Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

416 Warner Is Scared Of Being Cheated. We Have All The Props. What I Want Is The Most Handsome And P

"Okay, don't be angry, Qin shouldn't be able to get the 20 million investment!"

"Ahem, Qin's words are fine, but twenty million is too much, so let's do this!" David looked at the crowd.

"Qin claimed to have invested 50 million yuan, but in fact he invested 10 million yuan. Only we can check this account ourselves. Just invest as much as you want!"

When Qin Nuo saw this, he wanted to fight for it, but Sarnov, who was sitting next to him, held him back.


"Qin, enough is enough! If you invest more, we at Warner will have to work for you. If you invest more, the board of directors will not agree!"

Qin Nuo thought for a while, and it seemed to be the same reason, just accept it when you see it.

You can make a lot of money with an investment of 10 million, so 20 million is not a big problem.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, David is so nice, he came to a meeting and gave me a lot of money!

"Okay, agreed!"

Qin Nuo raised his hands and said.

Warner's executives discussed it for a long time and agreed with David's decision.

Ten million is not a lot, Qin will do this only if he has confidence.

Seeing that everyone agreed, David quickly moved on to the next topic.

And he is determined not to let Qin Nuo speak, this guy is harmful.

"Kogas, go prepare the publicity, spread the news, and give fans confidence!"

"no problem!"

"Sanov, I'll leave the venue and props to you!"


"And Scotty..."

“David made over a dozen decisions in a row, and Warner’s senior executives all received their own tasks.

Finally everyone stood up.

"This DC movie is Warner's most important task this year, and the big 27 companies must work together!"

"Who is holding you back?" David looked at everyone and his eyes became confused.

"Don't blame me, David, for being ruthless!"


Warner moved quickly, and soon dozens of people in the conference room left.

Hurry and go about your own business.

Only Qin Nuo David Sarnoff still has two director representatives.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Qin Nuo's face was full of innocence.

"Isn't this just for the movie?"

Hearing this, David and the others wanted to strangle Qin Nuo to death.

You are doing it for the sake of the movie, but I think you think you are not making enough money!!!

After paying such a heavy price, the group was defeated by you.

You are not satisfied yet.

Another five percent of the investment was taken away.

"Qin, what you just said was not a joke. If you were asked to invest 100 million, would you be willing?"

"You are so confident in your movie!"

Smith didn't really care. Five percent of the investment was nothing.

Just a little disgusted.

"Of course, this movie started with a billion dollars!"

"Qin, I've seen many arrogant directors, but this is the first time I've seen you so arrogant.

"Mr. Smith, don't you believe it?" Qin Nuo looked at him.

This really confused Smith. In fact, their board of directors had discussed it.

They never thought that they would be satisfied with a global box office of 600 million US dollars.

Relying on their strong distribution capabilities and some advertising placement, the global box office was 600 million. Apart from the money given to Qin Nuo, they were able to barely make up their money.

But they don't mind, after all, there are peripherals and copyrights to make money.

They can accept even 500 million.

"Maybe DC has been on the market for too long. I really don't have confidence that it can sell for one billion!"

Smith thought for a long time before saying.

The three of them also nodded.

"Well, let's have a bet!" Qin Nuo said, taking advantage of every opportunity.

"I don't want a penny for 500 million US dollars. From 500 million to 1 billion, I only need 10% of the global box office share."

"From one billion to 1.2 billion, I'll take 20%!"

"If it's over 1.2 billion, I'll take 30%!"

“Peripheral sharing can also be discussed!”




"Qin, aren't you tired? Go back and rest, we have something to do!"

David turned to look at Sarnov and said.

"Go and see Qin off!"

"Okay David!"


"Hey, I'm serious. If you think it's inappropriate, we can still discuss it~"

"Sanov, don't keep dragging me!"

Qin Nuo was very depressed, wondering why these guys had brains they shouldn't have.

What the hell.

Got it!

After Qin Nuo was "asked to leave" by Sarnov, the three of them looked at each other.

"It seems that Qin is really not joking. Maybe this movie will really have a billion dollars!"

The three of them are all very smart people. Qin Nuo wants to steal Warner's wool. It's OK once, but he can accept it twice.

But if you pinch too much, it will hurt us too.

On gambling!

Bet on a hammer.

The last time Fox bet against you, Interstellar made at least tens of millions of dollars less.

We're not that stupid.

