Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

436 Is Definitely Another Hit Worth Over 1 Billion, People In The Industry Were Shocked, And The Cap

How much can it reach?

Then I don’t know. It depends on other people’s promotion and the audience’s reaction.

“Great pen!!”

"More than 30 million, that's a lot!" This is the first time that Li Binbin has starred in a movie with a box office of over 30 million.

very excited!!

"You're really ignorant, isn't it just over 30 million? Look at your worthless look!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Liu Shishi mocked.

Li Binbin rolled his eyes at this woman, "I'm in a good mood now and won't argue with you."

"Qin Nuo, the box office at midnight exceeds 30 million, so the 1.2 billion is not a big problem, right?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qin Nuo.

This is a Chinese film expert. The so-called film experts on the Internet are not worthy of carrying Qin Nuo’s shoes!

"Be bold." Qin Nuo looked at everyone.

"Comedies are what everyone likes. Since the quality of our movies is not low, I think 1.5 billion won't be a big problem."

"If it doesn't work out, 18.9 billion will be fine!"

Detective Tang 2 was released a few years later, when there were still many domestic screens.

It worked directly to about 3.3 billion.

It’s close now, but Qin Nuo feels it should be close to 2 billion!

"18.9 billion!!"

Everyone took a breath of cold air, are there really so many?

If it is true as Qin Nuo said, then the wealth of everyone present has skyrocketed!

Wang Baoqiang and Xiao Yang are unstoppable in the comedy circle.

Became the strongest Mesozoic actor after Deng Chao and Huang Xiaoming.

Even in terms of comedy, the two top mainland actors are not as good as Bao Qiang and Xiao Yang.

Li Binbin can also rely on Tang Tan to defeat other big players.

Become the top flower in China.

This position is more stable.

As for the fairy sister, it should be good for her because her costume in the play is very cute.

I'm afraid it will attract a large number of 2D fans, and even some of her costumes in the play will definitely sell like crazy online.

Qin Nuo feels a bit pity. If this were in the United States, it would only be Liu Yifei's few sets of clothes in the play.

Whether it is selling copyrights or other things, it can bring in at least several million dollars in income.

In China, cough, forget it.

Feel free to use it!

Finally, there is Fatty Zhou, who once again proved his strength.

I'm afraid no one in the industry will say that Fatty Zhou is a vassal of Qin Nuo in the future, as he is also very capable of directing.

In the future, if you go out to participate in any activities, you will have to sit in the front row.

As for Qin Nuo, it has little impact, and it really doesn't have much effect on him.

The reason is simple. His popularity has basically reached its peak in China.

The increase is also very small.

Audiences feel that it is normal for a movie starring Qin Nuo to be successful, and that it is news if a movie starring Qin Nuo is not successful.

It can only be said to be the icing on the cake.

"Okay, I'm happy today. I'll treat you to a treat. We won't come back until we get drunk tonight!"

"no problem!"

"Well done, Director Zhou!"

Qin Nuo had no choice but to go with a few people.

Finally, we waited until after three o'clock in the morning to get to the hotel.

Qin Nuo originally arrived so late, so Liu Yifei probably wouldn't come.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qin Nuo returned to the room, the door rang.

When I opened it, it turned out to be Liu Yifei.

"Huh, Qin Nuo, you're done!"

"Today either you die or I die!"

Qin Nuo”

He didn't know where this woman got her confidence. Did Liang Jingru give it to her?

an hour later

How arrogant the fairy sister was when she came in.

How pitiful it is to beg for mercy.

A perfect interpretation of what it means to be both good and fun-loving!

Qin Nuo pinched the girl's face.

Fortunately, Tomorrow's road show of Detective Tang 2 starts in the Magic City.

This girl can still get up in the afternoon. If it were another city, this woman would really want to die...

On the other hand, people in the industry are also paying attention to the box office of Detective Tang 2.

Especially our style guide.

At the premiere, he was teased by Qin Nuo, which made him so angry that he didn't even attend the reception.

Back at the hotel, I kept praying that Qin Nuo would be able to make a comeback.

When I looked at the box office, it was amazing!


I almost fainted from anger. I cursed this guy with labor and management, and the curse was in vain for a long time.


"Aren't you looking for trouble for yourself? The movie is so good, it's almost impossible to throw it away!"

Chen Fan looked at Feng Xiaogang looking furious.

Also speechless.

Whether this guy is stupid or not, there is even a 50% chance that Tang Tan Er will be able to attack the street.

Why is it so difficult for other people to be gods from all walks of life?

"Hmph, so what, this bastard Qin Nuo knows how to bully me in one day.

Feng Xiaogang was very unhappy.

"Wait for me, I want him to look good during the Spring Festival!"

The script of Youth has been released, and Feng Xiaogang is an expert in making movies.

Eight months or so is plenty of time.

"Are you sure?" Chen Fan looked at Feng Xiaogang and asked.

