Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

417 Qin, Why Don't You Play The Clown? The Audition Begins, Perverted Qin Nuo! Crazy Torture!

"How did the audition go?"

"It's almost done, and we can enter the final stage tomorrow. There's just one person who's hard to find for the role!"

Sarnoff frowned.

Qin Nuo has very high requirements for roles.

Especially the clown, they searched for a long time but couldn't find the right one.


"The clown actor!"

"Isn't there Heath Ledger?" If Qin Nuo remembers correctly, Heath Ledger is not dead now.

Just come to him.

"Who is Heath Ledger!" Sarnoff wondered.

"I have been in Hollywood for so many years and I have never heard of this name."

Qin Nuo “………………

He didn't expect that this guy was not here, but Qin Nuo didn't care.

"Maybe I heard it wrong. You also know that I am Chinese. It's hard for you Americans to remember your names!"

Qin Nuo found a random reason.

"Then Jim Carrey!"

I believe many viewers are familiar with Jim Carrey, who plays the weirdo in disguise.

After that, everyone was familiar with The Truman World in his previous life.

He also played Truman.

The acting skills are very good and the expressions are rich. To be honest, it would really be better to compare.

Heath Ledger may not be as good as Jim Carrey.

"We also thought about him, but Jim Carrey is filming another movie and there is a schedule conflict!"

After finishing speaking, Sanov looked at Qin Nuo with bright eyes, as if he was hinting at something.

Qin Nuo understood what Sanov meant at first.

I continue to think about the choice of Joker in my mind. It might be a good thing that Heath Ledger is not here.

Qin Nuo is very worried that this guy will be the same as in his previous life. After the performance, he can't get out of the role.

It just clicked.

There's nothing we can do about Jim Carrey's schedule conflict.

Then the only option is to find Rogerim who came out of Arkham Asylum.

Although this child is a little young, he should be able to use it after training.

"Then..." Qin Nuo was about to speak when Sanof suddenly spoke.

"Qin, I think you should play the clown. You are the creator of the script. This role is very difficult."

"Even in Hollywood, there are not many people who can control it. Your performance as a clown may bring an unusual experience to the audience!"

"I won't act!"

Qin Nuo quickly refused. He was not stupid. This role was difficult.

And I have to put on makeup for more than an hour every day.

Only fools act.

"Qin, you should give it a try, ten million!" Sanov looked at Qin Nuo and said seductively.

Qin Nuo was a little hesitant when he heard this number, ten million!

This is 70 million yuan.

But when he thought of being so tired, Qin Nuo still held back.

"No, Sanov, I'll be too tired!"

"Fifteen million, Qin, you and Warner have the same interests, and you also want to make the movie better!"


Qin Nuo's heart is moved, 15 million!!

One hundred million yuan is really a lot.

And it was easy to make money, opening more than ten theaters with more than 100 million.

"Okay!" Qin Nuo nodded in agreement.

"I'm doing this for the sake of the movie. Actually, I really don't want to take the money!"

"Yes, yes, Qin, I understand your character!"

What a happy smile on Sarnoff's face.

I scolded Qin Nuo so hard in my heart, you still don’t want to take it? Do you think I didn’t see the excited look in your eyes?

A salary of 15 million is not considered low even in Hollywood.

Money-grubbing bastard!

In the evening, Qin Nuo held Xiao Bailu and played quite comfortably. Bailu will return to China tomorrow, taking advantage of the last time.

Qin Nuo gave her all his last gifts.

Xiao Nizi can hardly hold it anymore, it is full.

the next day.

Qin Nuo came to Warner Bros. Today is the last round of auditions for actors.

As long as it succeeds, he will be one of the protagonists of this super blockbuster.

Qin Nuo took a look and left it to the last list.

Basically they are some elites, even if it is a vase, it is a top-notch vase from Hollywood.

A two-billion-dollar super blockbuster, with the blessing of Qin Nuo’s fame.

Even DC and Hollywood actors are flocking to it.

Come to the audition room.

This time the standards are very high. David, Sarnoff, Cogas, and board representative Smith have all arrived.

Coupled with Qin Nuo, the final interviews were all with Warner's top bosses.

Qin Nuo opened the door and came in. He looked at the four people with serious faces and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, this is my first time auditioning for a Hollywood movie."

"Why don't you see the red sofa in the room?"

Hearing this, several people rolled their eyes at Qin Nuo.

Red sofa?

You Qin Nuo still lack this. If you are willing, there are a lot of women in Hollywood waiting for you to choose.

