Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

413 Qin Nuo Fans And Dc Fans Started Fighting, And People In China Came Online One After Another! Th

"I agree. Qin's ambition is too great. He has to challenge DC as soon as he arrives at Hollywood. This is not a good decision!"

A lot of netizens supported him one after another. They didn't look down on Qin Nuo, but DC's record was too strong.

They were worried that Qin Nuo would fall into the abyss the first time he stepped into Hollywood.

Even for a director of Qin's level.

Screwed up a super blockbuster with an investment of more than 200 million US dollars.

He will also suffer severe backlash.

Although it is not fatal, it will definitely break your muscles and bones.

"I don't agree with this. I have been a fan of DC since I was a child. DC can definitely be adapted into movies."

"There is no doubt about this. Marvel has proven the feasibility of superheroes."

"Warner just hasn't found the key to open DC movies."

"Think about it, Qin is the most talented director in the world."

"And he is young and has fighting spirit. Apart from him, I really can't imagine any director who would dare to try a DC movie!!"

"Yes, I agree with what you said above. You can't just do it just because it's difficult. Why can't you trust Qin Nuo?"

There are also many DC fans who express their support. They are suffering.

Seeing the continuous rise of rival Marvel, Spider-Man's copyright has long been sold to other companies.

But no matter what, Spider-Man is successful.

Marvel also started with Iron Man and laid the groundwork step by step. Now it has made more than ten Marvel movies.

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor...

The superhero team-up movie, Avengers, is also on the line.

Maybe we'll see it at Christmas.

And their DC still looked half-dead.

It hurts to think about it.

You know, just ten years ago, DC was still crushing Marvel.

"Huh 840, what do you think sounds nice? Why? Who said that DC will definitely be successful? We have made more than ten movies, but I have never seen a successful DC movie?"

"Why should Qin bet his career on filming?"

"I agree, Qin, such a talented director finally came to Hollywood. If he fails this time, it will have a huge impact on him!"

"Indeed, DC fans are a group of selfish people. They only think about themselves and not others!"

"Success? It's not easy for DC to succeed, and guys like Warner like to get involved in filming."

"Qin made a big mistake. Any company in Hollywood would be better than Warner Bros.!"

"Who is being selfish? We didn't ask Qin to make a DC movie. Isn't he just doing it for money?"

"That's right, if anyone asks him to film it, I'm still worried that he will ruin DC!"

"Look, I just said that DC fans are a bunch of ungrateful people."

"You're right, money? With so many companies in Hollywood, how can it be that Qin's money is missing? I heard that Marvel gave a director's share of 20 million!"

"Damn it, db fans are all rubbish!"

"shit what did you say?"

"I'm talking about you!"

Soon, the style of painting on the Internet suddenly changed, and even people at Warner did not expect that Qin Nuo fans would actually quarrel with DC fans.

To be honest, Qin Nuo definitely doesn’t have as many fans as K right now.

After all, their decades of accumulation cannot be compared to the truth.

Qin Nuo's time of fame is still too short.

But I can't stand the loyalty of Qin Nuo fans, everyone is united as one.

There are also many fans in DC (chfe) who think Qin may indeed be able to save DC.

So not many people came forward.

The fight between the two sides was evenly matched, and the gringos were already very idle.

Nothing happened all day.

Just this quarrel lasted a whole day.

Qin Nuo fans scolded DC fans for being shameless and arrogant. They thought it was twenty years ago.

When Dc was in full glory?

Wake up, it’s been 13 years now.

The scenery of Dc is long gone...

DC fans are not to be outdone. Anyway, we DC just haven’t found the key to open the door.

Once it is opened, it will usher in a new life. You guys know how to use a hammer.

This makes Chinese netizens happy.

After all, there are very few DC fans in China, but Qin Nuo has a lot of fans.

But what this group of hangers-on likes most is to go to the theater and act like a crowd.

The melon-eating masses naturally want to maintain a neutral attitude.

After eating it for a whole day, it felt so good.

This matter even became a trending topic on scarves.

[Qin Nuo’s new movie The Dark Knight has caused huge controversy, Qin Nuo fans and DC fans are at loggerheads!]

There are also many netizens who commented below.

"Let me go, such a big melon came late, what happened?"

"Wouldn't it be a good thing for Qin Nuo to make a movie? Why are they arguing?"