The three people's faces were full of smiles, and Qin Nuo's bet gave them a lot of confidence.

They had long known about Qin's treacherous character.

But Carter suddenly became upset and looked at David's face full of anger.

If there is really one billion, then the ten million invested by Qin Nuo just now may be tripled.

You can earn at least more than 10 million.


"David, I will charge you with the 10 million invested by Qin Nuo!"

"Why do you want to pick him up when you have nothing to do? I will definitely impeach you at the next board meeting!"



Qin Nuo has also been very busy these days, and the online publicity has gradually subsided because Qin Nuo invested 50 million.

The audience is not stupid. When they heard about Qin Nuo, they dared to invest 50 million, which shows that they are really confident.

DC fans are satisfied.

Qin Nuo's fans didn't say anything. Since everyone was optimistic about Qin Nuo, they just waited.

It only takes a year, and it won’t be long before we see it.

This also gave Hollywood's bad stars a great stimulus, and more and more people came to sign up for auditions.

Especially Batman.

Everyone knows the charm of this character.

If the movie The Dark Knight is really a hit, then even an amateur actor who plays Batman can become a Hollywood star!!!

At least in this series, he is definitely a first-line or even a superstar.

You can achieve huge fame, and even if you perform well, you can become the spokesperson of Batman.

That would make more money. The role of Batman is top-notch in the entire Western world.

Female celebrities have set their sights on Rachel again.

This role is a standard flower vase. Your acting skills don’t need to be very good, as long as you are beautiful.

There are also many, many people who signed up for the audition.

Even Megan and many of Qin Nuo’s friends in Hollywood called him to give him a chance.

Don’t think that Hollywood doesn’t use back doors.

What a joke,

The world is as black as crows, but Hollywood's review will be stricter.

Even if Qin Nuo is the leader of the movie, he cannot decide on the actors in one word.

At least half of it should be filtered in the first few rounds.

Qin Nuo didn't interfere much, he was busy preparing props.

"Sanov, this car is not good. I want it to look handsome and streamlined. Do you understand?"

"One word is handsome!"

Qin Nuo came to the place where Warner placed the props and looked at the things prepared by Warner's prop department.

Very dissatisfied.

Although this thing is very strong, it has no use.

The audience is here to see the movie, not to see whether your props are strong or not.

They can't touch it.

"Qin, if this is the case, this motorcycle and this chariot will be very fragile. I'm afraid it will break down after just a few drives!"

"Sanov, what does that matter? If it's bad, it's bad, I tell you!"

Qin Nuo looked at Sanov and said seriously.

"Whether it's a battle armor, a motorcycle or a tank, this is a major selling point of the movie."

"You can make me as handsome as you want. It's best if the audience can scream when they see it. Do you understand?"

Sarnov "…………"

He really didn't know what 883 should say, although Qin Nuo's words were correct.

But this will cost Warner at least millions more on props.

These flashy things will probably take a long time to be repaired once they are opened...

"Okay, what about this armor? What if it is made of reflective material?"

"At least thirty kilograms!"

"That's none of my business. That's something actors should consider. Thirty kilograms isn't much, just get used to it!"

Qin Nuo curled his lips and said.

"Not much!"

Sarnoff was really worried about the actor who played Batman, who dragged 30 kilograms of weight into the war every day while filming.

It would be weird if he wasn't exhausted.

He was not jealous at all of the money he made.

"Qin, aren't you afraid of being sued by an actor?"

"Are your Warner lawyers just for nothing? Whoever dares to sue me will be ruined by you!"

Qin Nuo is not afraid.

The lawyers at the eight major Hollywood firms are quite powerful, and Disney is one of them.

Warner is not bad either

Isn’t there a joke on the Internet?

Suppose one day you are stranded on a desert island and there is no one around.

Never give up hope of being rescued.

All you need to do is draw a Mickey Mouse on the ground, and Disney's legal department will find you in the shortest possible time!

Then take you to court and ask for compensation.

The reason is that you have violated their image rights.

Although this is just a joke.

But it is enough to show how powerful the lawyers at Hollywood are.

"We at Warner are a serious company!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense." Qin Nuo waved his hand.

Serious? Serious as a hammer.

You think I don’t know about Warner’s dirty tricks.

At least 100 million yuan in income a year is obtained by litigating.

Basically, the eight major companies rely on filling their pots and pots.

ps: Two updates first, two more to come, the rest is up to you, hehe!.

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