Still useful?


Hollywood has this rule, and directors and producers have great rights.

It is common for female celebrities to swap roles with their bodies.

But this doesn’t mean that if I sleep with you, you will definitely get the role.

More often than not, female stars are just trying to get a chance when they are slept with.

"Since Director Qin has a request, he can naturally satisfy it. Sanoff asked the staff to get a red sofa and put it in the audition room."

"no problem!"

Sarnoff smiled, this is not too simple for Warner.

Less than five minutes.

A huge red sofa was placed opposite them.

Qin Nuo was sitting in the middle and felt a little bit.

"Qin, are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied, Mr. David, it's time to start! There's no need to talk nonsense, there's not so much time to waste!"

"I saw the list of auditions and asked Bell to come in! If he is suitable, then give him the role of Batman!"

"I quite like this actor"

Several people frowned and said nothing.

Qin Nuo has a lot of power over auditions. Although he does not have the right to decide, he does have the right to veto.

It doesn't sound too different.

David nodded, and soon Bell, wearing a crisp suit, walked in.

He looked at a group of top Hollywood bosses and felt very nervous.

Bowed slightly.

Smith, Cogas and others looked quite satisfied.

Not to mention anything else, Bell is indeed quite handsome.

David is also quite satisfied, Qin's vision is still as good as ever.

"Start your show, let's go to the Playboy part!"

"Okay, Director Qin!"

Bell pondered for a moment and soon showed a frivolous smile.

Look ahead as if there is someone in front of you.

The most basic thing about Hollywood is that there are no physical performances. Qin Nuo didn’t even mention this, but all the actors know it.

"Is this hotel valuable?"

"Okay, I bought it, here's the check!"

"Another serious look!"

"In the last part, the clown kidnapped your ex-girlfriend Rachel and your good friend Harvey, and showed me the inner tangle in ten seconds!"

Ten minutes later, Qin Nuo still had a frown on his face, but David, Sanoff and others had smiles on their faces.

Why didn't they realize before that even though Bell was only a second-tier star in Hollywood?

The biggest impression on him is that he is handsome.

I didn't expect the acting to be quite good.

Qin Nuo can solve several tricky acting problems.

And in such a short time.

Definitely one of the most perfect actors for Batman.

But Qin Nuo is still not satisfied.

"Bell, take off your shirt!"


"Hurry up, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

"Okay, sir!"

Without saying a word, Bell quickly took off his shirt, revealing his perfect chest muscles and eight-pack abs.

Not far away, several female Warner employees watched with gusto.

What a great figure!

"It still doesn't work, Bell. Didn't I tell you last time that I want you to train me to have a perfect figure within a month!"

"How long has it been? You look almost exactly the same as the last time I saw you on the ship!"

Qin Nuo's face was not very good.

This figure is actually considered relatively strong in the United States.

But it's not enough.

"What I want is that vigorous sense of power, the most primitive masculine charm, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry, sir" Bell quickly apologized.

"I've been adjusting my diet these days, and I promise I can meet your requirements within a month!"

David and others looked at Qin Nuo and felt aggrieved for Bell.

This figure is not good enough.

Isn't this guy Qin trying to make things difficult for others?

"(Nuo Qian Zhao) Okay, I will give you one month to give you this role. If you fail to meet the requirements after one month, I will replace you immediately!"

"Cough cough cough~" Before Qin Nuo finished, David started coughing.

Good guy, Qin, have you forgotten us?

After all, we are also senior executives of Warner, so we have to discuss it first before making a decision.

You don’t even give me this little face?

Qin Nuo glanced at a few people and found that he had indeed forgotten.

But it's not his fault. He was used to making movies before, and he decided everything about the actors.

Regardless of whether it is Qintian Entertainment’s sole proprietorship or it cooperates with other companies.

No one dared to say anything.

"Then you go down first, to be determined!"

"Okay, thank you, Director Qin, and thank you gentlemen!"

Bell was overjoyed to be scolded. He could see that Qin Nuo was still very satisfied with him.

This is true in all aspects of acting and image.

The reason why you are so strict is because people really want you.

Otherwise, the director, who is a respectable person, has nothing to do with you.

Moreover, Qin has a lot of power in the movie, which can be seen from his position.

As long as he keeps his figure in good shape, he will never be able to lose his position as Batman's leading protagonist.

ps: There are three updates, and there is one update every hour. Hey, why don’t you have a ticket? It’s the same old rule!

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