sea.

The voyage was not very far.

Just swimming along the American coastline.

It should be no more than twenty kilometers away from the coastline. From a distance, you can still vaguely see the lights on the land going out.

Put out the cigarette butt in your hand.

Qin Nuo picked up the American sweetheart who was lying on the ground.

"Are you Penny now?"

Kelly rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo, feeling that she had no strength at all.

"Shit, you can say whatever you want, I'm Penny, okay?"

"Come and try the good things produced in China!"

Kelly “…”

Another hour later, Qin Nuo opened the door and came out of Kelly's room.

The American sweetheart has already fallen asleep, and Qin Nuo believes that she will have a good dream tonight.

Because when he left, he saw Kelly smashing her mouth...

Although it was already early in the morning, the boat was still very lively.

The laughter from the deck could be heard in the corridor.

Qin Nuo thought for a while and was too lazy to go. He was about to go back to his room when he was patted on the back.

"Qin, what are you doing here?" Scarlett was very surprised. This area is not where Qin Nuo lives.

"Aren't I just wandering around?"

"Just wander around?"

Scarlett squinted her eyes, she didn't believe Qin Nuo's lies.

The rooms here are basically occupied by women, and Qin Nuo has nothing to do here.


I'm afraid I went to taste the seafood secretly.

Scarlett was very smart and quickly looked at the room numbers around her.

Touching my chin and thinking

Suddenly stopped at a number,


Qin seemed to have come out of this room just now. Who lives here?

Scarlett thought about it carefully.

She had a good memory and remembered the form she had read before.

A smile of realization appeared on her face, she must have been right.

Qin Nuo is also numb, this woman is too powerful...

The widowed sister came to Qin Nuo with cat steps, her face was full of charm, and she proudly held out her chest and asked.

"Qin, how does Kelly taste!"

"What Kelly!"

"You still want to lie to people, come with me!"

Before Qin Nuo could react, he was pulled into a room by the widowed sister.

It looks like it should be the widow's own room.

Qin Nuo was pressed against the door. Scarlett looked at Qin Nuo and slowly knelt down.

A smile soon appeared on his face.

"Qin, you're still lying, I smell Kelly's lipstick here!"

Qin Nuo was also drunk when he heard this.

The widowed sister deserves to be the widowed sister.

"Are you okay?" Scarlett looked up at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Try using lipstick to wake him up!"

"no problem!"

Facts have proven that it can work.

On the other side, Olson returned to his room, feeling a little disappointed.

She originally planned to take advantage of the party before it was over.

Get in touch with Qin Nuo more.

The two found a quiet place to drink wine and chat about life.

Olson wanted to ask Qin how he created such wonderful scripts.

I want to hear the story behind this script.

After getting drunk, Qin Ruo wanted to do it.

She doesn't mind either.

Doesn’t Qin like to watch it?

It’s okay to watch enough at night.

But she didn't expect that she just went to the toilet, and even after searching for a long time, she didn't see Su's shadow.

I felt a little disappointed after rejecting invitations from some men.

Go back to your room.

"Forget it, take a shower and go to bed early. There will be another chance in the future!"

Olsen wasn't that much. Anyway, she was always in Los Angeles, as was Qin, and the two even exchanged phone numbers.

It’s not difficult to get in touch.

Just after taking off her clothes, Aomei was soaking in the bathtub when she suddenly felt something was wrong.

What's going on next door?

There was so much movement,

Suddenly, Aomei thought of something and her face turned red.

If she remembered correctly, Scarlett should be living next door!

ps: The first update, guaranteed to be the fourth update today.

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