Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

435 Netizens Were Overjoyed. The Box Office Of Tang Detective 2 Was Released At 0:00! Everyone Cheer

Netizens all laughed when they heard this. They haven't noticed it yet.

This guy Qin Nuo is very bad, he plays around with Brother Xiao Ming and Brother Chao.

Everyone is working for him, so I have to be grateful.

And the main thing is fairness, one person comes at a time.

If you give it to one, the other will definitely be dissatisfied.

Then another one was given, and the first one was unhappy again.

You can play this routine forever...

"Don't tell me it's true, Qin Nuo didn't really mean it!"

"If it were someone else upstairs, I wouldn't believe it, but if it's Qin Nuo, that's not necessarily the case. This guy really likes to tease others!"

"Brother Xiao Ming and Brother Chao are in such a miserable situation. Qin Nuo is obviously the mastermind behind the scenes, but I didn't expect the two of them to turn against each other!"


On the other side, Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming were actually paying attention to the hot searches on the Internet, after all, if something happened.

You can also respond immediately!

I was relieved. Although netizens made fun of them, they were just making fun of them.

Nothing negative to say.

This looks a little wrong.

What this netizen said seems to make so much sense.

Is this guy Qin Nuo really playing tricks on us?

Find the two of them to act, one person at a time, taking turns, and absolutely not favoring any party.

Then he watched the two of them argue.

Hiding aside and snickering.

Thinking of this, both of their faces turned dark.

"Qin Nuo, you have gone too far! You are treating us like monkeys!"

"It's best to explain to us clearly whether this is your bad taste!"


"By the way, are your focus on the wrong thing?"

"Even if this is really Director Qin's bad taste, it really makes Brother Xiao Ming and Brother Chao popular and praises them a lot."

"The worst thing about it is Director Feng. Qin Nuo played a damage transfer, and Director Feng was completely numb!"

"Watch a show and see yourself in it!"

When netizens heard this, they also reacted, yes.

There was another scene later, where Qin Nuo was such a bad guy, and the director just stood aside and said nothing.

Watching the show,

Unexpectedly, I looked at it and found out that I was still the protagonist in the end!

"Pfft, stop talking. Director Feng has already fainted in the toilet from crying. Why is it that I am always the one who gets hurt when you quarrel!"

"Director Feng is also miserable. He was watching a show, but he didn't expect to see himself in it. Qin Nuo is really too much!"

"But then again, Director Feng actually has a good temper. Although he is a little irritable, Director Feng always comes to the premiere of every Qin Nuo movie!"

"We really feel like enemies with Qin Nuo!"

"Not to mention it's true, the director is also very inspiring. All other directors admire Qin Nuo, but he is the only one who can stand up."

"I heard that this guy has come up with another script and wants to challenge Qin Nuo"!

"The more you get frustrated, the more courage you get. Come on, Director Feng, we support you!"

"That's right, but don't give up. Without it, the Chinese entertainment industry will have less fun!"

Perhaps Feng Xiaogang never thought that he would be bullied so miserably.

He actually got a lot of sympathy points from netizens.

Everyone said that they would support Feng Xiaogang in the next movie.

I don’t know whether this guy should cry or laugh after seeing it!

the other side.

It was early in the morning, but there were still many people in the office of Qin Tian Entertainment Qin Nuo.

Everyone is waiting for the premiere to be successful at the box office.

Although the response from the audience was good, the guests also said a lot of good things.


Before the results came out, everyone including Fatty Zhou, Liu Yifei, Ji Binbin and others were very nervous.

Qintian Entertainment has given a lot of publicity this time, but the box office is not ideal.

It is also a big blow to Qintian Entertainment, which is on the rise.

Everyone was looking at the time on the wall, it would be out in a few minutes.

Fatty Zhou was even more nervous and sweatdropped.

On the other hand, Qin Nuo was very comfortable and even had time to chat with Liu Shishi on her mobile phone.

This woman didn't even attend the premiere of Detective Tang 2.

Now I am learning how to be a producer with an old-timer in the Hengdian circle.

Don't think it's just a small producer.

There are a lot of things here, but Liu Shishi is quite smart and understands them first.

Otherwise, if you go in rashly, you will definitely be cheated by some old fritters in the circle.

The water here on the set is extremely deep!

If you don't understand.

Something that could be photographed for ten million might not be any different than something that could be photographed for two million.

Props design, logistics, group performances, and other aspects.

If you don't understand, don't blame the veterans for being rude.

Half of the cheating is considered as giving face.

You don’t even know how many times it can trick you.

Didn’t the three gangsters suffer such a loss back then?

Those old fried dough sticks are simply slaughtering the three gangsters like pigs, and the big production with 100 million investment has captured the four big names.

