After the performance, Hathaway looked at Qin Nuo with a smile in her eyes.

Smith and others all laughed, thinking that Hathaway wanted to have something happen with Qin Nuo.

But it's not surprising, so many women auditioning are similar to Hathaway.

"Very good, Hathaway, I like your performance very much. The audition results will be sent to your email within three working days!"

"Thank you Mr. David!"

Watching Hathaway's leaving figure, Yinwei looked at Qin Nuo and said narrowly.

"Qin, Hathaway is pretty good, her acting skills are very good, and her appearance fits the image of Rachel very well. You can consider it!"

"Yes, Qin, I feel like Hathaway has a good impression of you. Maybe you can communicate more during filming."

"She is a new generation of American sweethearts!"

Several people were joking with Qin Nuo.

Hearing this, Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart.

Even if we communicate, you might not believe it if you tell me.

When labor and capital were nothing, they deceived your American sweethearts with just a cigarette.

They've all been screwed up, but I have to say that you Americans still have good taste.

American sweethearts are really sweet!

Very good at serving people.

"Let's discuss it then, the next one will be the next one!"

The female celebrities who followed were also very good, and Qin Nuo’s rumored girlfriend Megan also came.

Although her acting skills are average, her sexy figure makes several people nod their heads frequently.

They all looked at Qin Nuo, this guy is really lucky.

This woman played with him all over.

After Meghan left, little Hermione from Harry Potter and the grown-up Emma Watson also came.

Little Hermione was adorable when she was young.

She is still beautiful when she grows up.

Maybe he is the only one among several young actors who is not permanently disabled.

Moreover, no matter how Qin Nuo looks at women, she always has the illusion that she is a domestic female star.

Song Zuer really looks a bit like her.

It's just that the facial features are not as three-dimensional as little Hermione's, but they are similar in other aspects.

An hour later, the audition was finally over.

"That's it for today. I'll send the actors I'm satisfied with to Warner Bros. in two working days!"

Qin Nuo stretched, feeling a little tired after a day's work today.

Several people nodded.

Everyone has a result of this audition, and there is not much difference, as long as Qin Nuo's choice is not too crooked.

They don't say anything.

Warner just wants to start filming Qin Nuo as soon as possible, and the Christmas schedule may not be able to make it in time.

But there wasn’t much of a problem at the beginning of the year.

Because Qin Nuo is Chinese, they are also considering whether to directly schedule it for the Spring Festival.

In fact, the United States and the entire Western world still like China’s Spring Festival very much.

Lively and festive.

However, this must be considered comprehensively.

But there is no rush, there are still ten months left anyway.

"When are you going to hold a launch conference?" Korgas looked at Qin Nuo.

"This time we will invite media from all over the world to participate!"

"Four days later, right at the gate of Warner." Qin Nuo looked at the four people.

"This time I want DC's dark storm to sweep across the world. Marvel may be good, but it's only good!"

Hearing this, David and others were very happy and excited. Even a little teary-eyed.

Only Qin Nuo dared to say this.

Such a confident director is the savior their DC needs!

"Qin, Warner will support you at all costs. I have already applied with the headquarters!"

"At the end of the movie you'll be left with Time's Asia cover!"

"If the box office can exceed one billion, even if I hold Jeff's lap, I will get you a Time magazine cover!"

David looked at Qin Nuo and said seriously.

Smith and others also expressed their support.

Time magazine?

Qin Nuo secretly thought, there shouldn't be many people like this in China.

The most famous magazine in the world

Every person who can appear on the cover of Time Magazine has a certain influence around the world.

As far as Qin Nuo knows, there is really not much, not to mention those political figures.

As far as the entertainment industry is concerned, there are only a few people.

Chen Long, Stephen Chow, Fa Ge, Gong Li, Jay Chou, Zhang Huimei, and Chun Ge

There are only a few in total

There are not many in the sports industry. The top players in basketball are Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, and Li Na...

This thing is still very valuable.

"Thank you very much!"

After everyone chatted for a while, David invited Qin Nuo to dinner, but Qin Nuo declined.

I'm so tired this day, so it's time to go home and have a good rest.

Back at the villa, Qin Nuo was communicating with Fatty Zhou in China about the schedule.

Tang Detective II will be released in one month.

Although Qin Nuo is very busy, he still plans to take a few days to return to China for promotion.

This series cannot fail.

