Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

422’S Bet With All The World’S Well-Known Media! Living Up To Expectations, Qin Nuo Made Another Big

Even if this is said in the United States, it is very unpopular.

Too arrogant!

David and Sarnoff were also stunned!

Good guy, Qin, you are going to make big news today!

"Qin, are you looking down on the directors who shot DC films before?"

"I didn't say that, it was you who said that.

"Which reporter are you from?"

"Washington post!"

"Oh, that's a world-renowned media, don't talk nonsense, or I will sue you.


"Qin, but you just said it, it's because you said "you will succeed in DC movies!"

"This means looking down on those directors who failed!"

"Which reporter are you from?" Qin Nuo looked at the bearded man.

"The Wall Street Journal!"

Sighing, Qin Nuo said.

"Sure enough, being misunderstood is the fate of the expresser, but it doesn't matter if you think so, I didn't say it anyway!"

The group of reporters below were absolutely furious. You clearly meant this, but you still pretended that you didn't mean it.

Is it fun for you to play like this?

"Qin, you don't even have this sense of responsibility." A reporter from the New York Times stood up.

"Take responsibility, okay!"

Facing a group of indignant reporters, Qin Nuo was not afraid at all.

Qin Nuo stood up and looked at the hundreds of reporters present and said.

"Do you dare to make a bet with me? If the Dark Knight can make more than 800 million U.S. dollars at the box office this time."

"Every time my movie is released from now on, your newspaper will give me a front-page headline for a whole week!"

"Eight hundred million dollars!"

Hearing this, the reporters present started talking one after another.

Not to mention 800 million US dollars, the highest DC movie can earn is no more than 300 million US dollars...

Qin Nuo has 800 million as soon as he comes. How much confidence does he have in himself?

"Qin Nuo is really not used to reporters at all. This is true at home, and it's the same abroad!"

Xiao Li pushed Brother Liu and said.

"Let's continue watching. Qin Nuo usually doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble. He probably has confidence in his own movies!"

Brother Liu followed Qin Nuo all the way and watched him make a lot of bets.

Never lost.

This guy is no ordinary person, with 800 million US dollars.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

Most likely they were planning to trick people.

"What's wrong, are you scared?" Qin Nuo looked at the three reporters.

"How about my responsibility!"

The three of them looked at each other and analyzed the pros and cons.

Betting with Qin Nuo will definitely increase the popularity of your own media.

This is a common tactic used by celebrities and the media.

But they are indeed a bit vain, because Qin Nuo is too confident.

said a Washington Post reporter.

"Then Director Qin, if we lose, we will give you the headlines. So what if you lose!"

"How about I close the mirror!"

Hearing this, all the reporters in the audience had strange expressions.

Even the actors on stage, including David and Sarnoff, looked strange.

Closed mirror?

Do you think we are fools?

You close the mirror today and open it tomorrow.

Closing the camera for one day is also considered closing the camera.

Want to play word games.

"I am serious!"

"Brother Liu, this guy Qin Nuo is deceiving people again. He can't decide to close the mirror by himself at all, and he's deceiving foreigners again!"

"Gringos are not stupid, they understand that it is impossible for Qin Nuo to have prostitution for free without paying real money this time!"

Brother Liu rolled his eyes and said.

It’s really not him who has the final say whether Qin Nuo should be screened or not.

Let’s not talk about Hollywood, if these three reporters really dare to do this.

Warner and Fox can keep them going.

You dare to touch our money tree.

I can’t kill you!

The same is true in China, Qin Nuo is the only world-class director in China!!

Enjoys a high reputation throughout the world.

With his status, if the country wants to entertain guests or receive some big names in the international cultural circle.

He still has to be asked to receive it.

To put it bluntly, Qin Nuo does not represent him at all now.

There were too many people standing behind him.

If you want to close the mirror, little comrade, you haven’t reported it to the organization, so you can’t do it.

You can rest, but you can never close the camera!

The country's cultural construction has not yet been completed, and we still have to work hard.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Qin Nuo to use this for free prostitution.

"Director Qin, forget about closing the mirror, we don't dare, but if you lose, each family will give us about three million US dollars!"

Hearing this, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal nodded.

three million!

This business can be done.

"No problem, your newspaper can get three million, and so can the New York Times, but the Wall Street Journal only has two million!"