"Yesterday I heard someone say that Qin Nuo should put the Dark Knight in the Spring Festival Dance!"

"Can't make it for Christmas!"


When Feng Xiaogang heard this, he felt bad all over.

real or fake.

The Dark Knight will be released during the Spring Festival?

Then play with a hammer!

Feng Xiaogang is not stupid either. This time he plans to invest 100 million in his movie.

A domestic investment of 100 million in 2013 is considered a large-scale production.

But compared with other people's investment of 200 million, which is still in US dollars, the difference is who knows how much.

"Well... Let's talk about it later. I feel a little tired recently. I'll shoot again in two months!"

Chen Fan rolled his eyes and said so if he was afraid.

It's not embarrassing, really.

However, Chen Fan didn't look down on Feng Xiaogang. He would be really stupid if he really touched him.

Although this guy is a bit grumpy.

Not (chaj) to be extraordinary is not stupid.

I know that going to the Spring Festival stalls is a risk.

Cannon fodder, definitely cannon fodder!

People in the industry are also lamenting that Qin Tian has a large number of entertainment talents, and the premiere of Tang Detective 2 exceeded 30 million.

Once again, Qintian Entertainment's position as the leader in the entertainment industry was established.

And the audience's evaluation is also very good.

Another billion dollar movie.

The capital market has once again raised its expectations for Qintian Entertainment.

There are many people who want to invest in Qintian Entertainment, and there are also many people who want to join Qintian Entertainment.

But this was all rejected by Qin Nuo.

This actually made the entertainment companies in the industry breathe a sigh of relief.

They are also afraid that Qin Nuo will poach their own artists, as long as Qin Nuo opens his mouth.

They believe that absolutely no artist can resist the temptation of Qintian Entertainment.

Fortunately, Qin Nuo ate well, and he ate the fattest piece of meat.

At least a lot was left for them.

This boss is a very particular person!

The other side, online, is weird, very weird!

As a good friend of Qin Nuo, Bibo saw Tang Tan’s box office exceed 30 million at zero points.

A banner was directly pulled up.

In the future, everyone may be on their own, so it won’t be a big deal to hold up a banner.

I originally thought that netizens would quickly make headlines about the zero-point box office.

But who would have thought that this news would be so popular.

Very average.

It was just a hot search, not even in the top five.

Everyone is still making jokes about Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming and Feng Xiaogang.

After paying attention to the box office, it was gone.

I really don’t care.

The officials of the scarf are worried. Didn’t you see it?

Detective Tang 2 has a box office of more than 30 million at Zero Point. This is definitely another big movie with a revenue of more than 1 billion.

This achievement has only been achieved by two people in China.

Reluctantly, the scarf pulled on it again.

But the effect is still not good.

Even netizens are annoyed.

"I saw it, I saw it, are you annoyed? Didn't you see that I am supporting Brother Xiao Ming?"

"Qin Nuo, this guy's movies have exceeded one billion, what should he be proud of?"

"Isn't that normal operation?"

"That's right, there's something wrong with this scarf's brain. This nonsense is worth holding up a banner. It's such a waste of time!"

"That's right, it's a sequel starring Qin Nuo, and there's also the combination of Bao Qiang and Xiao Yang, and the fairy sister!"

"I can stand on my head and eat shit if I throw myself on the street!"

"Go ahead and don't bother us. When will it hit 1.5 billion? It's not enough for you to hold up banners after 100 billion!"

The officials wearing the scarves are all drunk, and you are even disgusted with me.

These hanging people are really disgusting.

But this also indirectly illustrates a problem.

Everyone has already assumed that Qin Nuo’s movie will not be a hit on the street.

If this box office were placed on just one person, it would definitely make headlines, and it would happen very quickly.

An hour will do.

But when it comes to Qin Nuo, the effect doesn't seem to be that good.

Don't think this is a bad thing.

On the contrary, this is a very good thing.

Because Qin Nuo already has a good positioning in the hearts of the audience, whether he is filming or starring in the movies.

All are good movies.

In this case, even if there is no need for publicity in the future, as long as Qin Nuo stars, the box office of this movie will definitely not be low!

Very appealing!

Vertical sun.

Fatty Zhou led the crowd and started running around the major theaters in Magic City.

While Qin Nuo is here.

This guy didn't waste any time and went to eight theaters in one day.

The theater bosses all smiled crookedly.

Because of the road show, most of the theaters we visited were full.

Scalper votes.

Qin Nuo was also drunk.

"Okay, bye everyone!"

Qin Nuo signed the last signature and could finally leave.

Although the audience kept shouting, Fatty Zhou still led everyone away.

There are two cinemas in the back.

It ran until ten o'clock, and the lead actor Tang Tan didn't even have dinner.

I quickly took a plane to Yangcheng.

ps: The guaranteed four updates have arrived!!

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