Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

424 Media Carnival, The Gamble Of The Century! Gambling Institutions Around The World Are Extremely

Seeing this scene, Qin Nuo was not in a hurry.

Take your time to appreciate it.

Hathaway is a smart woman, knowing that Qin Nuo wants to settle the debt with her at the press conference.

So I just took the initiative to admit my mistake!

"Hathaway, what are you doing?" Qin Nuo joked.

The woman took off the whip from her mouth and said pitifully.

"Qin, forgive me, I didn't mean anything at the press conference today, I just felt it!"

"It's just showing true feelings!"

"Hathaway, do you think I'm a fool? Will I believe your words~?"

Qin Nuo is not stupid, this woman clearly wants to take advantage of Qin Nuo's popularity and change the audience's impression of her.

Speaking of which, Hathaway is a bit strange. She is obviously beautiful and has good acting skills.

Private life isn't exactly chaotic either.

It can also be regarded as a relatively high-quality one among Hollywood actresses.

But I don’t know what’s going on, but this woman attracts bad guys. She has a lot of fans and haters.

A bit similar to Nazar.

If you are not careful, you will be hacked.

"What about this?"

After Hathaway finished speaking, he got off the sofa and slowly climbed to Qin Nuo's side.

Rubbing Qin Nuo's legs with her little face.

Then use your teeth……….

Qin Nuo didn't expect that this woman was really good at it. She was really good at it.

"If you can satisfy it in twenty minutes, then I won't care about anything today!"

"Okay, Master!"

Sure enough, cosplay is the most exciting thing.

the other side.

Qin Nuo felt comfortable, and the whole world was shocked.

No one expected Qin Nuo to be so courageous.

We made a bet with more than 20 media from around the world!!

At first, everyone didn’t believe it.

Thought it was just a hype.

Unexpectedly, the media directly exposed the gambling agreement between himself and Qin Nuo.

It even has the signatures of Qin Nuo and reporters.

Now it’s great, whether they are passers-by, fans or theatergoers, everyone looks lively!!!

Twitter even made headlines.

No way, this is the first time a director has fought with so many media.

The audience counted a total of 26 media outlets, and the total amount exceeded 58 million!!

This is simply the gamble of the century.

Nearly 60 million US dollars!

What kind of concept is this? Four small goals!!

This is just the beginning.

The world's gaming giants Las Vegas, Omen and many other casinos and gaming institutions have opened channels.

It’s a gambling industry bonanza.

Qin Nuo is already very famous, and he has done such a big thing, so the whole world will know about it.

One person bets a dollar.

Then they can make hundreds of millions from gambling!

Don’t get me wrong, everyone who works as a gaming company is basically a group of real elites.

Hundreds of actuaries are involved in their analysis.

Generally speaking, the bigger the gambling company, the way they make money is through commission.

Whether Qin Nuo wins or more than 20 media companies win.

Basically it has nothing to do with them.

They only focus on betting, and as long as there are more bets on which side, they will adjust the odds.

In the end, the gambling industry will never lose money.

There are exceptions.

The smaller the gambling company, the greater the gambling nature, and it is easy to fall into the ditch.

This was something Qin Nuo didn't expect. He simply wanted to promote his future movies.

Unexpectedly, with the dual efforts of the media and gambling institutions,

It has turned into a social hot spot.

Now everyone is discussing whether they are optimistic about Qin Nuo or the media when they go out.

Any two people on the street can chat for a long time.

And they each have their own opinions.

We had a great time chatting.

What Qin Nuo didn’t expect was that

MGM, the world's largest gaming organization, actually sponsored The Dark Knight for US$20 million!!

The requirements are also very simple.

As long as the words MGM appear three times in the movie and the cumulative time exceeds ten seconds, it will be fine!

After Qin Nuo saw it, he directly changed the venue where the clown attended the banquet in the play to the MGM Hotel in Las Vegas.

It is also the largest gaming complex in the world.

This makes MGM very happy.

Tell Qin Nuo directly that all costs for this scene in Las Vegas will be borne by MGM.

Qin Nuo was also given five million chips as a gift.

After filming, you can come to the casino below to play.

The main focus is on a wealthy person!

to be honest.

MGM’s approach really made Qin Nuo very happy.

No wonder people's casinos can open so big, it's the right way.

Qin Nuo thought about giving him a few more seconds by looking back.

As for the chips, Qin Nuo didn't want to take them, and would give one to the crew later.

Let everyone play with it.

Consider it this time as a reward.

