Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

421’S Explosive Press Conference, Qin Nuo’S Amazing Remarks, Hundreds Of Reporters Were Overjoyed!

Apart from Brother Liu and the others, there are not many entertainment reporters, including one for Bibo and one for Teng Xun.

There is also NetEase, and the rest are some official media.

Nanfang Daily, Film News, and Yangma...

As a Chinese, Qin Nuo can shoot a super movie in the United States with more than 200 million US dollars.

But no matter what, the official media will brag about it first.

Not to mention that the relationship between Qin Nuo and the official media has always been very good.

Especially Yangma and Film News.

"Nothing~" Brother Liu took a look.

"Some reporters think Qin Nuo is Chinese and think he can't make DC movies!"

Hearing this, Xiao Li was very angry.

"Let me go, there must be something wrong with this guy's brain. Why can't he take pictures well?"

Xiao Li is also a fan of Qin Nuo, not to mention that Qin Nuo is also the number one director in China.

As a Chinese.

I naturally like Qin Nuo, a director who has brought glory to the country.

"Well, that house is also filming Kung Fu Panda, and we didn't say they couldn't film it well, that damn white-skinned pig!"

Brother Liu glanced at Xiao Li and thought to himself.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Li is still an angry young man.

To be honest, as a middle-aged man, Brother Liu has looked away from many things.

And he has been to many places.

I have also spent some time in the West. In fact, ordinary people have a good impression of the Chinese.

Hardworking, hard working and humble.

But some politicians will indeed make a fuss about this.

Judging from Brother Liu's experience, it is best not to have contact with some local Chinese in the United States.

There is a saying that goes well, a fellow countryman shoots him in the back

In fact, the ones who get screwed the most are our own people.

"Okay, leave them alone and wait for Qin Nuo to come out. They just dare to talk now. Qin Nuo has a bad temper!"

"Have you forgotten that last time this guy directly cost a reporter his job?"


Xiao Li laughed out loud when he thought about this.

"I think Qin Nuo's approach is very good. You have to be a little more arrogant outside. The United States does not pay attention to gentleness, courtesy and thrift!"

There are some virgins in China who really want to stab them. They think Qin Nuo is too arrogant in Caiguo.

It is an embarrassment to China.

Many people even echoed it.

I feel that Qin Nuo has no quality at all.

He actually lost all the work that one person had done.

Xiao Li really wanted to talk to these Holy Mothers in front of them.

Fuck you.

You know a hammer!!

It’s true that now Grandpa Yuan has made you so full that you have forgotten what time it was before.

Abroad, it has always been the jungle of the jungle.

If Qin Nuo doesn't toughen up, he will definitely be bullied as a soft persimmon by Hollywood Film Company.

It might even be difficult to get paid.

You don’t even understand that good people can be bullied by others?

Xiao Li is absolutely sure that these saints are more hateful than some pregnant people, and it is absolutely right to kill the saints first in troubled times.

And there are a large number of people among them who are Ziweixing.


the other side.

Qin Nuo didn't know that someone would feel sorry for him so much.

But, he always pretended not to see those Holy Mothers.

Anyway, after they leave society, someone teaches them how to behave.

"Are you all ready?"

Qin Nuo looked at the group of leading actors around him.

Bale as Batman, Hathaway as Rachel, and Allen as Two-Face.

Gotham City Sheriff Brad. And Michael, Morgan......

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo and nodded heavily.

"Okay, in two minutes, when you go on stage, I want you to show your best side and your strongest self-confidence, do you understand?"


Everyone prepared this, Qin Nuo had a confident smile on his face.

He knows that no matter what time, he must remain confident. This is the most basic quality of a director.

Confidence is also a man's most important weapon.

No woman likes a submissive man.

"Bell! Are you nervous?"

Qin Nuo asked as he watched this guy keep clenching his fists.

"Director Qin, there are some!"

Bill replied with a smile on his handsome face.

To say I wasn't nervous would be an absolute lie.

Bell is an honest man.

And Batman is one of the most famous superheroes in the world.

All the media and all fans will look at him with a magnifying glass.

Batman is the idol of many people's youth.

If his acting is not good, netizens will drown him in their saliva.

"It's okay to be nervous. This is your first test, but I believe you can withstand it!"

"Thank you Qin!"

Bell was very moved, knowing that Batman had robbed many people.

There are even Hollywood A-list stars who believe in Qin Nuo.

