Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

418 Audition Storm, Rachel’S Choice, Qin Nuo’S Red Sofa Finally Comes In Use!

After Bell left, David and others looked at Qin Nuo.

But Qin Nuo is not embarrassed at all.

"Don't look at me like this again. I'm used to auditioning before!"


"I will pay attention to it later!"

David and others nodded with satisfaction.

"Bell is indeed good, he should be the first choice."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Qin Nuo gave them face, and they gave Qin Nuo face.

The audition was still going on, and David and others had to admit that Qin Nuo's vision was really good.

After watching it, none of the people who watched it could compare to Bell.

With Zhuyu in front of them, they really couldn't arouse any interest.

After sending away the last person who auditioned, David looked at Qin Nuo.

"Give Bale the Batman, he is the most suitable!"

Several people nodded, Qin Nuo did the same, but added.

"I suggest you sign a contract with Bell for a few more movies! After The Dark Knight is released, his salary will skyrocket!"

"no problem!"

The audition continues.

Soon a group of supporting characters were confirmed, and Qin Nuo felt like she was in a parallel world.

But actually many actors are somewhat similar to their previous lives.

There seems to be some historical inevitability in it.

As the person who plays the CEO of Wayne Group, Warner is still optimistic about Morgan and Freeman.

Michael Caine plays Batman's butler.

But Gotham's police chief is a little different, and Brad Pitt got the role.

The subsequent double-faced Harvey was played by Allen just like in his previous life.

Qin Nuo has no objections to these arrangements.

As long as Hollywood actors are famous, their acting skills will be good.

Just take 637 Morgan as an example.

Although this guy was involved in a scandal some time ago.

What about with my granddaughter...ahem!

I left Hollywood for a year, but soon came back.

Of course, there are people who help, but Morgan's own business ability is beyond words.

Otherwise, you will have no value at all.

Even with the help of noble people, it is difficult to get up again.

"Qin Nuo, your red sofa will be put to use soon!" Sanov looked at Qin Nuo.

"The next person to audition is Bruce Wayne's ex-girlfriend Rachel. The ones I saw yesterday were all famous beauties from Hollywood!"

"Yes, Qin, choose carefully, don't worry, after our screening, in fact, every one of them can play this role."

“The difference is not huge”

Several people looked at Qin Nuo with a warm smile on his face.

This is true. Rachel is a pretty character and her acting skills don't need to be high.

The most important thing is to be beautiful and eye-catching.

"You have misunderstood, I am not such a person!"

Qin Nuo glanced at the crowd and said.

"Invite them in quickly, don't keep the beautiful girls waiting!"


Smith and others laughed. Qin really did one thing in front of his face and another behind his back.

But they loved it.

Americans are not as secretive as Chinese people, and Qin Nuo's generous admission can arouse their favor even more.

And what’s the point of young people not being lustful?

They all know it very well.

Soon a group of Hollywood's top beauties appeared.

Every woman is carefully selected by Warner. Not only does she have a beautiful face, but she also has a good figure.

Even supermodel and married Sergeant Bundchen came.

Qin Nuo took a closer look and realized that this woman was indeed beautiful.

Although he is thirty years old, his figure and face are in very good shape.

He doesn't look like someone who has given birth to children at all.

There is also a pair of long legs that are comparable to Lima.

very nice.

But Qin Nuo still shook his head, even though Rachel was not a very demanding woman.

But Segil is really not good, she is too tall!

Even similar to Bale.

Doesn't quite fit the character.

Of course, this is actually not a big problem. You can spread your legs when filming

But Qin Nuo found it troublesome.

Anyway, there are many beautiful Yangma horses in the back, and there is no shortage of this one.

Amber appeared next, and Qin Nuo was smiling the whole time.

After she left, the smile faded.

"Qin, Amber's acting skills are good. I heard that you and Depp have a good relationship. If you nod"

We can give you this face!"

Sarnoff spoke.

Several people also nodded, of course they can give this face.

"No, I don't let my personal feelings come in when I'm working.

Hearing this, Yinwei and others felt a little strange.

There was something in Qin Nuo's words. If they remembered correctly, it was Qin Nuo who said hello to Amber who stayed until the end.

Now it has turned out like this, and it seems that he is not very satisfied with Amber.

Could it be that Qin and Depp have a plastic friendship?

"Qin, Depp offended you?" Sarnoff and Depp have a good relationship.

