Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Astonishing First-Day Box Office Of 437, Netizens Marveled, Qintian Entertainment Dominates The

Because of the road show, most of the theaters we visited were full.

There are even scalpers!

Qin Nuo was also drunk.

"Okay, bye everyone!"

After Qin Nuo signed the last signature, he could finally leave~.

Although the audience kept shouting, Fatty Zhou still led everyone away.

There are two cinemas behind it.

It ran until ten o'clock, and the lead actor Tang Tan didn't even have dinner.

I quickly took a plane to Yangcheng.

We arrived at the hotel at midnight.

Qin Nuo was completely exhausted, and the fairy sister was so distressed that she quickly pressed Qin Nuo's temples.

On the contrary, Wang Baoqiang, Xiao Yang, Fatty Zhou and others were extremely excited.

The road show went very smoothly and everyone was very supportive.

Looking at the high score of 9.4 on the rating website, Fatty Zhou and others almost burst out laughing.

It received good response at the box office and received good reviews from netizens.

It gave them so much confidence.

"Director Zhou, the first day's box office will be out soon. How many do you think it will be?"

"Who knows, but 70 million should be no problem!"

"I can't stop watching." Xiao Yang touched his chin.

"It should be 80 million! The original box office of Interstellar Zero was 33 million, but on the first day it was 90 million!"

"That can't be compared. The investment is more than 300 million!"

"Baoqiang, you are so stupid. You don't even think about it. That was two years ago. Now there are so many more theaters. It must be no problem!"

Wang Baoqiang thought about it and it seemed that this was also the case.

"Hey, Qin Nuo, why are you so weak? Come here, the box office will be out soon!"

"I know, I'll be right over!"

Qin Nuo raised his hand, and the sun shone on Wuchen.

I'm not torturing you by co-authoring it.

On the first day of the road show, Qin Nuo signed at least two hundred signatures and was almost exhausted.

My wrist still hurts now.

After a while, the website refreshed.

【May 2nd】

[Ranked No. 1 at the box office, Detective Chinatown 2, with a box office of 91 million (including the premiere) and a cumulative box office of 91 million]

[Ranking second at the box office, I know women’s hearts, with a box office of 4 million, and a cumulative box office of 48 million]



"Wow, amazing, almost 100 million!" Xiao Yang couldn't believe his eyes.

"This should surpass Interstellar. I remember that the premiere of Interstellar should be around 90 million!"

"You're right." Li Binbin nodded.

"This should be the second-largest first-day box office in China. The first-day box office is Inception with 97 million, and the first-day box office of Interstellar is 89 million!"

"Director Qin, Director Zhou is awesome!" Wang Baoqiang gave a thumbs up to the two of them.

These two brothers directly took over the top two in the country.

The two dominate the entire Chinese film industry.

"It's okay! Then I'll go back first."

After Qin Nuo took a look, he was quite satisfied.

It’s almost 100 million, better than StarCraft, very good.

"Hey, Qin Nuo, it's not right!"

Fatty Zhou and others watched Qin Nuo, the box office on the first day was so good.

Why don't you have some drinks to celebrate.

"I have to go to you guys. I'm almost exhausted. Isn't it co-authored by your autographs?"

Several people smiled awkwardly.

It seems that Qin Nuo is the most famous in the road show, so he naturally receives the most attention.

The theater chain owners are eager for Qin Nuo to live in their cinemas.

"Okay, you go and have a rest, Baoqiang and the others will have some drinks with me!"

"Okay!" Qin Nuo was just about to leave when he remembered that he had to leave tomorrow.

Warner has begun to urge that the filming of The Dark Knight cannot be delayed for too long.

I hope Qin Nuo will come back soon.

"By the way, after the Yangcheng road show, I will leave in the evening and I will leave the rest to you!"

"Ah, we're leaving now!"

Hearing this, both the fairy sister and others were very reluctant to leave.

With Qin Nuo here, they feel more motivated to do things.

After leaving, I always feel like something is missing.

It feels weird.

"No way." Qin Nuo spread his hands.

"Warner is already urging me. I have been back for several days! The filming of The Dark Knight cannot be delayed!"

Everyone nodded. Although they were very reluctant to leave, they also knew the importance of the Dark Knight to Qin Nuo.

Although Detective Tang is very powerful, he is not on the same level as the Dark Knight.

People invest more than one billion yuan in a movie...

It is still being released globally, but Detective Tang is only being released in the entire Greater China region.

It doesn’t work in other places at all. Americans understand that they don’t want Chinese humor. It’s very embarrassing to watch!

Simply lazy and embarrassed.

Qin Nuo left. Seeing everyone's lack of interest, Fatty Zhou said with a smile.

