Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

415 David Wanted To Trick Qin Nuo, But Was Killed By The Ultimate! Qin Nuo Makes Big Money! Warner I

But that's not entirely the case. Americans do like to sponsor some universities and scientific research.

These are indeed worth learning.

"No problem, Qin, I can help you with this!"

"Okay, let's go, we're hungry, why don't we go eat!"

Bai Lu and Bella didn't mind either and followed Qin Nuo away.

At night, Bai Lu felt confused and really depressed.

Is Qin Nuo trying to kill Bella?

Why does it feel like killing someone?

What on earth are they playing?

Bai Lu felt lucky that the place they lived in was a villa, if it were placed in a community.

I'm afraid the whole building can hear it.

American women are so amazing, how long have you been doing this?

Vertical sun.

Qin Nuo came to Warner.

In the huge conference room, there were nearly fifty people in Warner's middle and senior management.

Also attending the meeting were board representatives Carter and Smith.

Qin Nuo sat in the front row, legs crossed, listening to the discussion.

It's nothing more than those things on the Internet. Qin Nuo had already heard Bai Lu and Bella talk about it last night.

To be honest, he didn't pay attention at all.

I even thought it was a good thing, after all, the heat was there.

Anyway, speaking of The Dark Knight, not even a single "757" scene has been filmed, and the actors haven't even been chosen yet.

It already has such a big reputation.

It’s not too exciting at all, and he is different from David and the others.

The refined script of The Dark Knight is even better than the previous one, if it can really fail.

Qin Nuo might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

So he didn't say anything and just waited for them to argue.

"We must give an explanation. Now many DC fans are opposing it. They don't believe Qin!"

"What Ji Li said makes sense, Warner must make an announcement immediately!"

"What about Qin's fans? They are originally opposed to Qin filming DC movies!"

"I think it would be better to change the movie. I think Qin can postpone the filming of The Dark Knight and make another one first."

"But now that all the preparations have been done, if you say you won't shoot, you won't shoot. Do you know how much money you will lose?"

"Money? What if it fails? DC movies must be cautious and cautious again!"

With a glance at Qin Nuo, neither David nor Sanoff spoke, in fact, no matter how much they argued.

After the board approved it, The Dark Knight had to be filmed.

Although the Internet is very noisy now, it still cannot shake Warner's determination.

The main purpose of this meeting is just to unify our thinking.

You can express your opinions and even object.

But things had to be done and the movie had to be made.

Any opinions can only be reserved.

If anyone doesn't cooperate, I'm sorry, you can only resign.

Warner will never allow anyone to hold back this movie.

David looked at Qin Nuo who was watching the show and rolled his eyes inwardly.

Qin, you are a bit too much. We asked you to come here to unify your thoughts.

It's a good thing that you didn't say a word after you arrived, and just sat here watching the show with your legs crossed.

What do you think of us Warner?


"Okay everyone, let's hear what Qin said. He is the main author of this movie.

David felt that Qin Nuo could no longer watch the show.

Give you that much money.

You’ve already received a lot of peripheral profits, so you have to do something serious.

After hearing this, everyone gradually became quiet and looked at Qin Nuo.

There are different views, some support, some oppose, and some say it doesn't matter.

There are even haters.

There has never been a shortage of racist people in the United States.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at David, this guy is doing well, why bother him watching the show.

But now that he has been stood up, he has to say a few words no matter what.

He stood up and looked at Warner and the others.

"I don't want to say anything more. This movie will definitely be successful and there won't be any surprises. To be honest, this meeting is just a quarrel!"

"If I had known, I would have slept at home! It's not interesting."

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo yawned.

Bella, this woman, was not just crazy, she would take at least a week's worth of him at a time.

Finally, he fainted and kept mumbling.

Qin Nuo had to put in a lot of effort before he could conquer this huge horse.

"Qin, what do you mean?"

"Qin, can I think that you are provoking Warner?"

"Qin, I admit that your directing and screenwriting abilities are very strong, but you must have a minimum of respect for Warner and your partners!"

Qin Nuo's attitude made some Warner executives very angry.

They were very unhappy, good guy, we have been arguing for a long time because of you.

You didn't take it seriously at all.

The 200 million investment in the co-authorship was not made by you, right?