I thought that if Qin Nuo was biased against Depp in any way, he could be a go-between.

Several other people also had expressions of eating melon on their faces.

Qin Nuo was also convinced.


"Depp and I have a very good relationship, don't get me wrong, but I am a very intuitive person!"

"That bitch doesn't look like a good person. Just wait and see if Depp will be tricked by this woman in the next ten days!"

When David and others heard this, they were stunned.

Is this some magical Eastern witchcraft?

No joke.

"Qin, are you serious?"|David didn't believe it.

"Of course, for example, I think David will become the CEO of Warner Times in three years at most!"

"Cough! (chfg)" David coughed twice when he heard this.

Sanov, Kogas and others also laughed.

"Qin, don't talk nonsense, I'm not that qualified, so the chances are slim!"

"If you don't believe it, just wait and see. The next CEO of Warner Times is guaranteed to be you. I can bet you five million on which one of you will come!"

Qin Nuo looked at Sarnov and the others and said confidently.

To be honest, Smith and the others were a little dumbfounded, five million!

With such strong self-confidence, you must know that Warner Times has many subsidiaries.

At least there are several CEOs.

There are also many strong competitors at the Warner Time headquarters.

David does have hope, but the chances are not great.

He wanted to speak, but when he saw Qin Nuo's confident look, he felt guilty.

This guy Qin comes from the mysterious East, so he can't really know some things.

If it were anyone else, they might have sneered at him, but if it were Qin Nuo, he was always successful.

They were a little scared.

never mind.

Five million is a lot of money.

Don’t bet, don’t bet!

David was also shocked. If you don't come here, you are just picking up money.

Seeing that several people were not fooled, Qin Nuo looked at David.

"Why don't you give it a try, David? If you become the CEO of Warner Times, even though you lose money, your status will increase. You will definitely make money!"

"But if you don't get it, you can still make five million US dollars, and you won't lose either way!"

"Ahem, let's go to the next one and continue the audition!" David thought for a while and forgot about it.

This guy Qin has a kind of magical power, and he has never lost a bet.

He's not stupid, so why should he be killed?

David has understood this since he was a child.

The only way to never lose is to not go to the gambling table.

As long as you don't gamble, you will always be a winner.

Qin Nuo sighed inwardly again, wondering if there was something wrong with his character.

Why don't any of these guys fall for it when it comes to betting?

Lose your mother!

It’s not easy to make extra money…

These people have an IQ that they shouldn't have.

While Qin Nuo was reflecting, a gust of fragrant wind came. Qin Nuo looked up and felt a little familiar.

It turned out to be another acquaintance, Anne Hathaway!

Qin Nuo was in a daze, ever since Qin Nuo and her had fun again at the interstellar celebration banquet.

It seems like almost a year and a half has passed.

To be honest, Qin Nuo almost forgot about this woman.

Hathaway squinted at Qin Nuo, as if it contained a lot of things.

This makes Qin Nuo feel a little embarrassed.

Last time I agreed to come to the United States to find her.

But after coming so many times, he never looked for it once.

Even if Hathaway hadn't come this time, he would have forgotten that there was this woman.

"Hathaway, let's start!"

Seeing that Qin Nuo was silent, David smiled and said.

Speaking of which, Warner doesn't know the relationship between Qin Nuo and Hathaway, after all, the only scandal they had was rumored.

It was several years ago.

Moreover, Qin Nuo was not well-known that time and it took too long.

Except that Chinese fans still have some impressions.

The United States has long forgotten this.

Even the last scandal was only reported sporadically in the United States!


Soon Hathaway started performing. I have to say, this woman is beautiful.

But it’s definitely not a vase.

The acting skills are very good, even on par with some of the big names in China.

No wonder Nolan asked Hathaway to play Catwoman in the third film in the previous life. She was the real heroine.

And it’s a super blockbuster.

If you didn't have some acting skills, you would never have been chosen.

After all, the shrewd guys like Hollywood will never spend hundreds of millions of dollars to hold a vase that knows nothing.

"My performance is over!" David nodded.

They looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

She is indeed a woman who played the role of a little princess in her debut.

Compared to her performance in The Princess Diaries a few years ago, Anne Hathaway is now more mature and natural.

The improvement in acting skills is obvious.

ps: The guaranteed four updates have arrived, hehe, everyone understands!.

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