Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

412 Oomei Wants To Kill People And Detonate The World. Media: The Genius From The East Is Challengin

This woman is too crazy.

With whom?

Slowly, her eyes became hazy.

On the other side, Qin Nuo leaned on the bed and began to think again.

He has been curious about one thing since he was a child.

Why haven't humans found any trace of aliens after so many years?

The universe is so big.

The Milky Way alone has nearly a billion stars.

Every star has many planets orbiting it, just like the Earth.

And the Milky Way has been born for tens of billions of years.

Such a long time span and such a large spatial scale.

Even if the conditions for the birth of life are extremely harsh.

It shouldn't be only Blue Star where intelligent creatures can appear.

If this is not the case.

In the observable universe, there are countless galaxies such as the Milky Way.

In fact, the star you see at night may not be a single shining star, but an entire distant galaxy.

Even if a civilization is born in just one galaxy, the entire universe should be very lively.

Why is this?

Is it really like what is said in the movie, that our Blue Star is just a zoo, pets kept in captivity by aliens?

Like the animals we keep in the zoo?

Under the sage's time, Nuo became a true Zhini.

It seems to have solved the ultimate problem of mankind...

"Hey, if you want to play, have fun~ Don't you like it?"

Scarlett is very unhappy with Qin Nuo's behavior of wearing pants and not recognizing anyone. Isn't this baby uncomfortable?

I can still get distracted while playing.

You hurt me so much.

After hearing this, Qin Nuo came out from among the wise men.

Looking at the charming widow in her arms, a smile appeared on her face.

"How could you not like it? You are the best!"

"Humph, that's good if you know." Scarlett smiled when she heard this.

"I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on maintenance every year, and the feel is absolutely top-notch!"

Qin Nuo couldn't help but be speechless when he heard this.

Sure enough, the female star is really curly.

He was actually very curious, how to maintain this thing?

Scarlett held Qin Nuo with a smile on her face and said happily.

"Qin, you are so amazing. I felt like I was in heaven just now!"

"You've just arrived. If someone hadn't taken a step ahead of you, you might have truly reached heaven now!"

Qin Nuo looked at her and smiled evilly.

Scarlett then remembered that Qin was still a tired man.

"Oh mygod, Qin, I almost forgot! Are you so awesome?"

Qin Nuo smiled but said nothing, egg?

Even though he is strong as a hammer, he is already at the end of his strength.

These women in the United States grew up eating beef and drinking milk every day.

Each one is very powerful.

Anyway, Qin Nuo compared it in his mind.

He has tried seafood from all over the world.

The seafood in America is the chewiest, if you don’t have good teeth.

It's really easy to choke.

"You're so strong, I've already been hollowed out by you~"!"

Qin Nuo won't hit any fat guy with a swollen face, there's no need.

Hearing this, Scarlett smiled like a little fox.

"Really, Qin! How about I tell you a secret?"

"What secret?"

"Do you know who lives next door to me?"

"It's none of my business." Qin Nuo just wants to take a good rest now.

I'm going to Warner Bros. tomorrow.

"Hey, let me tell you, Olson lives next door to me. I think it's so late that she should have come back.

"Maybe she heard the sound just now!"

Qin Nuo's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.


Isn’t it so exciting!

Scarlett glanced down, with a smirk on her face.

I thought to myself.

Qin really has thoughts about Olson.

But then I thought about it, and it was normal. Olson was very beautiful, young, and in good shape.

It would be abnormal not to like Qin's romantic temperament.

But she was just a little worried, just like Qin.

Does Aomei really hold on?

"Qin, come here!"

Scarlett took Qin Nuo's hand to the wall, and then put her hands on the wall.

He turned to Qin Nuo and said.

"This should be where Olson's bedside is, try it!"

Qin Nuo “…………

Stand up!

Qin Nuo dragged his tired body back to the villa. He originally planned to go to Warner Bros today to see how the props were being prepared.

I also met with the director of the shoot, who will be working together in the next few months.

But my body is not allowing it.

Scarlett is such a good woman.

The widowed sister is worthy of being a widowed sister, challenging his bottom line time and time again, and even imitating Orney's voice at the end.

Who can withstand this?

I called Warner directly and pushed the matter to tomorrow.

