Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

423 Sponsor Is So Short-Sighted, Qin Nuo Disdains It, Today You Are Indifferent To Me, Tomorrow I Wi

After Qin Nuo finished speaking, reporters pointed their fingers at Bell.

There's nothing you can do about it, this guy isn't very famous.

He actually played the leading role with an investment of over 200 million.

Abnormal, very abnormal.

"Bell, do you think your fame and acting skills can support Batman?"

"I think I have no problem, I will prove to the world that I am the most suitable Batman!"

"Why Bell?"

"With my sweat, I will make every effort to perform this role well!"

"Hathaway, someone once photographed you and Qin staying at the Malibu villa for a total of five days. Is this how you got the leading actress role this time?"

When Hathaway heard this, she was not angry and said with a smile.

"You have misunderstood. In fact, if it were not for filming, I would stay in the villa all the time. You don't know that Qin is really a very powerful man!"

As he spoke, Hathaway's eyes began to blur.

“She is such a joy to be with!”


Qin Nuo"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo really saw the openness of Ocean Horse.

This kind of thing can also be mentioned.

But some reporters were interested.

"Hathaway, you mean you traded your body for the role!"

"I really haven't thought about this. To be honest, I don't really like superhero movies, but I am very satisfied to be able to lead Qin on the crew for a while!"

The reporters were also drunk when they heard this. They could see that Hathaway did not seem to be lying.

Even Disney seemed to have invited her to play the role of Black Widow before, but this woman also refused.

Don't think that actors here in the United States like to act in superhero movies. 140

In fact, it’s not necessarily true.

Superhero roles can easily pin an actor down.

Some aspiring actors generally don't consider superhero roles.

"Is this guy Qin really powerful?"

Now it was the reporters' turn to be curious.

Many reporters looked at Qin, trying to find something different about him.

"Hathaway, can you describe it?"


"Ahem! Alright!" Qin Nuo quickly stopped him and then glared at Hathaway.

Can you please just stop talking?

So sexy!

Seeing this, Hathaway showed an ambiguous smile towards Qin Nuo, and then closed her mouth.

"This is the Dark Knight press conference, please don't ask irrelevant questions!"

"Qin, freedom of speech is the norm in the United States. You can't restrict actors just because you are a director!"

The reporters are unhappy, but we still want to hear it.

"I didn't restrict her. You misunderstood." Qin Nuo looked at the reporter with a smile.

"I am restricting you. If anyone asks me personal questions again, I will kick them out!


Forget it, I can't afford to offend him, the reporters started to blast other actors.

The press conference lasted for three hours. Qin Nuo glanced at his watch and said

"Okay, that's it for today!"

"Qin, last question!"

"Yes, Qin, do you think you can beat Marvel's Avengers this time?"

"Qin, wait a minute!"

Qin Nuo would not tolerate these reporters and lead the actors off the stage.

Defeat the Avengers.

Qin Nuo thought about it in his mind.

There is hope, but he never does anything he is not sure about (chfi).

And Qin Nuo doesn’t want to offend Disney.

As a director, he is not from Warner.

Maybe we will cooperate with Disney in the future. Why offend others for no reason?

Qin Nuo is not stupid.

On the other side, the reporter was still yelling curses.

Qin is the most disrespectful director they have ever seen towards reporters.

They even had the feeling that this guy simply treated them like toilet paper and threw them away after use.

Reporters from China said that we have long been used to it.

As soon as Qin Nuo took the stage, they put away their equipment and left.

This guy doesn't treat reporters as human beings at all.

There is still something to gain from this visit, Qin Nuo and a group of world media's bets, as well as Qin Nuo's unique superhero.

Finally, there are the scandals between Qin Nuo and Hathaway.

And what is so special about Qin Nuo that makes Heather so obsessed with it.

In general.

Well worth it!

On the other side, as soon as Qin Nuo came off the stage, all the crew members and actors gathered together.

The expression is serious.

"The shooting will start tomorrow at Warner's studio, at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow. Remember, I don't want to see anyone late!"

"If anyone is late, I'm sorry, please leave immediately! It doesn't matter who you are, including you, Bell!"

"There is only one rule in my crew, and it is my rule!"

"do you understand?"

After hearing this, a group of actors were shocked.

Before, Qin Nuo gave them the impression of being gentle and humorous.

It's normal to joke around, and I thought he had a good temper.

But I didn't expect that Qin Nuo would be so serious when he entered filming mode.

The actors present were all talented people, and they could tell that Qin Nuo was definitely serious.