We bear all the risks, and even if you lose, your money will not be lost.

Damn guy.

How did David negotiate and come up with such outrageous conditions?

Not to mention the global box office, there is even a peripheral share.

"Qin, you have to know that this investment is two hundred million U.S. dollars, and you can't take it too seriously!"

Warner's publicity minister Korgas said seriously.

A kind of high-level officials nodded.

"Do you think the investment is too much? Mr. Korgas!"

"That's right!"

Qin Nuo's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Well, let's do this. You only need to invest 100 million, and I will provide the remaining 100 million!"

"Don't worry, I guarantee that the money will be transferred into the custody account within one week, oh no, within three days!"

It's really good luck. Others don't have confidence, but Qin Nuo does.

Let alone 100 million U.S. dollars, Warner would not pay a penny.

Qin Nuo also has a way to spend 200 million.

Although he didn't have a penny on him, Deng Wendi could lend him a loan, if not more than 50 million, no problem.

As for the Bank of America, Qin Nuo can easily get a loan of US$100 million as long as he goes there.

The remaining 50 million is even simpler.

It’s not like he doesn’t know people in China.

Wang Zhonglei, Wang Changdian and other big guys can easily collect 50 million US dollars.

"Are you serious~" Korgas' eyes widened.

Just as Qin Nuo was about to speak, David on the side quickly coughed twice.

"Now we are discussing how to resolve online issues, not investment matters. Cogas, sit down!"

The propaganda minister still wanted to speak, but David gave him a sharp look...

Had to sit down.

"David is right. Warner is not short of money and has already prepared 200 million yuan. Don't go off topic!"

Sanoff also said quickly.

"It's okay, David Sarnoff." Qin Nuo continued to fight.

"Warner has always been about democracy. I think it should be a show of hands. If you think about it, let me invest.

"Aren't my fans and DC fans more confident? Hollywood directors don't use their own money to invest in movies!"

After hearing this, Warner's executives started discussing again.

Qin's words make sense. His investment shows that he is optimistic about everything.

This can also increase fans' confidence in the movie.

And you can also share some risks.

This business can be done.

But David and Sarnov, who were sitting on it, had dark faces.

I don't know how many times I scolded Qin Nuo, a greedy bastard.

The two of them have read the script and invited the screenwriter to discuss it. They are becoming more and more confident in the Dark Knight.

The chances of success are high this time.

Qin wanted to steal Warner's money again, and even encouraged some of Warner's senior executives.


"This kid has pretty good ideas," Carter curled his lips and said to Smith on the side.

As directors' representatives, the two of them naturally read the script and the screenwriter's analysis.

"If you want to invest in the Dark Knight, there's no way. I've given you so much and you're still not satisfied!"

Smith smiled and whispered.

"The little guy is very smart. Besides, I was right. David shot himself in the foot this time.

"I know Qin is good at inspiring people, so why not just let him watch the show? I have to order him!"

"You're right, Yinwei is such an idiot!"

Seeing that Warner's executives agreed, Qin Nuo felt more and more happy.

I depend on you for my Malibu villa.

"Everyone, how about I invest less, just 20 million, to give the audience a little more confidence? What do you think?"

"I agree!" Cogas was the first to raise his hand.

"I agree too!" Scotty, director of Warner's administrative department, raised his hand.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Soon 80% of Warner executives raised their hands in agreement.

This made David so angry that he was so angry.


If I had known better, I wouldn't have asked this bastard to come to the meeting. Twenty million would have been too much.

And now that Qin Nuo is investing, they, Warner, don’t dare to make any false accounts.

Qin Nuo is now considered a member of the Haolai House circle and knows everything there is to know.

Hollywood is also a place with rules, you can do whatever you want to trick outsiders.

Like the vampires on Wall Street, the eight major Hollywood companies are very ruthless.

It directly defrauded other people’s film funds of more than 3 billion!!!

It's useless to file a lawsuit. Even the US Taxation Bureau would be confused if they came to see this.

But people in the industry generally don’t cheat.

Because we are all on our own, it is not easy to talk when we meet after playing.

"David, this idiot, I will definitely impeach this guy at the next board meeting!"

Carter was furious.

Why the hell can't you shut up this guy Qin?

ps: The first update, guaranteed to be the fourth update, sorry for getting up late.

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