After hearing this, the Wall Street Journal reporter was unhappy. Why do we only have two million?

“Are you discriminating against our newspaper?”

"You misunderstood. Your newspaper's coverage is too small. Sorry, it's only worth two million!"

Hear this.

The reporters behind all laughed. What Qin said was really hurtful. The Wall Street Journal is also a world-class newspaper.

The result was worth two million in his mouth!

The reporters were so angry that they were so angry.

Qin, can we get involved?!"

asked a reporter with a Spanish accent.

Qin Nuo didn't expect that there would be people who wanted to kill him, that's fine.

"What kind of media reporter are you!"

“El Mundo Hispano!”

Qin Nuo nodded, this media still has energy in the West [distribution is very good.

"Yes, you can be worth two and a half million!"

"Bild also wants to get involved."

"Germany, two million!"

"The people from Fox are coming too. Aren't you my friends?! OK, OK, three million!"

"Okay everyone, if the circulation is less than 10 million, don't come. It's boring!"

Seeing that there was something to glean, this group of reporters raised their hands to get involved.

Qin Nuo doesn't matter, but there are too many to remember.

"Director Qin, the circulation of our newspaper exceeds 30 million, is that okay?"

"thirty million!"

Qin Nuo's eyes lit up. This circulation volume has almost caught up with the New York Times. Whose is it?

"Which reporter are you from?"

"The Sun!"

Qin Nuo"..

"Okay, you are worth three million!"

Although the infamous Sun newspaper has been criticized by many people, it is very influential throughout the European continent.

Three million is not a loss.

Those people in Europe love to read the Sun.

Later, Sanov did the math for Qin Nuo, a total of more than 20 media outlets. The total cost of blocking exceeded $50 million.

If Qin Nuo loses, I'm afraid this movie won't make a dime.

It's even possible to get in quite a bit.

"Okay, okay, that's all!"

Qin Nuo feels almost the same, and the betting newspapers basically cover the entire world.

From now on, I can at least support him with the promotional expenses for his movie releases!

Qin Nuo is happy, and so are the reporters.

No matter they win or lose, they will not lose. If they lose, it will be a big deal. After the release of the Qin Nuo movie, he will be in the headlines for a week.

Anyway, Qin Nuo's movies usually get this kind of treatment.

If you win, you will make a lot of money, and you will make millions of dollars in vain.

And no matter what, the news of over 50 million bets this time will surely spread throughout the world.

You can also promote your own media.

Not a loss!

Neither Qin Nuo nor the reporters were at a loss.

So who loses?

Isn’t that simple?

It’s a loss if you didn’t bet with Qin Nuo.

Who made your own newspaper fail to live up to expectations?

As soon as Qin Nuo sat down, the Times reporter asked again.

"Qin, can you briefly explain to us what this Dark Knight is mainly about? Is it based on the comics, or is it a story reshaped by yourself?"

"We have seen too many Batman stories, and we hope to see something new!"

Hearing this question, Qin Nuo glanced at David next to him.

I saw him nodding.

This reporter was indeed arranged by Warner. The purpose was very simple, to let Qin Nuo perform well.

The reporter below heard this and was very interested.

In fact, everyone knows the story of Batman,

Bruce Wayne, the infamous Gotham City.

It's what they've seen since childhood.

They were curious about what kind of story Qin Nuo could create in such a story background.

Qin Nuo stood up and looked at the reporter.

"The Dark Knight story has been in my head for a full year, and I can assure you it's a completely different story than the previous Batman movies.

"He is different from previous superhero movies, he will become a representative of the genre!"

"Just wait, a dark storm will sweep across the world in a year! This is a battle between justice and evil!"

"What is justice and what is evil?"

"What will a person do when he loses his judgment of justice and evil?"

"Whether justice can really defeat evil, maybe you will have your own answer in this movie!"

Qin Nuo looked at the reporter, and the smile on his face suddenly became strange,

"Someone once said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

"But they didn't speak, and maybe these things that didn't kill you made you weirder!


When a group of reporters heard this, they suddenly became curious.

What kind of story did Qin Nuo write? Why does it feel like a very profound educational film instead of a superhero?

Did you make a mistake?

But no matter what, it successfully aroused everyone's desire.

ps: The fourth update has arrived, it’s your turn, brothers! Hehe!!.

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