And without a trace of emotion.


"Okay, let's go back and rest. I guarantee that this movie will be the best movie you have ever made in your life."

"You should believe in a director who can earn more than 2 billion with three movies!"

"If the filming is successfully completed, I will give out 20 million U.S. dollars as a reward. Everyone involved in this film is eligible to receive it!"

Hearing this, both the actors and the staff behind the scenes had smiles on their faces.

There’s even a bonus to be won!

You should definitely work harder.


"Let's break up!"

After everyone left, Sanov looked at Qin Nuo.

"Qin, the bonus is too much. Warner can offer up to 10 million, but no more!"

Sanofu was also drunk, and Qin Nuo gave away 20 million as soon as he opened his mouth.

This is too generous.

It is the responsibility of these actors and behind-the-scenes staff to film well.

Why give so much bonus?

"Qin, that's right. You have to understand that this is unplanned funds. Warner can provide 10 million because of your face!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo was not angry. Twenty million is not a small amount.

Warner can offer 10 million which is pretty good.

"Don't worry, I have a way with the money!"

"You go find the world-renowned automobile companies and motorcycle companies and ask them to sponsor them. There is another brand!"

“It’s not a problem to get tens of millions at will!”

"Qin, you are too optimistic" Sarnov smiled bitterly.

"I have discussed this matter with Chevrolet, and they are only willing to provide a sponsorship fee of five million!"

"What? Five million!"

“What a lousy company this is!!!”

Qin Nuo was furious. Even if five million U.S. dollars were converted into RMB, it would only be more than 30 million.

When he was filming Detective Tang a few years ago, the Bass Headphone Company sponsored him with a sponsorship of 20 million.

Why doesn't this company go bankrupt...

Seeing that Qin Nuo didn't understand Qin Nuo very well, Sanov said quickly.

"Qin, you also know that DC Movies...can actually sponsor 5 million, and that's because you have never failed before!"

David was also a little embarrassed.

Brand sponsorship is actually one of the major revenue sources for movies. "But because of CC.

There are very few businesses to sponsor.

Warner worked hard for more than ten days and only received a total of less than 20 million in sponsorship fees.

They feel a little sorry for Qin Nuo.

If Qin Nuo makes a movie by himself, he will have a good sponsorship position.

Maybe one company can sponsor 20 million...

"I'm going to contact Mercedes-Benz instead of Chevrolet and tell them that the chariot will use their brand and the sponsorship fee is 20 million US dollars!"

"If this movie doesn't cost one billion, I'll give them the money back!"

"The same goes for Honda motorcycles. The sponsorship fee is 20 million, but the box office is not 1 billion. I will refund it!"

Since these brands don’t believe in him, Qin Nuo directly resorts to betting.

Anyway, he knew that the Dark Knight movie was absolutely fine.

I feel good!

"If you Warners don't dare to bet, I'll do it myself. It's only tens of millions of dollars, I can afford it!"

Sarnoff and David looked at each other.

Qin Nuo's words are a bit murderous.

Dc is obviously from Warner, Qin Nuo, an outsider, is more confident than themselves.

It's almost a joke to say this.

If one day Qin Nuo gets drunk and spills the beans, Warner Bros. will be laughed at by Hollywood for years.

Can David endure this?

"Qin, since you have confidence, we, Warner, will naturally accompany you!"

"I will contact the major brands immediately. I believe they will not refuse!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo smiled on his face.

Now David has the momentum of the CEO of Warner Bros. If you don't dare to bet on it.

The name of Warner, one of the eight major companies, is in vain.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine. Don't be nervous. Just wait and receive the money!"

David and Sarnoff smiled bitterly inwardly.

They really don't know where Qin Nuo got such confidence.

Not only did I bet with the reporters just now,

Bet with the brand again.

Just like a fighter.

To be honest, David, the top boss of Hao Lai House, was a little excited.

After discussing the investment.

Qin Nuo drove away.

Today is the most relaxing day for him in the next five months.

The next five months will be spent filming The Dark Knight.

This movie is not simple, and even though Qin Nuo’s directorial ability is redeemed by Nuo︾, it’s a bit weak.

After all, this is his first collaboration with the Holly House crew.

The actors in the play are all Hollywood actors.

Definitely a big challenge.

As soon as he returned to the villa, Qin Nuo saw a woman wearing a black silk suspender skirt kneeling on the sofa.

Eyes blurred.

There is also a small whip next to it.

ps: The first update, guaranteed to be the fourth update today, keep rushing!.

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