"I have a question, is this what happens when you wake up? The Dark Knight is a good name.

"I've heard about Batman, too. These gringos have nothing to do. Why are they so noisy?"

"Upstairs, let me tell you about DC's glorious record..."

"Now you know, no movie has ever sold better!"

But Chinese fans are different from foreign fans. They don't have deep feelings about this.

After all, they don’t know much about DC, but they know Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo debuted six years ago and made movies for four years.

Starting from Exploding Drummer, Tang Detective, Xiuchundao, and Interstellar. Stealing dreams....

Successful six times in a row.

Tang Detective II will be released soon, and they feel that they will definitely not lose money. If they count the investors, they will be in trouble.

All eight movies were hits!!!

It’s as if the word success is bound to Qin Nuo.

Compared with foreigners, Chinese fans have more confidence in Qin Nuo.

It has even reached the point of superstition.


Well, the audience also knows that Qin Nuo will fail one day, but definitely not now.

Qin Nuo is still in its golden creative period.

Just look at it from Earth.

Rumor has it that Qin Nuo spent five minutes coming up with the story idea.

Then I wrote the script in one day.

Filming took place twenty days later.

One month later, the box office of Kuanglan was RMB 4.5 billion!!!

Shocked the whole world.

That's it?

Are you telling me that he will be on the street in the next movie?

To be honest, it's hard to believe...

I would rather believe that Qin Nuo is actually a women's clothing boss who has been hiding for many years.

I don’t believe Qin Nuo’s next movie will fail either.

"Gringos are just too busy to be idle. Qin Nuo is at the peak of his talent. How can he lose!"

"I agree, they don't understand Qin Nuo at all, none of his debut movies have failed, how could he fall here.


"Let me put it this way, even if Qin Nuo is filming a sequel to The Promise, I feel he can succeed.

"So DC is nothing. If Qin Nuo dares to accept it, it means he has confidence. Anyway, I believe in him."

"I agree, I also believe that Qin Nuo will definitely succeed this time!"

"I see, these gringo fans of Qin Nuo are too sensitive. What are they afraid of, and they still curse from God? It's so funny!"

"You're right. What does God care about Qin Nuo? He doesn't believe in God. The one who cares about Qin Nuo is the Jade Emperor..."

"The talents upstairs!"

Anyway, domestic fans have great confidence in Qin Nuo, and they look forward to Qin Nuo bringing them a different superhero experience.

Some gangsters originally wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble in China.

Qintian Entertainment is also ready. You know, it seems that the entertainment industry is very good at inviting trolls to cause trouble.


If you want to say that the originator of this water army, it has to be the Internet.

The three gangsters originally thought this was a good opportunity.

But they didn't expect that things would develop completely differently than they imagined.

Domestic fans are not affected by gringos at all and still support Qin Nuo.

How can this be so dark?

The black can't move!

What a mess.

Slip away!

the other side.


Liu Yifei's family.

This woman has been a lot more diligent this month, accepting several endorsements and participating in many activities.

Because she won the award, and Liu Yifei’s national reputation and foundation are already very good.

At least tens of millions have been made this month.

I was quite happy at first, but I saw that someone was hacking Qin Nuo on the Internet. I quickly took out my tablet and competed with those gringos.

You don’t even believe my husband, you are all a bunch of fake fans.

"Hey, you two get moving too! Come on, scold these foreigners!"

When the two of them heard this, they rolled their eyes.

You still have the nerve to call others gringos, if I remember correctly.

You seem to be a foreigner too...

"Sissi, you can scold yourself. Our spoken English is not bad, but the scolding is still a bit poor!"

"That's right, you can do it by yourself and we can just watch the show!"

Li Qing and Song Yi were sitting on the bed, not wanting to do such boring things.

"Damn, you guys are so useless, you don't know how to study hard!"

The two of them rolled their eyes. If you know a foreign language, you just need to study hard.

You don’t even look at yourself, you went to Beijing Film Academy for four years.

The acting is still as bad as ever.

If not for Qin Nuo taking you.

You have long become box office poison.

You still have the nerve to tell others.

Although Li Qing and Song Yi feel that their acting skills are not very good, they are definitely better than Liu Yifei.

And she's much stronger, but doesn't have her face...

ps: Three updates, one hour later, there will be another update!

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