But he didn't expect that it would fall on him in the end.

Bell is a person who repays kindness. He feels that if Qin Nuo has something to do in the future, he will definitely help him.

"Don't be happy too early!" Qin Nuo looked at him with a sinister smile on his face.

"Your armor is ready, 30 kilograms, go back and train hard!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid your sister will burp before the photo is finished!"

Bell "..."

When several other people heard this, they also shuddered and looked at Bell with eyes full of sympathy.

Thirty kilograms.

It's tiring to hold such a heavy thing.

But when filming, Bell not only has to dress, but also speak lines, fight, and run...

The most important thing is to pretend to be relaxed.

No wonder Warner Bros. has already set the remuneration, and Qin added an additional $500,000 to the remuneration.

They were not jealous at all when Bell took this money.

I even think it's a little bit missing...

"By the way, Qin, I've read the script. Are we missing one person here?" Morgan looked around.

"Why hasn't the actor who plays the clown arrived yet?"

After hearing this, everyone reacted.

He quickly looked around.

By the way, where's the clown?

You must know that the clown in this movie is the most important supporting role.

They had read the script and found that although the clown's role was not very large, his presence was very strong.

The first villain.

Everyone is curious about who plays this role.

Hearing this, Qin Nuo, David and Sarnoff all laughed.

Yesterday, Qin Nuo and Warner suggested that the actor who plays Xiaoda not be announced yet.

Let the media and audience be curious.

Originally, David and Sarnoff were a little worried.

But Qin Nuo guarantees that the clown will be very popular after the movie is released.

Curiosity must have brought a lot of popularity to the movie.

The two thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

They have prepared a confidentiality agreement, which the crew and actors need to sign.

The character must remain mysterious.

"You will know this when we are filming, I guarantee that your eyes will be stunned."

After hearing this, everyone became interested.

Who could this person be?

Jim Carrey and Nicholas, these two have quite similar temperaments.

Everyone discussed it for a while.

Qin Nuo took a look and saw that the time was almost up, and led everyone onto the stage.

The reporters below saw the Dark Knight star and David and others taking the stage.

They also stopped talking.

Started to rush towards the front.

Qin Nuo sat in the middle, with Hathaway on the left and Bale on the right.

Although David and Sarnoff have high status.

But this time they are not the protagonists, so just sit aside.

Neither of them minded.

Qin Nuo looked at the crowd of reporters below, even though he and Warner had already screened them.

But there were still a lot of reporters coming.

There are at least hundreds of media outlets.

The four major media outlets in the United States alone are here.

Well-known media from other countries sent reporters to attend the press conference.

This is DC's return to the world after ten years.

Since Qin Nuo was announced on the cruise ship, there have been 680 trending searches on Twitter.

Regardless of whether everyone is optimistic or not,

But the heat is indeed very high.

Qin Nuo stood up, picked up the microphone and said.

"Thank you all for coming to attend the launch conference of The Dark Knight. I know you must have many questions to ask."

"No need to worry," Qin Nuo glanced at his watch and said.

"We have three hours to talk slowly!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo sat down with a confident smile on his face.

Then the Warner staff handed the microphone over.

Although he said this, as soon as Qin Nuo sat down, a group of reporters rushed to the front.

Although three hours seems like a lot.

But there are too many monks in the porridge, and hundreds of reporters are simply not enough.

"Hello, Qin, I'm a reporter from the New York Times!"

"I would like to ask you why you accepted Warner's invitation. I don't think I need to say more about DC's record. You understand that no movie has been a hit since fifty years ago!"

Hearing this, the reporters behind were extremely happy.

This is a good question.

The New York Times is indeed a big media, and it is not accustomed to it at all.

To be honest, Qin Nuo didn't think it was a big deal when he heard this question. Anyway, it was not him who jumped into the street.

But David and Sarnoff sitting on the stage were furious.

The New York Times went too far and targeted us at Warner.


This guy must have taken money from Disney!!

"It's very simple. Before DC movies failed, it was because I didn't come. If I come, it will naturally succeed!"


Hearing this, Bell next to him almost spit out the water he just drank.

Coughed several times.

Turning to look at Qin Nuo, his face was full of shock. Hathaway, Morgan, Allen and others next to him also looked at Qin Nuo.

Director Qin, are you serious?

ps: Third update, why are there no votes? The author was too lazy to steal it all day... There will be another update in an hour.

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