When David and Sarnoff heard the news, they laughed quite happily.

This time the movie not only earned huge fame, but also earned 20 million in sponsorship fees.

Sure enough, you are right to find Qin Nuo, this person is really capable of getting things done.

And it’s not just trending on Twitter.

The same goes for domestic scarves.

They were even more excited. The impact of 60 million US dollars was not as big as the four small goals.

The scarf also directly made the headlines.

"Holy shit, who do I admire the most in the entertainment industry? Qin Nuo, this guy is really tough!"

"Who can say otherwise? Domestic celebrities are all submissive to foreign countries. Qin Nuo is not used to it at all. He bets 60 million, this guy is awesome!!!"

"Have you seen the video of the scene? Qin Nuo's eyes are so sharp, and he feels like he has the aura that one man is in charge of everyone!"

"After watching it, several of the actors next to me were stunned. I laughed so hard!"

"Jiayi, Bell opened his mouth so much that he even pulled Qin Nuo, but he didn't pay attention at all!"

The scarf is full of joy. After so many years in China, a person like Qin Nuo who can cause trouble has appeared.

Can you be unhappy?

Basically, when domestic celebrities go abroad, they don't say they are submissive, but they always feel like they are being bullied.

But when it came to Qin Nuo, netizens didn't pay any attention at all.

Just like in China, it's very rigid and it's done as soon as you do it.

As for winning or losing, that doesn't matter.

So what if I lose, at least I dare.

It's much better than some celebrities who are in trouble.

"But then again, Qin Nuo is a bit uncertain. I think many people on the Internet are not very optimistic about Qin Nuo!"

"The latest odds, the media's side has odds of 1,4, Qin Nuo's side has odds of 2,1!"

…………Please give me flowers 0

"Holy shit, is there a link? I'm going to support Qin Nuo!"

"You're right, this big nose is so stupid. Qin Nuo has never lost before, and it's the same this time!"

"Agree, I support it too!"

"Come on, don't be fooled. Spinach is not allowed in our country and everything online is all lies!"

"Woo, that's right. Don't be fooled. I was just defrauded of three hundred dollars. When I went to the website again, it was gone!"

"The victim plus one, I am even worse. I was cheated for 500 yuan, but I still want to support Qin Nuo."

"I didn't expect to be cut by these bastards!"


"I'm convinced, you guys are really stupid. Just support Qin Nuo mentally. Anyone who sees gambling online is a liar."

"Plus one, if you see anyone in the future, report it!"


"plus one!"

This matter is also very popular in the Chinese entertainment industry, because everyone is discussing it.

To be honest, many people still support Qin Nuo.

After all, Qin Nuo has shot several movies over the past few years without missing a beat.


They are much more confident than gringos.

One more thing is.

Qin Nuo has a good reputation in the Chinese entertainment industry and has taken care of many actors.

And they are all developing very well now.

Even if you don't like it.

You have to be supportive on the surface, otherwise, you won't even know who you have offended secretly.

The last point is that in the Chinese entertainment industry, whether it is artists, directors or mainland China.

None of them want Qin Nuo to fail.

There is Qin Nuo supporting him in front.

Life was easier for them, too.

Although Chinese films have not entered the world because of Qin Nuo.

But it has begun to radiate outwards.

To give an example, Qin Nuo is a cake maker.

He had the biggest cake, although he took more than before.

But there are more left than before, and other people in China can also take advantage of it.

"Humph, this kid knows how to cause trouble all day long! Sixty million US dollars!!"

"This guy has more money than labor!"

The third master read the news and kept scolding Qin Nuo.

Too rigid and easy to break.

Qin Nuo definitely understands this, but whether he can do it is another matter.

"Third Master, there was nothing we could do about the situation at that time. Brother Qin was picked up, so he had to fight hard!"

Wang Lin understands Qin Nuo very well.

"And Qin Nuo's personality abroad is just like this. He is tough and decisive, which makes him like so many foreigners."

"If I give up now, I'm afraid it will be even worse!"

The third master nodded when he heard this.

"This is the truth. Oops, why are we holding Qin Nuo back?"

The third master's eyes were a little downcast.

Qin Nuo has to pretend not to be messed with in Hollywood because he is from China.

If he didn't be tougher, many people would come to bully him.

He has to be tough, otherwise he won't get respect at all.

There is nothing you can do about the inherent disadvantage.

ps: Second update, I had a power outage last night and the weather was over 30 degrees!!!!

Not all night

Brothers, please support me and give me some motivation to write code.

Thank you!

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