A third of it spent on the movie is remarkable.

In the end, it was Teng Xun who spent an additional 50 million to get this movie out...

They all cried

Liu Shishi: Husband, I already know almost everything. The crew has been set up and we will be able to shoot soon.

Qin Nuo: Come on Shishi, wait until the photo is released and I will send you a scarf to promote it.

Liu Shishi: Husband, you are so kind. Why don’t you invest a little and I’ll make it cheaper for you?

Qin Nuo: ...Forget it, you can make the money yourself.

Liu Shishi: Daodao (GIF) Do you look down on me?

Liu Shishi: Humph, just wait for me and watch me blind you. My film will definitely become the king of dramas next year.

Qin Nuo:…………

He didn't even know what to say, Wang?

To be honest, it would be great as long as Liu Shishi can complete the first twenty episodes.

Why do you think so much?

If it were really that easy to make a movie, there wouldn't be so many entertainment companies losing money every year.

However, Qin Nuo is not worried either.

Fighting to Break the Sky has a fan bonus, plus I reminded Liu Shishi.

Losing money is unlikely, but making big money is a bit difficult.

No matter how smart Liu Shishi is, she will spend a lot of unnecessary money on her first shoot.

So Qin Nuo guessed that it would probably be a small profit!

Everyone was extremely nervous, but Qin Nuo on the side was not nervous at all, and even had a smile on his face.

This made a kind of actor and Fatty Zhou very angry.

Qin Nuo, you are so confident and heartless.

The box office is almost out, and you're still chatting with the girl.

"Hey, Qin Nuo, please don't be nervous, you are very unsociable," Fatty Zhou reminded.

Everyone nodded.

"Director Qin, stop playing around, the box office is coming out soon!"

"Yes, Director Qin, I'm so nervous," Li Binbin said, covering her chest.

"Qin Nuo, who are you talking to? Give me Kangkang!"

Liu Yifei also tried to grab the phone but Qin Nuo hit her on the back of her hand.

"What are you looking at?" He turned to look at the others and rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you making things uncomfortable for yourselves? The response to the premiere was so good, the box office must be fine!"

Qin Nuo felt that these people were being nervous on purpose and were joking.

The premiere schedule for Detective Tang 2 exceeded 70%.

During the entire May Day period, no one dared to tease Tang Tan's beard.

No one is stupid, this movie is the sequel to the original box office champion.

There is also Qin Nuo participating in the starring role, and the comedy roles Wang Baoqiang and Xiao Yangzai.

There are also Li Binbin and Liu Yifei.

The five people have almost covered all the fans. If the box office is not good, there will be a ghost.

In the previous life, Tang Detective 2 had more than three billion.

So Qin Nuo is not nervous at all.

"You can't say that, there are exceptions to everything!"

"That's right, Director Qin, you can't be proud, you have to be humble!"

"Okay, okay, I'll wait with you!" Qin Nuo waved.

"Fat man, bring the computer!"


Fatty Zhou quickly hugged the notebook over, and everyone gathered around him instantly.

Looking nervously at the web page above.

After a while, Xiao Yang said nervously.

"Director Qin, the time has come!"

"Wait a minute, I know those idiots over there will always be a few minutes slower!"


These people really feel like their days are like years, and the time on the wall is like an old man.

His steps were shaky and he walked so slowly.

"Director Qin, it's almost done!" Wang Baoqiang opened his eyes.


Qin Nuo puts his hand on the mouse and clicks gently!

Everyone stared at the screen (Qian Li's), which was refreshed successfully in the next second.


Several people hurriedly approached!

[Today’s No. 1 box office, Detective Chinatown 2, zero-point box office of 33 million, cumulative box office of 33 million]

[Today’s box office ranks second, I Know Women’s Hearts, with a box office of 6.4 million, and a cumulative box office of 44 million]


"33 million!! More than 30 million!! Director Zhou, Director Qin, we succeeded!!!"

"33 million!! It's very close to Inception!"

Wang Baoqiang looked surprised. If he remembered correctly, the box office of Inception was only 35 million.

Detective Tang 2 already has 33 million.

What does that mean? It means that during the outbreak period, Detective Tang 2 can be compared with Inception.

At least in the first ten days the difference won't be too big.

The box office of Inception in ten days was nearly 900 million!

Then Detective Tang 2 has at least about 800 million.

Of course, Detective Tang 2 will definitely not be as good as Inception.

After all, Inception has depth and can be watched over and over again.

For a movie like Detective 2, if the audience can watch it twice in the cinema, it is already very good.

So there will be a decline in ten days.

But at least breaking one billion is absolutely fine.

Even 1.5 billion is not a big problem!!

ps: Third update, hehe, as per the old rules, there will be one more in an hour!.

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