"Don't worry about Qin Nuo, I'm treating you, everyone can eat as you like!"


But Liu Yifei sneaked away while everyone was drinking.

Run to Qin Nuo's room.

"Boy, what happened yesterday doesn't count, I'll do it again today!"

"You are really good and fun-loving. If I had known better, I would have recorded you barking like a dog!"

Qin Nuo didn’t know what to say.

This woman Liu Yifei is here again.

"Huh, keep going. I didn't perform well yesterday, so it doesn't count." Liu Yifei waved her hand.

It means that yesterday was just a mistake.

Just a small failure.

"Today I will defeat you and I will be the queen!!!!"

"Okay, come on!"

This time the fairy sister persisted a little longer, but the end was still the same.

Two hours later.

"Woof woof woof! Husband, I was wrong!"

Liu Yifei looked at Qin Nuo pitifully, with three words written on her face.

Please let me go!

She originally thought that women were very resilient, but men were not.

Yesterday I beat Qin Nuo to a 7788, and I can win today in one go.

did not expect...………

Liu Yifei wanted to cry.

This unscientific.

"No more playing, woof woof woof!"

"Wait a minute, I'll find the phone!"

"Asshole, don't record!"

Netizens were not shocked by the zero o'clock box office, but Tang Tan's first-day box office really shocked the audience.

Nearly 100 million again.

"Let me go, more than 90 million, this Tang Detective 2 is a bit fierce, it should be a bit higher than Interstellar!"

"It is indeed a bit higher, but not much higher. Interstellar is just shy of 90 million!"

"I've seen the movie. It's very good and funny, but it's not as good as Interstellar. Why is the box office higher?"

"Yes, Detective Tang 2 is good, but Interstellar is better."

"You guys are so clueless. Interstellar was only two years ago. At that time, there were far fewer theaters. It was no exaggeration to say that it was so popular!

...Please give me flowers...

"If StarWorld were today, it would be at least 100 million! Times are different and there is no comparison!"

"It seems to be true. Another cinema has opened near my home. Before, there were only two in the city center!"

"Yes, a new cinema has opened in my third-tier county, and the film industry seems to be getting more and more prosperous!"

"That's not true. When everyone sees Qin Nuo making so much money, they are not jealous.

The audience was chatting and having fun, but people in the circle were interested.

Many film projects have begun to be launched, and even some small film companies have noticed that the trend is coming.

One after another, they started setting up projects to make movies.

The next five or six years will definitely be a period of explosive growth for the entertainment industry.

the other side.

Several Internet giants are very depressed. They understand it better than the audience and even people in the industry.

Although big data is very general for movie analysis, it is very useful as a tool for industry analysis.

They did the math.

From May last year to May this year, domestic movie box office increased by 40%.


The entertainment industry and its added output value also increased by more than 20%.

How can this be understood? The country’s GDP only rose by less than 8% last year.

The fact that the entertainment industry is growing at three times the GDP shows that the entertainment industry is definitely in the spotlight now.

Can make a lot of money.

Of course, this is actually fine for Internet giants.

They don't care how much money they can make. Compared with their own industry, these are just the icing on the cake.

What they care about is improving their own ecological chain.

The entertainment industry is indispensable.

But the last time I tried it, I was tricked by some big shots in the entertainment industry.

I originally wanted to make myself famous, but I didn't expect that I lost hundreds of millions...

After learning from the experience, they thought about cooperating with big names in the entertainment industry.

But who would have thought that Qin Nuo would unite everyone again, and people in the entertainment industry would not believe them at all.

I feel like I'm going to cheat myself.

The three gangsters are also very aggrieved.

Why are we cheating you?

As long as we stand together, no one will cheat others.

We hope you develop better and better.

But because of their previous arrogant behavior, few people in the entertainment industry believed in them.

They also regretted it if they had not been so arrogant when they first came.

Cooperating with a local leader in the entertainment industry might have been completed long ago.

How could we wait until now? The entrance to the entertainment industry has been around for so long, and half of us have walked in.

My butt is still stuck outside the door...

The rejection was so severe that the three gangsters no longer cared about it. They had to enter the entertainment industry.

Since you don't want to cooperate, don't blame us for being rude.

I spent a lot of money to get a few good scripts, and then learned from the experience last time to prepare for a comeback!

But who would have thought that everything was ready, but the script was stuck...

House seemingly endless rain!

At first they thought it was nothing, maybe they just didn't give enough money, so they quickly stuffed in some more money.

Anyway, we lack everything except money.

Unexpectedly, the money was refunded the next day.

Also coming back are their scripts.

After changing it, it's still stuck...

ps: Four updates are guaranteed, the first update is the first.

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