He was going to have a good rest today.

Warner didn't say anything, but reminded Qin Nuo to pay attention to his health.

They thought Qin Nuo drank too much at the celebration party yesterday...

the other side.

Olson and the widowed sister were still in the car.

Aomei's expression was very bad, she could be said to be very angry.

"Scarlett, you bitch! What did you do yesterday?" Olson actually heard this woman imitating her voice yesterday.


"You used my voice!"

Hearing this, Scarlett was not embarrassed but smiled happily.

Recall what happened yesterday.

I was still a little excited.

"Don't mind. Just have fun with it if they like it. You haven't lost anything."

"You!" Aomei really didn't know what to say.

This woman is so shameless, she said this out loud.

What does it mean to lose nothing, but to lose a lot.

"Who is that man!"

"It's not convenient to disclose this, but you know him anyway!" Scarlett is not stupid if she tells Olson.

It might be difficult for Qin to try the latest seafood on the market.

Let’s wait until Qin gets started later.

Olsen's face will definitely look good by then!

"But I can tell you, that man is very powerful, quite powerful!"


"You can scold me, you will be like this one day anyway."

After saying that, the widowed sister looked at the dark circles in the corners of Omei's eyes, with a joking smile on her face.

"And I see that you eavesdropped a lot yesterday. How are you doing? Are you comfortable?"

"I do not understand what you are saying!"

"That's weird! Forget it, I'll just treat it as giving you a lesson in advance so you can use it later!"

"You're welcome~"


at the same time.

This day also set off the whole world. People all over the world knew that Qin Nuo's next movie would go to Hollywood.

Originally, everyone was still guessing what Qin Nuo would shoot?

There were rumors that Qin Nuo would take over Marvel, but Disney later denied this statement.

Claimed that they contacted Qin Nuo, but did not receive a response.

This time The Avengers is directed by the Russo brothers.

Netizens were a little disappointed, and later there were rumors that Qin Nuo would film the second part of Inception.

And Fox’s Rescue 3 .

Anyway, there is anything to say.

But what everyone never expected was that Qin Nuo would restart DC!!!

Who would have thought that DC has not released a new movie for more than ten years.

Even some very young viewers have never seen DC movies.

But some older people have heard of the name DC.

That is the world's famous gathering place for bad movies...

No Hollywood movie series has hit the street like this.

Absolutely amazing!

Hollywood Times.

[At ten o'clock last night, Qin publicly announced that he would take over DC. Is this going to be a rebirth of DD or will it sink forever? 】

new york morning paper

[At the much-anticipated celebration banquet, Qin detonated the entire Caribbean, and Batman, the Dark Knight, arrived!]

chicago evening news

[DC? Qin, do you want to save this comic? I don’t think so!]

time magazine

[This is a showdown between a genius director and someone cursed by God. Whether talent can defeat the gods or not, maybe there will be an answer in a year!]

Fox reports live.

[Warner invested 200 million, placing all DC’s hopes on Qin once again. This may be a new beginning for DC movies.]

[It may also be the last DC movie! 】

The Sun UK.

[According to the latest news, Warner paid a huge check of 22% of the global box office to impress this talented director] (Yeah) [This price was broken down for the entire Hollywood, and only three people got it. Qin He set a record]

[According to insiders, the remuneration Qin received was far more than this, Warner also paid a share of the surrounding products!]

[Please stay tuned to The Sun for specific figures!]

Online, the news of Qin Nuo's new movie The Dark Knight also instantly hit the headlines on Twitter.

The speed is so fast that it is simply unimaginable.

But this is not surprising, Qin Nuo and DC are very famous throughout the Western world.

Qin Nuo won’t say anything else: “Even a child in Xishi knows about C comics.

Even many middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s had DC superheroes as toys that accompanied them when they were children.

When the two are combined, the chemical reaction is simply amazing.

Even the search volume for Qin and DC on Google has increased more than ten times.

This is the real hit before filming!

Netizens are also discussing it.

"Shit, as a fan of Qin's movies and a fan of DC, I really hope Qin gives up this decision to start a business!"

"DC is really poisonous. Once something goes wrong, or Zhuo is not just the last hope for DC movies, it may plunge Qin into an abyss!"

ps: Two updates first, and two more to come!.

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