Later, Sister Hong called again. The contract with Byte has been signed, and the money needs to be transferred to the designated account within three months.

Qin Nuo naturally agreed, and a big stone in his heart was finally put down.

With 10% of Byte's shares, he should not be hungry for the rest of his life no matter how hard he works.

It can also benefit three generations.

Happy Qin Nuo opened a bottle of red wine and prepared to celebrate.

Suddenly the doorbell of the villa rang.

"So late? What kind of blind guy!"

Qin Nuo is a little strange. Not many people know about this villa, except Depp and DiCaprio.

It seemed like there was no one else.

Is there a black uncle?

Qin Nuo was a little worried and glanced at the shotgun hanging on the wall.

Quickly took it off.

Free America, shot every day!

Be careful with everything.

You just made so much money, don't give up before you enjoy it.

Qin Nuo thought that he would have to find some bodyguards when he returned.

open the door.

A gust of fragrant wind came.

Hathaway looked at Qin Nuo with a smile on her face. She was still wearing a long black dress from the afternoon audition.

Enchanting and charming.

Suddenly he looked at the shotgun in Qin Nuo's hand.

"Qin, are you using this to scare people? If I read correctly, this shotgun should be an ornament, right?"

"It's you! Why didn't you call me first?" Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

Unexpectedly, it was Hathaway, so he quickly threw the gun aside.

Hathaway didn't mind either, bypassing Qin Nuo and walked in, calling the villa.

Eyes full of surprise.

"Qin, don't worry. There are many police patrols in the Malibu villa area every day. There will be no blind people running wild here!"

...asking for flowers 0

"I'd better protect myself."

Qin Nuo also knows that Malibu is a wealthy area.

Generally speaking, the wealthier the country is, the better the public security will be.

This has to do with a community’s tax situation.

But Qin Nuo is a very insecure person. He rarely goes to nightclubs and bars in the United States.

I won’t go to the city at night.

The city center at night is a paradise for uncles.

There are not many of those guys who kill people for tens of dollars.

No matter what, don't provoke them.

Experts have said that some human species have not evolved completely...

Hathaway walked around, then came to Qin Nuo and put her jade arm on Qin Nuo's shoulder.

A smile appeared on his face, and he leaned forward to offer a sweet kiss.

After a few minutes they separated. Then he showed a resentful expression.

"Qin, you are such a cruel guy. Last time you agreed to come to the United States to contact me, but I waited for a long time and you didn't even give me a call!"

"Is it because I didn't feel comfortable serving you last time?"


Anne Hathaway was very resentful towards Qin Nuo, and she did not even attend the two celebration banquets. The reason is very simple.

She wants Qin Nuo to invite her personally.

But this guy doesn’t recognize anyone when he puts on pants

It’s been almost two years, and not one of her movies has been filmed.

How cruel.

In the end, Hathaway couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to participate in Rachel's audition. The main purpose was not to get any roles.

Over the past year or so, she has been developing well in Hollywood and is not lacking in resources.

"you misunderstood"

Qin Nuo held Hathaway in her arms and placed her hands on her hips.

"I was just a young director before, how could I be worthy of being America's sweetheart?"

He looked into Hathaway's eyes and said seriously.

"I originally wanted to wait until The Dark Knight is released before inviting you. Do you believe me? This movie will be a miracle and it will break God's curse!"

"We in China have a saying that a man will ride on colorful auspicious clouds to pick up the woman he loves, and this dark knight is my colorful auspicious cloud!"

"I always keep you in my heart!"

Anne Hathaway listened to this with a smile on her face.

This face is sincere to the core, and the words are sweet to the heart.


You guys have not changed your methods of coaxing girls after all these years.

Hathaway still remembers that night almost four years ago.

On the beach in Cannes, with the sea breeze blowing, Qin Nuo spoke to her with this sincere face.

"Would you rather spend the next few hours here blowing the sea breeze, or spend a wonderful night with me!"

Hathaway didn't know what was going on at the time, but she agreed by some strange combination of circumstances.

As a result, my voice became hoarse at night...

What a jerk.

"Qin, if I were fifteen years old and heard this, I would be happy all day long and feel that I was the happiest woman in the world."

"If I were twenty years old and heard you say this, I would do whatever it takes to marry you if you want!"

"But now I'm almost thirty years old...I don't believe what you say!"

ps: First update, guaranteed to be 40 updates today.

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